313 research outputs found

    Latin Title Magister in the History of Health Care

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    The review gives examples of usage of the Latin term magister (master) in various common titles throughout the past, particularly in Croatia. As early as the Roman Empire and until the Middle Ages, the title magister designated various functions and duties, generally denoting authority, higher rank, or a responsible position. The review highlights certain historical events and persons related to the usage of the title magister. Ever since the Middle Ages, the title has specifically denoted various health care professions. The term was used in Latin, as it was the official language in Croatia at the time, for example, m. chirurgiae (master of surgery), m. obstetritiae (master of obstetrics), m. artis ocularis (master of the eye-related skills), m. hospitalis (master of the hospice), m. sanitatis (health care master). As an example, the review shows the difference between the titles doctor medicinae and m. obstetritiae according to John the Baptist Lalangue (1743–1799), the official physician of the Vara‘din county in the Hapsburg Empire and one of the most prominent figures in the history of health care in Croatia. Lalangue was the author of the first professional medical book in the Croatian language published in 1776 and of several other books in Croatian. The books were meant to teach medical professionals and ordinary people how to improve their health. Beside the title of medical doctor, Lalangue held the title of m. obstetritiae which he earned through additional education. He thought it was essential for a complete health provider to be trained both in general practice and in obstetrics which, at the time, included infant care. Nowadays in Croatia, only persons who are graduate pharmacists use magister pharmaciae as a professional title. The title is otherwise strictly reserved to denote an academic degree between the bachelor’s and the doctoral in a particular field. The title magister scientiarum (Master of Science) is achieved upon completion of a postgraduate study and defence of the master’s thesis

    Case studies in SenseCam use for cognitive stimulation therapy in early-stage dementia.

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    Estimates suggest that Ireland will have 50,000 people with dementia by 2016 and over 100,000 by 2036. Combined with European total costs are estimated in 2005 at €130 billion. As dementia is incurable there is a real need to support the existing dementia health care practices and carers by innovative technology use. Using technology to improve mental health of the people with dementia is one way of such support. This research explores intervention which uses Microsoft SenseCam images within the principles of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) to engage people with early stage dementia in meaningful discussion. This SenseCam intervention, like the CST approach, aims at general enhancement of quality of life and global cognitive and social functioning

    SenseCam intervention based on cognitive ctimulation therapy framework for early-stage dementia.

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    Estimates suggest that Ireland will have 50,000 people with dementia by 2016 and over 100,000 by 2036. Combined with European total costs estimated in 2005 at €130 billion. In the absence of a cure for dementia there is a real need to develop pervasive, user-centered technologies to enhance the well-being and quality of life of people with dementia. This study explores the use of Microsoft SenseCam images within the principles of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) to engage people with early stage dementia in meaningful discussion. The SenseCam intervention, like the CST approach, is aimed at general enhancement of quality of life and global cognitive and social functioning

    Urban regeneration policies: what are the limits of citizen engagement?

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    Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::11 - Ciutats i Comunitats Sostenibles::11.3 - Per a 2030, augmentar la urbanització inclusiva i sostenible, així com la capacitat de planificar i gestionar de manera participativa, integrada i sostenible els assentaments humans a tots els païso


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    By distancing ourselves from the previous ways of thinking about non- academic forms of history within history of historiography and methodology of history, I suggest using cultural anthropology in the research. In my opinion that its traditional fi eld of study, e.g. the common sense, remains closely related to the study of history of historiography and methodology of history on non- academic forms of history.By distancing ourselves from the previous ways of thinking about non- academic forms of history within history of historiography and methodology of history, I suggest using cultural anthropology in the research. In my opinion that its traditional fi eld of study, e.g. the common sense, remains closely related to the study of history of historiography and methodology of history on non- academic forms of history

    Endangered species of segetal the flora of the Rzeszów voivodeship

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    Wydano przy pomocy finansowej Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego oraz Komitetu Badań NaukowychThe subject of the researches whose results are presented in this paper was segetal vegetation that can be found in grain and root agricultures of the following districts: Błażowa, Boguchwała, Grodzisko Dolne, Krasne, Lubenia, Rzeszów, Sokołów Małopolski and Tyczyn. The aim of the paper was to characterize the region of the researches in individual districts and to present a synthesis of the research results in relation to extinct, endangered and rare species (tab. V).Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Development of Occupational Medicine in the City of Varaždin: from Concept to Implementation

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    Uz kratki osvrt literaturnih podataka o shvaćanju štetnosti određenih vrsta poslova i tvari kojima su ljudi izloženi pri radu od antičkog doba pa dalje, prikazan je razvoj ideja i promišljanja starih varaždinskih liječnika o tome. Opisana su njihova nastojanja da ublaže štetnosti pri radu i pomognu ugroženima i oboljelima. Navedeni su prvi propisi o zaštiti pri radu i počeci suvremene brige za izložene štetnostima u radnom okolišu u Hrvatskoj i u gradu Varaždinu.Since the antiquity and throughout the Middle Ages, physicians had been observing the harmful effects and the illnesses in people who worked in manufacture and/or mining. They would draw attention to such effects and propose solutions which often entailed improvement of working conditions and environment. The ancient physicians from Vara‘din had been familiar with such literature, accepted the ideas thereof, and implemented them in practice. Moreover, they followed-up those who had been exposed to similar harmful effects. Some of their interpretations and understanding do not fall short of the modern perceptions of work-related harmful effects and some seem to be far ahead of their times. The introduction of administrative regulations was gradual; at start rare and related to exposure of certain individuals and later more frequent and comprehensive. Scientific approach to the need for systematic occupational safety has taken root in Croatia ever since World War I. Experts in the field have published impor tant papers on the mat ter. Vara‘din has joined the incentive for health care and protection of the exposed to harmful effects of modern industry and working environment since 1956. Physicians are specialising in occupational medicine. The section of occupational medicine in Vara‘din was established within the Institute for Hygiene that later gradually transformed to a well organised unit for occupational health care

    Observations on the effects of work on human health in the book by John the Baptist Lalangue from 18th century

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    Prikazani su podaci iz prve stručne medicinske knjige na hrvatskom jeziku Ivana Krstitelja Lalanguea, banskog liječnika i fizika Varaždinske županije iz XVIII. Stoljeća, o utjecajima štetnosti pri radu na ljudsko zdravlje. Opisano je u kojoj su mjeri bile odrazom prvih ideja o bolestima vezanim za rad, poglavito kapitalnog djela »oca medicine rada« Ramazzinija. S druge strane, pojavljivanje ovih ideja bilo je uvjetovano začecima industrijalizacije i uvođenjem manufakturne proizvodnje u našim krajevima. Lalangue je u svojem djelu isticao fizičko naprezanje pri radu kao glavni uzročnik bolesti u pučanstvu. Isticao je značenje podataka iz profesionalne anamneze bolesnika. U njegovu djelu nalaze se i začeci ideja o profesionalnoj rehabilitaciji bolesnika. Zaključeno je da su prikazane ideje preteče današnjih modernih pojmova medicine rada o profesionalnim bolestima te istaknuto značenje činjenice da su se pojavile na tlu današnje Hrvatske ubrzo nakon njihova pojavljivanja u industrijski razvijenijim zemljama.The paper presents particulars on damaging effects of work on human health drawn from the first professional medical book published in the Croatian language. Most official documents and papers of the 18th century were written in Latin. Originally, the subject book, Medicina Ruralis, was also written in Latin and subsequently translated to Croatian. It was published in 1776. in the city of Varaždin, Croatian capital at the time. The author was John the Baptist Lalangue, the viceroy\u27s physician and the official physician of the Varaždin county, during the rule of Hapsburg archduchess Maria Theresa. The paper attempts to show to what extent does the Lalangue\u27s book reflect the first ideas and recommendations related to occupational diseases, particularly those described in the capital work of Ramazzini who was acknowledged as "the father of occupational health". Such ideas developed with the progress of the Industrial Revolution at the end of 17th century. In his book, Lalangue considers hard, physical work the major cause of diseases in population he ubserved and cured in his everyday practice. He gave detailed recommendations for physicians on how to get professional history data of the patient. Furthermore, Lalangue\u27s book introduces the first ideas as to the professional rehabilitation of diseased persons. The paper concludes that Lalangue\u27s ideas represent Ihe origins of modern occupational health on Croatian territory, and emphasises the significance of such ideas appearing soon after their occurrence in other industrially more developed European countries

    Effects of Sodium Chloride on Bone Health

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    Poznato je da različiti prehrambeni čimbenici utječu na koštanu masu. Među njima važno mjesto zauzima kuhinjska sol (NaCl) zbog djelovanja natrija na pojačano izlučivanje kalcija mokraćom. Kalciurijski učinak natrija pokazan je u brojnim istraživanjima na ljudima svih dobnih skupina, kao i na pokusnim životinjama. Pretpostavlja se da dugotrajno povišeni gubitak kalcija može izazvati gubitak koštane mase. U radu su prikazani patofiziološki temelji djelovanja natrija na metabolizam kalcija i moguće posljedice povećanog unosa kuhinjske soli na pregradnju kostiju i koštanu masu. Rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja su proturječni i još se ne mogu donijeti konačni zaključci je li povećani unos kuhinjske soli čimbenik rizika za nastanak osteoporoze.This paper discusses the physiology of sodium effects on calcium metabolism and possible implications of increased salt intake on bone remodelling and bone mass. Osteoporosis is an increasing public health problem affecting more than 200 million of women around the world. The major complications of osteoporosis are fractures, which are frequently associated with high morbidity and mortality. A number of clinical, epidemiological and experimental studies aim at identifying lifestyle factors that may improve bone mass and prevent bone loss. Different nutrients are proposed to play a role in bone development during growth and in the maintenance of bone mass thereafter. However, the importance of sodium intake for bone health has not been elucidated. It is well known that high dietary sodium intake decreases renal calcium reabsorption, which in turn leads to a greater urinary calcium excretion. This effect has been demonstrated in studies in humans of all ages as well as in experimental animals. It is not clear to what extent sodium-induced calcium loss is compensated for by increased intestinal calcium absorption. It is suspected that, if not fully compensated, sustained hypercalciuria due to increased sodium intake may diminish bone mass. Postmenopausal women showed that increased dietary salt may indeed augment bone resorption. Sodium effects on bone mass in various studies are inconsistent and there is still no evidence that increased salt intake is a risk factor in the aetiology of osteoporosis A randomized longitudinal study of different sodium intake in two groups of subject could clarify the role of sodium in bone mass


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    Ivan Krstitelj Lalangue (Jean Baptiste Lalangue), uz svoj rad banskog liječnika (od 1771.) i fizika Varaždinske županije (1772.-1799.), napisao je nekoliko knjiga na hrvatskom kajkavskom jeziku od kojih je "Medicina ruralis illiti Vrachtva ladanyszka" bila prva u nizu. Objavljena je 1776. godine u Varaždinu i smatra se prvijencem stručne medicinske literature, a njezin autor predstavnikom medicinskog prosvjetiteljstva u Hrvatskoj. U knjizi se, medu nabrojenim uzrocima bolesti, na prvo mjesto stavlja svakodnevan naporan fizički rad, ističe važnost podataka o vrsti posla kojim se pacijent bavi zbog utvrđivanja mogućih štetnosti pri radu koje su narušile zdravlje, naglašava potreba, suvremenim jezikom nazvane, medicinske rehabilitacije oboljelih te navode brojni korisni savjeti za liječenje kao i preporuke o sprječavanju oštećenja i bolesti. Autori članka ističu da su se ta opažanja pojavila na našem tlu ubrzo nakon njihova pojavljivanja u industrijski razvijenijim europskim zemljama i s pravom se mogu smatrati pretečama današnje moderne medicine rada u Hrvatskoj.John the Baptist Lalangue, the viceroy\u27s physician (since 1771) and the official physician of the Varaždin county (1772-1799), wrote several books in Latin, which were subsequently translated into old (kajkavian) Croatian. Medicina Ruralis (Rural Medicine), the first professional medical book in the Croatian language, was published in Varaždin, Croatia\u27s capital city at the time, in 1776. In his book, Lalangue discussed damaging effects of work on human health and claimed hard, physical work to be the major cause of diseases. He pointed out the importance of collecting detailed occupational history data of the patient by the physician and first introduced the idea of medical rehabilitation of diseased persons. Finally, he gave elaborate recommendations for treatment as well as for prevention of certain damages and diseases. It is worth emphasising that Lalangue\u27s ideas and recommendations at the time were in step with the advanced ideas of the Enlightenment in the field of medicine in other industrially more developed European countries. They can rightfully be taken to have paved the way for modern occupational health on the Croatian territory