591 research outputs found


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    The cooperation as well as the great help of the Soviet Union made an important contribution to the victory of the Vietnamese revolution in the history of the struggle for national liberation as well as in the construction of socialism. Promoting Vietnam's relations with socialist countries, especially the Soviet Union in the 1975-1991 period, has become an important policy in the foreign policy of the Communist Party of Vietnam. The experience of the communist party of Vietnam in leading Vietnam’s relationship with the Soviet Union in the 1975 – 1991 period is a “guideline” to orient foreign policy in the period of renovation and integration, which needs to be applied and promoted more effectively in the current period.  Article visualizations


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    On November 3, 1978, Vietnam and the Soviet Union signed the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation, signaling a fresh and significant development in many domains, both in breadth and depth, which had a significant impact on the development of the two countries. This is seen as a "golden period" in particular for business connections between Vietnam and the Soviet Union. When both Vietnam and the Soviet Union began the process of "reforming" and "renovating" their respective nations in 1986, the two nations' economic connections continued to experience qualitative advancements. Vietnam was able to begin the process of rehabilitation and national construction with a strong economic foundation thanks to the Soviet Union's backing and aid during the years 1986 to 1991.  Article visualizations

    Higher chromatic rendition with Cr3+-doped yellow Y3Al5O12:Ce3+ for double-layer remote phosphor white-light-emitting diodes

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    Remote phosphor designs of white-light-emitting diodes (WLEDs) have been recognized for their high thermal stability and excellent luminous efficiency but not for the chromatic rendering. The study presents an approach for the remote phosphor structure to overcome the low-color-rendering issue by enriching its red-light spectral intensity through co-doping Cr3+ and Ce3+ ions into the yellow  Y3Al5O12 (YAG) phosphor compound. This ion co-doping process probably enhances emission spectra in the far-red range because of the energy transfer of the integrated ions: Ce3+ Cr3+. Additionally, the luminescence and color properties of the phosphor layer significantly depend on the doped concentration of the Cr3+ ion. Here, with 0.008% Cr3+ in the phosphor composite, either internal or external quantum performances of the dual-layer WLED light are enhanced, which achieved the number of 58.9% and 46.7%, respectively. The color rendering index (CRI) would also be higher if Cr3+ is added, about 77.9, compared to the CRI of 63.2 when using the original  YAG:Ce3+ phosphor layer


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    During his time, Former President Ho Chi Minh had consistently emphasized the central role, position, and competence of the young generation in realizing the Party and the people's revolutionary path. He believed, “The youth are the future owners of the home country. Indeed, the vitality of the home country, whether it is prosperous or wilting, depends largely on the youth.” Before passing, his words had become the guiding principle for leaders of the Communist Party of Vietnam, “Nurturing future revolutionary generations is of utmost importance and necessity.” Especially, given that the functioning of the current market economy has revealed its multiple drawbacks, it is salient to educate and orient the youth following Ho Chi Minh's ideology to produce a young generation that is moral in ethics and efficient in labour.  Article visualizations

    Uloga osobina ličnosti u oblikovanju poduzetničke namjere: Komparativna studija Južne Koreje i Vijetnama

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    This paper investigates the role of personality traits in nurturing entrepreneurial intention in South Korea and Vietnam. We developed a research model to examine the integrated influence of both positive entrepreneurial characteristics and dark triad on entrepreneurial intention in South Korea and Vietnam. Primary data was collected from 550 students in South Korea and 700 students in Vietnam using the convenient sampling method in a self-administered questionnaire survey. We used structural equation modelling (SEM) to analyse structural relationships between positive entrepreneurial attributes, dark triads, and entrepreneurial intention in two samples. T-tests were also performed to explore any differences in students’ entrepreneurial intention in South Korea and Vietnam regarding their family background and gender. Findings showed that positive entrepreneurial attributes and dark triads influence entrepreneurial intention differently in the two countries. While the dark triad mainly influenced Vietnamese students’ intention to startup, Korean students received more impact from the positive entrepreneurial characteristics such as risk tolerance, locus of control, and entrepreneurial alertness. Surprisingly, both gender and family tradition do not affect students’ entrepreneurial intention. Based on our findings, we suggested that policymakers and higher education institutions in both South Korea and Vietnam promote students’ entrepreneurial intentions in the future.Ovaj rad istražuje ulogu osobina ličnosti u njegovanju poduzetničkih namjera u Južnoj Koreji i Vijetnamu. Razvili smo znanstveni model za ispitivanje integriranog utjecaja pozitivnih poduzetničkih karakteristika kao i utjecaj mračne trijade na poduzetničke namjere u Južnoj Koreji i Vijetnamu. Primarni podaci dobiveni anketiranjem 550 studenata u Južnoj Koreji i 700 studenata u Vijetnamu prikupljeni su korištenjem prikladne metode uzorkovanja u anketi koju su sami proveli. Koristili smo modeliranje strukturnim jednadžbama (SEM) za analizu strukturnih odnosa između pozitivnih poduzetničkih atributa, tamnih trijada i poduzetničke namjere u dva uzorka. Također su provedeni T-testovi kako bi se istražile razlike u poduzetničkim namjerama studenata u Južnoj Koreji i Vijetnamu s obzirom na njihovo obiteljsko porijeklo i spol. Rezultati su pokazali da pozitivne poduzetničke osobine i mračne trijade različito utječu na poduzetničke namjere u dvije zemlje. Dok je mračna trijada uglavnom utjecala na namjeru vijetnamskih studenata da se pokrenu, korejski studenti dobili su veći utjecaj od pozitivnih poduzetničkih karakteristika kao što su tolerancija na rizik, lokus kontrole i poduzetničke budnosti. Iznenađujuće, spol i obiteljska tradicija ne utječu na poduzetničke namjere studenata. Na temelju naših otkrića, predložili smo da kreatori politika i visokoškolske ustanove u Južnoj Koreji i Vijetnamu promiču poduzetničke namjere studenata u budućnosti

    High intensity ultrasound aided Milk Fermentation by Bifidobacteria

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    Application of green-emitting ZnS:Eu2+ for boosting the spectrum of white light-emitting diode packages

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    Through utilizing a nonlinear application to acquire the best lumen efficiency (LE) for radiation (also known as LER) when color rendering index (CRI) value, especially CRI of R9 for strong red exceeds 90 with correlated color temperature (CCT) range of 2700-6500 K, the white light emitting diodes (WLED) package with adjustable CCT value and comprised of mixed-type light-emitting diodes (LEDs) can be acquired. The WLED model here contains blue and red LEDs with direct emission and a phosphorconversion blue LED or pc/B-LED (including orange and green phosphors mixed with blue LED colorant). The peak wavelengths of each LED constituent are 465 and 628 nm for LEDs in blue and red, 452 nm for the blue LED colorant, 530 and 586 nm for the phosphors exhibiting green and orange colors. Under the CCT of 2722-6464 K, the attained actual LED package, either with conversion phosphor, in red or in blue, possibly displays both CRI and R9 values measured from 90 to 96, color quality scale (CQS) values measured from 89 to 94, with LERs and LEs of 303-358 lm/W and 105-119 lm/W, respectively

    The study of convex-dual-layer remote phosphor geometry in upgrading WLEDs color rendering index

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    The white-light light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor light source that usually has one chip and one phosphor layer. Because of that simple structure, the color rendering index (CRI) is really poor. Therefore, structure with double layer of phosphor and multiple chips has been studied with the phosphorus proportions and densities in the silicone are constantly changed to find the best option to improve optical properties. In research, we use red phosphor Ca5B2SiO10:Eu3+ layer to place above the yellow phosphor one, and both of them have a convex design. Then, the experiments and measurements are carried out to figure out the effects of this red phosphor as well as the convex-double-layer remote phosphor design on the LED’s performances. The measured results reveal that the light output is enhanced significantly when using convex-dual-layer structure instead of the single-layer design. Additionally, the Ca5B2SiO10:Eu3+ concentration benefits CRI and CQS at around 6600 K and 7700 K correlated color temperature (CCT). Yet, the lumen output shows a slight decline as this red phosphor concentration surpass 26% wt. Through the experiments, it is found that a double layer of chip and double phosphorus is the best structure which could support the quality of CRI and luminous flux