28 research outputs found

    De la web actual a la web semántica

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    El propósito de este artículo es presentar a la comunidad académica e industrial, un breve estado del arte de la Web Semántica, en qué consiste y sus beneficios con respecto a la Web actual, mostrando su proyección hasta el año 2030. Además explicar conceptos básicos, Ontologías Web, utilidades de las Ontologías Web, lenguajes de las Ontologías Web y trabajos que se han realizado con la Web Semántica.Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to present to the academic community and industry, a brief state of the art of Semantic Web and what their profits on the web today, showing their projection until the year 2030. Besides explaining the basics, Web Ontologies, Ontologies Utilities Web, Web Ontology Language and the work that has been done with the Semantic Web

    La web 2.0 y los proyectos de investigacion a nivel de pregrado

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    Este artículo pretende mostrar características que brinda Internet con la Web 2.0 para crear ambientes de colaboración y herramientas de investigación contextualizadas, que apunten a facilitar la dinámica colaborativa y compartir ideas entre los investigadores. Muestra el concepto Web 2.0 con su particularidad como plataforma: usabilidad, economía, participación, convergencia, diseño, estandarización y remezclabilidad. Mostrando además su evolución a la Web 3.0 donde se integran los servicios y se mejora la búsqueda de información.Abstract. This article aims to show features that provides the Internet with Web 2.0 to create environments of collaboration and research tools contextualised, which aim to facilitate collaborative and dynamic sharing of ideas between researchers. Shows the concept Web 2.0 platform with its particularity:usability, economics, participation, convergence, design, standardization and remixed. Also showing the evolution of Web 3.0 services which are integrated and improved searching

    WSIA: web ontological search engine based on smart agents applied to scientific articles

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    The Semantic Web proposed by the W3C (Word Wide Web Consortium), aims to make the automation of the information contained in the current web through semantic processing based on ontologies that define what must be the rules used for the representation knowledge. This article resulting from the research project “Model for the representation of knowledge based on Web ontologies and intelligent search agents, if required: Scientific articles WSIA” proposes an architecture for finding information through intelligent agents and ontologies Web of scientific articles. This paper shows the architecture, implementation and comparing these with traditional applications

    Aula Touch Game: Digital Tablets and Their Incidence in the Development of Citizen Competences of Middle Education Students in the District of Barranquilla-Colombia

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    Citizen competences are considered as a fundamental aspect in the social development of man with his environment, which allows him to carry out actions that are articulated with the different guidelines established by law, which leads the citizen to live in a coherent and peaceful way in a nation that tends for freedom of thought framed in a democratic society. That is why it is considered of high importance that in educational establishments there are spaces that tend for training in peaceful coexistence framed in the law of the educated. This article resulted from the research project: “Social Appropriation of citizen and mathematical competences making use of MIDTablets”, in which the mediation of Information and Communication Technologies is proposed to support the training of citizens with competences citizens who ensure adequate behavior in society. This project was developed in 31 educational institutions in the district of Barranquilla-Colombia, with support from resources of both the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications (MinTic), and the Secretariat of District Education of Barranquilla, in compliance with national goals, departmental and district regarding the quality of education of the national populatio

    Teleagro: iot applications for the georeferencing and detection of zeal in cattle

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    The loss of reproductive efficiency of animals and cattle rustling have become one of the main concerns of farmers. The decrease in reproductive efficiency is mainly due to the low percentage in heat detection. Reproductive efficiency is commonly measured by the interval between births, which affects the daily milk production of the cow during its productive life and the income associated with the sale of milk from its production, conditioning the profitability of the farmers. The zeal for its part consists of the theft of bovine cattle that usually is used for its commercialization, bringing considerable losses. According to figures from the Observatory of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law of the Fundacion Colombia Ganadera, Fundagán, only during 2014 there were 164 cases of cattle rustling, resulting in the loss of 3,798 cattle throughout the country, which represents a loss for the producers of 15 billion of Colombian money. This project proposes the development of a technological platform that combines hardware, software and communications systems of the latest technology and with open standards to provide an economic and reliable solution to the Colombian and Latin American livestock industry. In Colombia, there is a history of products and prototypes that have been developed to alleviate this problem, no platforms of similar benefits have been found that are accessible to farmers in the country. In this article, the different stages developed to obtain a validated prototype with the beneficiary entity and their respective results are socialized

    Real time monitoring system for the detection of saline wedge in the Magdalena River – Colombia

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    This article aims to socialize the results of the development and implementation of a system based on IOT for aquifers, with its application in the estuary of the Rio Magdalena in Colombia. The SISME software supports the identification processes of different factors that can influence the appearance of the saline wedge in the navigable channel of the river. These aspects bring about the improvement of maritime safety and, in turn, allow us to know different aspects related to behavior through continuous sensing of the river. This article shows both the characterization of this river as well as studies related to it and the location of the sensors and description of the software developed

    Method based on data mining techniques for breast cancer recurrence analysis

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    Cancer is a constantly evolving disease, which affects a large number of people worldwide. Great efforts have been made at the research level for the development of tools based on data mining techniques that allow to detect or prevent breast cancer. The large volumes of data play a fundamental role according to the literature consulted, a great variety of dataset oriented to the analysis of the disease has been generated, in this research the Breast Cancer dataset was used, the purpose of the proposed research is to submit comparison of the J48 and randomforest, NaiveBayes and NaiveBayes Simple, SMO Poli-kernel and SMO RBF-Kernel classification algorithms, integrated with the Simple K-Means cluster algorithm for the generation of a model that allows the successful classification of patients who are or Non-recurring breast cancer after having previously undergone surgery for the treatment of said disease, finally the methods that obtained the best levels were SMO Poly-Kernel + Simple K-Means 98.5% of Precision, 98.5% recall, 98.5% TPRATE and 0.2% FPRATE. The results obtained suggest the possibility of using intelligent computational tools based on data mining methods for the detection of breast cancer recurrence in patients who had previously undergone surgery

    GlyphReader App: a support game for the application of the Orton- Gillingham method with DataMining Techniques

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    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, known by its Spanish acronym as ADHD, is a topic of great interest to professionals in psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience in general, due to the negative impact it has on social functioning, personal, work, academic and family of those who suffer from it. This research aims to become a new contribution to the problems that ADHD represents in the world. Regarding its structure, this study starts from a detailed review of the existing theory about ADHD (from a historical perspective, neurobiology, neuropsychology, etiology, epidemiology, treatment, prognosis, among others) and reviews about cognitive development in the stage of childhood, to move to a methodological approach that allows obtaining data on the prevalence of ADHD symptoms in a sample of children, as well as analysis of results that establish the usefulness and reliability of different scales and / or diagnostic criteria in exploring symptoms adjusted to current definitions of this disorder

    Multilayer Perceptron applied to the IOT systems for identification of saline wedge in the Magdalena estuary - Colombia

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    Maritime safety has become a relevant aspect in logistics processes using rivers. In Colombia, specifically in the Caribbean Region, there is the Magdalena River, a body of water that broadly borders the Colombian territory and is a tributary of various economic and public health activities. At its mouth, this river interacts with the sea directly, which generates a phenomenon called saline wedge, which is directly related to the sediments that must be continuously extracted and which threatens the proper functioning of the port from the city of Barranquilla, Colombia. Through this research, a network of sensors located in strategic places at the mouth of this river was generated, which allows predicting the behavior of the salt wedge. Using artificial neural networks, more specifically, the Multilayer Perceptron algorithm, it was possible to analyze the results of the implementation in light of the indicators or quality metrics, generating a highly reliable scenario that can be replicated in other sections of the river and in other aquifers