926 research outputs found

    Microstructure-property relationships in Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg Weldalite (tm) alloys, part 2

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    The microstructure and mechanical properties of the ultrahigh strength Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg alloy, Weldalite (tm) 049, were studied. Specifically, the microstructural features along with tensile strength, weldability, Young's modulus and fracture toughness were studied for Weldalite (tm) 049 type alloys with Li contents ranging from 1.3 to 1.9 wt. pct. The tensile properties of Weldalite 049 and Weldalite 049 reinforced with TiB2 particles fabricated using the XD (tm) process were also evaluated at cryogenic, room, and elevated temperatures. In addition, an experimental alloy, similar in composition to Weldalite 049 but without the Ag+Mg, was fabricated. The microstructure of this alloy was compared with that of Weldalite 049 in the T6 condition to assess the effect of Ag+Mg on nucleation of strengthening phases in the absence of cold work

    High resolution electron microscopy study of a high Cu variant of Weldalite (tm) 049 and a high strength Al-Cu-Ag-Mg-Zr alloy

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    Weldalite (trademark) 049 is an Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg alloy that is strengthened in artificially aged tempers primarily by very thin plate-like precipitates lying on the set of (111) matrix planes. This precipitate might be expected to be the T(sub 1) phase, Al2CuLi, which has been observed in Al-Cu-Li alloys. However, in several ways this precipitate is similar to the omega phase which also appears as the set of (111) planes plates and is found in Al-Cu-Ag-Mg alloys. The study was undertaken to identify the set of (111) planes precipitate or precipitates in Weldalite (trademark) 049 in the T8 (stretched and artificially aged) temper, and to determine whether T(sub 1), omega, or some other phase is primarily responsible for the high strength (i.e., 700 MPa tensile strength) in this Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg alloy

    Effect of a prior stretch on the aging response of an Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg-Zr alloy

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    Recently, a family of Al-Cu-Li alloys containing minor amounts of Ag, Mg, and Zr and having desirable combinations of strength and toughness were developed. The Weldalite (trademark) alloys exhibit a unique characteristic in that with or without a prior stretch, they obtain significant strength-ductility combinations upon natural and artificial aging. The ultra-high strength (approximately 690 MPa yield strength) in the peak-aged tempers (T6 and T8) were primarily attributed to the extremely fine T(sub 1) (Al2CuLi) or T(sub 1)-type precipitates that occur in these alloys during artificial aging, whereas the significant natural aging response observed is attributed to strengthening from delta prime (Al3Li) and GP zones. In recent work, the aging behavior of an Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg alloy without a prior stretch was followed microstructurally from the T4 to the T6 condition. Commercial extrusions, rolled plates, and sheets of Al-Cu-Li alloys are typically subjected to a stretching operation before artificial aging to straighten the extrusions and, more importantly, introduce dislocations to simulate precipitation of strengthening phases such as T(sub 1) by providing relatively low-energy nucleation sites. The goals of this study are to examine the microstructure that evolves during aging of an alloy that was stretch after solution treatment and to compare the observations with those for the unstretched alloy

    Natural aging and reversion behavior of Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg alloy Weldalite (tm) 049

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    This study was initiated to understand the natural aging and reversion behavior of Weldalite (trademark) 049 in tempers without cold work. Of particular interest are: (1) the microstructural basis for the high strength in the T4 condition; (2) an explanation of the reversion phenomenon; and (3) the effect of re-aging at room temperature after a reversion treatment. Mechanical properties were measured and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis performed at various stages of microstructural development during aging, reversion, and subsequent re-aging

    Structure and properties during aging of an Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg alloy, Weldalite (tm) 049

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    An Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg alloy, Weldalite (trademark) 049, was recently introduced as an ultra-high strength alloy (7000 MPa yield strength in artificially aged tempers) with good weldability. In addition, the alloy exhibits an extraordinary natural aging response (440 MPa yield strength (YS) in the unstretch condition) and a high ductility reversion condition which may be useful as a cold-forming temper. In contrast to other Al-Li alloys, these properties can essentially be obtained with or without a stretch or other coldworking operation prior to aging. Preliminary studies have revealed that the T4 temper (no stretch, natural age) is strengthened by a combination of GP zones and delta prime (Al3Li). The T6 temper (no stretch, aged at 180 C to peak strength) was reported to be strengthened primarily by T(sub 1) phase (Al2CuLi) with a minor presence of a theta prime like (Al2Cu) phase. On the other hand, a similar but lower solute containing alloy was reported to contain omega, (stoichiometry unknown), theta prime, and S prime in the peak strength condition. The purpose of this study is to further elucidate the strengthening phases in Weldalite (trademark) 049 in the unstretched tempers, and to follow the development of the microstructure from the T4 temper through reversion (180 C for 5 to 45 minutes) to the T6 temper

    Evaluation of the microstructure of Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg Weldalite (tm) alloys, part 4

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    Weldalite (trademark) 049 is an Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg alloy designed to have ultrahigh strength and to serve in aerospace applications. The alloy displays significantly higher strength than competitive alloys in both naturally aged and artificially aged tempers. The strengthening phases in such tempers have been identified to, in part, explain the mechanical properties attained. In general, the alloy is strengthened by delta prime Al3Li and Guinier-Preston (GP) zones in the naturally aged tempers. In artificially aged tempers in slightly underaged conditions, strengthening is provided by several phases including GP zones, theta prime Al2Cu, S prime Al2CuMg, T(sub 1) Al2CuLi, and possibly a new phase. In the peak strength artificially aged tempers, T(sub 1) is the predominant strengthening phase

    Superplastic formability of Al-Cu-Li alloy Weldalite (TM) 049

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    Extensive research during the past decade shows that several aluminum lithium alloys can be processed to attain a microstructure that enables superplasticity. The high tensile stress of Al-Cu-Li alloy Weldalite (TM) 049 in the T4 and T6 tempers offers tremendous potential for attaining exceptional post-SPF (superplastic formability) properties. The used SPF material is Weldalite, which was shown to induce SPF behavior in other Al-Cu-Li alloys. The superplastic behavior and resulting post-SPF mechanical properties of this alloy, which was designed to be the next major structural alloy for space applications, were evaluated. The results indicate that Weldalite alloy does indeed exhibit excellent superplasticity over a wide range of temperatures and strain rates and excellent post-SPF tensile strength at various potential service temperatures

    Work with a noble gas scintillation counter

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    More than 1450 runs were made and analyzed with a noble gas scintillation counter and its associated equip ment. The counter itself consists of a special photomultiplier tube looking into a scintillation chamber, and is used in conjunction with a vacuum and filling system, an output-pulse amplification system, and a 12-channel pulse-height analyzer. Because gas contamination presented a major problem, a dynamic gas-purification system was desigaed and effectively employed. Adequate mixing of the binary mixtures of argon and helium was a second major problem and was solved by a specially designed diaphragm pump and by close control of the flow of the constituent gases. Although the results obtained were most conclusive with pure argon and pure helium, sufficient work was completed on intermediate mixtures of these two gases to indicate that further investigation in this direction is appropriate. It is planned that future investigations will be made using xenon and krypton.http://www.archive.org/details/workwithnoblegas00pic

    Psychomotor stimulant self administration as a function of dosage per injection in the Rhesus monkey

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    The relationships between drug dosage per injection and response rate, and drug dosage per injection and total daily drug intake were ascertained in Rhesus monkeys which self-administered cocaine, pipradrol, methylphenidate and phenmetrazine intravenously. The study demonstrated the monkeys would self-administer all of these compounds over a wide range of dosages. Furthermore, the magnitude of reinforcement, i.e., dosage per injection, and the rate of responding in self-administering these compounds were inversely related. However, total daily drug intake was independent of the dosage per injection over a wide range of dosages. The results indicate that either the subjects can compensate for large changes in unit dosage so that daily drug intake remains stable or that a direct effect of these compounds functions in limiting their self-administration.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46379/1/213_2004_Article_BF00401789.pd
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