17,454 research outputs found

    The Lives of the Other(s): The Instability of Foreignness in Deutschland 83

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    Set in Germany at a hot moment in the Cold War, with the Able Archer exercises and downing of Korean Airlines Flight 007 etched in sharp relief, Deutschland 83 is an entertaining spy dramaā€”and considerably more. The critical viewer will find surprises in the first Germanophone series on American television. The hero is an East German spy who goes undercover on a West German military base, and his crossings over the iconic border are not the only traversals as he forms relationships and acculturates to a ā€œforeignā€ land. Deutschland 83 performs a neat trick: while the series powerfully reconstructs a world starkly split between West and East, it simultaneously challenges this separation, as well as divisions between domestic and foreign, capitalist and communist, hero and villain, and family and outsider. Through the interweaving of actual media coverage of the historic events of 1983 with the fictional plot, the television narrative also chips away at the difference between reality and fiction. This paper will draw on Milica Bakić-Haydenā€™s theory of ā€œnesting orientalismsā€ and the work of AnikĆ³ Imre and others to explore how this popular drama, among some enjoyable thrills and testosterone, deserves scholarly scrutiny. As it undercuts a clear Other and destabilizes foreignness, this German drama could be a valuable lesson in an increasingly nativist world

    Synoptic/planetary-scale interactions and blocking over the North Atlantic Ocean

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    The work completed under this grant represents a continuing investigation of synoptic/planetary-scale interactions over the North Atlantic Ocean in late Jan. 1979. The focus of attention was a blocking episode that developed over southern Greenland on 21 Jan. However, the diagnosis also extended to antecedent cyclone activity and the role of moist processes during wave development. In all, the project was partitioned into two phases: (1) an extension of diagnoses that were already in progress of the 21 Jan. blocking episode and its antecedent cyclone activity using satellite-enhanced level 3-b NASA/Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheres (GLA) analyses; and (2) an analysis of the extent to which the results of Phase 1 are sensitive to the presence of satellite information

    Synoptic/planetary-scale interactions and blocking over the North Atlantic Ocean

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    The focus was on the development of a blocking anticyclone that formed over the North Atlantic in January 1979 and a marine cyclone that deepened explosively prior to the onset of the block. The extended height tendency equation was used as the primary diagnostic tool. Focusing on the domain encompassing the migrating ridge that eventually formed the block, it was found that vorticity advection played the dominant role in the development of the ridge and the formation of the block. Also of interest was an attempt to evaluate the relative importance of synoptic-scale, planetary-scale, and synoptic/planetary-scale interactions as the block developed. To accomplish this, all data fields were partitioned into synoptic and planetary-scale components using a Barnes-type filter. Finally, the cyclone was diagnosed by examining the low level static stability fields associated with the cyclone's development

    A mineral reconnaissance survey of the Abington-Biggar-Moffat-area, south-central Scotland

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    Panned heavy mineral concentrates, mostly obtained from stream sediments, were collected from 195 sites in the Abington-Biggar-Moffat area. The project area, which lies immediately east of the formerly important mining district of Wanlockhead-Leadhills, covers approximately 500 km2 of the north-central sector of the Southern Uplands. It incorporates the Hart Fell range of hills, the headwaters catchment for the River Tweed and River Annan, some tributaries of the River Clyde, and, to the east, the Culter Water, Talla Reservoir, Megget Water and the head of the Ettrick valley. Numerous new occurrences of lead, zinc, copper and barium minerals were found and nine areas are recommended for further investigation. Minor amounts of baryte and traces of cupriferous pyrite were identified in the basal breccia of the-New Red Sandstone deposits in Annandale. The mercury mineral, cinnabar, was identified for the first time in Scotland, occurring in trace amounts in stream sediment concentrates in the Coulter area close to the Southern Upland Fault. Chromiferous spine1 was recognised as a major constituent in the majority of panned samples. It is present as a detrital mineral in greywackes but must have been originally derived from ultrabasic rocks. An unusual mineral widely dispersed in trace amounts is corundum (including some gem-quality sapphire). Historical references (Lauder Lindsay, 1868-9, 1871) to a wide distribution for particle gold were confirmed and many new occurrences found. A local provenance for the element is now considered certain. Some placer concentration of gold and chromiferous spine1 is likely in the alluvium of the valleys of the River Tweed and the Megget Water. Six greywacke formations, previously defined in other parts of the Southern Uplands, were mapped in the project area, each distinguished by a characteristic lithology and heavy mineral content

    Improving the Scalability of Multi-Agent Systems

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    There is an increasing demand for designers and developers to construct ever larger multi-agent systems. Such systems will be composed of hundreds or even thousands of autonomous agents. Moreover, in open and dynamic environments, the number of agents in the system at any one time will fluctuate significantly. To cope with these twin issues of scalability and variable numbers, we hypothesize that multi-agent systems need to be both /self-building/ (able to determine the most appropriate organizational structure for the system by themselves at run-time) and /adaptive/ (able to change this structure as their environment changes). To evaluate this hypothesis we have implemented such a multi-agent system and have applied it to the domain of automated trading. Preliminary results supporting the first part of this hypothesis are presented: adaption and self-organization do indeed make the system better able to cope with large numbers of agents

    PECCI Code (Python Estimation for Carbon Concentration and Isotopes) for Calculating the Concentration and Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) in Precipitation for northwestern Arkansas

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    In karst settings, hydrograph separations using isotopic tracers are commonly and effectively used to quantify the proportions of rain rapidly delivered to springs along fractures and conduits during storm events. Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) is an effective, nonā€conservative tracer for use in hydrograph separations of karst waters because of the ubiquitous nature of carbon in the sources of waters to caves and springs and unique concentrations and isotopic compositions of carbon inputs. DIC concentration and isotopic composition (Ī“Ā¹Ā³Cā€DIC) in rain are typically calculated based on atmospheric carbon dioxide (COā‚‚) using equilibrium carbonate reactions and stable carbon isotope fractionation values. As atmospheric COā‚‚ changes, traditional assumptions applied in attaining calculated values can result in error, and better estimates of rain DIC are needed. The concentration and isotopic composition of rain DIC in the karst of northwestern Arkansas was calculated using Pythonā„¢ programming language based on local atmospheric COā‚‚ and rain pH data from 2011 to 2013. Pythonā„¢ provides an openā€source code and rapid means to complete iterative calculations, and the PECCI code (Pythonā„¢ Estimation for Carbon Concentration and Isotopes) can be used for rain DIC calculations in other areas. Measured northwestern Arkansas atmospheric COā‚‚ had a median concentration of 397.7 Ā± 4.3 ppm and increased slightly over three years and median Ī“Ā¹Ā³Cā€COā‚‚ was ā€8.5 Ā±0.4 ā€°. Rain samples exhibited a median pH of 5.6 Ā±0.4. Calculated rain DIC ranged from 0.17 to 0.34 mg/L and Ī“13Cā€DIC ranged from ā€8.5ā€° to ā€8.2ā€° between 5 and 30 Ā°C. At an average annual temperature of 14.6 Ā°C, rain DIC was calculated to be 0.25 mg/L and Ī“Ā¹Ā³Cā€DIC was ā€8.34 ā€°. Although the variations in DIC are small, the concentration and isotopic composition of endā€member sources in hydrograph separations controls the final hydrologic budget calculations. The PECCI code can be modified to calculate rain DIC for otherstudy sites or time periods

    The Value of User-Visible Internet Cryptography

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    Cryptographic mechanisms are used in a wide range of applications, including email clients, web browsers, document and asset management systems, where typical users are not cryptography experts. A number of empirical studies have demonstrated that explicit, user-visible cryptographic mechanisms are not widely used by non-expert users, and as a result arguments have been made that cryptographic mechanisms need to be better hidden or embedded in end-user processes and tools. Other mechanisms, such as HTTPS, have cryptography built-in and only become visible to the user when a dialogue appears due to a (potential) problem. This paper surveys deployed and potential technologies in use, examines the social and legal context of broad classes of users, and from there, assesses the value and issues for those users

    Theory of magnetic oscillations in Weyl semimetals

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    Weyl semimetals are a new class of Dirac material that posses bulk energy nodes in three dimensions. In this paper, we study a Weyl semimetal subject to an applied magnetic field. We derive expressions for the density of states, electronic specific heat, and the quantum oscillations of the magnetization, DC conductivity, and thermal conductivity. We find phase shifts in the quantum oscillations that distinguish the Weyl semimetal from conventional three dimensional Schr\"odinger Fermions.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure
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