566 research outputs found

    Soil and forest regeneration after different extraction methods in coppice forests

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    Coppice is considered the oldest form of sustainable forest management in the Mediterranean area. Generally, it produces rapidly woody biomass and environmental benefits. This research was implemented through an experimental design based on two steps: analyzing the impact of silvicultural treatment (coppice with standards) and logging on forest soil and tree regeneration. It included the soil and regeneration recovery capacity of forests managed as coppice related to different logging systems and treatments applied over a six-year period. The findings demonstrated that tree species regeneration composition was not affected by silvicultural treatment and only slightly by harvesting system. Instead, the physical, chemical and biological soil features were only marginally affected by the silvicultural treatment applied, but strongly impacted by harvesting operations, with clear differences between the systems. The least damaging harvesting system was TLS (Tree Length System) followed by FTS (Full Tree System) and SWS (Short Wood System) that showed a more intense impact. This trend started only six months after harvesting and continued for more than 36 months post-harvesting in a lesser dynamic. The recovery of coppicing was almost complete 36 months after harvesting, without substantial differences between logging systems. Recovery from logging showed a clear positive trend, but 52 months after harvesting only the TLS area had completely recovered. For FTS and SWS, recovery occurred but was very weak

    Total thyroidectomy associated to chemotherapy in primary squamous cell carcinoma of the thyroid

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    Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the thyroid (PSCCT) is a rare malignant disease with rapid fatal prognosis. The onset is generally characterized by sudden bilateral latero-cervical lymphadenopathy. The Authors report patient of 58-year-old who referred for evaluation of rapidly aggravating bilateral latero-cervical lymphadenopathy. The US highlighted the presence of a hypoechoic nodular lesion characterized by peri and intra-nodular vascularization. Multilayer CT showed diffused involvement of mediastinal and bilateral latero-cervical lymph nodes, with no evidence of primary pulmonary neoplasia or elsewhere. The patient underwent total thyroidectomy. The peri-isthmic tissue was removed due to the presence of a small roundish formation, that was due to lymph node metastasis at histological examination. Histological diagnosis: PSCCT. The immunohistochemical panel of the thyroid lesion was indispensable for the differential diagnosis between PSCCT, medullary carcinoma, anaplastic carcinoma, and thyroid metastasis of neoplasia with unknown primitiveness. The patient underwent chemotherapeutic treatment with Carboplatin and Paclitaxel with modest improvement of dysphagia symptoms and reduction of 10-15% of the target lesions. The clinical course was characterized by loco-regional progression of the disease with exitus in 10 months after diagnosis. Survival and quality of life after surgical therapy and chemotherapy were like that of patients undergoing only chemotherapy. Due to the extreme rarity of the neoplasia, 60 cases described in Literature, no exclusive guidelines are reported for PSCCT. More extensive case studies are needed to evaluate the effects of total thyroidectomy with intent R0/R1 on improving survival and quality of life of patients with PSCCT

    Building an artificial cardiac microenvironment. A focus on the extracellular matrix

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    The increased knowledge in cell signals and stem cell differentiation, together with the development of new technologies, such as 3D bioprinting, has made the generation of artificial tissues more feasible for in vitro studies and in vivo applications. In the human body, cell fate, function, and survival are determined by the microenvironment, a rich and complex network composed of extracellular matrix (ECM), different cell types, and soluble factors. They all interconnect and communicate, receiving and sending signals, modulating and responding to cues. In the cardiovascular field, the culture of stem cells in vitro and their differentiation into cardiac phenotypes is well established, although differentiated cardiomyocytes often lack the functional maturation and structural organization typical of the adult myocardium. The recreation of an artificial microenvironment as similar as possible to the native tissue, though, has been shown to partly overcome these limitations, and can be obtained through the proper combination of ECM molecules, different cell types, bioavailability of growth factors (GFs), as well as appropriate mechanical and geometrical stimuli. This review will focus on the role of the ECM in the regulation of cardiac differentiation, will provide new insights on the role of supporting cells in the generation of 3D artificial tissues, and will also present a selection of the latest approaches to recreate a cardiac microenvironment in vitro through 3D bioprinting approaches

    Corsican pine (Pinus laricio Poiret) stand management: Medium and long lasting effects of thinning on biomass growth

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    With the aim of acquiring better comprehension of the ecological and productive aspects of the management of pine forests, we monitored logging damage and evaluated the effects of thinning on stand growth 20 years after the treatment in a Pinus laricio Poiret stand in central Italy. The objectives of the present study were to estimate the injury levels to the remaining trees after thinning; to assess logging damage in the long-term by monitoring residual trees at the end of thinning; to evaluate the effect of damage on the radial growth of trees; to assess the stand dynamics in relation to injury levels and the treatment applied in a twenty-year range; to understand a possible treatment return time; and to evaluate the existence of the "thinning shock". The results were that 20 years after treatment, the stand dynamics showed a complete recovery; logging damage did not affect the radial growth of P. laricio over time; a second treatment seem to be sustainable starting from the fifteenth year after the previous treatment; and the thinning shock can be clearly evaluated in the first six to seven years after the treatment

    Coarse woody debris variability due to human accessibility to forest

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    Originally published in Forests (MDPI): Behjou FK, Lo Monaco A*, Tavankar F, Venanzi R, Nikooy M, Picchio R (2018) Coarse woody debris variability as result of human accessibility to forest. Forests 9(9): article number 509 (open access) Corresponding author: Angela Lo Monaco, [email protected] DOI: 10.3390/f9090509 The article can be dowloaded at: https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4907/9/9/509 Abstract: Coarse woody debris (CWD) plays an important role in supporting biodiversity and assisting ecological processes. Sometimes local people intervene modifying the expected distribution of CWD components, harvested as fuel wood. The effect of the human accessibility (HA) on the volume and characteristics of CWD (snag, downed log and stump) was investigated in the natural uneven-age mixed hardwood stands of the Hyrcanian forests of Iran to quantify the impact on CWD. The HA was classified into three classes (easy, medium and difficult) on the basis of slope class, slope direction to the nearest road and road type. As expected, a negative relationship between the degree of accessibility was found with respect to the main qualitative and quantitative indices referring to CWD. The results showed that the volume of CWD decreased with an increase in human accessibility class (HAC), thus the mean volume of CWD in the difficult, medium and easy accessibility classes were 14.87 m3 ha1, 8.84 m3 ha1 and 4.03 m3 ha1, respectively. The decrease in CWD volume was more associated with the decreasing volume of small diameter of low decayed downed logs. The ratio of snag volume to standing volume, the ratio of downed log volume to the volume of trees and the ratio of CWD volume to standing volume increased with a decrease in HAC, while the ratio of downed log volume to snag volume decreased with a decrease in HAC. No selective behaviour on the botanical species of CWD was recorded. For ecological forest management, the effect of HAC on CWD should be considered. A constant supply of snags and downed logs must be preserved to assure a high level of biodiversity. To balance social needs and biodiversity requirements, an increased level of CWD retention might be needed in areas with easy accessibility. The obtained results may be useful when ecological and socio-economical needs have to be taken into consideration in future policy-making decisions. Keywords: snag; downed log; stump; forest road; uneven-agemixed hardwood stands; Hyrcanian forest

    Acute pancreatitis secondary to non-functioning pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor: uncommon clinical presentation. Clinical case and review of literature

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    I tumori neuroendocrini del pancreas (PNET) sono rari, e rappresentano <5% di tutte le neoplasie pancreatiche, suddivisi in PNET funzionanti con secrezione ormonale responsabile di sintomi specifici e PNET non funzionanti (nf-PNET) generalmente di diagnosi tardiva per la comparsa di metastasi o manifestazioni cliniche per effetti compressivi. L’approccio chirurgico è il trattamento di scelta per PNETs funzionanti, non-funzionanti di diametro superiore a 2 cm o sintomatici per disturbi da compressione. Osservazione personale. Donna di 76 anni ricoverata presso la UOC-Università-Chirurgia Ospedale “A. Fiorini” di Terracina per nausea e dolore ai quadranti addominali superiori con irradiazione dorso-lombare, insorti dopo un pasto serale. Dopo gli esami ematochimici e le indagini strumentali, è stata fatta la diagnosi di pancreatite acuta severa. Gli US convenzionali, CCT, CE-MRI ed EUS hanno mostrato una lesione di 2,8 cm di diametro nella giunzione testa-corpo del pancreas. L’esame citologico FNA non ha rilevato la presenza di cellule pancreatiche atipiche. La scintigrafia total body con Octreoscan® ha documentato un’area di ipercaptazione patologica situata in corrispondenza della neoformazione. La paziente è stata sottoposta a spleno-pancreasectomia corpo-coda. L’esame istologico ha dimostrato un nf-PNET di grado intermedio (G2) stenosante il vena lienale e stenosante il dotto di Wirsung, con pancreatite perilesionale. L’immunoistochimica ha mostrato un immunofenotipo positivo per CAM5.2, sinaptofisina (> 95%) e cromogranina (60%), con espressione di somatostatina intratumorale negativa. CONCLUSIONE: Sebbene raramente un nf-PNETS può essere la causa di grave pancreatite acuta non biliare da compressione del sistema duttale pancreatico. Nei casi in cui la PET / CT68Ga non può essere eseguita, la scintigrafia total body con Octreoscan® rimane il metodo più utilizzato per la diagnosi dei PNET e l’identificazione delle eventuali lesioni extra-pancreatiche. La cromogranina e la sinaptofisina sono confermate come marcatori specifici del differenziamento neuroendocrino.BACKGROUND: Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNETs) are uncommon, representing <5% of all pancreatic neoplasms, divided into functioning PNETs with secreted hormone cause of specific symptoms, and non-functioning PNETs (nf- PNETs) characterized by delayed diagnosis with metastases and clinical manifestations of compressive effects. Surgical approach is recommended for functioning and nf-PNETs >2 cm in diameter. CASE REPORT: A 76-year-old woman was admitted to the UOC-University-Surgery Hospital "A. Fiorini" in Terracina for nausea and pain in the upper abdominal quadrants with dorso-lumbar irradiation, arising after the evening meal. After the haematochemistry tests and the instrumental investigations, the diagnosis of acute, severe halitiasic pancreatitis was made. Conventional US, CCT, CE-MRI and EUS showed a 2.8cm diameter lesion in the head-body junction of the pancreas. FNA-cytological examination did not found the presence of atypical pancreatic cells. Total-body scintigraphy with Octreoscan® documented a pathological hypercaptation area located in correspondence with the neoformation. The patient underwent a body-tail spleno-pancreatectomy. The histological examination showed an intermediate grade (G2) nf-PNET infiltrating the lienal vein and stenosing the Wirsung duct, with perilesional pancreatitis. Immunohistochemistry showed CAM 5.2, Synaptophysin (>95%) and Chromogranin (60%) positive immunophenotype, with negative intratumoral Somatostatin expression. CONCLUSION: Although rarely, nf-PNETS may be the cause of severe non-biliary acute pancreatitis from pancreatic ductal system compression. In cases where PET/CT68Ga cannot be performed, total-body scintigraphy with Octreoscan® remains the most widely used method for the diagnosis of PNETs and the identification of extra-pancreatic lesions. Chromogranin and Synaptophysin are confirmed as specific markers of neuroendocrine differentiation. KEY WORDS: Acute pancreatitis, Chromogranin, Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor, Synaptophysin, Somatostatin
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