87 research outputs found

    Le lobe glaciaire lyonnais au maximum wĂĽrmien : glacier du RhĂ´ne ou/et glaciers savoyard ?

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    National audienceAprès plus d'un siècle d'études du Quaternaire de la région lyonnaise, il était communément admis d'assimiler le lobe de piémont lyonnais au glacier du Rhône. Aujourd'hui, de nouvelles données remettent en cause cette vision traditionnelle. S'appuyant sur différentes méthodes d'analyses glaciologiques et pétrographiques et sur une reconstitution paléogéographique précise, cette étude démontre que les glaces iséroises issues du sillon alpin étaient majoritairement responsables de l'alimentation du lobe de piémont lyonnais

    Le lobe glaciaire lyonnais au maximum wĂĽrmien : glacier du RhĂ´ne ou/et glaciers savoyard ?

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    National audienceAprès plus d'un siècle d'études du Quaternaire de la région lyonnaise, il était communément admis d'assimiler le lobe de piémont lyonnais au glacier du Rhône. Aujourd'hui, de nouvelles données remettent en cause cette vision traditionnelle. S'appuyant sur différentes méthodes d'analyses glaciologiques et pétrographiques et sur une reconstitution paléogéographique précise, cette étude démontre que les glaces iséroises issues du sillon alpin étaient majoritairement responsables de l'alimentation du lobe de piémont lyonnais

    Enregistrement des fluctuations glaciaires dans les moyenne vallée de l'Ugine en rive droite de la vallée de la Dranse (Région d'Evian, Haute Savoie)

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    International audienceL'analyse de la répartition des tourbes subboréales, formées à l'abri de barrières sableuses atlantiques dont le seul témoin est le cordon des Pierrettes dans le Calaisis, ainsi que la caractérisation d'un dépôt tardiglaciaire de haut de falaise (la Formation d'Escalles), permettent de reconstituer, le long du littoral du Boulonnais, le paléorivage correspondant à la situation initiale du recul holocène des falaises. Celles-ci n'évoluent en conditions marines que depuis le Subatlantique. Sur ce laps de temps relativement bref, les valeurs de recul historique de ces falaises, établies par analyse photogrammétrique sur 60 ans, sont à même de rendre compte de l'évolution holocène du trait de côte dont le retrait est compris entre quelques mètres (au cap Gris-Nez) et 300 m au plus (au cap Blanc-Nez). La régularisation du rivage est antérieure à l'Holocène, et le mode d'évolution de la plate-forme littorale, constituée d'éléments contemporains et/ou partiellement hérités, ou encore hérités, est décrit

    The Core-Periphery Model

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    Economic geography and public policy

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    Research on the spatial aspects of economic activity has flourished over the past decade due to the emergence of new theory, new data, and an intense interest on the part of policymakers, especially in Europe but increasingly in North America and elsewhere as well. However, these efforts--collectively known as the "new economic geography"--have devoted little attention to the policy implications of the new theory. Economic Geography and Public Policy fills the gap by illustrating many new policy insights economic geography models can offer to the realm of theoretical policy analysis. Focusing primarily on trade policy, tax policy, and regional policy, Richard Baldwin and coauthors show how these models can be used to make sense of real-world situations. The book not only provides much fresh analysis but also synthesizes insights from the existing literature. The authors begin by presenting and analyzing the widest range of new economic geography models to date. From there they proceed to examine previously unaddressed welfare and policy issues including, in separate sections, trade policy (unilateral, reciprocal, and preferential), tax policy (agglomeration with taxes and public goods, tax competition and agglomeration), and regional policy (infrastructure policies and the political economy of regional subsidies). A well-organized, engaging narrative that progresses smoothly from fundamentals to more complex material, Economic Geography and Public Policy is essential reading for graduate students, researchers, and policymakers seeking new approaches to spatial policy issues

    Economic Geography and Public Policy

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    Economic Geography and Public Policy fills the gap by illustrating many new policy insights economic geography models can offer to the realm of theoretical policy analysis. Focusing primarily on trade policy, tax policy, and regional policy, Richard Baldwin and coauthors show how these models can be used to make sense of real-world situations. The book not only provides much fresh analysis but also synthesizes insights from the existing literature.The authors begin by presenting and analyzing the widest range of new economic geography models to date. From there they proceed to examine previously unaddressed welfare and policy issues including, in separate sections, trade policy (unilateral, reciprocal, and preferential), tax policy (agglomeration with taxes and public goods, tax competition and agglomeration), and regional policy (infrastructure policies and the political economy of regional subsidies). A well-organized, engaging narrative that progresses smoothly from fundamentals to more complex material, Economic Geography and Public Policy is essential reading for graduate students, researchers, and policymakers seeking new approaches to spatial policy issues

    An approach to wall modeling in large-eddy simulations

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    International audienceChannel flow with friction Reynolds number Re-tau as high as 80 000 is treated by large-eddy simulation at a moderate cost, using the subgrid-scale model designed for detached-eddy simulations. It includes wall modeling, and was not adjusted for this flow. The grid count scales with the logarithm of the Reynolds number. Three independent codes are in fair agreement with each other. Reynolds-number variations and grid refinement cause trades between viscous, modeled, and resolved shear stresses. The skin-friction coefficient is too low, on the order of 15%. The velocity profiles contain a "modeled" logarithmic layer near the wall and some suggest a "resolved" logarithmic layer farther up, but the two layers have a mismatch of several units in U+

    Economic geography and public policy

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    International audienceResearch on the spatial aspects of economic activity has flourished over the past decade due to the emergence of new theory, new data, and an intense interest on the part of policymakers, especially in Europe but increasingly in North America and elsewhere as well. However, these efforts--collectively known as the "new economic geography"--have devoted little attention to the policy implications of the new theory.Economic Geography and Public Policy fills the gap by illustrating many new policy insights economic geography models can offer to the realm of theoretical policy analysis. Focusing primarily on trade policy, tax policy, and regional policy, Richard Baldwin and coauthors show how these models can be used to make sense of real-world situations. The book not only provides much fresh analysis but also synthesizes insights from the existing literature.The authors begin by presenting and analyzing the widest range of new economic geography models to date. From there they proceed to examine previously unaddressed welfare and policy issues including, in separate sections, trade policy (unilateral, reciprocal, and preferential), tax policy (agglomeration with taxes and public goods, tax competition and agglomeration), and regional policy (infrastructure policies and the political economy of regional subsidies). A well-organized, engaging narrative that progresses smoothly from fundamentals to more complex material, Economic Geography and Public Policy is essential reading for graduate students, researchers, and policymakers seeking new approaches to spatial policy issues

    RESINFO propulse WAPT sur l’orbite ESR, la science en paquets !

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    International audienceWAPT is a software solution developed by the French company Tranquil IT based in Nantes. Through a centralized management console, WAPT allows you to administer a computer park in just a few clicks! It allows you to deploy a wide range of software from a local store with deployment script templates provided by the publisher or from a third-party store, for example a common store for the entire ESR.A RESINFO working group has been orbiting around the WAPT solution as of 2018. We are working to federate actions and knowledge around the WAPT tool, to co-construct and share software deployment recipes. The WAPT-WG [3] proposes a store for the ESR on a secure central repository hosted on the Mathrice (Online Platform for Mathematics) cloud infrastructure. All the entities can thus interconnect their own WAPT software repository with the community solution. Each site will thus have the choice to pick or not Each site will be able to choose whether or not to pick software from this shared store, and to participate in the collective effort of maintaining and adding new software.The creation and monitoring over time of these "scientific" and "office automation" packages for non-exhaustive themes (chemistry, biology, physics, electronics, mechanics, etc.) can thus benefit the entire ESR. These packages can be edited, adapted and redistributed to your structure by adding your licenses and your specific parameters. The central repository can thus manage both open source and proprietary software.WAPT est une solution logicielle développée par la société française Tranquil IT basée à Nantes. À travers une console de gestion centralisée, WAPT permet d’administrer un parc informatique en seulement quelques clics ! Il donne ainsi la possibilité de déployer une pléiade de logiciels à partir d’un magasin local dont les modèles de scripts de déploiement sont mis à disposition par l’éditeur ou bien à partir d’un magasin tiers, par exemple un magasin commun pour tout l’ESR.Un groupe de travail RESINFO s’est mis en orbite autour de la solution WAPT à partir de 2018. Nous travaillons à fédérer les actions et les connaissances autour de l’outil WAPT, à co-construire et à partager les recettes de déploiement des logiciels. Le GT-WAPT [3] propose un magasin pour l’ESR sur un dépôt central sécurisé hébergé sur l’infrastructure cloud Mathrice (Plateforme en Ligne pour les Mathématiques). L’ensemble des entités peuvent ainsi interconnecter leur propre dépôt logiciel WAPT avec la solution communautaire. Chaque site aura ainsi le choix de piocher ou non les logiciels dans ce magasin partagé, et de participer à l’effort collectif de maintenance et d’ajout de nouveaux logiciels.La création et le suivis dans le temps de ces paquets « scientifiques » et « bureautiques » pour les thématiques non exhaustives (chimie, biologie, physique, électronique, mécanique…) peuvent ainsi profiter à tout l’ESR. Ces paquets sont éditables, adaptables et redistribuables à votre structure via l’ajout de vos licences et de vos paramètres spécifiques. Le magasin central peut ainsi gérer la problématique des logiciels libres et des logiciels propriétaires
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