15 research outputs found

    Reducing backaction when measuring temporal correlations in quantum systems

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    Dynamic correlations of quantum observables are challenging to measure due to measurement backaction incurred at early times. Recent work [P. Uhrich et al., Phys. Rev. A, 96:022127 (2017)] has shown that ancilla-based noninvasive measurements are able to reduce this backaction, allowing for dynamic correlations of single-site spin observables to be measured. We generalise this result to correlations of arbitrary spin observables and extend the measurement protocol to simultaneous noninvasive measurements which allow for real and imaginary parts of correlations to be extracted from a single set of measurements. We use positive operator-valued measures to analyse the dynamics generated by the ancilla-based measurements. Using this framework we prove that special observables exist for which measurement backaction is of no concern, so that dynamic correlations of these can be obtained without making use of ancillas.Comment: 13 page

    Probing unitary two-time correlations in a neutral atom quantum simulator

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    Measuring unitarily-evolved quantum mechanical two-time correlations is challenging in general. In a recent paper [P.~Uhrich {\em et al.}, Phys.\ Rev.~A {\bf 96}, 022127 (2017)], a considerable simplification of this task has been pointed out to occur in spin-1/21/2 lattice models, bringing such measurements into reach of state-of-the-art or near-future quantum simulators of such models. Here we discuss the challenges of an experimental implementation of measurement schemes of two-time correlations in quantum gas microscopes or microtrap arrays. We propose a modified measurement protocol that mitigates these challenges, and we rigorously estimate the accuracy of the protocols by means of Lieb-Robinson bounds. On the basis of these bounds we identify a parameter regime in which the proposed protocols allow for accurate measurements of the desired two-time correlations.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Out-of-equilibrium phase diagram of long-range superconductors

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    Within the ultimate goal of classifying universality in quantum many-body dynamics, understanding the relation between out-of-equilibrium and equilibrium criticality is a crucial objective. Models with power-law interactions exhibit rich well-understood critical behavior in equilibrium, but the out-of-equilibrium picture has remained incomplete, despite recent experimental progress. We construct the rich dynamical phase diagram of free-fermionic chains with power-law hopping and pairing, and provide analytic and numerical evidence showing a direct connection between nonanalyticities of the return rate and zero crossings of the string order parameter. Our results may explain the experimental observation of so-called \textit{accidental} dynamical vortices, which appear for quenches within the same topological phase of the Haldane model, as reported in [Fl\"aschner \textit{et al.}, Nature Physics \textbf{14}, 265 (2018)]. Our work is readily applicable to modern ultracold-atom experiments, not least because state-of-the-art quantum gas microscopes can now reliably measure the string order parameter, which, as we show, can serve as an indicator of dynamical criticality.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted versio

    Probing dynamical criticality near quantum phase transitions

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    We reveal a prethermal temporal regime upon suddenly quenching to the vicinity of a quantum phase transition in the time evolution of 1D spin chains. The prethermal regime is analytically found to be self-similar, and its duration is governed by the ground-state energy gap. Based on analytical insights and numerical evidence, we show that this critically prethermal regime universally exists independently of the location of the probe site, the presence of weak interactions, or the initial state. Moreover, the resulting prethermal dynamics leads to an out-of-equilibrium scaling function of the order parameter in the vicinity of the transition.Comment: Revised with an analytical theory and improved presentation. Main text: 4 Pages, 2 Figures; Supplementary: 6 Pages, 5 Figure

    Engineering random spin models with atoms in a high-finesse cavity

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    All-to-all interacting, disordered quantum many-body models have a wide range of applications across disciplines, from spin glasses in condensed-matter physics, over holographic duality in high-energy physics, to annealing algorithms in quantum computing. Typically, these models are abstractions that do not find unambiguous physical realisations in nature. Here, we realise an all-to-all interacting, disordered spin system by subjecting an atomic cloud in a cavity to a controllable light shift. Adjusting the detuning between atom resonance and cavity mode, we can tune between disordered versions of a central-mode model and a Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model. By spectroscopically probing the low-energy excitations of the system, we explore the competition of interactions with disorder across a broad parameter range. We show how disorder in the central-mode model breaks the strong collective coupling, making the dark state manifold cross over to a random distribution of weakly-mixed light-matter, "grey", states. In the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model the ferromagnetic finite-size ground state evolves towards a paramagnet as disorder is increased. In that regime, semi-localised eigenstates emerge, as we observe by extracting bounds on the participation ratio. These results present significant steps towards freely programmable cavity-mediated interactions for the design of arbitrary spin Hamiltonians.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, methods, supplementary materia

    Cryogenic electro-optic interconnect for superconducting devices

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    Encoding information onto optical fields is the backbone of modern telecommunication networks. Optical fibers offer low loss transport and vast bandwidth compared to electrical cables, and are currently also replacing coaxial cables for short-range communications. Optical fibers also exhibit significantly lower thermal conductivity, making optical interconnects attractive for interfacing with superconducting circuits and devices. Yet little is known about modulation at cryogenic temperatures. Here we demonstrate a proof-of-principle experiment, showing that currently employed Ti-doped LiNbO modulators maintain the Pockels coefficient at 3K---a base temperature for classical microwave amplifier circuitry. We realize electro-optical read-out of a superconducting electromechanical circuit to perform both coherent spectroscopy, measuring optomechanically-induced transparency, and incoherent thermometry, encoding the thermomechanical sidebands in an optical signal. Although the achieved noise figures are high, approaches that match the lower-bandwidth microwave signals, use integrated devices or materials with higher EO coefficient, should achieve added noise similar to current HEMT amplifiers, providing a route to parallel readout for emerging quantum or classical computing platforms.Comment: Experimental details added. The heating experiment update

    Noninvasive measurement of dynamic correlations in spin systems

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    Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2017ENGLISH ABSTRACT : Dynamic correlations hψ| O1(t1)O2(t2)|ψi of quantum observables are useful quantities for the study of quantum dynamics. Attempts at measuring these correlations are however complicated, due to the measurement backaction (wave function collapse) incurred during measurements at the early time t1. We propose a noninvasive measurement protocol, based on a weak ancilla target coupling, which reduces this backaction at t1. We show that both real and imaginary parts of the desired correlation can be extracted through appropriate choices of the initial ancilla state and of the ancilla target coupling Hamiltonian. The protocol is applicable to arbitrary (pseudo)spin systems with arbitrary (non)equilibrium initial states. Errors arising in experimental implementations are analysed, and we show that deviations from the desired correlation can be minimised through an optimal choice of the ancilla target coupling time. Implementation in linear ion trap experiments is discussed. We derive the positive-operator-valued measure which describes the noninvasive measurement at t1. For dynamic correlations of single-site spin-1/2 observables, this operator formalism shows that measurement backaction is of no concern. Real parts can be obtained with projective measurements of the target at t1 and t2. Imaginary parts are obtained by performing a local rotation of the target at t1, followed by a projective measurement at t2. These ancilla-free protocols are theoretically simpler than the noninvasive measurement protocol, but remain experimentally challenging. Rotations and projections performed at t1 may be subject to noise, which propagates into the measured correlation. We use Lieb-Robinson theory to bound the size of the resulting error terms. An analysis of the spatio-temporal behaviour of these errors provides guidance for experimental implementation of the ancilla-free measurement protocols.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Dinamiese korrelasies hψ| O1(t1)O2(t2)|ψi van kwantum waarneembares is nuttig in die studie van kwantum dinamika. Die meting van hierdie hoeveelhede word egter gekompliseer deur die meetingsterugreaksie (gol unksie ineenstorting), wat tydens die meting by die vroeër tyd t1 plaasvind. Ons stel 'n nie-ingrypende metingsprotokol voor, gebaseer op 'n swak ancilla teikenstelsel koppeling, wat die meetingsterugreaksie by t1 verminder. Ons toon dat die reële en imaginêre dele van die korrelasiefunksie deur geskikte keuses van die ancilla begintoestand en van die ancilla teikenstelsel koppeling bepaal kan word. Die protokol is van toepassing op (pseudo)spin stelsels met arbitrêre nie-ewewig begintoestande. Foute wat in eksperimentele implementering ontstaan word geanaliseer. Ons toon dat afwykings van die gewenste korrelasie geminimeer kan word deur 'n optimale ancilla teikenstelsel koppelingstyd. Implementering in liniêre ioonputte word bespreek. Ons herlei die positiewe operator-waardige maat wat die nie-ingrypende meting by t1 beskryf. Hierdie formalisme toon dat die meetingsterugreaksie van geen belang is vir dinamiese korrelasies van enkelpunt spin-1/2 waarneembares nie. Die reële deel kan deur projektiewe meetings by t1 en t2 bepaal word. Die imaginêre deel word verkry deur 'n lokale rotasie by t1, gevolg deur 'n projektiewe meting by t2. Hierdie ancilla-vrye protokolle is teoreties eenvoudiger as die nie-ingrypende metingsprotokol, maar eksperimentele implementering bly uitdagend. Rotasies en projeksies wat by t1 uitgevoer word kan onder steurings ly, wat dan ook die gemete korrelasies a ekteer. Ons gebruik Lieb-Robinson teorie om die grootte van die resulterende foute te begrens. 'n Analise van die foute se tyd en ruimtelike gedrag bied leiding vir die eksperimentele implementering van die ancilla-vrye metingsprotokoll

    Universal equilibration dynamics of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model

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    Equilibrium quantum many-body systems in the vicinity of phase transitions generically manifest universality. In contrast, limited knowledge has been gained on possible universal characteristics in the non-equilibrium evolution of systems in quantum critical phases. In this context, universality is generically attributed to the insensitivity of observables to the microscopic system parameters and initial conditions. Here, we present such a universal feature in the equilibration dynamics of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) Hamiltonian -- a paradigmatic system of disordered, all-to-all interacting fermions that has been designed as a phenomenological description of quantum critical regions. We drive the system far away from equilibrium by performing a global quench, and track how its ensemble average relaxes to a steady state. Employing state-of-the-art numerical simulations for the exact evolution, we reveal that the disorder-averaged evolution of few-body observables, including the quantum Fisher information and low-order moments of local operators, exhibit within numerical resolution a universal equilibration process. Under a straightforward rescaling, data that correspond to different initial states collapse onto a universal curve, which can be well approximated by a Gaussian throughout large parts of the evolution. To reveal the physics behind this process, we formulate a general theoretical framework based on the Novikov--Furutsu theorem. This framework extracts the disorder-averaged dynamics of a many-body system as an effective dissipative evolution, and can have applications beyond this work. The exact non-Markovian evolution of the SYK ensemble is very well captured by Bourret--Markov approximations, which contrary to common lore become justified thanks to the extreme chaoticity of the system, and universality is revealed in a spectral analysis of the corresponding Liouvillian.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figure

    Absence of operator growth for average equal-time observables in charge-conserved sectors of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model

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    Abstract Quantum scrambling plays an important role in understanding thermalization in closed quantum systems. By this effect, quantum information spreads throughout the system and becomes hidden in the form of non-local correlations. Alternatively, it can be described in terms of the increase in complexity and spatial support of operators in the Heisenberg picture, a phenomenon known as operator growth. In this work, we study the disordered fully-connected Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model, and we demonstrate that scrambling is absent for disorder-averaged expectation values of observables. In detail, we adopt a formalism typical of open quantum systems to show that, on average and within charge-conserved sectors, operators evolve in a relatively simple way which is governed by their operator size. This feature only affects single-time correlation functions, and in particular it does not hold for out-of-time-order correlators, which are well-known to show scrambling behavior. Making use of these findings, we develop a cumulant expansion approach to approximate the evolution of equal-time observables. We employ this scheme to obtain analytic results that apply to arbitrary system size, and we benchmark its effectiveness by exact numerics. Our findings shed light on the structure of the dynamics of observables in the SYK model, and provide an approximate numerical description that overcomes the limitation to small systems of standard methods