254 research outputs found

    Direction biasing by brief apparent motion stimuli

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    The perceived direction of a motion step (probe stimulus) can be influenced by an earlier motion step or a brief motion sweep containing a series of steps (biasing stimulus). Depending upon experimental conditions, the biasing of the direction of the probe step (a phase shift of 180 degrees +/- Phi) by a biasing stimulus which precedes it by approximately 250 ms can either increase (positive filter biasing) or decrease (negative filter biasing) the tendency to see the probe move: in the biasing direction as computed with a motion filter with a biphasic temporal impulse response. In a series of experiments it was found that biasing motions traversing 90 degrees of phase angle in fewer than six steps in less than 100 ms produced positive filter biasing. Also, biasing of the probe direction could be dissociated from the consciously reported direction of the biasing stimulus, and it did not occur when the probe preceded rather than followed the biasing stimulus. A biasing sweep containing more than six steps traversing 90 degrees or a sweep traversing 270 degrees produced negative filter biasing. Perceptual fusion of the steps of the sweep was not a necessary condition for obtaining negative filter biasing. In general, the negative filter biasing effects were found to be the: most pervasive for the conditions investigated, and they are suggestive of a direction-specific, adaptation-like (gain-control) process in first-order motion filters. The exception to the negative biasing rule was found only with biasing stimuli which were short in duration or distance spanned. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Storm characteristics influence nitrogen removal in an urban estuarine environment

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    Sustaining water quality is an important component of coastal resilience. Floodwaters deliver reactive nitrogen (including NOx) to sensitive aquatic systems and can diminish water quality. Coastal habitats in flooded areas can be effective at removing reactive nitrogen through denitrification (DNF). However, less is known about this biogeochemical process in urbanized environments. This study assessed the nitrogen removal capabilities of flooded habitats along an urban estuarine coastline in the upper Neuse River estuary, NC, USA, under two nitrate concentrations (16.8 and 52.3 µM NOx, respectively). We also determined how storm characteristics (e.g., precipitation and wind) affect water column NOx concentrations and consequently DNF by flooded habitats. Continuous flow sediment core incubation experiments quantified gas and nutrient fluxes across the sediment–water interface in marsh, swamp forest, undeveloped open space, stormwater pond, and shallow subtidal sediments. All habitats exhibited net DNF. Additionally, all habitats increased DNF rates under elevated nitrate conditions compared to low nitrate. Structured habitats with high-sediment organic matter had higher nitrogen removal capacity than unstructured, low-sediment organic matter habitats. High-precipitation–high-wind-storm events produced NOx concentrations significantly lower than other types of storms (e.g., low-precipitation–high-wind, high-wind–low-precipitation, low-wind–low-precipitation), which likely results in relatively low DNF rates by flooded habitats and low removal percentages of total dissolved nitrogen loads. These results demonstrate the importance of natural systems to water quality in urbanized coastal areas subject to flooding.</p

    A Bayesian method for inferring quantitative information from FRET data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Understanding biological networks requires identifying their elementary protein interactions and establishing the timing and strength of those interactions. Fluorescence microscopy and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) have the potential to reveal such information because they allow molecular interactions to be monitored in living cells, but it is unclear how best to analyze FRET data. Existing techniques differ in assumptions, manipulations of data and the quantities they derive. To address this variation, we have developed a versatile Bayesian analysis based on clear assumptions and systematic statistics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our algorithm infers values of the FRET efficiency and dissociation constant, <it>K<sub>d</sub></it>, between a pair of fluorescently tagged proteins. It gives a posterior probability distribution for these parameters, conveying more extensive information than single-value estimates can. The width and shape of the distribution reflects the reliability of the estimate and we used simulated data to determine how measurement noise, data quantity and fluorophore concentrations affect the inference. We are able to show why varying concentrations of donors and acceptors is necessary for estimating <it>K<sub>d</sub></it>. We further demonstrate that the inference improves if additional knowledge is available, for example of the FRET efficiency, which could be obtained from separate fluorescence lifetime measurements.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We present a general, systematic approach for extracting quantitative information on molecular interactions from FRET data. Our method yields both an estimate of the dissociation constant and the uncertainty associated with that estimate. The information produced by our algorithm can help design optimal experiments and is fundamental for developing mathematical models of biochemical networks.</p

    Validation of Endogenous Control Genes for Gene Expression Studies on Human Ocular Surface Epithelium

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate a panel of ten known endogenous control genes (ECG) with quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qPCR), for identification of stably expressed endogenous control genes in the ocular surface (OS) epithelial regions including cornea, limbus, limbal epithelial crypt and conjunctiva to normalise the quantitative reverse transcription PCR data of genes of interest expressed in above-mentioned regions. METHOD: The lasermicrodissected (LMD) OS epithelial regions of cryosectioned corneoscleral buttons from the cadaver eyes were processed for RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis to detect genes of interest with qPCR. Gene expression of 10 known ECG--glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), beta actin (ACTB), peptidylprolyl isomerase (PPIA), TATA-box binding protein (TBP1), hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT1), beta glucuronidase (GUSB), Eucaryotic 18S ribosomal RNA (18S), phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK1), beta-2-microglobulin (B2M), ribosomal protein, large, P0 (RPLP0)--was measured in the OS epithelial regions by qPCR method and the data collected was further analysed using geNorm software. RESULTS: The expression stability of ecgs in the os epithelial regions in increasing order as determined with genorm software is as follows: ACTB<18S<TBP<B2M<PGK1<HPRT1<GUSB<GAPDH<PPIA-RPLP0. In this study, geNorm analysis has shown the following ECGs pairs to be most stably expressed in individual OS epithelial regions: HPRT1-TBP in cornea, GUSB-PPIA in limbus, B2M-PPIA and RPLP0-TBP in LEC and conjunctiva respectively. However, across the entire ocular surface including all the regions mentioned above, PPIA-RPLP0 pair was shown to be most stable. CONCLUSION: This study has identified stably expressed ECGs on the OS epithelial regions for effective qPCR results in genes of interest. The results from this study are broadly applicable to quantitative reverse transcription PCR studies on human OS epithelium and provide evidence for the use of PPIA-RPLP0 ECGs pair in quantitative reverse transcription PCR across the OS epithelium

    Competitive binding of STATs to receptor phospho-Tyr motifs accounts for altered cytokine responses

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    Cytokines elicit pleiotropic and non-redundant activities despite strong overlap in their usage of receptors, JAKs and STATs molecules. We use IL-6 and IL-27 to ask how two cytokines activating the same signaling pathway have different biological roles. We found that IL-27 induces more sustained STAT1 phosphorylation than IL-6, with the two cytokines inducing comparable levels of STAT3 phosphorylation. Mathematical and statistical modeling of IL-6 and IL-27 signaling identified STAT3 binding to GP130, and STAT1 binding to IL-27Rα, as the main dynamical processes contributing to sustained pSTAT1 levels by IL-27. Mutation of Tyr613 on IL-27Rα decreased IL-27-induced STAT1 phosphorylation by 80% but had limited effect on STAT3 phosphorgylation. Strong receptor/STAT coupling by IL-27 initiated a unique gene expression program, which required sustained STAT1 phosphorylation and IRF1 expression and was enriched in classical Interferon Stimulated Genes. Interestingly, the STAT/receptor coupling exhibited by IL-6/IL-27 was altered in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). IL-6/IL-27 induced a more potent STAT1 activation in SLE patients than in healthy controls, which correlated with higher STAT1 expression in these patients. Partial inhibition of JAK activation by sub-saturating doses of Tofacitinib specifically lowered the levels of STAT1 activation by IL-6. Our data show that receptor and STATs concentrations critically contribute to shape cytokine responses and generate functional pleiotropy in health and disease

    LabKey Server: An open source platform for scientific data integration, analysis and collaboration

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Broad-based collaborations are becoming increasingly common among disease researchers. For example, the Global HIV Enterprise has united cross-disciplinary consortia to speed progress towards HIV vaccines through coordinated research across the boundaries of institutions, continents and specialties. New, end-to-end software tools for data and specimen management are necessary to achieve the ambitious goals of such alliances. These tools must enable researchers to organize and integrate heterogeneous data early in the discovery process, standardize processes, gain new insights into pooled data and collaborate securely.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To meet these needs, we enhanced the LabKey Server platform, formerly known as CPAS. This freely available, open source software is maintained by professional engineers who use commercially proven practices for software development and maintenance. Recent enhancements support: (i) Submitting specimens requests across collaborating organizations (ii) Graphically defining new experimental data types, metadata and wizards for data collection (iii) Transitioning experimental results from a multiplicity of spreadsheets to custom tables in a shared database (iv) Securely organizing, integrating, analyzing, visualizing and sharing diverse data types, from clinical records to specimens to complex assays (v) Interacting dynamically with external data sources (vi) Tracking study participants and cohorts over time (vii) Developing custom interfaces using client libraries (viii) Authoring custom visualizations in a built-in R scripting environment.</p> <p>Diverse research organizations have adopted and adapted LabKey Server, including consortia within the Global HIV Enterprise. Atlas is an installation of LabKey Server that has been tailored to serve these consortia. It is in production use and demonstrates the core capabilities of LabKey Server. Atlas now has over 2,800 active user accounts originating from approximately 36 countries and 350 organizations. It tracks roughly 27,000 assay runs, 860,000 specimen vials and 1,300,000 vial transfers.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Sharing data, analysis tools and infrastructure can speed the efforts of large research consortia by enhancing efficiency and enabling new insights. The Atlas installation of LabKey Server demonstrates the utility of the LabKey platform for collaborative research. Stable, supported builds of LabKey Server are freely available for download at <url>http://www.labkey.org</url>. Documentation and source code are available under the Apache License 2.0.</p

    Intronic L1 Retrotransposons and Nested Genes Cause Transcriptional Interference by Inducing Intron Retention, Exonization and Cryptic Polyadenylation

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    Transcriptional interference has been recently recognized as an unexpectedly complex and mostly negative regulation of genes. Despite a relatively few studies that emerged in recent years, it has been demonstrated that a readthrough transcription derived from one gene can influence the transcription of another overlapping or nested gene. However, the molecular effects resulting from this interaction are largely unknown.Using in silico chromosome walking, we searched for prematurely terminated transcripts bearing signatures of intron retention or exonization of intronic sequence at their 3' ends upstream to human L1 retrotransposons, protein-coding and noncoding nested genes. We demonstrate that transcriptional interference induced by intronic L1s (or other repeated DNAs) and nested genes could be characterized by intron retention, forced exonization and cryptic polyadenylation. These molecular effects were revealed from the analysis of endogenous transcripts derived from different cell lines and tissues and confirmed by the expression of three minigenes in cell culture. While intron retention and exonization were comparably observed in introns upstream to L1s, forced exonization was preferentially detected in nested genes. Transcriptional interference induced by L1 or nested genes was dependent on the presence or absence of cryptic splice sites, affected the inclusion or exclusion of the upstream exon and the use of cryptic polyadenylation signals.Our results suggest that transcriptional interference induced by intronic L1s and nested genes could influence the transcription of the large number of genes in normal as well as in tumor tissues. Therefore, this type of interference could have a major impact on the regulation of the host gene expression