20 research outputs found

    Genome-wide scan for runs of homozygosity in South American Camelids

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    Background: Alpaca (Vicugna pacos), llama (Lama glama), vicugna (Vicugna vicugna) and guanaco (Lama guanicoe), are the camelid species distributed over the Andean high-altitude grasslands, the Altiplano, and the Patagonian arid steppes. Despite the wide interest on these animals, most of the loci under selection are still unknown. Using whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data we investigated the occurrence and the distribution of Runs Of Homozygosity (ROHs) across the South American Camelids (SACs) genome to identify the genetic relationship between the four species and the potential signatures of selection. Results: A total of 37 WGS samples covering the four species was included in the final analysis. The multi-dimensional scaling approach showed a clear separation between the four species; however, admixture analysis suggested a strong genetic introgression from vicugna and llama to alpaca. Conversely, very low genetic admixture of the guanaco with the other SACs was found. The four species did not show significant differences in the number, length of ROHs (100-500 kb) and genomic inbreeding values. Longer ROHs (> 500 kb) were found almost exclusively in alpaca. Seven overlapping ROHs were shared by alpacas, encompassing nine loci (FGF5, LOC107034918, PRDM8, ANTXR2, LOC102534792, BSN, LOC116284892, DAG1 and RIC8B) while nine overlapping ROHs were found in llama with twenty-five loci annotated (ERC2, FZD9, BAZ1B, BCL7B, LOC116284208, TBL2, MLXIPL, PHF20, TRNAD-AUC, LOC116284365, RBM39, ARFGEF2, DCAF5, EXD2, HSPB11, LRRC42, LDLRAD1, TMEM59, LOC107033213, TCEANC2, LOC102545169, LOC116278408, SMIM15, NDUFAF2 and RCOR1). Four overlapping ROHs, with three annotated loci (DLG1, KAT6B and PDE4D) and three overlapping ROHs, with seven annotated genes (ATP6V1E1, BCL2L13, LOC116276952, BID, KAT6B, LOC116282667 and LOC107034552), were detected for vicugna and guanaco, respectively. Conclusions: The signatures of selection revealed genomic areas potentially selected for production traits as well as for natural adaptation to harsh environment. Alpaca and llama hint a selection driven by environment as well as by farming purpose while vicugna and guanaco showed selection signals for adaptation to harsh environment. Interesting, signatures of selection on KAT6B gene were identified for both vicugna and guanaco, suggesting a positive effect on wild populations fitness. Such information may be of interest to further ecological and animal production studies

    The functional polymorphism rs73598374:G>A (p.Asp8Asn) of the ADA gene is associated with telomerase activity and leukocyte telomere length

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    Recent evidence demonstrated a relevant role of adenosine deaminase (ADA) in replicative senescence of T cells through its capacity to modulate telomerase activity (TA). Herein, we tested the impact of the functional polymorphism ADA rs73598374:G>A (c.22G>A, p.Asp8Asn) on telomere biology, by measuring TA and leukocyte telomere length (LTL) in healthy subjects selected according to rs73598374 genotype. rs73598374-A carriers showed lower TA (P=0.019) and shorter LTL (P=0.003), respectively, compared to G/G carriers. rs73598374-A carriers showed a stronger cross-sectional age reduction of LTL (r=-0.314, P=0.005) compared to G/G carriers (r=-0.243, P=0.022). The reduced ADA activity associated to rs73598374-A variant predisposes those carriers to display higher levels of adenosine compared to G/G carriers. Consequently, it may lead to an accelerated process of replicative senescence, causing a stronger reduction of TA and in turn shorter LTL. In conclusion, the crucial role played by replicative senescence of the immune system in several human diseases and in the aging process underscores the relevance of the present findings and also spurs interest into the possible involvement of rs73598374 in shaping the susceptibility to several age-related diseases

    SNPchiMp: a database to disentangle the SNPchip jungle in bovine livestock

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    BACKGROUND: Currently, six commercial whole-genome SNP chips are available for cattle genotyping, produced by two different genotyping platforms. Technical issues need to be addressed to combine data that originates from the different platforms, or different versions of the same array generated by the manufacturer. For example: i) genome coordinates for SNPs may refer to different genome assemblies; ii) reference genome sequences are updated over time changing the positions, or even removing sequences which contain SNPs; iii) not all commercial SNP ID’s are searchable within public databases; iv) SNPs can be coded using different formats and referencing different strands (e.g. A/B or A/C/T/G alleles, referencing forward/reverse, top/bottom or plus/minus strand); v) Due to new information being discovered, higher density chips do not necessarily include all the SNPs present in the lower density chips; and, vi) SNP IDs may not be consistent across chips and platforms. Most researchers and breed associations manage SNP data in real-time and thus require tools to standardise data in a user-friendly manner. DESCRIPTION: Here we present SNPchiMp, a MySQL database linked to an open access web-based interface. Features of this interface include, but are not limited to, the following functions: 1) referencing the SNP mapping information to the latest genome assembly, 2) extraction of information contained in dbSNP for SNPs present in all commercially available bovine chips, and 3) identification of SNPs in common between two or more bovine chips (e.g. for SNP imputation from lower to higher density). In addition, SNPchiMp can retrieve this information on subsets of SNPs, accessing such data either via physical position on a supported assembly, or by a list of SNP IDs, rs or ss identifiers. CONCLUSIONS: This tool combines many different sources of information, that otherwise are time consuming to obtain and difficult to integrate. The SNPchiMp not only provides the information in a user-friendly format, but also enables researchers to perform a large number of operations with a few clicks of the mouse. This significantly reduces the time needed to execute the large number of operations required to manage SNP data

    Mind‐mindedness and parenting stress in mothers of preterm and full‐term infants: The moderating role of perceived social support

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    The goal of this study was to examine the effects of preterm birth and maternal childbirth‐related posttraumatic stress and parenting stress on maternal mind‐mindedness (MM). The study also investigated the effects of perceived social support on parenting stress and MM. Sixty‐five preterm (N = 32) and full‐term (N = 33) mother–infant dyads were observed at 6 months. Measures of maternal MM were obtained from observations of mother–infant interaction. Mothers also provided ratings of their posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, parenting stress, and perceived social support via an online survey. Experiencing a preterm birth did not affect mothers’ use of mental state descriptors during mother–infant interaction. Neither childbirth‐related posttraumatic stress nor parenting stress directly affected maternal ability to comment on the child's mental states appropriately. However, at medium and high levels of perceived social support, a negative association between parenting stress and MM was observed. Maternal perception of being emotionally supported by significant others promoted MM in mothers showing low or mild levels of parenting stress, but not in mothers experiencing high stress in parenting their infants. Results suggest that a proclivity to MM might be affected by the interaction between parenting stress and social support, rather than by childbirth‐related variables, such as prematurity

    MicroRNAs sequencing unveils distinct molecular subgroups of plasmablastic lymphoma

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    Plasmablastic lymphoma (PBL) is an aggressive lymphoma, often arising in the context of immunodeficiency and associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. The most frequently detected genetic alteration is the deregulation of MYC gene through the translocation - t(8;14)(q24;q32). The diagnosis of PBL is often challenging because it has an overlap in morphology, immunophenotype, cytogenetics and virus association with other lymphomas and plasma cell neoplasms; further, its molecular basis remains elusive. In the present study we aimed to better define the possible contribution of EBV infection as well as miRNA deregulation in PBL pathogenesis. We studied 23 cases of PBL, 19 Burkitt lymphomas (BL), and 17 extra-medullary plasmacytoma (EMPC). We used qPCR and immunohistochemistry to assess EBV latency patterns, while micro-RNA (miRNA) profiling was performed by next generation sequencing (Illumina) and validated by qPCR. Our analysis revealed a non-canonical EBV latency program with the partial expression of some proteins characterizing latency II and the activation of an abortive lytic cycle. Moreover, we identified miRNA signatures discriminating PBL from BL and EMPC. Interestingly, based on the miRNA profile, PBL appeared constituted by two discrete subgroups more similar to either BL or EMPC, respectively. This pattern was confirmed in an independent set of cases studied by qPCR and corresponded to different clinico-pathological features in the two groups, including HIV infection, MYC rearrangement and disease localization. In conclusion, we uncovered for the first time 1) an atypical EBV latency program in PBL; 2) a miRNA signature distinguishing PBL from the closest malignant counterparts; 3) the molecular basis of PBL heterogeneity


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    Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs) are a class of solvents that are increasing their relevance in the research activity thanks to their environmental-friendly features as well as to their structural characteristics and catalytic properties. Formed by no-solvent mixing of two substances, namely a hydrogen bond donor and a hydrogen bond acceptor, DESs are finding fruitful applications in many different topics as alternatives to common organic compounds. In this work the realization, the characterization and the solubility applications of a novel water- based class of DESs are proposed. These innovative liquids, called aquo-DESs, are binary mixtures of water with glycolic acid (GA) and with trimethylglycine (TMG): GA/H2O (1/4 molar ratio) and TMG/H2O (1/5 molar ratio). The DES identity of these mixtures was demonstrated by: shifts both in terms of the molar fraction and of the melting points in the experimental melting point curves from the theoretical ones; amounts of components over their reported maximum solubility in water; thermogravimetric profiles compared to the pure substances. The aquo-DESs were characterized in their viscosity and ionic conductivity in the temperature range 20-55 C, showing really low viscosity and low ionic conductivity, with a peculiar behavior of the ionic conductivity of GA/H2O DES. The solubilizing properties of aminoacids, phenols and carboxylic acids showed peculiar really high values whenever the solute can participate to the DES as DES component itself

    Whole genome sequencing analysis of alpaca suggests TRPV3 as a candidate gene for the suri phenotype

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    Abstract Background Alpaca is a domestic South American camelid probably arising from the domestication of two wild camelids, the vicugna and the guanaco. Two phenotypes are described for alpaca, known as huacaya and suri. Huacaya fleece is characterized by compact, soft, and highly crimped fibers, while suri fleece is longer, straight, less crimped, and lustrous. The gene variants determining these phenotypes are still unknown, although previous studies suggested a dominant inheritance of the suri. Based on that, the aim of this study was the identification of the gene variants determining alpaca coat phenotypes through whole genome sequencing (WGS) analysis. Results The sample used includes two test-cross alpaca families, suri × huacaya, which produced two offspring, one with the suri phenotype and one with the huacaya phenotype. The analyzed sample was expanded through the addition of WGS data from six vicugnas and six guanacos; this because we assumed the absence of the gene variants linked to the suri phenotype in these wild species. The analysis of gene variant segregation with the suri phenotype, coupled with the filtering of gene variants present in the wild species, disclosed the presence in all the suri samples of a premature termination codon (PTC) in TRPV3 (transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3), a gene known to be involved in hair growth and cycling, thermal sensation, cold tolerance and adaptation in several species. Mutations in TRPV3 were previously associated with the alteration of hair structure leading to an impaired formation of the hair canal and the hair shaft in mouse. This PTC in TRPV3, due to a G > T substitution (p.Glu475*), results in a loss of 290 amino acids from the canonical translated protein, plausibly leading to a physiological dysfunction. Conclusion The present results suggest that the suri phenotype may arise from a TRPV3 gene variant which may explain some of the suri features such as its longer hair fibre with lower number of cuticular scales compared to huacaya

    Comprehensive Pan-Genome Analysis of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Complete Genomes

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    Aims: The aim of this work was to refine the taxonomy and the functional characterization of publicly available Lactiplantibacillus plantarum complete genomes through a pan-genome analysis. Particular attention was paid in depicting the probiotic potential of each strain. Methods and results: Complete genome sequence of 127 L. plantarum strains, without detected anomalies, was downloaded from NCBI. Roary analysis of L. plantarum pan-genome identified 1,436 core, 414 soft core, 1,858 shell and 13,203 cloud genes, highlighting the "open" nature of L. plantarum pan-genome. Identification and characterization of plasmid content, mobile genetic elements, adaptative immune system and probiotic marker genes (PMGs) revealed unique features across all the L. plantarum strains included in the present study. Considering our updated list of PMGs, we determined that approximatively 70% of the PMGs belongs to the core/soft-core genome. Conclusions: The comparative genomic analysis conducted in this study provide new insights into the genomic content and variability of L. plantarum. Significance and impact of study: This study provides a comprehensive pan-genome analysis of L. plantarum, including the largest number (N=127) of complete L. plantarum genomes retrieved from publicly available repositories. Our effort aimed to determine a solid reference panel for the future characterization of newly sequenced L. plantarum strains useful as probiotic supplements

    Selection, Identification and Functional Performance of Ammonia-Degrading Microbial Communities from an Activated Sludge for Landfill Leachate Treatment

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    The increasing amounts of municipal solid waste and their management in landfills caused an increase in the production of leachate, a liquid formed by the percolation of rainwater through the waste. Leachate creates serious problems to municipal wastewater treatment plants; indeed, its high levels of ammonia are toxic for bacterial cells and drastically reduce the biological removal of nitrogen by activated sludge. In the present work, we studied, using a metagenomic approach based on next-generation sequencing (NGS), the microbial composition of sludge in the municipal wastewater treatment plant of Porto Sant’Elpidio (Italy). Through activated sludge enrichment experiments based on the Repetitive Re-Inoculum Assay, we were able to select and identify a minimal bacterial community capable of degrading high concentrations of ammonium (NH4+-N ≅ 350 mg/L) present in a leachate-based medium. The analysis of NGS data suggests that seven families of bacteria (Alcaligenaceae, Nitrosomonadaceae, Caulobacteraceae, Xanthomonadaceae, Rhodanobacteraceae, Comamonadaceae and Chitinophagaceae) are mainly responsible for ammonia oxidation. Furthermore, we isolated from the enriched sludge three genera (Klebsiella sp., Castellaniella sp. and Acinetobacter sp.) capable of heterotrophic nitrification coupled with aerobic denitrification. These bacteria released a trace amount of both nitrite and nitrate possibly transforming ammonia into gaseous nitrogen. Our findings represent the starting point to produce an optimized microorganisms’s mixture for the biological removal of ammonia contained in leachate