620 research outputs found

    Pros and Cons of Long-Chain Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Cardiovascular Health

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    The long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are found in seafood, supplements, and concentrated pharmaceutical preparations. Prospective cohort studies demonstrate an association between higher intakes of EPA+DHA or higher levels of EPA and DHA in the body and lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD), especially coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction, and of cardiovascular mortality in the general population. The cardioprotective effect of EPA and DHA is due to the beneficial modulation of a number of risk factors for CVD. Some large trials support the use of EPA+DHA (or EPA alone) in high-risk patients, although the evidence is inconsistent. This review presents key studies of EPA and DHA in the primary and secondary prevention of CVD, briefly describes potential mechanisms of action, and discusses recently published RCTs and meta-analyses. Potential adverse aspects of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids in relation to CVD are discussed

    Omega-3 (n-3) Fatty Acid-Statin Interaction: Evidence for a Novel Therapeutic Strategy for Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

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    Managing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) often involves a combination of lifestyle modifications and medications aiming to decrease the risk of cardiovascular outcomes, such as myocardial infarction and stroke. The aim of this article is to discuss possible omega-3 (n-3) fatty acidā€“statin interactions in the prevention and treatment of ASCVD and to provide evidence to consider for clinical practice, highlighting novel insights in this field. Statins and n-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)) are commonly used to control cardiovascular risk factors in order to treat ASCVD. Statins are an important lipid-lowering therapy, primarily targeting low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels, while n-3 fatty acids address triglyceride (TG) concentrations. Both statins and n-3 fatty acids have pleiotropic actions which overlap, including improving endothelial function, modulation of inflammation, and stabilizing atherosclerotic plaques. Thus, both statins and n-3 fatty acids potentially mitigate the residual cardiovascular risk that remains beyond lipid lowering, such as persistent inflammation. EPA and DHA are both substrates for the synthesis of so-called specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs), a relatively recently recognized feature of their ability to combat inflammation. Interestingly, statins seem to have the ability to promote the production of some SPMs, suggesting a largely unrecognized interaction between statins and n-3 fatty acids with relevance to the control of inflammation. Although n-3 fatty acids are the major substrates for the production of SPMs, these signaling molecules may have additional therapeutic benefits beyond those provided by the precursor n-3 fatty acids themselves. In this article, we discuss the accumulating evidence that supports SPMs as a novel therapeutic tool and the possible statinā€“n-3 fatty acid interactions relevant to the prevention and treatment of ASCVD

    Unsaturated fatty acids suppress interleukin-2 production and transferrin receptor expression by concanavalin A-stimulated rat Iymphocytes

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    The proliferation of T-lymphocytes is dependent upon their ability to synthesize and secrete the cytokine, interleukin-2, and to express cell surface receptors for interleukin-2 and transferrin. We have previously reported that certain fatty acids inhibit mitogen-stimulated T-lymphocyte proliferation. We now report that unsaturated fatty acids decrease the concentration of interleukin-2 in the culture medium of such cells by up to 45%. This suggests that unsaturated fatty acids inhibit lymphocyte proliferation by suppressing interleukin-2 production. However, lymphocyte proliferation was only partially restored by addition of exogenous interleukin-2 to cell culture medium in the presence of unsaturated fatty acids, indicating that these fatty acids also affect other processes involved in the control of proliferation. Saturated fatty acids, which also inhibit lymphocyte proliferation, did not affect the interleukin-2 concentration in the culture medium suggesting a different mechanism for their action. Neither saturated nor unsaturated fatty acids affected the expression of the interleukin-2 receptor by mitogenstimulated lymphocytes. In contrast, unsaturated fatty acids decreased expression of the transferrin receptor by up to 50%. These observations suggest that the mechanism by which unsaturated fatty acids inhibit lymphocyte proliferation involves suppression of interleukin-2 production and of transferrin receptor expression. The mechanism for the inhibitory action of saturated fatty acids is not clear

    Diurnal rhythm of plasma EPA and DHA in healthy adults

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    Knowledge of the diurnal variation in circulating omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) may be an important consideration for the development of dosing protocols designed to optimise tissue delivery of these fatty acids. The objective of the current study was to examine the variation in plasma concentrations of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6n-3) over a 24-h period in healthy adults under eating and sleeping conditions generally approximate to a free-living environment. Twenty-one healthy participants aged 25ā€“44 years took part in a single laboratory visit encompassing an overnight stay. EPA and DHA were measured in plasma samples collected every two hours from 22:00 until 22:00 the following day, with all meals being provided at conventional times. Cosinor analysis was used to estimate the diurnal variation in each fatty acid from pooled data across all participants. A significant diurnal variation in the pooled plasma concentrations of both fatty acids was detected. However, evidence of distinct rhythmicity was strongest for DHA. The timing of the peak concentration of DHA was 17:43 with a corresponding nadir at 05:43. In comparison, the observed acrophase for EPA was delayed by three hours, occurring at 20:41, with a nadir at 08:41. This is the first time that the diurnal variation in these important bioactive fatty acids has been described in a sample of healthy adults following a normal pattern of eating and sleeping. In the absence of any dietary intake of EPA and DHA, circulating levels of these fatty acids fall during the overnight period and reach their lowest point in the morning. Consumption of n-3 PUFAs at night time, which counteracts this pattern, may have functional significance

    Dietary Docosahexaenoic Acid and Arachidonic Acid in Early Life:What Is the Best Evidence for Policymakers?

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    Background: A wealth of information on the functional roles of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA) from cellular, animal, and human studies is available. Yet, there remains a lack of cohesion in policymaking for recommended dietary intakes of DHA and ARA in early life. This is predominantly driven by inconsistent findings from a relatively small number of randomised clinical trials (RCTs), which vary in design, methodology, and outcome measures, all of which were conducted in high-income countries. It is proposed that this selective evidence base may not fully represent the biological importance of DHA and ARA during early and later life and the aim of this paper is to consider a more inclusive and pragmatic approach to evidence assessment of DHA and ARA requirements in infants and young children, which will allow policymaking to reflect the marked diversity of need worldwide. Summary: Data from clinical RCTs is considered in the context of the extensive evidence from experimental, animal and human observational studies. Although the RCT data shows evidence of beneficial effects on visual function and in specific cognitive domains, early methodological approaches do not reflect current thinking and this undermines the strength of evidence. An outline of a framework for an inclusive and pragmatic approach to policy development on dietary DHA and ARA in early life is described. Conclusion: High-quality RCTs that will determine long-term health outcomes in appropriate real-world settings need to be undertaken. In the meantime, a collective pragmatic approach to evidence assessment, may allow public health policymakers to make comprehensive reasoned judgements on the merits, costs, and expediency of dietary DHA and ARA interventions

    Disgust Enhances the Recollection of Negative Emotional Images

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    Memory is typically better for emotional relative to neutral images, an effect generally considered to be mediated by arousal. However, this explanation cannot explain the full pattern of findings in the literature. Two experiments are reported that investigate the differential effects of categorical affective states upon emotional memory and the contributions of stimulus dimensions other than pleasantness and arousal to any memory advantage. In Experiment 1, disgusting images were better remembered than equally unpleasant frightening ones, despite the disgusting images being less arousing. In Experiment 2, regression analyses identified affective impact ā€“ a factor shown previously to influence the allocation of visual attention and amygdala response to negative emotional images ā€“ as the strongest predictor of remembering. These findings raise significant issues that the arousal account of emotional memory cannot readily address. The term impact refers to an undifferentiated emotional response to a stimulus, without requiring detailed consideration of specific dimensions of image content. We argue that ratings of impact relate to how the self is affected. The present data call for further consideration of the theoretical specifications of the mechanisms that lead to enhanced memory for emotional stimuli and their neural substrates

    Micronutrients to Support Vaccine Immunogenicity and Efficacy

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    The world has entered the third year of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pan-demic. Vaccination is the primary public health strategy to protect against infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), in addition to other measures, such as mask wearing and social distancing. Vaccination has reduced COVID-19 severity and mortality dramatically. Nevertheless, incidence globally remains high, and certain populations are still at risk for severe outcomes. Additional strategies to support immunity, including potentially enhancing the response to vaccination, are needed. Many vitamins and trace minerals have recognized immunomodulatory actions, and their status and/or supplementation have been reported to corre-spond to the incidence and severity of infection. Furthermore, a variety of observational and some interventional studies report that adequate micronutrient status or micronutrient supplementation is associated with enhanced vaccine responses, including to COVID-19 vaccination. Such data suggest that micronutrient supplementation may hold the potential to improve vaccine immunogenicity and effectiveness, although additional interventional studies to further strengthen the existing evidence are needed. Positive findings from such research could have important implications for global public health, since deficiencies in several micronutrients that support immune function are prevalent in numerous settings, and supplementation can be implemented safely and inexpensively

    Perspective: Role of Micronutrients and Omega-3 Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids for Immune Outcomes of Relevance to Infections in Older Adults:A Narrative Review and Call for Action

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    The immune system is weakened by advancing age, often referred to as immunosenescence, increasing the vulnerability to, and frequently the severity of, infectious diseases in older people. This has become very apparent in the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic for which older people are at higher risk of severe outcomes, even those who are fully vaccinated. Aging affects both the innate and adaptive immune systems and is characterized by an imbalanced inflammatory response. Increasing evidence shows that optimal status of nutrients such as vitamins C, D, and E and selenium and zinc as well as the omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids DHA and EPA can help compensate for these age-related changes. While inadequate intakes of these nutrients are widespread in the general population, this is often more pronounced in older people. Maintaining adequate intakes is a challenge for them due to a range of factors such as physical, physiological, and cognitive changes; altered absorption; and the presence of noncommunicable diseases. While nutritional requirements are ideally covered by a balanced diet, this can be difficult to achieve, particularly for older people. Fortified foods and nutritional complements are effective in achieving adequate micronutrient intakes and should be considered as a safe and cost-effective means for older people to improve their nutritional status and hence support their defense against infections. Complementing the diet with a combination of micronutrients, particularly those playing a key role in the immune system such as vitamins C, D, and E and selenium and zinc as well as DHA and EPA, is recommended for older people. Optimal nutrition to support the immune system in older people will remain essential, particularly in the face of the current COVID-19 pandemic and, thus, developing strategies to ensure adequate nutrition for the growing number of older adults will be an important and cost-effective investment in the future
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