6 research outputs found

    About multi-resolution techniques for large eddy simulation of reactive multi-phase flows

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    A numerical technique for mesh refinement in the HeaRT (Heat Release and Transfer) numerical code is presented. In the CFD framework, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach is gaining in importance as a tool for simulating turbulent combustion pro- cesses, also if this approach has an high computational cost due to the complexity of the turbulent modeling and the high number of grid points necessary to obtain a good numerical solution. In particular, when a numerical simulation of a big domain is performed with a structured grid, the number of grid points can increase so much that the simulation becomes impossible: this problem can be overcomed with a mesh refinement technique. Mesh refinement technique developed for HeaRT numerical code (a staggered finite difference code) is based on an high order reconstruction of the variables at the grid interfaces by means of a least square quasi-eno interpolation: numerical code is written in modern Fortran (2003 standard of newer) and is parallelized using domain decomposition and message passing interface (MPI) standard

    Unsteady Simulation of CO/H2/N2/air Turbulent Non-Premixed Flame

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    The Sandia/ETH-Zurich CO/H2/N2 non-premixed unconfined turbulent jet flame (named ‘Flame A’) is numerically simulated by solving the unsteady compressible reactive Navier– Stokes equations in a three-dimensional axisymmetric formulation, hence, in a formally twodimensional domain. The turbulent combustion closure model adopted is the Fractal Model, FM, developed as a subgrid scale model for Large Eddy Simulation. The fuel is injected from a straight circular tube and the corresponding Reynolds number is 16 700, while the air coflows. Since the thickness of the nozzle is 0.88 mm, and the injection velocity high, ?104ms?1, capturing the stabilization mechanism of the actual flame requires high spatial resolution close to the injector. Results are first obtained on a coarse grid assuming a fast-chemistry approach for hydrogen oxidation and a single step mechanism for carbon monoxide oxidation.With this approach the flame is inevitably anchored. Then, to understand the actual flame stabilization a more complex chemical mechanism, including main radical species, is adopted. Since using this chemistry and the coarse grid of previous simulation the flame blows off numerically, attention is focused on understanding the actual flame stabilization mechanism by simulating a small spatial region close to the injection with a very fine grid. Then, analysing these results, an artificial anchoring mechanism is developed to be used in simulations of the whole flame with a coarse grid. Unsteady characteristics are shown and some averaged radial profiles for temperature and species are compared with experimental data

    A non-adiabatic flamelet progress-variable approach for LES of turbulent premixed flames

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    A progress variable/flame surface density/probability density function method has been employed for a Large Eddy Simulation of a CH4/Air turbulent premixed bluff body flame. In particular, both mean and variance of the progress variable are transported and subgrid spatially filtered gradient contributes to model the flame surface density (that introduces the effect of the subgrid flame reaction zone) and to presume a probability density function (that introduces the effect of subgrid fluctuations on chemistry). Chemistry is preliminarly tabulated in terms of laminar premixed flames and enthalpy is included as a new coordinate in their tabulation to take into account heat losses in the flowfield. Then, the PDF is used to build a turbulent flamelet library. The filtered mass, momentum, enthalpy and scalar equations mentioned above are integrated by an explicit scheme using finite differences, 2nd–order accurate in space and third order in time, over a cylindrical non-uniform grid using a staggered mesh. The bluff-body geometry is modelled by using the Immersed Boundary Method. The numerical predictions are compared with the available experimental data