400 research outputs found

    Design and synthesis of a novel series of chiral auxiliaries

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    Single Atom Imaging with an sCMOS camera

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    Single atom imaging requires discrimination of weak photon count events above background and has typically been performed using either EMCCD cameras, photomultiplier tubes or single photon counting modules. sCMOS provides a cost effective and highly scalable alternative to other single atom imaging technologies, offering fast readout and larger sensor dimensions. We demonstrate single atom resolved imaging of two site-addressable single atom traps separated by 10~μ\mum using an sCMOS camera, offering a competitive signal-to-noise ratio at intermediate count rates to allow high fidelity readout discrimination (error <106<10^{-6}) and sub-μ\mum spatial resolution for applications in quantum technologies.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Selexipag in the management of pulmonary arterial hypertension: an update

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    Selexipag is a compound that was designed to overcome the issues associated with oral administration of prostanoid compounds, beraprost and treprostinil in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension (PAH). As a selective IP agonist, it was designed to avoid the off-target prostanoid effects especially in the gastrointestinal system. To place this compound in context, this paper briefly reviews the efficacy, tolerability, and safety of subcutaneous, inhaled, and oral prostanoid preparations and comparesthemto selexipag. Selexipag is the first agent targeting a prostanoid receptor where a reduction in the primary efficacy morbidity/mortality composite end-point has been demonstrated. While safety outcomes favor selexipag over placebo, tolerability issues remain. Efficacy in terms of improvement in effort tolerance, hemodynamic and mortality benefit is less than seen with IV therapy. This is the first prostanoid demonstrated in a clinical trial to have added benefit in those on background double combination therapy and the first non IV prostanoid to demonstrate outcome benefit in the connective tissue disease (CTD) population in a randomized controlled trial

    Trichloroethylene Extracted Soybean Oil Meal Poisoning

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    Studies conducted at Iowa State College during the past 10 months show that a fatal disease can be produced in cattle when fed certain batches of commercially prepared trichloroethylene-extracted soybean meal

    Synthetic routes to treprostinil N-acyl methylsulfonamide

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    The synthesis of the prodrug candidate, treprostinil N-acyl methylsulfonamide 5 was accomplished from treprostinil 2 utilising protecting group strategies. A more direct synthesis for the prodrug was also achieved using a treprostinil triol precursor 12 and bromoacetyl acylmethylsulfonamide 14. The overall yield of treprostinil N-acyl sulfonamide 5 directly from the triol precursor 12 is similar to the protecting group strategies because deprotonation of the acidic proton in the bromoacetyl acylmethylsulfonamide 14 reduces electrophilicity. However, the more direct route using the treprostinil triol precursor holds greater promise as a strategy to prepare a wide range of treprostinil prodrug candidates. Treprostinil N-acyl methylsulfonamide prodrug 5 exhibited a 30-fold decrease in the potency at the human prostacyclin (IP) receptor compared to treprostinil 2 in an in vitro cyclic AMP assay

    Quantum geometry from 2+1 AdS quantum gravity on the torus

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    Wilson observables for 2+1 quantum gravity with negative cosmological constant, when the spatial manifold is a torus, exhibit several novel features: signed area phases relate the observables assigned to homotopic loops, and their commutators describe loop intersections, with properties that are not yet fully understood. We describe progress in our study of this bracket, which can be interpreted as a q-deformed Goldman bracket, and provide a geometrical interpretation in terms of a quantum version of Pick's formula for the area of a polygon with integer vertices.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, revised with more explanations, improved figures and extra figures. To appear GER

    Non-abelian gauge antisymmetric tensor fields

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    We construct the theory of non-abelian gauge antisymmetric tensor fields, which generalize the standard Yang-MIlls fields and abelian gauge p-forms. The corresponding gauge group acts on the space of inhomogeneous differential forms and it is shown to be a supergroup. The wide class of generalized Chern-Simons actions is constructed.Comment: 20 pages, Late

    Coherent control of addressable Rydberg atoms for hybrid quantum information processing

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    Neutral atoms provide an excellent resource for quantum information processing, combining the long atomic coherence times of the hyperfine ground-state with strong dipole-dipole interactions of highly excited Rydberg states for generating deterministic entanglement between qubits separated by < 10 µm [1]. Scalable long-range interactions can be obtained by coupling the atomic array to a superconducting microwave cavity enabling hybrid quantum information processing where the cavity-mediated entanglement allows atoms to be coupled over cm length scales. We present the first steps towards such an experiment incorporating high fidelity readout using an sCMOS camera [2] and the ability to drive fast, optically addressable rotations of the hyperfine-encoded qubits to the Rydberg state. Using our sub-kHz cavitystabilised laser system [3] we demonstrate coherent control of single Rydberg atoms, performing Ramsey spectroscopy to determine coherence time and to generate entanglement between a pair of atoms separated by 6 µm. Combining this excitation scheme with our ground-state Raman lasers we show progress towards the implementation of a mesoscopic Rydberg gate based on electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) offering robust entanglement of multi-atom ensembles [4]