9 research outputs found

    Identification of TORC1 and TORC2 upstream regulators

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    All eukaryote cells, and especially singled celled species, monitor their environment and use this information to appropriately adjust their intracellular physiology. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae AGC kinase family members appear to be a major link between environmental cues and the cell growth machinery. However, how environmental cues impinge upon Pkh1/2, TORC1 and TORC2 remains a mystery. We found that TORC1, TORC2 and Pkh1/2 are positively regulated by nutrient quantity and quality. Moreover, in a complementary, hypothesis-based approach we found that regulation of TORC2 downstream of plasma membrane stress is mediated by the Slm1/2 proteins

    Caffeine extends yeast lifespan by targeting TORC1

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    Dietary nutrient limitation (dietary restriction) is known to increase lifespan in a variety of organisms. Although the molecular events that couple dietary restriction to increased lifespan are not clear, studies of the model eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae have implicated several nutrient-sensitive kinases, including the target of rapamycin complex 1 (TORC1), Sch9, protein kinase A (PKA) and Rim15. We have recently demonstrated that TORC1 activates Sch9 by direct phosphorylation. We now show that Sch9 inhibits Rim15 also by direct phosphorylation. Treatment of yeast cells with the specific TORC1 inhibitor rapamycin or caffeine releases Rim15 from TORC1-Sch9-mediated inhibition and consequently increases lifespan. This kinase cascade appears to have been evolutionarily conserved, suggesting that caffeine may extend lifespan in other eukaryotes, including man

    Systematic lipidomic analysis of yeast protein kinase and phosphatase mutants reveals novel insights into regulation of lipid homeostasis

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    The regulatory pathways required to maintain eukaryotic lipid homeostasis are largely unknown. We developed a systematic approach to uncover new players in the regulation of lipid homeostasis. Through an unbiased mass spectrometry-based lipidomic screening, we quantified hundreds of lipid species, including glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, and sterols, from a collection of 129 mutants in protein kinase and phosphatase genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Our approach successfully identified known kinases involved in lipid homeostasis and uncovered new ones. By clustering analysis, we found connections between nutrient-sensing pathways and regulation of glycerophospholipids. Deletion of members of glucose-and nitrogen-sensing pathways showed reciprocal changes in glycerophospholipid acyl chain lengths. We also found several new candidates for the regulation of sphingolipid homeostasis, including a connection between inositol pyrophosphate metabolism and complex sphingolipid homeostasis through transcriptional regulation of AUR1 and SUR1. This robust, systematic lipidomic approach constitutes a rich, new source of biological information and can be used to identify novel gene associations and function

    Probing the Global Cellular Responses to Lipotoxicity Caused by Saturated Fatty Acids

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    Excessive levels of saturated fatty acids are toxic to cells, although the basis for this lipotoxicity remains incompletely understood. Here, we analyzed the transcriptome, lipidome, and genetic interactions of human leukemia cells exposed to palmitate. Palmitate treatment increased saturated glycerolipids, accompanied by a transcriptional stress response, including upregulation of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response. A comprehensive genome-wide short hairpin RNA (shRNA) screen identified >350 genes modulating lipotoxicity. Among previously unknown genetic modifiers of lipotoxicity, depletion of RNF213, a putative ubiquitin ligase mutated in Moyamoya vascular disease, protected cells from lipotoxicity. On a broader level, integration of our comprehensive datasets revealed that changes in di-saturated glycerolipids, but not other lipid classes, are central to lipotoxicity in this model. Consistent with this, inhibition of ER-localized glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase activity protected from all aspects of lipotoxicity. Identification of genes modulating the response to saturated fatty acids may reveal novel therapeutic strategies for treating metabolic diseases linked to lipotoxicity

    Plasma membrane stress induces relocalization of Slm proteins and activation of TORC2 to promote sphingolipid synthesis

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    The plasma membrane delimits the cell, and its integrity is essential for cell survival. Lipids and proteins form domains of distinct composition within the plasma membrane. How changes in plasma membrane composition are perceived, and how the abundance of lipids in the plasma membrane is regulated to balance changing needs remains largely unknown. Here, we show that the Slm1/2 paralogues and the target of rapamycin kinase complex 2 (TORC2) play a central role in this regulation. Membrane stress, induced by either inhibition of sphingolipid metabolism or by mechanically stretching the plasma membrane, redistributes Slm proteins between distinct plasma membrane domains. This increases Slm protein association with and activation of TORC2, which is restricted to the domain known as the membrane compartment containing TORC2 (MCT; ref.1 ). As TORC2 regulates sphingolipid metabolism, our discoveries reveal a homeostasis mechanism in which TORC2 responds to plasma membrane stress to mediate compensatory changes in cellular lipid synthesis and hence modulates the composition of the plasma membrane. The components of this pathway and their involvement in signalling after membrane stretch are evolutionarily conserved

    Functional interactions between sphingolipids and sterols in biological membranes regulating cell physiology.

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    Sterols and sphingolipids are limited to eukaryotic cells, and their interaction has been proposed to favor formation of lipid microdomains. Although there is abundant biophysical evidence demonstrating their interaction in simple systems, convincing evidence is lacking to show that they function together in cells. Using lipid analysis by mass spectrometry and a genetic approach on mutants in sterol metabolism, we show that cells adjust their membrane composition in response to mutant sterol structures preferentially by changing their sphingolipid composition. Systematic combination of mutations in sterol biosynthesis with mutants in sphingolipid hydroxylation and head group turnover give a large number of synthetic and suppression phenotypes. Our unbiased approach provides compelling evidence that sterols and sphingolipids function together in cells. We were not able to correlate any cellular phenotype we measured with plasma membrane fluidity as measured using fluorescence anisotropy. This questions whether the increase in liquid order phases that can be induced by sterol-sphingolipid interactions plays an important role in cells. Our data revealing that cells have a mechanism to sense the quality of their membrane sterol composition has led us to suggest that proteins might recognize sterol-sphingolipid complexes and to hypothesize the coevolution of sterols and sphingolipids