23 research outputs found

    Fatigue condition monitoring of notched thermoplastic-based hybrid fiber metal laminates using electrical resistance measurement and digital image correlation

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    In this work, the monitorability of fatigue damage in notched thermoplastic-based hybrid fiber metal laminate, containing AA6082-T4 sheets and glass and carbon fiber-reinforced polyamide 6, is investigated using constant amplitude tests. Electrical resistance measurement and digital image correlation were combined to determine the initiation and evolution process of fatigue damage. Preliminary to the application of the electrical resistance measurement during fatigue load, basic investigations regarding necessary measurement accuracy and conditions, e.g. temperature and cross-section influence, were conducted to achieve reliable measurement results. Via digital image correlation fatigue crack growth was determined and correlated with the change in electrical resistance for two metal/fiber-reinforced polymer layer configurations (2/1 and 3/2) and notch geometries (drilling hole and double-edge notch). The results show that reliable detection of fatigue-related damage states is possible independent of aluminum sheet treatment (mechanically blasted or anodized surface), with earlier crack initiation and faster propagation for higher metal volume fraction (layer configuration 2/1). For the two investigated notch geometries an overall similar crack behavior was found. The electrical resistance values directly correlate to varieties of crack formation and growth, representing the aluminum sheet damage progress of the laminate well, and enabling the possibility of e.g. a limit value-based failure criterion. However, geometry and crack-related changes in electric current flow and thus current density must be taken into account for targeted monitoring of the laminate condition, as they cause significant changes in electrical resistance

    S1 Guideline onychomycosis

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    Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the fingernails and toenails. In Europe, tinea unguium is mainly caused by dermatophytes. The diagnostic workup comprises microscopic examination, culture and/or molecular testing (nail scrapings). Local treatment with antifungal nail polish is recommended for mild or moderate nail infections. In case of moderate to severe onychomycosis, oral treatment is recommended (in the absence of contraindications). Treatment should consist of topical and systemic agents. The aim of this update of the German S1 guideline is to simplify the selection and implementation of appropriate diagnostics and treatment. The guideline was based on current international guidelines and the results of a literature review conducted by the experts of the guideline committee. This multidisciplinary committee consisted of representatives from the German Society of Dermatology (DDG), the German‐Speaking Mycological Society (DMykG), the Association of German Dermatologists (BVDD), the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM), the German Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ), the Working Group for Pediatric Dermatology (APD) and the German Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases (DGPI). The Division of Evidence‐based Medicine (dEBM) provided methodological assistance. The guideline was approved by the participating medical societies following a comprehensive internal and external review

    Towards Scalability in Tuple Spaces

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    Applications in eCommerce and Ubiquitous Computing ask for coordination of highly distributed and heterogenous data sources and services. Tuple spaces offer a data-driven coordination model, hence they may be used for this purpose. However, research on distributed tuple spaces has not resolved yet how to render tuple spaces scalable. This is partly due to their informal conception

    Der bundesdeutsche Kinofilm der 80er Jahre : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung seines thematischen, topographischen und chronikalischen Realitätsverhältnisses

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    Untersuchung des Realitätsverhältnisses des bundesdeutschen Kinofilms der 80er Jahre in thematischer, chronikalischer und topographischer Hinsicht

    Crystal field splittings in lanthanide complexes: Inclusion of correlation effects beyond second order perturbation theory

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    International audienceState-averaged complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) calculations and a subsequent spin-orbit calculation mixing the CASSCF wave functions (CASSCF/state-interaction with spin-orbit coupling) is the conventional approach used for ab initio calculations of crystal-field splittings and magnetic properties of lanthanide complexes. However, this approach neglects dynamical correlation. Complete active space second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2) can be used to account for dynamical correlation, but suffers from the well-known problems of multireference perturbation theory, e.g. intruder state problems. Variational multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) calculations do not show these problems but are usually not feasible due to the large size of real lanthanide complexes. We present a quasi-local projected internally contracted MRCI approach which makes MRCI calculations of lanthanide complexes feasible and allows assessing the influence of dynamical correlation beyond second-order perturbation theory. We apply the method to two well-studied molecules, namely Er[N(SiMe3)2]3 and {C(NH2)3}5[Er(CO3)4]∙11H2

    Einfluss organischer Fremdstoffe in additiv gefertigtem Ti-6Al-4V

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    Das Selektive Laserschmelzen ist einer der vielen pulverbettbasierten Fertigungsverfahren, die in vielen Industriebereichen ihren Einsatz findet. Vorallem in der Luftfahrtbranche werden vermehrt Bauteile aus Titanlegierungen mit diesem Verfahren hergestellt. Hohe Sicherheitsanforderungen zwingen daher, die Pulverqualität stets zu gewährleisten, weswegen die Auswirkungen bei Verunreinigungen in diesem Beitrag Untersuchungsgegenstand warenSelective laser melting is one of the many Laser Powder Bed Fusion manufacturing processes (LPBF) used in many industrial sectors. Especially in the aerospace industry, components made of titanium alloys are increasingly produced with this process. High safety requirements therefore force the powder quality to be guaranteed at all times, which is why the effects of impurities were the subject of investigation in this article

    Multigenerational Influences of the Fut2 Gene on the Dynamics of the Gut Microbiota in Mice

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    The FUT2 gene encodes an α-1,2-fucosyltransferase responsible for the expression of ABO histo-blood-group antigens on mucosal surfaces and bodily secretions. Individuals who carry at least one functional allele are known as "secretors," whereas those homozygous for loss-of-function mutations are known as "non-secretors." Non-secretor individuals are more susceptible to chronic inflammatory disorders such as Crohn's Disease, which may be mediated by alterations in the microbiota. Here, we investigated the dynamics of microbial community assembly with respect to genotype using a Fut2-deficient mouse model, taking the genotype of the maternal lineage over two generations into account. We found strong differences in community assembly of microbial communities over time, depending on the Fut2 genotype of the host and that of their progenitors. By applying network analyses, we further identified patterns of specialization and stabilization over time, which are influenced by the host and parental genotype during the process of community development. We also show genotype- and breeding-dependent patterns of community susceptibility to disturbance in a novel in silico approach integrating ecological- and network analysis. Our results indicate that it may be important to investigate the influence of Fut2 genotype in a familial context in order to fully understand its role in the etiology of chronic inflammatory disorders. © 2017 Rausch, Künzel, Suwandi, Grassl, Rosenstiel and Baines

    Entwicklung eines formflexiblen Saug-/Spülsystems auf Basis von Formgedächtnislegierungen für die Wirbelsäule: Poster präsentiert beim 11. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomechanik, 3.-5. April 2019, Berlin

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    In der Wirbelsäulenchirurgie kommen aktuell starre Sauger mit verschiedenen vorgegebenen Biegungen zum Einsatz. Die beiden Funktionen Saugen und Spülen sind häufig nicht in einem System integriert. Die Folgen sind häufige Instrumentenwechsel und damit erhöhte Komplikationsrisiken und OP-Zeiten. Formgedächtnislegierungen (FGL) ermöglichen die Herstellung formflexibler Saug-/Spülrohre, die in nahezu beliebige Winkel gebracht werden können. Im Rahmen eines durch das BMBF geförderten Forschungsvorhabens sollte evaluiert werden, ob mittels FGL ein Funktionsmuster für ein formflexibles, kombiniertes Saug-/Spülsystem entwickelt werden kann