150 research outputs found

    PANGEA - Attività fisica e nutrizione per un invecchiamento di qualità

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    Gibanje, šport in etika – med podrejenostjo in potrebo

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    Tudi v športu gre pri upoštevanju norm obnašanja, podrejanju pravilom, upoštevanju drugačnosti in njenemu sprejemanju za etiko, za moralno vrednotenje. To velja tudi za odnos do samega sebe in do lastnega telesa. Gre za – etično - iskanje ravnovesja in prave mere. Obravnava človeka in prilagajanje njegovega organizma agresivnim vplivom sodobnega okolja in spremenjenim okvirjem sodobne družbe pomembno vključuje tudi upoštevanje temeljnih bioloških zakonitosti. Brez gibanja športa logično ne more biti. Če gibanje obravnavamo kot izvorno potrebo, ali kot osnovo spopada z najosnovnejšima dimenzijama, ki na človeka delujeta od začetka njegovega obstoja, to pa sta težnost in čas, ga lahko jasno in utemeljeno opredelimo kot enega od pomembnih dejavnikov usmerjanja človeškega hotenja, ravnanja in obnašanja. Pojem obnašanja je predmet obravnave v tem članku. Obnašanje človeka v sodobni družbi skozi gibalno/športno aktivnost dobiva posebno obliko in vsebino: tudi z vidika dobrega in zlega, z vidika podrejanja in premagovanja, nenazadnje pa moralnega in nemoralnega.Not only in the norms of behavior, to conform to the rules and respect and acceptance of diversity in sport, but also in relation to our self and our own body, in seeking the balance and real rates, we move in the field of ethics, in the field of moral evaluation. Approach of a human being and adaptation of his organism, as the narrowest space of human leaving, to the aggressiveness of contemporary environment and revised framework of modern society, considerate the fundamental biological laws. If we treat movement, without which sport cannot be performed, as a source of basic need, as a base of resisting to the basic dimensions which are acting on humans from the beginning of its existence, gravity and time, it can be clearly and reasonably embedded as one of the important factors directing human desires, managing and behavior. And behavior, which in contemporary society is getting through physical activity a special form and content, in terms of good and evil, in terms of subordination and the resistance, moral and immoral, it is the subject and the problem of addressing the article

    The definition of sports management

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     ABSTRACTThe paper gives an overview of the sport management definition, which can contribute to a more transparent understanding of the importance of management as a key factor of success of sport. There is a number of definitions for sports management in the sports literature (Chelladurai, 1994; Bartoluci, 1997; Slack, 1997; Parks and Qurterman, 2002; Daft, 2003; Lussier and Kimball, 2004; Houlihan, 2008; Šugman et.al., 2002; Kolar, 2013; Retar et.al., 2013). Most of them are pointing out that the definitions are based on the management of key resources, which are important for the realization of the mission and the goals of sports organizations, sports events or for athletes.A general definition that would uniquely explain the definition of management in sport does not exist yet. Therefore, for the purposes of the definition of sport management in the Slovenian area, we are suggesting to apply the Retar, Plevník and Kolar (2013, p. 83) definition. This definition provides that "Management in sport is a process of management of key resources and cooperation with important stakeholders, which ensures efficient realisation of business and sporting goals of an organisation and/or sportsman in all management/managing functions." Key words: management, sport, coordination, manager 

    Higher neural demands on stimulus processing after prolonged hospitalization can be mitigated by a cognitively stimulating environment

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    Prolonge d periods of complete physical inactivity or bed rest trigger various alterations in the functional and metabolic levels of the human body. However, bed rest-related adaptations of the central nervous system are less known and thoroughly studied. The aim of this study was to investigate brain electrophysiological changes using event-related potentials (ERPs) after 14 days of bed rest and 12 consecutive sessions of computerized cognitive training (CCT). Sixteen older (Mage= 60 years) healthy volunteers were randomly divided into a CCT treatment group and an active control group. All participants performed ERP measurements based on the foveal visual presentation of a circle on a black background before and after bed rest. After 14 days of bed rest, participants in the control group showed increased peak P1 amplitude (p = .012), decreased P1 latency (p = .024), and increased P2 amplitude (p = .036), while the CCT group also showed decreased P1 latency (p = .023) and decreased P2 latency (p = .049). Our results suggest that, even from a central adaptation perspective, prolonged periods of physical inactivity or bed rest trigger additional neural recruitment and should therefore be minimized, and that CCT may serve as a tool to mitigate this. Future research should focus on other aspects of central nervous system adaptation following periods of immobilization/hospitalization to improve our knowledge of infl uence of physical inactivity and its eff ects on cortical activity and to develop appropriate countermeasures to mitigate functional dysregulation.Dolgotrajna obdobja popolne gibalne neaktivnosti ali horizontalnega ležanja sprožijo v človeškem telesu različne spremembe na funkcionalni in metabolni ravni. Prilagoditve centralnega živčnega sistema, povezane s horizontalnim ležanjem, so manj poznane in še ne dovolj preučene. Namen te raziskave je bil oceniti možganske elektrofi ziološke spremembe z uporabo metode z dogodkom povezanih potencialov (ERP) po 14-dnevnem horizontalnem ležanju in 12 zaporednih vadbah računalniškega kognitivnega treninga (RKT). Šestnajst starejših (Mstarost= 60 let) zdravih prostovoljcev je bilo naključno razdeljenih v intervencijo RKT in aktivno kontrolno skupino. Vsi udeleženci so izvajali meritve ERP pred in po horizontalnem ležanju na podlagi fovealne vidne predstavitve kroga na črni podlagi. Po 14-dnevnem horizontalnem ležanju je analiza ERP pokazala povečano amplitudo P1 (p = ,012), zmanjšano latenco P1 (p = ,024) in povečano amplitudo P2 (p = ,036) pri kontrolni skupini, medtem ko sta se v skupini RKT latenci P1 (p = ,023) in P2 skrajšali (p = ,049). Naši rezultati kažejo, da daljša obdobja gibalne neaktivnosti ali horizontalnega ležanja sprožijo, tudi z vidika centralne prilagoditve, dodatno rekrutacijo nevronov, zato je treba taka obdobja zmanjšati na najmanjšo možno mero. Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da lahko RKT služi kot orodje za ublažitev upada. Prihodnje raziskave bi se morale osredotočiti še na druge vidike prilagajanja centralnega živčnega sistema po obdobjih imobilizacije/hospitalizacije, da bi izboljšali razumevanje posledic gibalne neaktivnosti in njenih učinkov na kortikalno aktivnost ter razvili ustrezne protiukrepe za blaženje funkcionalne disregulacije

    Playing-related health risks among students and teachers of music department at the Koper Art School

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    The study of a musical instrument demands several hours of practicing on a daily basis as well as playing and performing. Consequently, the musician can be subjected to various health risks during his or her study process but also afterwards. Health problems depend on the individual physical and mental fitness, but also on the features and structure of the instrument as well as on the playing technique, which consists of repeated movements and mainly of static body position. Because of the possibility of chronic injuries, especially neuromuscular disorders but also others, it is important for the musician to regularly maintain his or her physical and mental fitness and movement performance by preventive and compensating activities and immediate action in case of pain or when noticing the first signs of medical problems or limitations. The study included 43 students (16.7 ± 1.5 year, 31 females and 12 males) and 15 teachers (36.9 ± 8.8 years, 7 females and 8 males) that attend and teach at the Music Department of The Koper Art School, which is a part of The Koper High School. The aim of the study was to recognize the risk factors in health status that occur as a consequence of playing a music instrument. A questionnaire consisting of 26 questions was used in the research. The results of the study showed that a half of the interviewed students practices every day but teachers practice less (p = 0.04). Therefore, teachers value the importance of physical (p = 0.013) and mental (p = 0.000) fitness more than students. Teachers also estimate their current physical and mental fitness to be higher (p = 0.003). 89.7 % of the respondents feel pain of discomfort during or after playing, out of these 95.3 % are students, and 73.3 % are teachers. These musicians state that they most frequently feel pain in the back and neck area and in the shoulders and wrists. 36.2 % of the musicians, 41.9 % of students and 20 % of teachers, affirmed to have had strains or pain, both of physical and psychological nature. It is indispensable for both students and teachers to be aware of suitable preventive, practicing and therapeutic measures. Preventive activities and control over risk factors can contribute significantly to the motivation for playing, to the quality of producing and reproducing musical works and to the absence of pain, discomfort and injury occurrences among musicians