131 research outputs found

    Fuerza excesiva, vigilancia policial coercitiva y criminalización de la disidencia. Reprimir la protesta de los jóvenes en la Gran Bretaña del siglo XXI

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    Youth-led protest actions and protests with young people as key protagonists have increased and become more diverse. This article constitutes a detailed case study of evolutions in policing and the legislative framework pertaining to protests and young protesters in Britain, drawing on political sociology, political science, criminology and youth studies. The article first outlines the main protest actions involving young people in twenty-first century Britain. Next, it documents developments in policing tools and methods. It then explains changes to the legislative framework. I argue that through military-style policing tools and methods, combined with authoritarian laws, successive British governments have developed coercive policing, the monitoring of protesters and the criminalisation of dissent. This runs counter to official discourse claiming there has been a return to policing by consent with greater attention to human rights and dialogue following criticisms from various official bodies. Thus, in reality, an ostensibly liberal democratic state is wielding excessive force and coercion, as part of a securitisation process, in a bid to regulate and repress young citizens’ protest actions construed as a disruptive threat to the political status quo. In this way, young citizens are being deprived of their democratic and human right to peaceful protest with important implications for Britain and elsewhere.Las acciones de protesta organizadas por los jĂłvenes, y en las que estos son protagonistas clave, son cada vez mĂĄs numerosas y diversas. Este artĂ­culo constituye un estudio de caso detallado de la evoluciĂłn de los mĂ©todos y los medios utilizados por la policĂ­a, y del marco legislativo relativo a estas protestas y a los jĂłvenes manifestantes en Gran Bretaña, basado en la sociologĂ­a polĂ­tica, las ciencias polĂ­ticas, la criminologĂ­a y los estudios sobre la juventud. En primer lugar, el artĂ­culo describe las principales acciones de protesta en las que participaron los jĂłvenes de la Gran Bretaña del siglo XXI. A continuaciĂłn, documenta la evoluciĂłn de los instrumentos y mĂ©todos policiales. A continuaciĂłn se explican los cambios en el marco legislativo. En este artĂ­culo afirmo que, a travĂ©s de herramientas y mĂ©todos policiales de tipo militar, combinados con leyes autoritarias, los sucesivos gobiernos britĂĄnicos han desarrollado una policĂ­a coercitiva, la vigilancia de los manifestantes y la criminalizaciĂłn de la disidencia. Esto va en contra del discurso oficial que afirma que ha habido un retorno a la actividad policial por consentimiento con mayor respeto de los derechos humanos y al diĂĄlogo tras las crĂ­ticas de varios organismos oficiales. AsĂ­, en realidad, un Estado democrĂĄtico ostensiblemente liberal estĂĄ ejerciendo una fuerza y una coerciĂłn excesivas, como parte de un proceso de securizaciĂłn, en un intento de regular y reprimir las acciones de protesta de los jĂłvenes ciudadanos, interpretadas como una amenaza perturbadora para el statu quo polĂ­tico. De este modo, se estĂĄ privando a los jĂłvenes ciudadanos de su derecho democrĂĄtico y humano a protestar pacĂ­ficamente, con importantes implicaciones para Gran Bretaña y otros paĂ­ses

    What We Talk about When We Talk about Quality: A Librarian and Instructor Compare How They Assess Students\u27 Sources

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    This case study explores and compares how a librarian and an instructor evaluated the quality of bibliographies students produced for the instructor’s class. The ethnographic study attempted to unearth nuances in the respective practical approaches librarian and instructor took to assess a source’s quality as well as differences in what librarian and instructor might mean by “quality.” Themes emerged as indicators of quality that librarian and instructor applied differently in terms of frequency and weight. Findings also included that librarian and instructor looked to different aspects of citations to demonstrate common values, such as thoroughness, and to reflect the quality of a student’s research process. Additional findings included differences in librarian and instructor’s working definitions of “academic” and in their approaches to consulting the citation versus the full text of a cited source. The aim of the study was to make such implicit practices and expectations around “quality” explicit, and thus more transparent to students, and to better align librarian and instructor’s daily practices

    Fault Detection in Ball Bearings

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    Ball bearing joints are a critical component in all rotating machinery, and detecting and locating faults in these joints is a significant problem in industry and research. Intelligent fault detection (IFD) is the process of applying machine learning and other statistical methods to monitor the health states of machines. This paper explores the construction of vibration images, a preprocessing technique that has been previously used to train convolutional neural networks for ball bearing joint IFD. The main results demonstrate the robustness of this technique by applying it to a larger dataset than previously used and exploring the hyperparameters used in constructing the vibration images

    Politically Engaged Leisure: The Political Participation of Young People in Contemporary Britain beyond the Serious Leisure Model

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    This article discusses leisure in contemporary Britain pertaining to the political participation of young people in relation to the concepts of ‘serious leisure’ and ‘politically engaged leisure.’ Leisure is a fundamental component of a young person’s individual and collective identities, and some young people discover an interest in politics during their transition to adulthood. Research on the sociological concept of Serious Leisure Perspective (SLP) (Stebbins, 1982) has been carried out regarding many different activities, but it has rarely been considered apropos young people or indeed political activities. This article examines whether the Serious Leisure Perspective can be applied to traditional and innovative forms of political participation carried out by British youth in the twenty-first century and to what extent politically engaged leisure might be a more fitting term. By adopting a cross-disciplinary approach, the article identifies gaps in the current body of work on leisure and aims to add to academic understanding of leisure by pushing the boundaries of the existing conceptualisations of it. The article illustrates that is it possible to conceptualise political participation as a leisure activity and that the Serious Leisure Perspective could be used to describe it. The article goes on to suggest a new concept politically engaged leisure could be a useful way to describe political participation of politically committed young people in contemporary Britain.Cet article explore les loisirs en Grande-Bretagne contemporaine par rapport Ă  la participation politique des jeunes et les concepts de ‘serious leisure’ (loisirs sĂ©rieux) et ‘politically engaged leisure’ (loisirs politiquement engagĂ©s). Les loisirs constituent un Ă©lĂ©ment essential de l’identitĂ© individuelle et collective des jeunes et certains dĂ©couvrent un intĂ©rĂȘt pour la politique lors de leur transition vers l’ñge adulte. Les recherches sur le concept sociologique de Serious Leisure Perspective (SLP) (Stebbins, 1982) portent sur de nombreuses activitĂ©s, mais rarement concernant les jeunes ou bien la participation politique. Cet article examine si le Serious Leisure Perspective peut ĂȘtre appliquĂ© aux formes traditionnelles et nouvelles de la participation politique des jeunes Britanniques au vingt-et-uniĂšme siĂšcle et si le terme ‘politically engaged leisure’ n’est pas plus adaptĂ©. Par une approche interdisciplinaire, cet article identifie les lacunes dans les travaux existant sur les loisirs et tente de contribuer aux analyses des loisirs en Ă©largissant les conceptualisations actuelles du terme. L’article montre qu’il est tout Ă  fait possible de considĂ©rer la participation politique comme loisirs et que le Serious Leisure Perspective peut ĂȘtre vĂ©hiculĂ© et appliquĂ©. Enfin, l’article propose qu’un nouveau concept ‘politically engaged leisure’ (loisirs politiquement engagĂ©s) pourrait ĂȘtre utile pour dĂ©crire la participation politique chez certains jeunes politiquement actifs en Grande-Bretagne de nos jours

    Les Beatles et la naissance de la culture jeune en Grande-Bretagne

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    Le nouveau phĂ©nomĂšne du teenager Ă©merge en Grande-Bretagne pendant les annĂ©es 1950 en raison de facteurs contextuels bien spĂ©cifiques. John Lennon crĂ©e en 1956 le groupe skiffle les Quarry Men qui devient les Beatles au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1960. L’arrivĂ©e de Ringo Starr confĂšre au groupe sa composition dĂ©finitive en 1962, annĂ©e oĂč les enfants nĂ©s du baby-boom d’aprĂšs-guerre deviennent une entitĂ© dĂ©mographique trĂšs visible avec de l’argent Ă  dĂ©penser dans la culture jeune. Les premiers disques des Beatles dĂ©laissent le skiffle et le rock’n’roll de leurs concerts au profit de chansons pop trĂšs commerciales qui visent les teenagers. Cet article explore les Beatles et leurs liens avec la naissance du teenager et de la culture jeune en Grande-Bretagne post-guerre. Il examine surtout la place sociologique que les Beatles occupent dans la sociĂ©tĂ© britannique afin de juger Ă  quel point le groupe lance ou suit la culture jeune en Grande-Bretagne.The teenager emerged as a new phenomenon in Britain in the 1950s due to specific contextual factors. John Lennon formed the skiffle band The Quarry Men in 1956 and it would evolve into the Beatles at the start of the 1960s. By the time Ringo Starr joined the group in 1962, the children born during the post-war baby boom—“the bulge”—were a burgeoning and highly visible demographic entity with money and time to spend on leisure and youth culture. The Beatles first records left behind skiffle and rock‘n’roll in favour of very commercial pop songs aimed at the teenage market. This article explores the Beatles with regard to the group’s links to the birth of the teenager and youth culture in post-war England. It examines primarily the sociological place of the Beatles in English society, in order to ascertain to what extent the group were instigators or followers of English youth culture

    Devolution, the Independence Referendum and Votes at 16 in Scotland: Holyrood, a Pioneer in Democracy Leading the Way for Westminster?

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    The Scottish Parliament enfranchised 16 and 17-year-olds prior to the 2014 referendum on independence of Scotland from the UK. Scotland was among the very first nations in the world to lower the minimum voting age below 18. The Scottish National Party (SNP) majority Government emphasised the importance of recognising other rights and responsibilities acquired at 16, getting young people involved in the democratic process, and giving them a voice. It also knew that independence was popular among young people. All the main parties are now in favour of votes at 16 in the Scottish Parliament, whereas in the UK Parliament, the Conservative Party and the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) remain officially opposed. This article addresses how and why Holyrood lowered the minimum voting age, contrary to Westminster. It first documents the processes that led to the enfranchisement of 16 and 17-year-olds in Scotland for the 2014 independence referendum. Next, the results of the referendum are studied and the outcomes in terms of the voting age in wider Scottish elections. The article then deals with the potential impact on Westminster debates on votes at 16 for the 2016 EU referendum. Last, there is a discussion on the differing stances in Holyrood and Westminster regarding young citizens and their right to vote.Le Parlement Ă©cossais a accordĂ© le droit de vote aux jeunes de 16 et 17 ans, en 2014, Ă  l’occasion du rĂ©fĂ©rendum de 2014 sur l'indĂ©pendance de l'Écosse. Ce faisant, l'Écosse a Ă©tĂ© l'une des toutes premiĂšres nations au monde Ă  abaisser l'Ăąge minimum du droit de vote au-dessous de 18 ans. Le gouvernement du Parti national Ă©cossais (SNP) a soulignĂ© l'importance d'impliquer les jeunes dans le processus dĂ©mocratique, ainsi que les diffĂ©rents droits et responsabilitĂ©s acquis Ă  16 ans. Dans le mĂȘme temps, les Nationalistes savaient que le mouvement indĂ©pendantiste Ă©tait Ă©galement populaire parmi les jeunes. Tous les principaux partis du Parlement Ă©cossais sont dĂ©sormais favorables au droit de vote Ă  16 ans, alors qu'au Parlement britannique, le Parti conservateur et le Parti unioniste dĂ©mocratique (DUP) sont officiellement opposĂ©s. Cet article examine pourquoi Holyrood a abaissĂ© la majoritĂ© Ă©lectorale Ă  la diffĂ©rence de Westminster. Il documente d'abord le processus menant au droit de vote des jeunes de 16 et 17 ans en Écosse en vue du rĂ©fĂ©rendum sur l'indĂ©pendance de 2014, ainsi que les rĂ©sultats et les retombĂ©es du vote. Il analyse ensuite les raisons pour lesquelles le gouvernement majoritaire du SNP a choisi d'abaisser la majoritĂ© Ă©lectorale. Ensuite, l’article traite de l’impact potentiel sur les dĂ©bats Ă  Westminster. L'article se termine en expliquant pourquoi Holyrood et Westminster diffĂšrent dans leur Ă©valuation des jeunes citoyens et de leur droit de vote

    Les Beatles et la naissance de la culture jeune en Grande-Bretagne

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    Le nouveau phĂ©nomĂšne du teenager Ă©merge en Grande-Bretagne pendant les annĂ©es 1950 en raison de facteurs contextuels bien spĂ©cifiques. John Lennon crĂ©e en 1956 le groupe skiffle les Quarry Men qui devient les Beatles au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1960. L’arrivĂ©e de Ringo Starr confĂšre au groupe sa composition dĂ©finitive en 1962, annĂ©e oĂč les enfants nĂ©s du baby-boom d’aprĂšs-guerre deviennent une entitĂ© dĂ©mographique trĂšs visible avec de l’argent Ă  dĂ©penser dans la culture jeune. Les premiers disques des Beatles dĂ©laissent le skiffle et le rock’n’roll de leurs concerts au profit de chansons pop trĂšs commerciales qui visent les teenagers. Cet article explore les Beatles et leurs liens avec la naissance du teenager et de la culture jeune en Grande-Bretagne post-guerre. Il examine surtout la place sociologique que les Beatles occupent dans la sociĂ©tĂ© britannique afin de juger Ă  quel point le groupe lance ou suit la culture jeune en Grande-Bretagne.The teenager emerged as a new phenomenon in Britain in the 1950s due to specific contextual factors. John Lennon formed the skiffle band The Quarry Men in 1956 and it would evolve into the Beatles at the start of the 1960s. By the time Ringo Starr joined the group in 1962, the children born during the post-war baby boom—“the bulge”—were a burgeoning and highly visible demographic entity with money and time to spend on leisure and youth culture. The Beatles first records left behind skiffle and rock‘n’roll in favour of very commercial pop songs aimed at the teenage market. This article explores the Beatles with regard to the group’s links to the birth of the teenager and youth culture in post-war England. It examines primarily the sociological place of the Beatles in English society, in order to ascertain to what extent the group were instigators or followers of English youth culture

    Peace, Protest and Precarity: Making Conceptual Sense of Young People’s Non-violent Dissent in a Period of Intersecting Crises

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    The current young generation are living through socio-historically situated intersecting crises, including precarity and climate change. In these times of crisis, young people are also bearing witness to a distinctive global wave of youth-led activism involving protest actions. Much of this activism can be deemed dissent because many young activists are calling for systemic change, including the radical disruption, reimagining and rebuilding of the social, economic and political status quo. In this interdisciplinary article, between politics and peace studies, we investigate how the concept of peace plays an important role in some young dissent, and specifically the dissent of young people taking action on climate change. We observed that these young environmental activists often describe their actions in careful terms of positive peace, non-violence, kindness and care, in order to express their dissent as what we interpret as positive civic behaviour. They also use concepts grounded in peace and justice to navigate their economic, political and social precarity. Based on a youth-centred study, drawing on insightful face to face semi-structured interviews in Britain and France with school climate strikers, Friday For Future (FFF) and Extinction Rebellion (XR) activists, we explore how young environmental activists themselves related their dissent, and especially how they attached importance to it being non-violent and/or peaceful. Stemming from our findings, we discuss how young environmental activists’ vision of violence and non-violence adapted to the structural and personal violence they face at the complex intersections of young marginalization, global inequalities and injustices in the lived impact of climate change and the policing of protest
