7 research outputs found


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    This study describes the calculation of cold storage analysis for planning the preservation of vannamei shrimp in Pohuwato Regency. The purpose of this paper is to calculate the cooling load on frozen fish cold storage, calculate the performance of the vapor compression cycle including mass flow rate, compressor power, and COP. This study uses a theoretical design method. Cold storage design for product storage. The design data was obtained from field observations. The calculation results showed that the Refrigerant used was Refrigerant 12 (R-12), a vannamei shrimp product. The cycle cooling load is 47.33 kW. Cold storage designed for the process of preserving shrimp with a capacity of 13 tons, Cooling temperature in cold storage is 10° C, Superheated temperature is 5° C, Sub cooled temperature is 5° C, Refrigerant temperature in the condenser is 35° C, Refrigerant temperature in the evaporator is 5° C, the pressure in the condenser is 0.8 MPa, the pressure in the evaporator is 0.4 MPa so that a coefficient of performance (COP) of 4.7 is obtained


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    The characteristics of the airflow that is formed around the vehicle body affects the value of the resistance acting on the vehicle. When it reaches the rear edge of the vehicle, the flow undergoes a process of separation. So modification of the vehicle body design that is able to reduce the separation is urgently needed. Flow engineering around the vehicle body can be obtained by modifying the shape which is considered more aerodynamic. Meanwhile, flow engineering can also be obtained through the application of an active control system in areas that are considered to have the potential to initiate flow eddies on the rear side of the vehicle and have a major influence on the formation of flow separation. This research aims to examine the impact of the application of flow control blowing technique on the resistance of the modeled vehicle. The geometric angle of the front wall is determined to be 35°. The research uses a numerical computational approach with a standard k-epsilon as a turbulence model. The upstream velocity applied is 13.9 m/s, while the blowing velocity is set at 0.5 m/s. The research results prove that the application of blowing flow control has succeeded in minimizing the formation of wake structures and has the effect of delaying separation and has succeeded in reducing the aerodynamic drag coefficient to 9.3187%

    Pengaruh pendinginan fluida udara terhadap kinerja fotovoltaik dengan variasi laju aliran udara

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    This research aims to evaluate the influence of using air as a coolant on photovoltaic module's power output and electrical efficiency. Fossil energy, as the primary energy source today, has limited supply and presents challenges in meeting future energy demands. In an effort to address this issue, we conducted tests by implementing an air cooling system using a blower at the bottom of the photovoltaic module. The tests were conducted with varying air flow rates, and the results indicate that the use of air cooling can enhance the power output and efficiency of the photovoltaic module. The average power output increased by 31.66 Watts with an efficiency of 3.52%. However, when the air flow rate increased by 1.5 m/s, there was an average power decrease of 28.9 Watts and an efficiency decrease of 3.22%. These findings demonstrate that air velocity affects the temperature, power output, and efficiency of the photovoltaic module

    Analisa Pengaruh Pendinginan Sel Surya Terhadap Daya Keluaran dan Efisiensi

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    Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh pendinginan sel surya dengan mengalirkan air pada bagian bawah panel terhadap daya keluaran, efisiensi. Besar daya dan efisiensi sel surya dapat diketahui dengan mengukur arus dan tegangan dengan multimeter. Seksi uji adalah sel surya dengan kapasitas 50 watt peak, yaitu sel surya berpendingin dan tanpa berpendingin. Data menunjukkan bahwa untuk sel surya berpendingin dengan debit aliran 150 ml/s dapat menghasilkan daya sebesar 36,51 W dengan efisiensi 8,11 %, sedangkan tanpa berpendingin daya keluaran 34,0 W dengan efisiensi 7,57 %. Tegangan pada open circuit voltage,Voc = 21,7 Volt dan arus pada shot circuit current, Isc = 2,54 Ampere, sedangkan tanpa berpendingin, Voc = 19,9 Volt dan Isc = 5,62 Ampere pada intensitas matahari 1190,7 W/m2.Kata Kunci : Sel surya, berpendingin, daya keluaran dan efisiensi


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    Vehicle stability when driving is an issue that needs attention because it relates to comfort in driving and the effectiveness of fuel consumption. This is caused by the large aerodynamic drag force of the vehicle due to the structure of the air flow which flows regularly and experiences separation when it reaches the rear end point of the vehicle. This separation of the flows causes significant negative pressure on the rear window due to the return flow which does not follow the shape of the vehicle body. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of implementing active control of blowing type flow on vehicle models on aerodynamic drag. This study applies a numerical computational method with a modified Ahmed body model as the main object of research. The active blowing control is placed at the rear end of the model which is considered the initial separation area. Blowing speed was varied 0.2 m/s, 0.8 m/s, 1.5 m/s, and 2.0 m/s and was tested at an upstream speed of 16.7 m/s. Research results indicate that the application of active blowing control has succeeded in providing a delay in separation effect, reducing turbulence and reducing aerodynamic drag by 8-9%


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    Abstrak: Analisis Pengaruh Variasi Sudut Kemiringan Terhadap Optimasi Daya Panel Surya. Di Gorontalo suhu atau temperature udara yang tinggi yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja pada panel surya. Suhu udara di Gorontalo pada siang hari dapat menembus angka diatas 34°C dibandingkan suhu optimal operasi dari panel surya sendiri adalah 25°C. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah ada pengaruh perubahan sudut sel surya terhadap intensitas cahaya. Sedangkan Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah upaya mengoptimalkan output tegangan, arus dan daya pada sel surya agar lebih maksimal. Salah satu metode pengoptimalan sel surya adalah dengan memvariasikan sudut kemiringan panel surya 9˚, 12˚ dan 15˚. Metode pada penelitian ini dengan melakukan pengukuran besaran intensitas cahaya matahari, arus dan tegangan dengan menggunakan panel surya 50 WP, pengukuran tersebut dilakukan selama 9 hari. Hasil analisis pada penelitian ini adalah persentase peningkatan daya sebesar 43.85 Watt pada sudut kemiringan 15˚, sedangkan daya output mengalami penurunan pada sudut kemiringan 12˚ dan 9 ˚ yaitu 41.70 Watt dan 39.43 Watt. Secara keseluruhan perubahan arah sudut sel surya berpengaruh terhadap intensitas cahaya matahari yang berakibat pada kuat lemahnya tegangan yang diterima panel sel surya. Semakin besar intensitas cahaya yang diterima, maka semakin besar pula tegangan yang dihasilkan panel surya. Kata kunci: sel surya; intensitas cahaya; sudut azimuth; daya Abstrack: Analysis of the Effect of Tilt Angle Variations on Solar Panel Power Optimization. In Gorontalo the temperature or air temperature is high which can affect the performance of the solar panels. The air temperature in Gorontalo during the day can reach above 34°C compared to the optimal operating temperature of the solar panels themselves which is 25°C. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether there is an effect of changing the angle of the solar cell on the light intensity. While the purpose of this research is an effort to optimize the output voltage, current and power in solar cells to be more leverage. One method of optimizing solar cells is by varying the angle of inclination of the solar panels to 9˚, 12˚ and 15˚. The method in this study is to measure the intensity of sunlight, current and voltage using a 50 WP solar panel, the measurements were carried out for 9 days. The results of the analysis in this study are the percentage increase in power of 43.85 Watt at an angle of 15˚, while the output power decreases at an angle of 12˚ and 9˚, namely 41.70 Watt and 39.43 Watt. Overall changes in the direction of the solar cell angle affect the intensity of sunlight which results in the strength and weakness of the voltage received by the solar cell panel. The greater the intensity of light received, the greater the voltage generated by the solar panel. Kata kunci: solar cell; intensity of light; azimuth angle; powe