2 research outputs found

    Creating didactic aids and including their methodical-didactic incorporation into the educational process

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    In the first part of the thesis I focus on the analysis of scientific literature and examining how best can I make my motivate students and thus create ideal conditions for learning, I was then able to in the next section to create for students textbooks, including the basics of electrical engineering, which have the opportunity to repeat their theoretical knowledge necessary for further work. The aim of the thesis is to create teaching aids for apprenticeship electrician, which is in our field really short. I describe the emergence of an educational panel, a detailed description of the individual steps in its construction, in which pupils will rehearse connecting electrical circuits and electrical schematics Appliance according to syllabuses. It turned out that with the advent of the teaching panel increased pupils' interest in training in practical skills and have a much greater motivation to learn and absorb new information

    Srovnání modelových odhadů obsahu formaldehydu ve sloupci atmosféry s družicovým měřením - pilotní studie =Comparison between model estimations of formaldehyde contents in atmospheric columns and satellite measurement - pilot study

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    V tomto článku je stručně popsán vznik formaldehydu v atmosféře z emisí metanu, alkanů, alkenů a izoprénu. Emise biogenních těkavých organických látek spočtené modelem MEGAN jsou použity jako vstupní data pro model atmosférických chemických reakcí CAMx. Výstupy modelových odhadů obsahu formaldehydu ve vertikálních sloupcích atmosféry takto získané z modelu CAMx jsou prezentovány a pilotně porovnány s výsledky družicových měření obsahu formaldehydu v atmosféře.Atmospheric formation of formaldehyde from methane, alkanes, alkenes and isoprene is briefly described in this article. Surface emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds calculated by means of model MEGAN are used as input data for model of atmospheric chemical reactions CAMx. Results of model estimations of the formaldehyde contents in atmospheric columns obtained from the model CAMx are outlined then. Preliminary comparison of these model outputs with results of satellite measurements is presented in connection with emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds.11011