1,610 research outputs found

    Re-engineering a nanodosimetry Monte Carlo code into Geant4: software design and first results

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    A set of physics models for nanodosimetry simulation is being re-engineered for use in Geant4-based simulations. This extension of Geant4 capabilities is part of a larger scale R&D project for multi-scale simulation involving adaptable, co-working condensed and discrete transport schemes. The project in progress reengineers the physics modeling capabilities associated with an existing FORTRAN track-structure code for nanodosimetry into a software design suitable to collaborate with an object oriented simulation kernel. The first experience and results of the ongoing re-engineering process are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures and images, to appear in proceedings of the Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference 2009, Orland

    R&D on co-working transport schemes in Geant4

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    A research and development (R&D) project related to the extension of the Geant4 toolkit has been recently launched to address fundamental methods in radiation transport simulation. The project focuses on simulation at different scales in the same experimental environment; this problem requires new methods across the current boundaries of condensed-random-walk and discrete transport schemes. The new developments have been motivated by experimental requirements in various domains, including nanodosimetry, astronomy and detector developments for high energy physics applications.Comment: To be published in the Proceedings of the CHEP (Computing in High Energy Physics) 2009 conferenc

    Entrepreneurship Marketing in North Carolina’s Wine Industry

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    Entrepreneurial marketing seeks to create, communicate and deliver value to customers and manage customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization. This paper explores whether increased entrepreneurial marketing practices at North Carolina wineries can lead to enhanced winery performance. A web survey was delivered to N.C. wineries by email. The results suggest that winery customer intensity and innovation was positively related to winery satisfaction of winery performance. Also, innovation and value creation were found to be positively related to percentage sales change at wineries

    Geant4-related R&D for new particle transport methods

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    A R&D project has been launched in 2009 to address fundamental methods in radiation transport simulation and revisit Geant4 kernel design to cope with new experimental requirements. The project focuses on simulation at different scales in the same experimental environment: this set of problems requires new methods across the current boundaries of condensed-random-walk and discrete transport schemes. An exploration is also foreseen about exploiting and extending already existing Geant4 features to apply Monte Carlo and deterministic transport methods in the same simulation environment. An overview of this new R&D associated with Geant4 is presented, together with the first developments in progress.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in proceedings of the Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference 2009, Orland

    Bats in a Farming Landscape Benefit from Linear Remnants and Unimproved Pastures

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    Schemes designed to make farming landscapes less hostile to wildlife have been questioned because target taxa do not always respond in the expected manner. Microbats are often overlooked in this process, yet persist in agricultural landscapes and exert top-down control of crop pests. We investigated the relationship between microbats and measures commonly incorporated into agri-environment schemes, to derive management recommendations for their ongoing conservation. We used acoustic detectors to quantify bat species richness, activity, and feeding in 32 linear remnants and adjacent fields across an agricultural region of New South Wales, Australia. Nocturnal arthropods were simultaneously trapped using black-light traps. We recorded 91,969 bat calls, 17,277 of which could be attributed to one of the 13 taxa recorded, and 491 calls contained feeding buzzes. The linear remnants supported higher bat activity than the fields, but species richness and feeding activity did not significantly differ. We trapped a mean 87.6 g (±17.6 g SE) of arthropods per night, but found no differences in biomass between land uses. Wider linear remnants with intact native vegetation supported more bat species, as did those adjacent to unsealed, as opposed to sealed roads. Fields of unimproved native pastures, with more retained scattered trees and associated hollows and logs, supported the greatest bat species richness and activity. We conclude that the juxtaposition of linear remnants of intact vegetation and scattered trees in fields, coupled with less-intensive land uses such as unimproved pastures will benefit bat communities in agricultural landscapes, and should be incorporated into agri-environment schemes. In contrast, sealed roads may act as a deterrent. The "wildlife friendly farming" vs "land sparing" debate has so far primarily focussed on birds, but here we have found evidence that the integration of both approaches could particularly benefit bats.Financial support was provided by a “Science Grant” from The Paddy Pallin Foundation in partnership with the Royal Zoological Society of NSW (http://www.paddypallinfoundation.org.au/index.php/current/sciencegrants), a WildCountry Science Council student top-up (http://www.wilderness.org.au/campaigns/wildcountry/wild-country-science-council-members), the Australian Government’s Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education Australian Postgraduate Award to PL (http://www.innovation.gov.au/research/researchblockgrants/pages/australianpostgraduateawards.aspx), and a CSIRO student top-up scholarship to PL (http://www.csiro.au/Portals/Careers/Work-experience-and-scholarships/Postgraduate-scholarships/Flagship-Postgrad-Scholarships.aspx). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Outbreak tracking of Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV) using partial NS1 gene sequencing

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    Abstract Background Aleutian Mink Disease (AMD) is an infectious disease of mink (Neovison vison) and globally a major cause of economic losses in mink farming. The disease is caused by Aleutian Mink Disease Virus (AMDV) that belongs to the genus Amdoparvovirus within the Parvoviridae family. Several strains have been described with varying virulence and the severity of infection also depends on the host’s genotype and immune status. Clinical signs include respiratory distress in kits and unthriftiness and low quality of the pelts. The infection can also be subclinical. Systematic control of AMDV in Danish mink farms was voluntarily initiated in 1976. Over recent decades the disease was mainly restricted to the very northern part of the country (Northern Jutland), with only sporadic outbreaks outside this region. Most of the viruses from this region have remained very closely related at the nucleotide level for decades. However, in 2015, several outbreaks of AMDV occurred at mink farms throughout Denmark, and the sources of these outbreaks were not known. Methods Partial NS1 gene sequencing, phylogenetic analyses data were utilized along with epidemiological to determine the origin of the outbreaks. Results The phylogenetic analyses of partial NS1 gene sequences revealed that the outbreaks were caused by two different clusters of viruses that were clearly different from the strains found in Northern Jutland. These clusters had restricted geographical distribution, and the variation within the clusters was remarkably low. The outbreaks on Zealand were epidemiologically linked and a close sequence match was found to two virus sequences from Sweden. The other cluster of outbreaks restricted to Jutland and Funen were linked to three feed producers (FP) but secondary transmissions between farms in the same geographical area could not be excluded. Conclusion This study confirmed that partial NS1 sequencing can be used in outbreak tracking to determine major viral clusters of AMDV. Using this method, two new distinct AMDV clusters with low intra-cluster sequence diversity were identified, and epidemiological data helped to reveal possible ways of viral introduction into the affected herds

    Global phylogenetic analysis of contemporary aleutian mink disease viruses (AMDVs)

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    Abstract Background Aleutian mink disease has major economic consequences on the mink farming industry worldwide, as it causes a disease that affects both the fur quality and the health and welfare of the mink. The virus causing this disease is a single-stranded DNA virus of the genus Amdoparvovirus belonging to the family of Parvoviridae. In Denmark, infection with AMDV has largely been restricted to a region in the northern part of the country since 2001, affecting only 5% of the total Danish mink farms. However, in 2015 outbreaks of AMDV were diagnosed in all parts of the country. Initial analyses revealed that the out breaks were caused by two different strains of AMDV that were significant different from the circulating Danish strains. To track the source of these outbreaks, a major investigation of global AMDV strains was initiated. Methods Samples from 13 different countries were collected and partial NS1 gene was sequenced and subjected to phylogenetic analyses. Results The analyses revealed that AMDV exhibited substantial genetic diversity. No clear country wise clustering was evident, but exchange of viruses between countries was revealed. One of the Danish outbreaks was caused by a strain of AMDV that closely resembled a strain originating from Sweden. In contrast, we did not identify any potential source for the other and more widespread outbreak strain. Conclusion To the authors knowledge this is the first major global phylogenetic study of contemporary AMDV partial NS1 sequences. The study proved that partial NS1 sequencing can be used to distinguish virus strains belonging to major clusters. The partial NS1 sequencing can therefore be a helpful tool in combination with epidemiological data, in relation to outbreak tracking. However detailed information on farm to farm transmission requires full genome sequencing

    Stiffening of nanoporous gold: experiment, simulation and theory

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    By combining electron microscopy measurements, atomistic simulations and elastic homogenization theory, we theoretically investigate the Young's modulus of nanoporous Au structures. Based on atomistic replicas generated starting from experimental tomographic evidence, atomistic simulations reveal that nanoporous Au stiffens as ligaments become finer, reproducing experimental findings obtained by nanoindentation of dealloyed samples. We argue that such a stiffening is neither due to surface stress nor to grain boundaries. Instead, we observe a direct quantitative correlation between the density of dislocations found in the material phase of the nanoporous structures and their Young's modulus and we propose a microscopic explanation of the observed stiffening. In particular, we show that local stress and strain fields in the neighborhood of dislocation cores allow dislocations to work as reinforcing solutes
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