20 research outputs found

    The effect of "Nutramil^{TM} Complex," food for special medical purpose, on breast and prostate carcinoma cells

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    NutramilTM Complex is a multicomponent food product that meets the requirements of a food for special medical purpose. As a complete, high-energy diet it consists of properly balanced nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of NutramilTM Complex on breast and prostate carcinoma cells. Our results showed that NutramilTM Complex reduced the viability and proliferation of breast and prostate cancer cells and that this process was associated with the induction of apoptosis via activation of caspase signalling. Data showed elevated levels of p53 tumour suppressor, up-regulation of p38 MAPK and SAPK / JNK proteins and downregulation of anti-apoptotic ERK1/2, AKT1 and HSP27. Treatment with NutramilTM Complex also affected the expression of the BCL2 family genes. Results also showed down-regulation of anti-apoptotic BCL-2 and up-regulation of pro-apoptotic members such as BAX, BAD, BID. In addition, we also observed regulation of many other genes, including Iκβα, Chk1 and Chk2, associated with apoptotic events. Taken together, our results suggest activation of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway as most likely mechanism of anti-carcinogenic activity of NutramilTM Complex

    Fatty acid extract from CLA-enriched egg yolks can mediate transcriptome reprogramming of MCF-7 cancer cells to prevent their growth and proliferation

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    BACKGROUND: Our previous study showed that fatty acids extract obtained from CLA-enriched egg yolks (EFA-CLA) suppressed the viability of MCF-7 cancer cell line more effectively than extract from non-enriched egg yolks (EFA). In this study, we analysed the effect of EFA-CLA and EFA on transcriptome profile of MCF-7 cells by applying the whole Human Genome Microarray technology. RESULTS: We found that EFA-CLA and EFA treated cells differentially regulated genes involved in cancer development and progression. EFA-CLA, compared to EFA, positively increased the mRNA expression of TSC2 and PTEN tumor suppressors as well as decreased the expression of NOTCH1, AGPS, GNA12, STAT3, UCP2, HIGD2A, HIF1A, PPKAR1A oncogenes. CONCLUSIONS: We show for the first time that EFA-CLA can regulate genes engaged in AKT/mTOR pathway and inhibiting cell cycle progression. The observed results are most likely achieved by the combined effect of both: incorporated CLA isomers and other fatty acids in eggs organically modified through hens’ diet. Our results suggest that CLA-enriched eggs could be easily available food products with a potential of a cancer chemopreventive agent. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12263-016-0537-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Fatty Acids of CLA-Enriched Egg Yolks Can Induce Transcriptional Activation of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells

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    In our previous study, we showed that fatty acids from CLA-enriched egg yolks (EFA-CLA) reduced the proliferation of breast cancer cells; however, the molecular mechanisms of their action remain unknown. In the current study, we used MCF-7 breast cancer cell line to determine the effect of EFA-CLA, as potential ligands for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), on identified in silico PPAR-responsive genes: BCAR3, TCF20, WT1, ZNF621, and THRB (transcript TRβ2). Our results showed that EFA-CLA act as PPAR ligands with agonistic activity for all PPAR isoforms, with the highest specificity towards PPARγ. In conclusion, we propose that EFA-CLA-mediated regulation of PPAR-responsive genes is most likely facilitated by cis9,trans11CLA isomer incorporated in egg yolk. Notably, EFA-CLA activated PPAR more efficiently than nonenriched FA as well as synthetic CLA isomers. We also propose that this regulation, at least in part, can be responsible for the observed reduction in the proliferation of MCF-7 cells treated with EFA-CLA

    Wiek zachorowania i płeć jako czynniki modyfikujące związek polimorfizmów zlokalizowanych na chromosomie 9q22 i 14q13 z rakiem brodawkowatym tarczycy

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    Introduction: Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) shows familial occurrence, and some susceptibility single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been identified in FOXE1 and near the NKX2-1 locus. The aim of our study was to analyse the association of PTC risk with SNPs in FOXE1 (rs965513, rs1867277, rs1443434) and near the NKX2-1 locus (rs944289) in a Polish population, and, in the second step, the interac­tion between SNPs and patient-related factors (age at diagnosis and gender). Material and methods: A total of 2243 DNA samples from PTC patients and 1160 controls were included in the study. The SNP analysis was performed with the allelic discrimination technique. Results: There were significant associations of all SNPs with PTC (rs965513 odds ratio [OR] = 1.72, p = 8 × 10-7; rs1867277 OR = 1.59, p = 1 × 10-6; rs1443434 OR = 1.53, p = 1 × 10-5; rs944289 OR = 1.52, p = 4 × 10-5). Logistic regression analysis revealed an increased PTC risk in the interaction of rs944289 with age at diagnosis (OR = 1.01 per year, p = 6 × 10-4) and a decreased PTC risk in the interaction of male gender with the GGT FOXE1 protective haplotype (OR = 0.69, p = 0.01). Conclusions: the association between PTC and all analysed SNPs was confirmed. It was also shown that patient-related factors modify the predisposition to PTC by increasing the risk for rs944289 per year of age, and by enhancing the protective effect of the FOXE1 GGT haplotype in men.Wstęp: Brodawkowaty rak tarczycy należy do grupy nowotworów litych, w których uwarunkowanie genetyczne ogrywa istotną rolę. Geny odpowiedzialne za predyspozycje do raka brodawkowatego nie są dobrze znane, choć polimorfizmy rs965513 i rs944289 obecnie są uznanymi czynnikami ryzyka. Celem pracy była analiza związku polimorfizmów znajdujących się w 9q22 w locus genu FOXE1 (rs965513, rs1867277, rs1443434) oraz w 14q13 w pobliżu genu NKX2-1 (rs944289) z rakiem brodawkowatym tarczycy oraz ocena wpływu czynników zależnych od pacjenta (wieku zachorowania i płci). Materiał i metody. Materiał obejmował 2243 próbek DNA izolowanych z limfocytów krwi obwodowej pacjentów z rakiem brodawkowatym i 1160 próbek DNA pochodzących od osób zdrowych, stanowiących grupę kontrolną (liczba analizowanych próbek różniła się w zależności od polimorfizmu). Badania wykonano w aparacie 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System firmy Applied Biosystems techniką dyskryminacji alleli. Wyniki. Znamienny związek z rakiem brodawkowatym wykazywały wszystkie analizowane polimorfizmy (dla rs965513 wartość OR wynosiła 1,72, p = 8 × 10-7; dla rs1867277 OR = 1,58, p = 1 × 10-6; dla rs1443434 OR = 1,53, p = 1 × 10-5; rs944289 OR = 1,52, p = 4 × 10-5). Analiza regresji logistycznej wykazała wzrost ryzyka raka brodawkowatego wraz z wiekiem dla polimorfizmu rs944289 (OR = 1.01 na rok, p = 6 × 10-4) oraz obniżenie ryzyka zachorowania dla haplotypu GGT genu FOXE1 u mężczyzn (OR = 0,69, p = 0,01). Wnioski. Potwierdzony został związek badanych polimorfizmów z rakiem brodawkowatym tarczycy w populacji polskiej. Wykazano modyfikujący wpływ wieku zachorowania i płci męskiej na ryzyko zachorowania uwarunkowane genetycznie

    Young Shoots and Mature Red Cabbage Inhibit Proliferation and Induce Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer Cell Lines

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    Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men. Recent dietary and epidemiological studies have suggested the benefit of dietary intake of cruciferous vegetables in lowering the incidence of cancer. The health promoting effects of red cabbage are attributed to their mixture of phytochemicals known for their antioxidant and anticancer activity. In the current study, we investigated whether young shoots and mature red cabbage had any effect on prostate cancer cell lines (DU145 and LNCaP). Attempts were also made to identify the potential molecular mechanism(s) by which plant material elicits its biological effects on prostate cancer cell lines. Here we report that the studied vegetable inhibited the proliferation of cancer cells and that this process was associated with the induction of apoptosis via caspase-dependent and both extrinsic and intrinsic pathways. In addition, we also observed the regulation of genes and proteins associated with cell survival and apoptotic events

    Mechanisms of Anticancer Activity of a Fatty Acid Mixture Extracted from Hen Egg Yolks Enriched in Conjugated Linoleic Acid Diene (CLA) against WM793 Melanoma Cells

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    The conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) diene is a biologically active compound with proven health-promoting effects. In terms of anticancer properties, it has been shown that CLA reduces the proliferation of cancer cells. In this study, it has been demonstrated that a mixture of fatty acids, isolated from chicken egg yolk enriched in CLA isomers by biofortification, reduces (by 30.5%) the proliferation of human melanoma cancer cells line WM793 to a greater extent than a mixture of fatty acids not containing these isomers. At the same time, the tested fatty acid mixtures show no effect on human normal BJ fibroblast cells. For the first time, the genes with increased expression have been identified and the proteins have been activated by the fatty acid mixture of CLA-enriched egg yolk, mainly responsible for mitochondrial pathway-dependent apoptosis

    Young Shoots of Red Beet and the Root at Full Maturity Inhibit Proliferation and Induce Apoptosis in Breast Cancer Cell Lines

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    Modern medicine is struggling with the problem of fully effective treatment of neoplastic diseases despite deploying innovative chemotherapeutic agents. Therefore, undertaking cancer-prevention measures, such as proper eating habits, should be strongly recommended. The present research aimed to compare the effects of juice from young shoots of beetroot compared to juice from root at full maturity on human breast cancer and normal cells. The juice from young shoots, both in the native and digested form, was most often a significantly stronger inhibitor of the proliferation of both analyzed breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231), compared to the native and digested juice from red beetroot. Regardless of juice type, a significantly greater reduction was most often shown in the proliferation of estrogen-dependent cells (MCF-7 line) than of estrogen-independent cells (MDA-MB-231 line). All analyzed types of beetroot juice and, in particular, the ones from young shoots and the root subjected to digestion and absorption, exerted an antiproliferative and apoptotic effect (pinpointing the internal apoptosis pathway) on the cells of both cancer lines studied. There is a need to continue the research to comprehensively investigate the factors responsible for both these effects

    Curly Kale (<i>Brassica oleracea var. Sabellica</i> L.) Biofortified with 5,7-Diiodo-8-quinolinol: The Influence of Heat Treatment on Iodine Level, Macronutrient Composition and Antioxidant Content

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    Many disorders are a result of an inadequate supply of macronutrients and micronutrients in the diet. One such element is iodine. This study used curly kale (Brassica oleracea var. Sabellica L.) biofortified with the 5,7-diiodo-8-quinolinol iodine compound. The effect of the heat treatment on the chemical composition of the curly kale was studied. In addition, iodine bioavailability was evaluated in in vivo studies. Our investigation showed that iodine loss depends on the type of heat treatment as well as on the variety of kale. Curly kale biofortified with iodoquinoline had significantly higher iodine levels after thermal processing (steaming, blanching, boiling) than the vegetable biofortified with KIO3. Generally, steaming was the best thermal processing method, as it contributed to the lowest iodine loss in curly kale. The red variety of kale, ‘Redbor F1’, showed a better iodine stability during the heat treatment than the green variety, ‘Oldenbor F1’. The thermal treatment also significantly affected the dry matter content and the basic chemical composition of the tested varieties of the 5,7-diI-8-Q biofortified kale. The steaming process caused a significant increase in total carbohydrates, fiber, protein and crude fat content (‘Oldenbor F1’, ‘Redbor F1’), and antioxidant activity (‘Oldenbor F1’). On the other hand, boiling caused a significant decrease, while steaming caused a significant increase, in protein and dry matter content (‘Oldenbor F1’, ‘Redbor F1’). The blanching process caused the smallest significant decrease in ash compared to the other thermal processes used (‘Oldenbor F1’). A feeding experiment using Wistar rats showed that iodine from the 5,7-diI-8-Q biofortified kale has a higher bioavailability than that from the AIN-93G diet. A number of promising results have been obtained, which could form the basis for further research

    Effect of Nutramil<sup>TM</sup> Complex on cells proliferation.

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    <p>MCF-7 breast cancer cells (A), DU145 prostate cancer cells (B), LNCaP prostate cancer cells (C) and PNT-2 normal prostate cells (D) were seeded on the 96-well plates (8x10<sup>3</sup> cells per well). 24 h after seeding, growth medium was replaced with a medium containing Nutramil<sup>TM</sup> Complex (NC) or Nutramil<sup>TM</sup> Complex without calcium caseinate (NC-CC) or calcium caseinate (CC) at concentration 0, 3, 4% for 24–72 h. Cell proliferation was measured using Cell Proliferation ELISA, BrdU (Roche, Poland). Values are expressed as mean ± SD for n = 12, standardized to untreated control (UC) as 100%. Statistical significance was based on t-test *P≤0.01 vs. UC.</p