89 research outputs found

    Picosecond polarized supercontinuum generation controlled by intermodal four-wave mixing for fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy

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    International audienceWe present the generation of a picosecond polarized supercontinuum in highly birefringent multimodal microstructured fiber. The initial steps of the spectral broadening are dominated by intermodal four-wave mixing controlled by the specific fiber design. Using a low repetition rate ultra-stable solid state laser, a pulse train well-suited for versatile time-domain fluorescence lifetime imaging applications is obtaine

    Visible supercontinuum generation controlled by intermodal four-wave mixing in micro-structured fibre

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    International audienceWe present an experimental and numerical study of supercontinuum generation extended in the visible part of the spectrum by using a selective optical coupling of the pump wave in the largely anomalous dispersion regime. The broadband frequency generation is induced by an initial four-wave mixing process that converts the pump wave at 1064 nm into 831 nm anti-Stokes and 1478 nm Stokes wavelengths. Phase matching is ensured on such a large frequency shift thanks to a microstructured multimodal fiber with a specific design. Continuum generation is therefore enhanced around the two generated sideband

    BibliothĂšques et autoformation

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    Dans un univers oĂč les nouvelles technologies Ă©voluent constamment et oĂč l'individu est rĂ©guliĂšrement amenĂ© Ă  se recycler dans sa carriĂšre professionnelle ou Ă  maĂźtriser les outils de dĂ©veloppement personnel, la bibliothĂšque est aujourd'hui le lieu d'expression d'une demande nouvelle en autoformation. Cette demande, dĂ©pendante pour partie de l'offre de la bibliothĂšque et du niveau de formation de l'usager, remet Ă©galement en question le rĂŽle des bibliothĂ©caires et de leur mĂ©diation. Reprenant les actes du colloque organisĂ© Ă  la BibliothĂšque publique d'information en dĂ©cembre 2005, ainsi que le rapport de l'enquĂȘte rĂ©alisĂ©e par le service Études et recherche de la Bpi sur l'espace Autoformation de la Bpi, cet ouvrage se veut un outil de rĂ©flexion pour les professionnels des bibliothĂšques. Reformulant les questions auxquelles les bibliothĂ©caires sont confrontĂ©es dans leur pratique quotidienne, s'appuyant sur leurs expĂ©riences et sur l'analyse thĂ©orique de chercheurs en sciences de l'information, il tente d'ouvrir de nouvelles pistes de travail pour Ă©tablir Ă  l'avenir, peut-ĂȘtre une « charte de l'autoformation en bibliothĂšque »

    A Real-Space Full Multigrid study of the fragmentation of Li11+ clusters

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    We have studied the fragmentation of Li11+ clusters into the two experimentally observed products (Li9+,Li2) and (Li10+,Li) The ground state structures for the two fragmentation channels are found by Molecular Dynamics Simulated Annealing in the framework of Local Density Functional theory. Energetics considerations suggest that the fragmentation process is dominated by non-equilibrium processes. We use a real-space approach to solve the Kohn-Sham problem, where the Laplacian operator is discretized according to the Mehrstellen scheme, and take advantage of a Full MultiGrid (FMG) strategy to accelerate convergence. When applied to isolated clusters we find our FMG method to be more efficient than state-of-the-art plane wave calculations.Comment: 9 pages + 6 Figures (in gzipped tar file

    New neutron detector based on Micromegas technology for ADS projects

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    A new neutron detector based on Micromegas technology has been developed for the measurement of the simulated neutron spectrum in the ADS project. After the presentation of simulated neutron spectra obtained in the interaction of 140 MeV protons with the spallation target inside the TRIGA core, a full description of the new detector configuration is given. The advantage of this detector compared to conventional neutron flux detectors and the results obtained with the first prototype at the CELINA 14 MeV neutron source facility at CEA-Cadarache are presented. The future developments of operational Piccolo-Micromegas for fast neutron reactors are also described


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    Ce micro-trottoir a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© aux alentours du Centre Pompidou en juin 2005. L’équipe « Autoformation » de la BibliothĂšque publique d’information, avec l’aide d’un preneur de son, a posĂ© la question : « Si je vous dis autoformation, Ă  quoi cela vous fait-il penser ? » Les rĂ©ponses Ă  ces questions, dont nous vous proposons ici une sĂ©lection, ont Ă©tĂ© diffusĂ©es en toile de fond lors du colloque. Nous remercions celles et ceux qui ont acceptĂ© de prendre le temps de nous rĂ©pondre. « Se former so..


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    L’autoformation Ă  la Bpi, lorsqu’elle est Ă©voquĂ©e par nos usagers, est dotĂ©e de significations diffĂ©rentes. Si cette notion se rĂ©fĂšre parfois pour eux Ă  une façon d’apprendre spĂ©cifique, reposant sur un projet autogĂ©rĂ©, l’autoformation renvoie Ă©galement Ă  une norme d’usage qui consiste Ă  se dĂ©brouiller seul. L’autonomie est alors vĂ©cue comme un point de passage obligĂ©, pour accĂ©der Ă  des ressources difficiles d’accĂšs et pourtant nĂ©cessaires. Nos usagers ressentent une certaine gratitude Ă  l’é..

    Genomic Exploration of the Hemiascomycetous Yeasts: 1. A set of yeast species for molecular evolution studies11Sequences and annotations are accessible at: GĂ©noscope (http://www.genoscope.cns.fr), FEBS Letters Website (http://www.elsevier.nl/febs/show/), Bordeaux (http://cbi.genopole-bordeaux.fr/Genolevures) and were deposited into the EMBL database (accession number from AL392203 to AL441602).

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    AbstractThe identification of molecular evolutionary mechanisms in eukaryotes is approached by a comparative genomics study of a homogeneous group of species classified as Hemiascomycetes. This group includes Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the first eukaryotic genome entirely sequenced, back in 1996. A random sequencing analysis has been performed on 13 different species sharing a small genome size and a low frequency of introns. Detailed information is provided in the 20 following papers. Additional tables available on websites describe the ca. 20 000 newly identified genes. This wealth of data, so far unique among eukaryotes, allowed us to examine the conservation of chromosome maps, to identify the ‘yeast-specific’ genes, and to review the distribution of gene families into functional classes. This project conducted by a network of seven French laboratories has been designated ‘GĂ©nolevures’
