49 research outputs found

    Tianeptine: An Antidepressant with Memory-Protective Properties

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    The development of effective pharmacotherapy for major depression is important because it is such a widespread and debilitating mental disorder. Here, we have reviewed preclinical and clinical studies on tianeptine, an atypical antidepressant which ameliorates the adverse effects of stress on brain and memory. In animal studies, tianeptine has been shown to prevent stress-induced morphological sequelae in the hippocampus and amygdala, as well as to prevent stress from impairing synaptic plasticity in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. Tianeptine also has memory-protective characteristics, as it blocks the adverse effects of stress on hippocampus-dependent learning and memory. We have further extended the findings on stress, memory and tianeptine here with two novel observations: 1) stress impairs spatial memory in adrenalectomized (ADX), thereby corticosterone-depleted, rats; and 2) the stress-induced impairment of memory in ADX rats is blocked by tianeptine. These findings are consistent with previous research which indicates that tianeptine produces anti-stress and memory-protective properties without altering the response of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to stress. We conclude with a discussion of findings which indicate that tianeptine accomplishes its anti-stress effects by normalizing stress-induced increases in glutamate in the hippocampus and amygdala. This finding is potentially relevant to recent research which indicates that abnormalities in glutamatergic neurotransmission are involved in the pathogenesis of depression. Ultimately, tianeptine’s prevention of depression-induced sequelae in the brain is likely to be a primary factor in its effectiveness as a pharmacological treatment for depression

    The Temporal Dynamics Model of Emotional Memory Processing: A Synthesis on the Neurobiological Basis of Stress-Induced Amnesia, Flashbulb and Traumatic Memories, and the Yerkes-Dodson Law

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    We have reviewed research on the effects of stress on LTP in the hippocampus, amygdala and prefrontal cortex (PFC) and present new findings which provide insight into how the attention and memory-related functions of these structures are influenced by strong emotionality. We have incorporated the stress-LTP findings into our “temporal dynamics” model, which provides a framework for understanding the neurobiological basis of flashbulb and traumatic memories, as well as stress-induced amnesia. An important feature of the model is the idea that endogenous mechanisms of plasticity in the hippocampus and amygdala are rapidly activated for a relatively short period of time by a strong emotional learning experience. Following this activational period, both structures undergo a state in which the induction of new plasticity is suppressed, which facilitates the memory consolidation process. We further propose that with the onset of strong emotionality, the hippocampus rapidly shifts from a “configural/cognitive map” mode to a “flashbulb memory” mode, which underlies the long-lasting, but fragmented, nature of traumatic memories. Finally, we have speculated on the significance of stress-LTP interactions in the context of the Yerkes-Dodson Law, a well-cited, but misunderstood, century-old principle which states that the relationship between arousal and behavioral performance can be linear or curvilinear, depending on the difficulty of the task

    Epigenetic modification of hippocampal Bdnf DNA in adult rats in an animal model of post-traumatic stress

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    a b s t r a c t Epigenetic alterations of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf) gene have been linked with memory, stress, and neuropsychiatric disorders. Here we examined whether there was a link between an established rat model of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Bdnf DNA methylation. Adult male SpragueeDawley rats were given psychosocial stress composed of two acute cat exposures in conjunction with 31 days of daily social instability. These manipulations have been shown previously to produce physiological and behavioral sequelae in rats that are comparable to symptoms observed in traumatized people with PTSD. We then assessed Bdnf DNA methylation patterns (at exon IV) and gene expression. We have found here that the psychosocial stress regimen significantly increased Bdnf DNA methylation in the dorsal hippocampus, with the most robust hypermethylation detected in the dorsal CA1 subregion. Conversely, the psychosocial stress regimen significantly decreased methylation in the ventral hippocampus (CA3). No changes in Bdnf DNA methylation were detected in the medial prefrontal cortex or basolateral amygdala. In addition, there were decreased levels of Bdnf mRNA in both the dorsal and ventral CA1. These results provide evidence that traumatic stress occurring in adulthood can induce CNS gene methylation, and specifically, support the hypothesis that epigenetic marking of the Bdnf gene may underlie hippocampal dysfunction in response to traumatic stress. Furthermore, this work provides support for the speculative notion that altered hippocampal Bdnf DNA methylation is a cellular mechanism underlying the persistent cognitive deficits which are prominent features of the pathophysiology of PTSD

    Impact of acute stress, sex, and childhood maltreatment on fear learning and fear generalization in a fear-potentiated startle paradigm

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    Many researchers approach the etiology of trauma-, stressor-, and anxiety-related mental disorders from the perspective of classical conditioning processes gone awry. According to this view, abnormal associative relationships between conditioned and unconditioned stimuli may underlie pathological anxiety and result in unusually intense fear memories or fear memories that cannot be properly extinguished. Recent work has expanded on this view by showing that many psychological disorders involving pathological anxiety are associated with an exaggerated form of stimulus generalization, leading individuals with such disorders to respond with fear and anxiety to a variety of contexts and cues that should not be threatening. It is well-known that stress, biological sex, childhood maltreatment, and certain dispositional factors can increase one’s susceptibility for pathological anxiety and significantly impact fear learning; thus, it is possible that these factors, alone or in combination, contribute to clinical anxiety by influencing fear generalization processes. In the present study, 478 healthy undergraduate students were exposed to the socially-evaluated cold pressor test immediately or 30 min prior to learning to associate one geometrical shape, but not another, with an aversive stimulus in a fear-potentiated startle paradigm. The next day, participants were tested for fear generalization by measuring their fear responses to a variety of stimuli that were similar to, but different from, the shapes observed on Day 1. Objective and subjective measures of stress were collected on Day 1, and childhood maltreatment was quantified with the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. The results revealed that, across both stress time points, greater heart rate and greater cortisol levels in response to stress were associated with weaker fear acquisition and a flatter generalization gradient. These effects were influenced by participant sex and trait anxiety. We also found evidence to suggest that greater childhood maltreatment was associated with impaired fear acquisition in males but enhanced fear acquisition in females. These findings reveal a complex interaction between acute stress, biological sex, childhood maltreatment, dispositional anxiety, and fear learning that may lend insight into the etiology of certain stress-related psychological disorders

    Psilocybin prevents symptoms of hyperarousal and enhances novel object recognition in rats exposed to the single prolonged stress paradigm

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    Pharmacotherapy for stress-related psychological disorders remains inadequate. Patients who are treated with conventional pharmacological agents frequently report negligeable symptom reduction, and, in most cases, less than 50% experience full remission. Clearly, there is a need for additional pharmaceutical research into both established and novel approaches to alleviate these conditions. Over the past several years, there has been a renewed interest in the use of psychedelics to aid in the treatment of psychological disorders. Several studies have reported promising results in patients with major depression, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following treatment with psychedelic agents such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), ayahuasca, ketamine, and psilocybin. However, the precise behavioral and neurobiological mechanisms for these effects remain unclear. Thus, we aimed to develop an animal model of PTSD that involved prophylactic treatment with psilocybin, a 5-HT2A agonist, that could be used to further understand the mechanisms underlying the benefit of psychedelic substances in treating these disorders. Adult male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to the single prolonged stress (SPS) paradigm, including 2 hours of physical restraint, 15 minutes of forced swim, and ether vapor exposure until loss of consciousness. Five minutes following ether-induced loss of consciousness, the rats were intraperitoneally injected with vehicle (0.9% saline) or psilocybin (1 mg/kg). One week later, the rats underwent a battery of behavioral tests, including the elevated plus maze (EPM), startle response assessment, open field testing, and novel object recognition (NOR) testing. No effects of SPS or psilocybin were observed for EPM behavior. SPS led to enhanced startle responses in males, but not females, which was prevented by psilocybin. SPS also increased locomotor activity in the open field in males, but not females, and this effect was not prevented by psilocybin. SPS had no impact on NOR memory in males, but enhanced memory in females. Interestingly, psilocybin administration, alone or in combination with SPS, enhanced NOR memory in males only. These findings support a complex interaction between the administration of psilocybin and the prevention of stress-induced behavioral sequelae that depends on both sex and the type of behavioral task

    Low-dose psilocybin enhances novel object recognition but not inhibitory avoidance in adult rats

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    Given the recently renewed interest in using psychedelics to aid in the treatment of psychological disorders, we aimed to examine the impact of psilocybin, a 5-HT2A agonist, on learning and memory in rodents. Previous work has demonstrated that psilocybin and other 5-HT2A agonists can enhance fear conditioning, fear extinction, and novel object recognition (NOR). Thus, we predicted that low doses of psilocybin would enhance inhibitory avoidance (IA) and NOR memory. In the first experiment, adult male and female Sprague-Dawley rats underwent step-through IA training (involving 0.45, 0.65, or 1 mA scrambled footshock) and were injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with vehicle (0.9% saline) or psilocybin (1 mg/kg) immediately afterward. Rats were tested for their IA memory two days later. In the second experiment, adult male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were acclimated to an open field apparatus for 5 minutes on Day 1. The next day, the rats were given i.p. injections of vehicle or psilocybin (0.1 mg/kg) 10 minutes before undergoing NOR training, during which they were exposed to two replicas of an identical object for 3 minutes. On Day 3, one of the objects from NOR training was exchanged for a novel object; rats were exposed to this novel object and a new replica of the object from Day 2 (i.e., familiar object) for 5 minutes. The results showed that psilocybin had no significant impact on IA memory but enhanced novel object recognition memory in both males and females. The differential impact of psilocybin on IA memory and novel object recognition could be explained by the different doses of psilocybin or the different times of drug administration used for each task. Alternatively, they may suggest that psilocybin exerts distinct effects on different types of learning

    Glucocorticoid Abnormalities in Female Rats Exposed to a Predator-Based Psychosocial Stress Model of PTSD

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    People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) exhibit heightened anxiety and enhanced negative feedback of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. We previously reported that male rats exposed to a predator-based psychosocial stress model of PTSD exhibited comparable changes in anxiety-like behavior and HPA axis activity, including lower baseline levels of corticosterone and a greater suppression of corticosterone after dexamethasone administration. Here, we assessed whether we would observe similar effects in female rats exposed to this model. Adult female Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to a cat on two occasions (separated by 10 days), in combination with chronic social instability. Three weeks after the second cat exposure, we assessed anxiety-like behavior on an elevated plus maze (EPM) and collected blood samples from rats in the absence or presence of dexamethasone to quantify serum corticosterone levels. Although stressed females did not display heightened anxiety on the EPM, they exhibited significantly lower overall corticosterone levels and a greater suppression of corticosterone after dexamethasone administration. The observation of significantly lower overall corticosterone levels in stressed females was replicated in a separate, independent experiment. These findings suggest that the predator-based psychosocial stress model of PTSD may be useful for studying mechanisms that underlie changes in HPA axis function in females exposed to trauma

    Influence of Pre-Training Predator Stress on the Expression of c-fos mRNA in the Hippocampus, Amygdala, and Striatum Following Long-Term Spatial Memory Retrieval

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    We have studied the influence of pre-training psychological stress on the expression of c-fos mRNA following long-term spatial memory retrieval. Rats were trained to learn the location of a hidden escape platform in the radial-arm water maze, and then their memory for the platform location was assessed 24 h later. Rat brains were extracted 30 min after the 24-h memory test trial for analysis of c-fos mRNA. Four groups were tested: (1) Rats given standard training (Standard); (2) Rats given cat exposure (Predator Stress) 30 min prior to training (Pre-Training Stress); (3) Rats given water exposure only (Water Yoked); and (4) Rats given no water exposure (Home Cage). The Standard trained group exhibited excellent 24 h memory which was accompanied by increased c-fos mRNA in the dorsal hippocampus and basolateral amygdala (BLA). The Water Yoked group exhibited no increase in c-fos mRNA in any brain region. Rats in the Pre-Training Stress group were classified into two subgroups: good and bad memory performers. Neither of the two Pre-Training Stress subgroups exhibited a significant change in c-fos mRNA expression in the dorsal hippocampus or BLA. Instead, stressed rats with good memory exhibited significantly greater c-fos mRNA expression in the dorsolateral striatum (DLS) compared to stressed rats with bad memory. This finding suggests that stressed rats with good memory used their DLS to generate a non-spatial (cue-based) strategy to learn and subsequently retrieve the memory of the platform location. Collectively, these findings provide evidence at a molecular level for the involvement of the hippocampus and BLA in the retrieval of spatial memory and contribute novel observations on the influence of pre-training stress in activating the DLS in response to long-term memory retrieval

    Tunnel vision, false memories, and intrusive memories following exposure to the Trier Social Stress Test

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    Most research examining the impact of stress on learning and memory has exposed participants to a stressor and measured how it affects learning and memory for unrelated material (e.g., list of words). Such work has been helpful, but it has not been the most translational to the human condition. When considering phenomena such as intrusive memories in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or an eyewitness\u27s memory for a crime, it is most useful to know what an individual remembers about the stress experience itself, not unrelated information. In prior work, investigators used a modified version of the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) to quantify participant memory for the stressor. We aimed to replicate this work by examining participant memory for the TSST and extend on it by quantifying false and intrusive memories that result from TSST exposure. Forty-six undergraduate students from Ohio Northern University were exposed to the TSST or the friendly-TSST (f-TSST). The TSST required participants to deliver a ten-minute speech in front of two lab panel members as part of a mock job interview; the f-TSST required participants to casually converse with the panel members about their interests and hobbies. In both conditions, the panel members interacted with (central) or did not interact with (peripheral) several objects sitting on a desk in front of them. Participants’ anxiety levels were assessed before and after the TSST or f-TSST, and saliva samples were collected to assay for cortisol. The next day, participants’ memory for the objects that were present on Day 1 was assessed with recall and recognition tests. We also quantified participants’ intrusive memories for each task by having them complete an intrusive memory questionnaire on Days 2, 4, 6, and 8. Participants exposed to the TSST exhibited greater recall of central objects than participants exposed to the f-TSST. There were no differences observed for the recall of peripheral objects or for recognition memory. Interestingly, TSST exposure increased false recall in males, but reduced it in females. Females exposed to the TSST also showed greater evidence of intrusive memories than males exposed to the TSST. Consistent with prior work, these findings show that stress enhances memory for the central details of a stressful experience. They also extend on prior work by showing that stressful experiences sex-dependently impact the manifestation of false and intrusive memories. This is the first study of which we are aware to quantify intrusive memory formation with the TSST; the modified TSST paradigm may be useful in understanding differential susceptibility to intrusive memory formation and the development of PTSD

    An Ethologically Relevant Animal Model of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Physiological, Pharmacological and Behavioral Sequelae in Rats Exposed to Predator Stress and Social Instability

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    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating mental illness that results from exposure to intense, life-threatening trauma. Some of the symptoms of PTSD include intrusive flashback memories, persistent anxiety, hyperarousal and cognitive impairments. The finding of reduced basal glucocorticoid levels, as well as a greater suppression of glucocorticoid levels following dexamethasone administration, has also been commonly observed in people with PTSD. Our laboratory has developed an animal model of PTSD which utilizes chronic psychosocial stress, composed of unavoidable predator exposure and daily social instability, to produce changes in rat physiology and behavior that are comparable to the symptoms observed in PTSD patients. The present set of experiments was therefore designed to 1) test the hypothesis that our animal model of PTSD would produce abnormalities in glucocorticoid levels that are comparable to those observed in people with PTSD, 2) examine the ability of antidepressant and anxiolytic agents to ameliorate the PTSD-like physiological and behavioral symptoms induced by our paradigm and 3) ascertain how long the physiological and behavioral effects of our stress regimen could be maintained. The experimental findings revealed that our animal model of PTSD produces a reduction in basal glucocorticoid levels and increased negative feedback sensitivity to the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone. In addition, chronic prophylactic administration of amitriptyline (tricyclic antidepressant) and clonidine (α2-adrenergic receptor agonist) prevented a subset of the effects of chronic stress on rat physiology and behavior, but tianeptine (antidepressant) was the only drug to block the effects of chronic stress on all physiological and behavioral measures. The final experiment indicated that only a subset of the effects of chronic stress on rat physiology and behavior could be observed 4 months following the initiation of chronic stress, suggesting that some of the effects of our animal model diminish over time. Together, these findings further validate our animal model of PTSD and may provide insight into the mechanisms underlying trauma-induced changes in brain and behavior. They also provide guidance for pharmacotherapeutic approaches in the treatment of individuals suffering from PTSD