3 research outputs found

    La profesi贸n docente en Europa: acceso, progresi贸n y apoyo: informe de Eurydice

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    El ISBN corresponde a la versi贸n electr贸nica del documentoEl informe de Eurydice La profesi贸n docente en Europa: Acceso, progresi贸n y apoyo ofrece una visi贸n comparada de las pol铆ticas nacionales relativas a la profesi贸n docente en toda Europa. Expone la normativa y recomendaciones aplicables en educaci贸n primaria y secundaria general y recoge todos los pa铆ses de la Uni贸n Europea, adem谩s de Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, la antigua Rep煤blica Yugoslava de Macedonia, Suiza, Islandia, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Noruega, Serbia y Turqu铆a. El informe se encuentra dividido en cinco cap铆tulos: planificaci贸n prospectiva y los principales problemas de la oferta y demanda de profesorado; acceso a la profesi贸n y movilidad del profesorado; iniciaci贸n, desarrollo profesional continuo y apoyo; desarrollo profesional; y evaluaci贸n del profesorado. Los anexos ofrecen informaci贸n y referencias relativas a las estructuras profesionales, as铆 como a los marcos de competencias del profesorado y su uso

    El impacto de la integraci贸n Europea sobre las relaciones entre los poderes ejecutivo y legislativo en los estados miembros: Experiencias comparadas

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    The EU Eastern enlargement: Policy choices of the Spanish government

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    Eastern enlargement is a process in which the very identity of the European Union is under construction, with its constitutive principles and values being challenged. Policy choices of the member governments participating in this process can not exclusively being explained by rational choice assumptions, but a sociological approach to the issue also becomes necessary. Through the analysis of the Spanish government's policy on enlargement, this paper aims to show how policy preferences might not only respond to a cost-benefit calculus and how policy contents might develop endogenously during the process of policy formation in the EU. In this process there is room for member states to pursue their goals and search a collective decision that better accommodates their self-interest. However, deliberation also matters, and governments have to justify their actions in terms considered legitimate by all according to the constitutive principles and values of the EU polity.East-Central Europe; European identity; enlargement; Spain; policy analysis; national interest; legitimacy; intergovernmentalism; institutionalism; role conceptions; political science