61 research outputs found

    Efficient and Effective Query Auto-Completion

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    Query Auto-Completion (QAC) is an ubiquitous feature of modern textual search systems, suggesting possible ways of completing the query being typed by the user. Efficiency is crucial to make the system have a real-time responsiveness when operating in the million-scale search space. Prior work has extensively advocated the use of a trie data structure for fast prefix-search operations in compact space. However, searching by prefix has little discovery power in that only completions that are prefixed by the query are returned. This may impact negatively the effectiveness of the QAC system, with a consequent monetary loss for real applications like Web Search Engines and eCommerce. In this work we describe the implementation that empowers a new QAC system at eBay, and discuss its efficiency/effectiveness in relation to other approaches at the state-of-the-art. The solution is based on the combination of an inverted index with succinct data structures, a much less explored direction in the literature. This system is replacing the previous implementation based on Apache SOLR that was not always able to meet the required service-level-agreement.Comment: Published in SIGIR 202

    Fast and Compact Set Intersection through Recursive Universe Partitioning

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    We present a data structure that encodes a sorted integer sequence in small space allowing, at the same time, fast intersection operations. The data layout is carefully designed to exploit word-level parallelism and SIMD instructions, hence providing good practical performance. The core algorithmic idea is that of recursive partitioning the universe of representation: A markedly different paradigm than the widespread strategy of partitioning the sequence based on its length. Extensive experimentation and comparison against several competitive techniques shows that the proposed solution embodies an improved space/time trade-off for the set intersection problem

    Sparse and skew hashing of K-mers

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    Motivation: A dictionary of k-mers is a data structure that stores a set of n distinct k-mers and supports membership queries. This data structure is at the hearth of many important tasks in computational biology. High-Throughput sequencing of DNA can produce very large k-mer sets, in the size of billions of strings-in such cases, the memory consumption and query efficiency of the data structure is a concrete challenge. Results: To tackle this problem, we describe a compressed and associative dictionary for k-mers, that is: A data structure where strings are represented in compact form and each of them is associated to a unique integer identifier in the range [0,n). We show that some statistical properties of k-mer minimizers can be exploited by minimal perfect hashing to substantially improve the space/time trade-off of the dictionary compared to the best-known solutions

    Rank/select queries over mutable bitmaps

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    The problem of answering rank/select queries over a bitmap is of utmost importance for many succinct data structures. When the bitmap does not change, many solutions exist in the theoretical and practical side. In this work we consider the case where one is allowed to modify the bitmap via a flip(i) operation that toggles its ith bit. By adapting and properly extending some results concerning prefix-sum data structures, we present a practical solution to the problem, tailored for modern CPU instruction sets. Compared to the state-of-the-art, our solution improves runtime with no space degradation. Moreover, it does not incur in a significant runtime penalty when compared to the fastest immutable indexes, while providing even lower space overhead. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    PTHash: Revisiting FCH Minimal Perfect Hashing

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    Given a set S of n distinct keys, a function f that bijectively maps the keys of S into the range (0,...,n-1) is called a minimal perfect hash function for S. Algorithms that find such functions when n is large and retain constant evaluation time are of practical interest; for instance, search engines and databases typically use minimal perfect hash functions to quickly assign identifiers to static sets of variable-length keys such as strings. The challenge is to design an algorithm which is efficient in three different aspects: time to find f (construction time), time to evaluate f on a key of S (lookup time), and space of representation for f. Several algorithms have been proposed to trade-off between these aspects. In 1992, Fox, Chen, and Heath (FCH) presented an algorithm at SIGIR providing very fast lookup evaluation. However, the approach received little attention because of its large construction time and higher space consumption compared to other subsequent techniques. Almost thirty years later we revisit their framework and present an improved algorithm that scales well to large sets and reduces space consumption altogether, without compromising the lookup time. We conduct an extensive experimental assessment and show that the algorithm finds functions that are competitive in space with state-of-the art techniques and provide 2-4x better lookup time

    Fast dictionary-based compression for inverted indexes

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    Dictionary-based compression schemes provide fast decoding operation, typically at the expense of reduced compression effectiveness compared to statistical or probability-based approaches. In this work, we apply dictionary-based techniques to the compression of inverted lists, showing that the high degree of regularity that these integer sequences exhibit is a good match for certain types of dictionary methods, and that an important new trade-off balance between compression effectiveness and compression efficiency can be achieved. Our observations are supported by experiments using the document-level inverted index data for two large text collections, and a wide range of other index compression implementations as reference points. Those experiments demonstrate that the gap between efficiency and effectiveness can be substantially narrowed

    Verifiable Learning for Robust Tree Ensembles

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    Verifying the robustness of machine learning models against evasion attacks at test time is an important research problem. Unfortunately, prior work established that this problem is NP-hard for decision tree ensembles, hence bound to be intractable for specific inputs. In this paper, we identify a restricted class of decision tree ensembles, called large-spread ensembles, which admit a security verification algorithm running in polynomial time. We then propose a new approach called verifiable learning, which advocates the training of such restricted model classes which are amenable for efficient verification. We show the benefits of this idea by designing a new training algorithm that automatically learns a large-spread decision tree ensemble from labelled data, thus enabling its security verification in polynomial time. Experimental results on public datasets confirm that large-spread ensembles trained using our algorithm can be verified in a matter of seconds, using standard commercial hardware. Moreover, large-spread ensembles are more robust than traditional ensembles against evasion attacks, at the cost of an acceptable loss of accuracy in the non-adversarial setting

    Spectrum Preserving Tilings Enable Sparse and Modular Reference Indexing

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    The reference indexing problem for k-mers is to pre-process a collection of reference genomic sequences so that the position of all occurrences of any queried k-mer can be rapidly identified. An efficient and scalable solution to this problem is fundamental for many tasks in bioinformatics. In this work, we introduce the spectrum preserving tiling (SPT), a general representation of that specifies how a set of tiles repeatedly occur to spell out the constituent reference sequences in. By encoding the order and positions where tiles occur, SPTs enable the implementation and analysis of a general class of modular indexes. An index over an SPT decomposes the reference indexing problem for k-mers into: (1) a k-mer-to-tile mapping; and (2) a tile-to-occurrence mapping. Recently introduced work to construct and compactly index k-mer sets can be used to efficiently implement the k-mer-to-tile mapping. However, implementing the tile-to-occurrence mapping remains prohibitively costly in terms of space. As reference collections become large, the space requirements of the tile-to-occurrence mapping dominates that of the k-mer-to-tile mapping since the former depends on the amount of total sequence while the latter depends on the number of unique k-mers in. To address this, we introduce a class of sampling schemes for SPTs that trade off speed to reduce the size of the tile-to-reference mapping. We implement a practical index with these sampling schemes in the tool pufferfish2. When indexing over 30,000 bacterial genomes, pufferfish2 reduces the size of the tile-to-occurrence mapping from 86.3 GB to 34.6 GB while incurring only a 3.6 slowdown when querying k-mers from a sequenced readset. Availability: pufferfish2 is implemented in Rust and available at https://github.com/COMBINE-lab/pufferfish2

    Hsp60 chaperonopathies and chaperonotherapy: targets and agents.

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