30 research outputs found

    Dependence path in the process of achieving transitional justice on the post-Soviet area. Comparative studies of the transition in Estonia, Georgia and Poland

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    The aim of this article is to present the dependence path and the number of factors which influenced its shape in the process of achieving transitional justice on the post-Soviet area. In comparative studies carried out in Estonia, Georgia and Poland, it has been demonstrated that there were a number of factors that diversified the process of transformation from the authoritarian to democratic system. The need to settle accounts with the Soviet authoritarian regime was diverse and depended on historical and geopolitical conditions, as well as on the political system which was adopted by individual states after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. It has been observed that in Georgia the process of achieving transitional justice was not initiated but replaced, after consolidating the democratic system, by the process of achieving historical justice; however, in Estonia and in Poland, the problem of settling accounts with the outgoing authoritarian regime constituted one of the key issues of the transformation

    Publication Efficiency in Science. Suggestions on Measures and their Application Using the Case of Poland and Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

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    The article attempts to define the category of publication efficiency in science, and in this context to determine the strength of connections between financial outlays, the number of academic staff and the number of publications on the Web of Science at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Reference data are established by the indexes compiled analogously at the Polish national level. The obtained results suggest a positive trend in publication efficiency at both the national and NCU levels. However, the differences between faculties and disciplines are significant. Moreover, analysis makes it possible to say that the developed measures constitute a good, synthetic source of information

    Publication Effectiveness of Academia Employees in Poland: A Case Study

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    Effectiveness in publishing is currently the most important criterion in the process of the evaluation of scientific and research units in Poland. In the national evaluations system for such units, this criterion has the largest relative impact on their final assessment and rating, on the basis of which, in turn, financial resources are allocated. The key question in this context was what factors are correlated with publication effectiveness of employees in the domain of science? The aim of the analysis was to determine correlations between selected factors such as an employee’s academic title and position in a scientific unit’s hierarchy or their teaching load and their scientific effectiveness as measured by publications. The study was conducted on the entire staff population of the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. As a result, it was found that the selected factors only to a marginal degree were correlated with publication effectiveness in the group studied

    Impact of Scholarly Publications and the Selected Socio-Demographic Factors

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    In a dynamically developing scientific environment, there is a tendency toward creating mechanisms that objectively evaluate the output of individual scientific units. Selected indicators can be applied, inter alia, to work out specific criteria for awarding funds for scientific research activities. One of the most important indicators used is the impact of researchers’ publications, which today determines the overall outcome of the evaluation of a research unit. The key question in this context is whether any socio-demographic factors are correlated with the impact of the scholarship work of individual researchers and, if yes, what those indicators are, specifically. The purpose of this study was to determine the existence and, if confirmed, the nature of correlation between the impact of researchers’ publications and selected socio-demographic factors such as: age, gender and family status. The study sample included all the academic employees of the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University, in Toruń (Poland). The results demonstrated that the socio-demographic factors considered showed little correlation with publications’ impactfulness as measured in the Polish evaluation system of research units

    Institutionalization of Strategic Partnerships: Comparative Analysis of Established European Union Partnerships with the United States, Japan and Canada

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    Strategic partnerships are nowadays one of the tools most willingly applied in foreign policy. The subject of the presented analysis is the institutionalization process of a strategic partnership understood as the functioning of certain norms and rules in a given relationship (expressed in the founding documents of partnerships) and the regularization of joint bodies and meeting established partners: the United States, Japan, and Canada. The results show that it is possible to identify a pattern of institutionalization process used by the European Union in its relations with strategic partners; they also reveal how great importance contemporary players in the international arena attach to institutionalization processes in their mutual relations. formats. The aim of the article is a comparative analysis of institutional solutions applied in the European Union’s strategic partnerships with its relations with strategic partners; they also reveal how great importance contemporary players in the international arena attach to institutionalization processes in their mutual relations.Partnerstwa strategiczne są współcześnie jednym z najchętniej stosowanych narzędzi w polityce zagranicznej. Przedmiotem przedstawionej analizy jest proces instytucjonalizacji partnerstwa strategicznego rozumiany jako funkcjonowanie w relacji określonych norm i zasad (wyrażonych w dokumentach fundacyjnych partnerstw) oraz regularyzacja wspólnych ciał i formatów spotkań. Celem artykułu jest analiza komparatystyczna rozwiązań instytucjonalnych stosowanych w partnerstwach strategicznych Unii Europejskiej z ugruntowanymi partnerami: Stanami Zjednoczonymi, Japonią oraz Kanadą. Wyniki wskazują, że można zidentyfikować wzorzec procesu instytucjonalizacji, który UE stosuje wobec swoich partnerów strategicznych, oraz uwidoczniają dużą rolę, jaką współcześni gracze na arenie międzynarodowej przykładają do procesów instytucjonalizacji wspólnych relacji

    Ugruntowanie współpracy strategicznej: wyjątkowe powiązania i regularyzowany bilateralny strategiczny interakcjonizm

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    This chapter conceptualizes and operationalizes an important element of strategic partnership model, that is strategic cooperation sustainability. It disentangles the notion through the analysis of the multiple dimensions such as partners’ commitment to their bilateralism, their willingness to maintain and develop the level of cooperation as well as the very performative dimension of their strategic interactions (joints activities). The chapter also advances two hypotheses in which the presence of (positive) unique bonds and that of regular and intensive bilateral interactions at various levels are posited to influence the scope of strategic cooperation sustainability. a number of aspects are analyzed thereby – starting from the sharedness of values and developed personal diplomacy to the forms and practices of regularization and intensification of bilateral interaction, including within the established joint bodies, through standardized meetings at distinct levels (expert, parliamentary, low to high executive levels) and informal modes of bilateral interactions

    Państwa, organizacje międzynarodowe i partnerstwa strategiczne: teoretyczne podstawy modelu idealnego

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    drawing on the critical literature review from the previous chapter, this chapter sketches the minefield of theorizing an escapable phenomenon – strategic partnerships in world politics and IR theory. It first outlines the theory-building rationale and strategy, epistemological considerations and ontological standing; then it justifies why building of a „heuristic model” was chosen as a way of studying the phenomenon. The chapter develops a realist-constructivist approach to the study of strategic partnerships, according to which strategic partnerships can provide states and non-state actors with a form of foreign-policy assertiveness, special bilateral relations and alignment, as well as a form of structured international engagement. The theoretical and methodological discussions within this chapter are completed by five main hypotheses, a qualitatively-driven mixed-method methodological framework, including the description of main variables, their operationalization and measurement methods, data collection and research sampling

    Państwa, organizacje międzynarodowe i partnerstwa strategiczne, 693 s.

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    W postzimowojennych stosunkach międzynarodowych partnerstwa strategiczne przypominają wyłaniającą się, odrębną kategorię analityczną i polityczną, której rosnące wykorzystanie jako narzędzia polityki zagranicznej, widoczne zarówno w dyskursie politycznym, jak i akademickim, skutkuje niezaprzeczalnym znaczeniem dla zrozumienia dynamiki współczesnej współpracy strategicznej między państwami a organizacjami międzynarodowymi. Jednocześnie idea partnerstw strategicznych pozostała niedostatecznie steoretyzowana i często przysłonięta przez teorię sojuszu. Odnosząc się do tej wyraźnej luki w literaturze IR / FPA, niniejsza książka przedstawia oryginalne przedsięwzięcie mające na celu teoretyczne i empiryczne przetestowanie analitycznego modelu partnerstw strategicznych jako nowej formy ugruntowanej współpracy międzynarodowej w czasie globalnej współzależności i turbulencji. Główne zalety książki: • jest pionierskim oraz wszechstronnym badaniem teorii i polityki „partnerstw strategicznych”; • analizie treści zostało poddanych ponad 250 manifestów polityki zagranicznej, stąd znaczna ilość pierwotnych danych została pozyskana z tekstów - przede wszystkim te dotyczące celów strategicznych aktorów oraz wyrazistych zagadnień polityki zagranicznej; • uzyskany obszerny zbiór innych pierwotnych danych jakościowych i ilościowych gromadzonych i generowanych w toku badań może być również przydatny do dalszych studiów IR / FPA, które koncentrują się na roli międzynarodowej, władzy, znaczeniu strategicznym, interakcjach w polityce zagranicznej (spotkaniach) itp. • zastosowane nowoczesne podejście metodologiczne łączy nowatorską, wspomaganą komputerowo jakościową analizę treści (Atlas.ti) i analizę ilościową (SPSS) z klasycznymi metodami badawczymi w ramach paradygmatu metod mieszanych; • książka oferuje prawdziwie międzynarodowe perspektywy, ponieważ przeanalizowano czternaście reprezentatywnych studiów przypadku partnerstw strategicznych z czterech regionów świata; • książka ta oferuje wgląd w „przemysł” partnerstw strategicznych zarówno głównych, jak i mniejszych podmiotów międzynarodowych (od USA, Chin i Rosji po Ukrainę i Gruzję, by wymienić tylko kilka), a także cztery wpływowe organizacje międzynarodowe i ponadnarodowe (UE, NATO, ASEAN i Wspólnota Andyjska)