3 research outputs found
Uma das estratgias utilizadas para o ensino a tcnica de construo de modelos em sala de aula e, no presente trabalho, objetivou-se ensinar a educandos do ensino fundamental os conceitos de mata ciliar e biodiversidade atravs da tcnica da construo de maquete e com um jogo de trilha. A atividade foi realizada na turma de 4 srie, com 25 educandos da Escola 25 de Julho, do Jardim Primavera de Marechal Cndido Rondon. Para a construo da maquete foram utilizadas uma folha de Isopor, garrafas descartveis, tesoura e tinta guache. Primeiramente fez-se uma exposio terica sobre os temas, depois realizou se a construo da maquete. Quinze dias depois, fez-se uma avaliao atravs de um Jogo de trilha de perguntas e respostas. A construo de maquete desempenhou bem seu papel, trazendo novos conceitos aos educandos de forma prtica. O jogo de trilha demonstrou se como eficiente tcnica de avaliao, possibilitando participao ativa de todos e diminuio da tenso inerente s avaliaes tradicionais. A atividade envolvendo arte e ludicidade contribuiu para o entendimento dos educandos
Honey and propolis production, hygiene and defense behaviors of two generations of Africanized honey bees
Phenotypic characters of honeybees, relevant to beekeepers, can be evaluated by studying correlations between them, and the correlated characteristics can be evaluated in the short term to assist in monitoring of annual genetic progress. This work therefore aims to evaluate the production of honey and propolis, the hygiene and defensive behaviours of two generations of Africanized Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera, Apidae), to estimate the correlations between them and their heritability. We used 30 Langstroth beehives in apiaries in Marechal Cândido Rondon, Paraná State, Brazil. We used a method of drilling pupae to evaluate hygiene behaviour and the velveteen ball method to test defensive behaviour. We selected ten colonies which had the best honey and propolis production, and which produced F1 queens that were then transferred to beehives at an experimental farm, in order to observe honey and propolis production, hygiene and defence behaviours of their female offspring. The estimated differences for each characteristic between the generations, the correlations between them within each generation and their heritability suggest that selection of colonies based on propolis production was more efficient at maintaining this high production than was selection based on honey production according to the performance of the colonies for this characteristic. The selected behavioural characteristics can be used to enhance performance, but not for improving yield characteristics evaluated
Honey and propolis production, hygiene and defense behaviors of two generations of Africanized honey bees
Phenotypic characters of honeybees, relevant to beekeepers, can be evaluated by studying correlations between them, and the correlated characteristics can be evaluated in the short term to assist in monitoring of annual genetic progress. This work therefore aims to evaluate the production of honey and propolis, the hygiene and defensive behaviours of two generations of Africanized Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera, Apidae), to estimate the correlations between them and their heritability. We used 30 Langstroth beehives in apiaries in Marechal Cândido Rondon, Paraná State, Brazil. We used a method of drilling pupae to evaluate hygiene behaviour and the velveteen ball method to test defensive behaviour. We selected ten colonies which had the best honey and propolis production, and which produced F1 queens that were then transferred to beehives at an experimental farm, in order to observe honey and propolis production, hygiene and defence behaviours of their female offspring. The estimated differences for each characteristic between the generations, the correlations between them within each generation and their heritability suggest that selection of colonies based on propolis production was more efficient at maintaining this high production than was selection based on honey production according to the performance of the colonies for this characteristic. The selected behavioural characteristics can be used to enhance performance, but not for improving yield characteristics evaluated