8 research outputs found

    Golden folder from the Wall Mosaic of S. Giovanni in Fonte. Remarks and Scientific Analyses on the Constituent Materials

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    For conservation and restoration actions to be effective and respectful of cultural instances, it is crucial to acquire the knowledge framework of the examined monument by following a method which allows systematically collecting all the information needed to define its state of conservation. Managing complex data about a cultural asset requires a methodological guide that enables to coordinate information from multidisciplinary skills systematizing it and highlighting relations and connections between the various levels of knowledge. Based on such considerations, a study on the mosaics of the dome of the baptistery of San Giovanni in Fonte was carried out. The dome is located down the right nave of today's Basilica di Santa Restituta and is attached to the Cathedral. Its mosaics are considered as one of the most important expressions of paleo-Christian art in Italy, as a rare example of wall mosaic decoration still existing in the south of the country. At the ridge of the octagonal-based dome, on a starry sky background, stands out the "Chrismon", i.e. the monogrammatic cross symbolizing the glorious Christ with the letters alpha and omega hanging from his arms. Based on a previous methodological study, in this paper we present new results, which, placing particular attention to the dome of the baptistery, focus specifically on a micro sample, called "cartellina d'oro", belonging to the mosaic of vault and more specifically to the monogrammatic cross, placed in the center of the dome. The availability of innovative analytical measures, allowed to carry out further laboratory investigations, in order to deepen the existing knowledge about the Byzantine mosaic and thus be a useful tool to go back to the artistic techniques used in paleo-Christian era

    Scientific investigation on Pompei's plaster to characterize the painting technique, the remaking and the protection or restoration layers

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    The multidisciplinary pathway necessary to reconstruct all aspects for a possible approach to historical, artistic and architectural artifact, must create appropriate synergies in order to allow appropriate coordination, correct and integrated, of all various information coming from different areas of expertise, used anyway to define the precise state of preservation of the artifact concerned. To allow greater understanding of the work, the use of tools and techniques commonly used by the restorer and lab technician, facilitate the exchange of information and interpretation of the data collected, helping the interpretation of historical and scientific data according to their experiences and technical expertise. According to the above, it's therefore proposed a study aimed at diagnostic understanding of a work of Pompeian style, not yet investigated. The scientific investigations used, refers specifically to the painting materials and their stratigraphic articulations, related to the painting technique, the remakes, the layers of protection or restoration performed during its lifetime, as well as the alterations due to several factors, both environmental, both resulting from conservative practices. The data collected are of notable importance because, besides contributing to the identity work reconstruction, give new information on the procedures carried out by the culture of the time, to protect their cultural heritage

    Role of colour in Photosensitive Epilepsy: is it possible to detect new Endo-phenotypes?

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    Clinical practice and studies (1-3) have shown that individual differences in sensitivity to colour exist. We investigated if the role of colour might be helpful in genetic research. In 11 photosensitive patients and 11 control patients, including first-degree family members without a PPR, standardised IPS has been performed with a Grass PS 33: photosensitivity ranges were determined in the three eye conditions for white light and coloured light (commercially available filters: blue, green, yellow, orange and red) presented in a random order. In this way, a ranking order in sensitivity ranges per patient per light stimulus could be established. Only those patients, who responded to white light, proved to be sensitive to coloured light. Although overall orange, yellow and red flickering light proved to be the most provocative, clear inter and intra-individual differences in type of EEG responses and ranges were found. The spectrum of sensitivity to various colours was in general diverse with similarities in a father and daughter. Further family studies are warranted

    Rate of venous thromboembolism and atrial fibrillation in a real-world case series of advanced cancer patients: the CaTEV Study

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    Venous thromboembolism is the second leading cause of death in cancer patients and its incidence seems underestimated. In addition, cancer patients have an increased risk of developing atrial fibrillation, which may be the first presentation of cancer itself. The primary aim of this study was to define the incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) and atrial fibrillation in a real-word series of advanced cancer patients