138 research outputs found

    Intrinsic Josephson junctions in the iron-based multi-band superconductor (V2Sr4O6)Fe2As2

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    In layered superconductors, Josephson junctions may be formed within the unit cell due to sufficiently low interlayer coupling. These intrinsic Josephson junction (iJJ) systems have attracted considerable interest for their application potential in quantum computing as well as efficient sources of THz radiation, closing the famous "THz gap". So far, iJJ have been demonstrated in single-band, copper-based high-Tc superconductors, mainly in Ba-Sr-Ca-Cu-O. Here we report clear experimental evidence for iJJ behavior in the iron-based superconductor (V2Sr4O6)Fe2As2. The intrinsic junctions are identified by periodic oscillations of the flux flow voltage upon increasing a well aligned in-plane magnetic field. The periodicity is well explained by commensurability effects between the Josephson vortex lattice and the crystal structure, which is a hallmark signature of Josephson vortices confined into iJJ stacks. This finding adds (V2Sr4O6)Fe2As2 as the first iron-based, multi-band superconductor to the copper-based iJJ materials of interest for Josephson junction applications, and in particular novel devices based on multi-band Josephson coupling may be realized.Comment: Accepted in Nature Physic

    Field induced density wave in the heavy fermion compound CeRhIn5

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    Metals containing Ce often show strong electron correlations due to the proximity of the 4f state to the Fermi energy, leading to strong coupling with the conduction electrons. This coupling typically induces a variety of competing ground states, including heavy-fermion metals, magnetism and unconventional superconductivity. The d-wave superconductivity in CeTMIn5 (TM=Co, Rh, Ir) has attracted significant interest due to its qualitative similarity to the cuprate high-Tc superconductors. Here, we show evidence for a field induced phase-transition to a state akin to a density-wave (DW) in the heavy fermion CeRhIn5, existing in proximity to its unconventional superconductivity. The DW state is signaled by a hysteretic anomaly in the in-plane resistivity accompanied by the appearance of non-linear electrical transport at high magnetic fields (>27T), which are the distinctive characteristics of density-wave states. The unusually large hysteresis enables us to directly investigate the Fermi surface of a supercooled electronic system and to clearly associate a Fermi surface reconstruction with the transition. Key to our observation is the fabrication of single crystal microstructures, which are found to be highly sensitive to "subtle" phase transitions involving only small portions of the Fermi surface. Such subtle order might be a common feature among correlated electron systems, and its clear observation adds a new perspective on the similarly subtle CDW state in the cuprates.Comment: Accepted in Nature Communication

    Ionic liquid gating of SrTiO3_3 lamellas fabricated with a focused ion beam

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    In this work, we combine two previously-incompatible techniques for defining electronic devices: shaping three-dimensional crystals by focused ion beam (FIB), and two-dimensional electrostatic accumulation of charge carriers. The principal challenge for this integration is nanometer-scale surface damage inherent to any FIB-based fabrication. We address this by using a sacrificial protective layer to preserve a selected pristine surface. The test case presented here is accumulation of 2D carriers by ionic liquid gating at the surface of a micron-scale SrTiO3_3 lamella. Preservation of surface quality is reflected in superconductivity of the accumulated carriers. This technique opens new avenues for realizing electrostatic charge tuning in materials that are not available as large or exfoliatable single crystals, and for patterning the geometry of the accumulated carriers

    Observation of two-dimensional Fermi surface and Dirac dispersion in YbMnSb2_2

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    We present the crystal structure, electronic structure, and transport properties of the material YbMnSb2_2, a candidate system for the investigation of Dirac physics in the presence of magnetic order. Our measurements reveal that this system is a low-carrier-density semimetal with a 2D Fermi surface arising from a Dirac dispersion, consistent with the predictions of density functional theory calculations of the antiferromagnetic system. The low temperature resistivity is very large, suggesting scattering in this system is highly efficient at dissipating momentum despite its Dirac-like nature.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum limit transport and destruction of the Weyl nodes in TaAs

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    Weyl fermions are a new ingredient for correlated states of electronic matter. A key difficulty has been that real materials also contain non-Weyl quasiparticles, and disentangling the experimental signatures has proven challenging. We use magnetic fields up to 95 tesla to drive the Weyl semimetal TaAs far into its quantum limit (QL), where only the purely chiral 0th Landau levels (LLs) of the Weyl fermions are occupied. We find the electrical resistivity to be nearly independent of magnetic field up to 50 tesla: unusual for conventional metals but consistent with the chiral anomaly for Weyl fermions. Above 50 tesla we observe a two-order-of-magnitude increase in resistivity, indicating that a gap opens in the chiral LLs. Above 80 tesla we observe strong ultrasonic attenuation below 2 kelvin, suggesting a mesoscopically-textured state of matter. These results point the way to inducing new correlated states of matter in the QL of Weyl semimetals

    Transport evidence for Fermi-arc mediated chirality transfer in the Dirac semimetal Cd3_3As2_2

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    Dirac semi-metals show a linear electronic dispersion in three dimension described by two copies of the Weyl equation, a theoretical description of massless relativistic fermions. At the surface of a crystal, the breakdown of fermion chirality is expected to produce topological surface states without any counterparts in high-energy physics nor conventional condensed matter systems, the so-called "Fermi Arcs". Here we present Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations involving the Fermi Arc states in Focused Ion Beam prepared microstructures of Cd3_3As2_2. Their unusual magnetic field periodicity and dependence on sample thickness can be well explained by recent theoretical work predicting novel quantum paths weaving the Fermi Arcs together with chiral bulk states, forming "Weyl orbits". In contrast to conventional cyclotron orbits, these are governed by the chiral bulk dynamics rather than the common momentum transfer due to the Lorentz force. Our observations provide evidence for direct access to the topological properties of charge in a transport experiment, a first step towards their potential application.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, final published versio

    Scale-invariant magnetic anisotropy in RuCl3_3 at high magnetic fields

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    In RuCl3_3, inelastic neutron scattering and Raman spectroscopy reveal a continuum of non-spin-wave excitations that persists to high temperature, suggesting the presence of a spin liquid state on a honeycomb lattice. In the context of the Kitaev model, magnetic fields introduce finite interactions between the elementary excitations, and thus the effects of high magnetic fields - comparable to the spin exchange energy scale - must be explored. Here we report measurements of the magnetotropic coefficient - the second derivative of the free energy with respect to magnetic field orientation - over a wide range of magnetic fields and temperatures. We find that magnetic field and temperature compete to determine the magnetic response in a way that is independent of the large intrinsic exchange interaction energy. This emergent scale-invariant magnetic anisotropy provides evidence for a high degree of exchange frustration that favors the formation of a spin liquid state in RuCl3_3.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1901.09245. Nature Physic
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