29 research outputs found
Geometry-material coordination for passive adaptive solar morphing envelopes
The cost-intensive and mechanical complexity natures of the adaptive facades of the past decades drifted designers and researchers’ interest towards passive material-based actuation systems. Architectural applications using the latter showed, however, a few limitations restricting the output possibility space to options that rely entirely on one material’s phase characteristic. This study aims to investigate the potential of expanding a shape memory alloy-actuated facade’s output from one that is limited and hardly controllable in the case of entirely passive actuation to one that can produce a specific desired performative target. This is explored through coordinating between geometry movement connections of an adaptive component of four integrated shape memory alloys, which work on tailoring the geometry-material-climate relations of the responsive system. The research findings suggest that the integration of geometry, material, and their connections in the design of a SMA solar morphing envelope lead to the development of a wider range of behavioural system outputs. The variety instilled through these added dimensions promoted diversity and adaptability of output for a flexible range of responses and higher performative gains
The relationships between species relative abundance (SRA) and seed size in control plots.
<p>The dots indicate seed mass per 100 seeds (3 replicates) for each species and its mean SRA over 10 quadrats. r and p values were estimated from Spearman rank correlations.</p
Appendix A. Level-2 model residuals for the four dates considered (1948, 1978, 1993, and 2009).
Level-2 model residuals for the four dates considered (1948, 1978, 1993, and 2009)
Supplement 1. Forest/nonforest rasters for the four dates considered, a 25-m resolution digital elevation model, and a shapefile representing the nongrazed area.
<h2>File List</h2><div>
<p><a href="DEM25_RNHPV.tif">DEM25_RNHPV.tif</a> (MD5: a3c79a31ed84d1e71640612fa50c3bfc)</p>
<p><a href="FOR09.img">FOR09.img</a> (MD5: f883124fff247221b57192aebd4ffb8f)</p>
<p><a href="FOR93.img">FOR93.img</a> (MD5: d62eeb665ce38ff9abe35a19911dea57)</p>
<p><a href="FOR78.img">FOR78.img</a> (MD5: 4af6115eac3f1f8f827d6fe098b118a0)</p>
<p><a href="FOR48.img">FOR48.img</a> (MD5: 77f6fbe599cf3e4bef59c16781fb76c4)</p>
<p><a href="Non_grazed.zip">Non_grazed.zip</a> (md5: f9c6775d1e960155c4ea14e01793d0e8)</p>
<p>DEM25_RNHPV.tif contains a 25-m resolution digital elevation model of the study area. The .img files consist of 5-m resolution binary rasters of forest cover for the four dates considered. Non_grazed.zip includes four files (.sbn, .sbx, .shp, and .shx) that constitute a shapefile of the non-grazed zone considered in this study. All maps are projected using the GRS80 Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection.</p>
<p>It is important to note that this Supplement contains raw data. Our intention is to provide interested parties with the input information necessary to carry out their own analysis of land cover change in the RĂ©serve Naturelle du Hauts Plateaux du Vercors (RNHPV), France. </p>
<p>All of the included files are intended to be opened and manipulated in a Geographic Information System (GIS). Below is an example of code for opening either a .img or .tif file in R. Files can also be opened automatically using GIS software such as ArcMap or QGIS.</p>
<pre> #Required
install.packages("raster") ; install.packages("rgdal")
forest09 <- raster("FOR09.img")
#class : RasterLayer
#dimensions : 6400, 2200, 14080000 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
#resolution : 5, 5 (x, y)
#extent : 3959000, 3970000, 2410000, 2442000 (xmin, xmax,
#ymin, ymax)
#coord. ref. : +proj=laea +lat_0=52 +lon_0=10 +x_0=4321000
#+y_0=3210000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=meters
#data source : wd
#names : FOR09
#values : 0, 1 (min, max)
Abundance of unique bacterial sequences in each sampl
rarefied microbial communiy matrixes
Excell file containing the rarefied microbial communities matrix used in this stud
Soil data for multivariate analysis,
Solid chemical parameters by samplng site and grassland typ
Plant communities' occurrence matrix
This file contains a matrix of occurrence of plant species (in columns) for each site (in rows
Fasta file of fungal unique sequences
Fungal unique sequences from soils of alpine grasslands dominated by Carex curvula or C. curvula sp roase and subalpine pastures dominated by Nardus strict
Abundance of each unique sequence in each sampl