207 research outputs found

    Continuity of emotions across pre-sleep state and the content of dreams

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    The relationship between unmanipulated pre-sleep states and the affective composition of dreams was investigated. Sixty college students completed the State-Trait Personality Inventory (STPI) prior to retiring for the night and the Differential Emotion Scale {DES-IV) focusing upon any dream recalled upon awakening. In support of the Continuity Theory, which states that our personalities and experiences are reflected in our dreams, significant positive correlations were found between pre-sleep curiosity and the presence of interest in the dream, pre-sleep anger and anger in the dream and pre sleep depression and sadness within the dream. Support for the Day Residue effect was obtained when 93% of subjects recalled incidents from the immediately preceding day had triggered dream content

    La folie amoureuse et la notion de « désordre sacré » dans deux romans, ukrainien et corse

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    Notre objectif, dans cette étude, est d’illustrer en partie la thèse de G. Devereux selon laquelle certains désordres psychiques se localisent dans ce qu’il a désigné comme l’« inconscient ethnique ». Pour y parvenir, nous nous proposons de comparer deux proses littéraires : Тіні забутих предків [Les Ombres des ancêtres oubliés] (1911) de l’écrivain ukrainien Mykhaïlo Kotsioubynsky, et Le Berger des morts - Mal’Concilio (1974), de Jean Claude Rogliano, écrivain corse d’expression française. L’ancrage des deux récits dans la tradition culturelle de leur communauté respective, houtsoule et corse, le type de leurs personnages principaux, leur position sociale marginale, leur « folie » amoureuse fatale, ont autorisé une lecture de ces deux romans à la lumière de la notion de « désordre sacré » de l’ethnopsychiatrie de Georges Devereux (1908 – 1985).The goal of our study is to partially illustrate G. Devereux’s thesis according to which some psychiatric disorders are localized in what he has designated as “unconscious ethic”. To achieve this, we suggest to compare two literary prose works Тіні Забутих Предків [Les Ombres des ancêtres oubliés] (1911) by the Ukrainian writer Mykhaïlo Kotsioubynsky and Le Berger des morts – Mal’Concilio (1974) by Jean Claude Rogliano, a French expression Corsican writer. The anchoring of both stories in the cultural tradition of their respective communities the Hutsul and the Corsican, the type of their main characters, their marginal social position, their fatal love “madness”, allowed a reading of these two works in the light, of the notion of the “Sacred Disorder” of the ethno-psychiatry of Georges Devereux, (1908-1985)

    Cadmium triggers an integrated reprogramming of the metabolism of Synechocystis PCC6803, under the control of the Slr1738 regulator

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cadmium is a persistent pollutant that threatens most biological organisms, including cyanobacteria that support a large part of the biosphere. Using a multifaceted approach, we have investigated the global responses to Cd and other relevant stresses (H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>and Fe) in the model cyanobacterium <it>Synechocystis </it>PCC6803.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that cells respond to the Cd stress in a two main temporal phases process. In the "early" phase cells mainly limit Cd entry through the negative and positive regulation of numerous genes operating in metal uptake and export, respectively. As time proceeds, the number of responsive genes increases. In this "massive" phase, Cd downregulates most genes operating in (i) photosynthesis (PS) that normally provides ATP and NADPH; (ii) assimilation of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur that requires ATP and NAD(P)H; and (iii) translation machinery, a major consumer of ATP and nutrients. Simultaneously, many genes are upregulated, such as those involved in Fe acquisition, stress tolerance, and protein degradation (crucial to nutrients recycling). The most striking common effect of Cd and H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>is the disturbance of both light tolerance and Fe homeostasis, which appeared to be interdependent. Our results indicate that cells challenged with H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>or Cd use different strategies for the same purpose of supplying Fe atoms to Fe-requiring metalloenzymes and the SUF machinery, which synthesizes or repairs Fe-S centers. Cd-stressed cells preferentially breakdown their Fe-rich PS machinery, whereas H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>-challenged cells preferentially accelerate the intake of Fe atoms from the medium.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We view the responses to Cd as an integrated "Yin Yang" reprogramming of the whole metabolism, we found to be controlled by the Slr1738 regulator. As the Yin process, the ATP- and nutrients-sparing downregulation of anabolism limits the poisoning incorporation of Cd into metalloenzymes. As the compensatory Yang process, the PS breakdown liberates nutrient assimilates for the synthesis of Cd-tolerance proteins, among which we found the Slr0946 arsenate reductase enzyme.</p

    Eating and feeding disorders in pediatric age

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    Eating and feeding disorders are common in pediatric age and may be important to discover and recover the early symptoms in order to optimize the treatment and management

    Motor skills in children with primary headache: A pilot case-control study

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    Background: Headache is the most common painful manifestation in the developmental age, often accompanied by severe disability such as scholastic absenteeism, low quality of academic performance and compromised emotional functioning. The aim of the study is to evaluate praxic abilities in a population of children without aural migraine. Materials and methods: The test population consists of 10 subjects without migraine without aura (MwA), (8 Males) (mean age 8.40, SD ± 1.17) and 11 healthy children (7 Males) (mean age 8.27; SD ± 1.10; p = 0.800). All subjects underwent evaluation of motor coordination skills through the Battery for Children Movement Assessment (M-ABC). Results: The two groups (10 MwA vs 11 Controls) were similar for age (8.40 ± 1.17 vs 8.27 ± 1.10; p = 0.800), sex (p = 0.730), and BMI (p = 0.204). The migraine subjects show an average worse performance than the Movement ABC; specifically, migraineurs show significantly higher total score values (31.00 ± 23.65 vs 4.72 ± 2.61; p = 0.001), manual dexterity (12.10 ± 11.20 vs 2.04 ± 2.65; p = 0.009) and balance (14.85 ± 10.08 vs. 1.04 ± 1.05; p &lt;0.001). The mean percentile of migraine performance is significantly reduced compared to controls (9.00 ± 3.82 vs 51.00 ± 24.34, p &lt;0.001) (Table 1). Conclusion: Migraine can alter many cognitive and executive functions such as motor skills in developmental age

    Animals-assisted therapy: A brief review

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    In rehabilitative setting, the presence of animals can be considered as an important stimulus for verbal and social communication, and for mood regulation. Interaction with an animal is beneficial for children's development and numerous psychological tests have revealed that growing up with pets has a beneficial effect on children's self-esteem and self-confidence, can improve empathy, a sense of responsibility and cognitive development, as well as social status within the peer group

    Visuospatial skills in children affected by primary nocturnal enuresis: Rehabilitative proposals

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    The sphincterial control problems in childhood are very common, with relevant comorbidities (i.e.: difficulty in academic performance, sleep disturbances, minor neurological signs) involved in the complex process of maturation and learning, such as to cause a great deal of discomfort and related disorders in affected subjects. Enuresis is characterized by the involuntary urination in the absence of a physical disorder, socially unacceptable in places and at one stage of life where such control is acquired by the majority of subjects (about 5 years). The present study aims to evaluate the visuospatial skills in children affected by primary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis (PMNE). 31 PMNE children (16 males and 15 females) (mean age 10.87, SD ± 1.68) and 61 healthy children (32 males, 29 females) (mean age 11.03, SD ± 1.85, p = 0687) were evaluated for visuomotor skills with the Visual-Motor Integration Scale (VMI). PMNE subjects show a worse performance on average to VMI, especially in the total visual-motor integration test. This finding emphasizes the importance of a framework for global and more complex than is commonly implemented, across the border but framing the subject of enuretic symptoms in a more global perspective

    Neuropsychomotricity in water: A new rehabilitative tool for neruodevelop-mental disorders

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    Neuropsychomotricity in water is a rehabilitative practice that avails itself just of the liquid element, as a mediator of relationships: in water yes they upset all dynamics, be they relational, of equilibrium, of movement and perception, due to the fact that proprioceptive sensations, created by bodily contact with water, they are different than those generated by contact with air

    Psychopathological and psychodynamic hypotheses for pediatric stuttering

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    Stuttering is a common language alteration in pediatric age consisting in repetitions and blocks, which entail a break in the rhythm and melody of the speech. According to the WHO it is a disorder of the rhythm of the word, the subject knows precisely what he would like to say, but at the same time he is not able to say it. It is a great inconvenience for those affected, also because the slowing down of speaking is not about thought or cognitive skills