24 research outputs found

    Wards of the State: regnant and prostitute women

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    The paper demonstrates common mechanisms underlying state control of prostitute and pregnant women. On a global level, institutional regulation of pregnancy and prostitution has been incorporated into “population control” and “migration control” under the name of “family planning” and “anti trafficking”. Although those policies fit within a coherent system, reproductive and sexual issues are most often isolated, or framed as ideological and strategic opposites, also by feminist theorists and activists. This false dichotomy reinforces the division of women and colludes with social hypocrisy and injustice.El artículo muestra los mecanismos comunes subyacentes en el control estatal a mujeres prostitutas y embarazadas. Aun nivel global, la regulación institucional del embarazo y de la prostitución ha sido incorporada al “control de la población” y al “control de la migración” bajo el nombre de “planeamiento familiar” y “antitráfico”. Aunque estas políticas se incluyen dentro de un sistema coherente, las cuestiones sobre reproducción y sexualidad son muy a menudo aisladas o enmarcadas como oposiciones ideológicas y estratégicas, incluso por feministas teóricos y activistas. Esta falsa dicotomía refuerza la división de la mujer y refuerza la hipocresía social y la injusticia

    Caribbean initiative on abortion and contraception: Acercando el Caribe a América Latina en la lucha por el aborto seguro, Puerto Rico

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    Describe las actividades realizadas en la visita a la región del caribe Oriental con el propósito de actualizar la situación del aborto, parece ser un momento histórico muy particular en esta región del Caribe Oriental con una clara tendencia hacia la liberalización en lo que toca a la legislación sobre aborto. Dado el contexto particular de ser regiones geográficas pequeñas, donde la intimidad y estigma se ven más vulnerados, la colaboración internacional en lo tocante al tema del aborto es bienvenida y ciertamente podría contribuir a facilitar el diálogo entre los tres sectores más afectados las mujeres, profesionales de salud y el sector gubernamenta

    Le féminisme pris aux pièges

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    This article sketches the distancing of dominant feminist orientations from the struggle against institutional and ideological sexism, most notably in their collusion with governments to « protect » women against criminal violence, and in their abandon of coalitions between women in the hope of gaining rights as a sexual minority. In the early 1980’s, intense debates ensued between so-called anti-violence/anti-prostitution and pro-rights/pro-sex feminists. Those who championed the cause of sexually transgressive women were identified as sex radicals. Over the past thirty years, anti-violence feminists have succeeded in mainstreaming their objectives in national legislative reforms, NGOs, UN conventions and popular media. Some sex radical feminists, worn down by the complicity of anti-violence crusaders with governments in search of ideological credit to justify discriminatory control of undocumented migrants and illicit revenues, have found a less antagonistic political base in a Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender alliance. This erosion of feminist coalitions, however conflictive they may be, represents a decentering – or erasure – of radical feminism in favour of protectionist reforms, on one side, and integrationist reforms, on the other

    La parité n’offre aucune garantie contre une politique de droite

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    Pheterson Gail. La parité n’offre aucune garantie contre une politique de droite. In: Cahiers du GEDISST (Groupe d'étude sur la division sociale et sexuelle du travail), N°17, 1996. Principes et enjeux de la parité. pp. 85-92

    The Prostitution Prism

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    This collection of essays spans ten years (1984-1994) of theoretical and activist work on prostitution. Hypocrisies and mystifications attached to prostitution are closely examined in an attempt to reveal their underlying political logic. What are the realities of sex work and what exactly do laws outlaw, tolerate and / or require? Most centrally, what does sex work mean to women and how does it illustrate the balance of power between women and men? Together these essays elaborate a critique of the categories 'prostitute' and 'prostitution' as constructed both in scientific research and in international policy-making. That critique touches especially the stigma attached to being a 'whore' as an official and traditional mechanism of social control

    Le féminisme pris aux pièges

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    This article sketches the distancing of dominant feminist orientations from the struggle against institutional and ideological sexism, most notably in their collusion with governments to « protect » women against criminal violence, and in their abandon of coalitions between women in the hope of gaining rights as a sexual minority. In the early 1980’s, intense debates ensued between so-called anti-violence/anti-prostitution and pro-rights/pro-sex feminists. Those who championed the cause of sexually transgressive women were identified as sex radicals. Over the past thirty years, anti-violence feminists have succeeded in mainstreaming their objectives in national legislative reforms, NGOs, UN conventions and popular media. Some sex radical feminists, worn down by the complicity of anti-violence crusaders with governments in search of ideological credit to justify discriminatory control of undocumented migrants and illicit revenues, have found a less antagonistic political base in a Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender alliance. This erosion of feminist coalitions, however conflictive they may be, represents a decentering – or erasure – of radical feminism in favour of protectionist reforms, on one side, and integrationist reforms, on the other

    Prise en charge de la dépression et évaluation de l'attitude des pharmaciens de Picardie face à la personne dépressive

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    La dépression est une maladie universelle qui touche toutes les catégories de population. L éducation des patients, le counseling, la collaboration entre professionnels de santé et une meilleure formation des professionnels de santé peuvent améliorer la prise en charge des malades dépressifs. Afin d évaluer l attitude des pharmaciens de Picardie face à la personne dépressive, un questionnaire leur a été distribué. Bien que positifs, les résultats révèlent une différence dans la prise en charge des malades dépressifs par rapport aux malades atteints de maladies physiques. En cause, le manque de temps et le manque de formation sur les maladies mentales notamment. Des solutions doivent être proposées afin d obtenir les mêmes résultats pour la dépression que pour les maladies physiques.AMIENS-BU Santé (800212102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Droit d’asile, migration et prostitution

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    Pheterson Gail, Mathieu Nicole-Claude. Droit d’asile, migration et prostitution. In: Cahiers du GEDISST (Groupe d'étude sur la division sociale et sexuelle du travail), N°14, 1995. Séminaire 1994-1995. Division du travail, rapports sociaux de sexe et de pouvoir. pp. 57-67