101 research outputs found

    Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Reveals Attentional Feedback to Area V1 during Serial Visual Search

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    Visual search tasks have been used to understand how, where and when attention influences visual processing. Current theories suggest the involvement of a high-level “saliency map” that selects a candidate location to focus attentional resources. For a parallel (or “pop-out”) task, the first chosen location is systematically the target, but for a serial (or “difficult”) task, the system may cycle on a few distractors before finally focusing on the target. This implies that attentional effects upon early visual areas, involving feedback from higher areas, should be visible at longer latencies during serial search. A previous study from Juan & Walsh (2003) had used Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to support this conclusion; however, only a few post-stimulus delays were compared, and no control TMS location was used. Here we applied TMS double-pulses (sub-threshold) to induce a transient inhibition of area V1 at every post-stimulus delay between 100 ms and 500 ms (50 ms steps). The search array was presented either at the location affected by the TMS pulses (previously identified by applying several pulses at supra-threshold intensity to induce phosphene perception), or in the opposite hemifield, which served as a retinotopically-defined control location. Two search tasks were used: a parallel (+ among Ls) and a serial one (T among Ls). TMS specifically impaired the serial, but not the parallel search. We highlight an involvement of V1 in serial search 300 ms after the onset; conversely, V1 did not contribute to parallel search at delays beyond 100 ms. This study supports the idea that serial search differs from parallel search by the presence of additional cycles of a select-and-focus iterative loop between V1 and higher-level areas

    Utilisation de la transformée en ondelettes non décimée pour le débruitage du signal électrohystérographique utérin

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    Le signal électrohystéographique (EHG) représente l'activité utérine de la femme pendant la grossesse. La théorie des ondelettes est bien adaptée au débruitage de ce signal non stationnaire, corrompu par des bruits électroniques, électromagnétiques et physiologiques (par exemple l'électrocardiogramme maternel). A cause de la décimation, la traditionnelle décomposition orthogonale ne conserve que les coefficients nécessaires et suffisants pour une reconstruction parfaite. Cependant, la redondance d'information issue d'une transformée non décimée apparaßt aujourd'hui précieuse pour le débruitage. Nous proposons une technique de débruitage, appliquée à l'EHG, utilisant l'algorithme à trous, avec des filtres miroirs en quadrature. Dans cette méthode, nous prenons en compte la redondance d'information dans l'estimation du seuil de débruitage

    L’analyse en composantes principales de variables non stationnaires

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    Les sĂ©ries chronologiques dont on dispose en Ă©conomie sont souvent non stationnaires, et il n’est donc pas possible de les dĂ©crire Ă  partir d’une analyse en composantes principales : en effet, l’analyse en composantes principales est basĂ©e sur l’analyse de la matrice des corrĂ©lations entre les variables, et ces corrĂ©lations sont fallacieuses. Cet article prĂ©sente une technique pour dĂ©crire ce type de variables, en filtrant les donnĂ©es initiales par une suite d’analyse en composantes principales pour obtenir des sĂ©ries rĂ©siduelles stationnaires ; l’analyse en composantes principales de ces sĂ©ries est alors interprĂ©table. Deux applications, l’une basĂ©e sur des donnĂ©es simulĂ©es et l’autre sur des donnĂ©es rĂ©elles, sont fournies.Economical time series are often non stationary and then it is not possible to practice principal components analysis: this technique is based on analysis of the correlation matrix and correlations between original variables are spurious. The aim of this paper is to introduce a new technique which describes sets of non stationary variables. This technique is based on successive analyses of residuals which provide stationary variables. Two applications are given, the first one uses simulated data, the second one Nelson and Plosser’s data

    Impact of an extension tube on operator radiation exposure during coronary procedures performed through the radial approach

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    SummaryBackgroundOperator radiation exposure is high during coronary procedures. The radial access decreases the rate of local vascular complications but increases operator radiation exposure. As the X-ray exposure is related to the distance between the operator and the radiation source, the use of an extension tube between the proximal part of the coronary catheter and the ‘injection device’ might decrease operator radiation exposure.AimsTo demonstrate that the use of an extension tube during coronary procedures performed through the radial approach decreases operator radiation.MethodsOverall, 230 patients were included consecutively and randomized to procedures performed with or without an extension tube. Radiation exposure measures were obtained using two electronic dosimeters, one under the lead apron and the other exposed on the physician's left arm.ResultsA non-significant trend towards lower left-arm operator exposure was noted in the extension tube group (28.7±31.0ÎŒSv vs 38.4±44.2ÎŒSv, p=0.0739). No significant difference was noted according to the type of procedure. Radiation levels were low compared with the series published previously and decreased for each operator during the study.ConclusionThe use of an extension tube did not reduce operator radiation exposure during procedures performed through the radial approach. However, physician awareness was increased during the study due to the use of an exposed electronic dosimeter. The use of exposed electronic dosimeters could therefore be recommended to allow operators to improve their protection techniques

    Antiretroviral-naive and -treated HIV-1 patients can harbour more resistant viruses in CSF than in plasma

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    Objectives The neurological disorders in HIV-1-infected patients remain prevalent. The HIV-1 resistance in plasma and CSF was compared in patients with neurological disorders in a multicentre study. Methods Blood and CSF samples were collected at time of neurological disorders for 244 patients. The viral loads were >50 copies/mL in both compartments and bulk genotypic tests were realized. Results On 244 patients, 89 and 155 were antiretroviral (ARV) naive and ARV treated, respectively. In ARV-naive patients, detection of mutations in CSF and not in plasma were reported for the reverse transcriptase (RT) gene in 2/89 patients (2.2%) and for the protease gene in 1/89 patients (1.1%). In ARV-treated patients, 19/152 (12.5%) patients had HIV-1 mutations only in the CSF for the RT gene and 30/151 (19.8%) for the protease gene. Two mutations appeared statistically more prevalent in the CSF than in plasma: M41L (P = 0.0455) and T215Y (P = 0.0455). Conclusions In most cases, resistance mutations were present and similar in both studied compartments. However, in 3.4% of ARV-naive and 8.8% of ARV-treated patients, the virus was more resistant in CSF than in plasma. These results support the need for genotypic resistance testing when lumbar puncture is performe

    Etude rétrospective des troubles vésico-sphinctériens dans une population de 170 patients atteints d'une sclérose en plaque

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    Les troubles vĂ©sico-sphinctĂ©riens sont frĂ©quents dans la SclĂ©rose en Plaque. Ce travail a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© chez 170 patients atteints d'une SEP. Nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© les troubles urinaires, les complications et la satisfaction des patients pratiquant les autosondages ou ayant eu une chirurgie palliative. Les symptomatologies cliniques et urodynamiques sont polymorphes, non spĂ©cifiques. Les complications sur le bas et le haut appareil urinaire sont frĂ©quentes. L'insuffisance rĂ©nale n'est pas rare, observĂ©e chez 14,7% des patients, et Ă  un stade sĂ©vĂšre chez 1,2% des patients. Les autosondages sont bien acceptĂ©s par les patients. Seuls 9% des patients les ont arrĂȘtĂ©s et 9% les ont refusĂ©s. Les mĂȘmes rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus concernant la chirurgie palliative. Notre travail a permis de monter que les troubles vĂ©sico-sphnictĂ©riens sont responsables d'un handicap social, mais ont aussi des consĂ©quences organiques. Leur prise en charge par une Ă©quipe spĂ©cialisĂ©e amĂ©liore la satisfaction des patients.TOULOUSE3-BU SantĂ©-Centrale (315552105) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Place de la stabilométrie dans l'évaluation des performances posturales de l'hémiplégique vasculaire (étude pilote)

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    L'Ă©valuation instrumentale de la stabilitĂ© sur plate-forme de force est un examen de routine permettant d'obtenir de nombreux paramĂštres. Notre travail a consistĂ© Ă  sĂ©lectionner les paramĂštres les plus pertinents en terme de validitĂ© et de reproductibilitĂ©, chez 20 patients hĂ©miplĂ©giques Ă©valuĂ©s sur une plate-forme de force. La validitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e par rapport Ă  la capacitĂ© de maintien d'un appui monopodal du cĂŽtĂ© parĂ©tique. La condition d'analyse la plus discriminante correspond Ă  l'Ă©valuation statique les yeux fermĂ©s. Les paramĂštres retenus comme Ă©tant les plus pertinents sont les paramĂštres frĂ©quentiels de puissance spectrale obtenus par une analyse en ondelettes (temps-frĂ©quence) selon l'axe mĂ©dio-latĂ©ral, la vitesse moyenne du centre de pression dans le plan, et la surface du statokinĂ©sigramme. La reproductibilitĂ© correcte de ces paramĂštres permet de les utiliser Ă  partir d'un seul enregistrement. Pour dĂ©terminer l'intĂ©rĂȘt des paramĂštres retenus dans le suivi des patients en cours de rĂ©Ă©ducation, il sera nĂ©cessaire d'Ă©valuer leur sensibilitĂ© au changement.TOULOUSE3-BU SantĂ©-Centrale (315552105) / SudocSudocFranceF
