462 research outputs found

    An integral turbulent kinetic energy analysis of free shear flows

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    Mixing of coaxial streams is analyzed by application of integral techniques. An integrated turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) equation is solved simultaneously with the integral equations for the mean flow. Normalized TKE profile shapes are obtained from incompressible jet and shear layer experiments and are assumed to be applicable to all free turbulent flows. The shear stress at the midpoint of the mixing zone is assumed to be directly proportional to the local TKE, and dissipation is treated with a generalization of the model developed for isotropic turbulence. Although the analysis was developed for ducted flows, constant-pressure flows were approximated with the duct much larger than the jet. The axisymmetric flows under consideration were predicted with reasonable accuracy. Fairly good results were also obtained for the fully developed two-dimensional shear layers, which were computed as thin layers at the boundary of a large circular jet

    Industrial Diversity in Urban Areas: Alternative Measures and Intermetropolitan Comparisons

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    In his Preface to Urban Economics, Wilbur Thompson describes, in terms of industry mix, a system of urban area tradeoffs among income level, income equality, and income stability [9, Chapter 2]. For example, Flint, Michigan, will have a relatively high level of income because of its relatively large fraction of employment in higher paying durable manufacturing industries and a relatively more equal distribution of earnings because of the strong union influence in durable manufacturing industries; but precisely because of the dominance of durable goods industries, it will be subject to a relatively high degree of cyclical instability. The issues of urban income level and urban income equality have received an increasing amount of attention in the still new literature of urban economics, but the stability question-particularly as it relates to diversity in industrial structure-has been largely ignored. The basic purpose of this research is to make interurban comparisons of the industrial diversification dimension of local stability

    Large perturbation flow field analysis and simulation for supersonic inlets

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    An analysis technique for simulation of supersonic mixed compression inlets with large flow field perturbations is presented. The approach is based upon a quasi-one-dimensional inviscid unsteady formulation which includes engineering models of unstart/restart, bleed, bypass, and geometry effects. Numerical solution of the governing time dependent equations of motion is accomplished through a shock capturing finite difference algorithm, of which five separate approaches are evaluated. Comparison with experimental supersonic wind tunnel data is presented to verify the present approach for a wide range of transient inlet flow conditions

    The Production of Antibody by Invading B Cells Is Required for the Clearance of Rabies Virus from the Central Nervous System

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    Every year over 50,000 people die from rabies worldwide, primarily due to the poor availability of rabies vaccine in developing countries. However, even when vaccines are available, human deaths from rabies occur if exposure to the causative virus is not recognized and vaccination is not sought in time. This is because rabies virus immunity induced by the natural infection or current vaccines is generally not effective at removing disease-causing rabies virus from brain tissues. Our studies provide insight into why this is the case and how vaccination can be changed so that the immune response can clear the virus from brain tissues. We show that the type of immune response induced by a live-attenuated rabies virus vaccine may be the key. In animal models, live-attenuated rabies virus vaccines are effective at delivering the immune cells capable of clearing the virus into CNS tissues and promote recovery from a rabies virus infection that has spread to the brain while conventional vaccines based on killed rabies virus do not. The production of rabies-specific antibody by B cells that invade the CNS tissues is important for complete elimination of the virus. We hypothesize that similar mechanisms may promote rabies virus clearance from individuals who are diagnosed after the virus has reached, but not extensively spread, through the CNS

    Pre-Erythrocytic Vaccine Candidates in Malaria

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    A vaccine providing sterile immunity against malaria has been shown to be possible with antigens from the pre-erythrocytic stages of malaria. Therefore, it is reasonable to focus vaccine development efforts on the pre-erythrocytic stages, consisting of both sporozoites and liver stage parasites, where it is expected that sterile immunity against the parasite can be elicited to block the development of blood stage infection, clinical disease, and resulting parasite transmission. Accordingly, we will review the preclinical and clinical studies of malaria pre-erythrocytic efforts as well as highlight the advances, trends, and roadblocks encountered in these efforts

    Evaluation of a community health worker intervention and the World Health Organization’s Option B versus Option A to improve antenatal care and PMTCT outcomes in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: study protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled health systems implementation trial

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    Background: Mother-to-child transmission of HIV remains an important public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa. As HIV testing and linkage to PMTCT occurs in antenatal care (ANC), major challenges for any PMTCT option in developing countries, including Tanzania, are delays in the first ANC visit and a low overall number of visits. Community health workers (CHWs) have been effective in various settings in increasing the uptake of clinical services and improving treatment retention and adherence. At the beginning of this trial in January 2013, the World Health Organization recommended either of two medication regimens, Option A or B, for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT). It is still largely unclear which option is more effective when implemented in a public healthcare system. This study aims to determine the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, acceptability, and feasibility of: (1) a community health worker (CWH) intervention and (2) PMTCT Option B in improving ANC and PMTCT outcomes. Methods/Design This study is a cluster-randomized controlled health systems implementation trial with a two-by-two factorial design. All 60 administrative wards in the Kinondoni and Ilala districts in Dar es Salaam were first randomly allocated to either receiving the CHW intervention or not, and then to receiving either Option B or A. Under the standard of care, facility-based health workers follow up on patients who have missed scheduled appointments for PMTCT, first through a telephone call and then with a home visit. In the wards receiving the CHW intervention, the CHWs: (1) identify pregnant women through home visits and refer them to antenatal care; (2) provide education to pregnant women on antenatal care, PMTCT, birth, and postnatal care; (3) routinely follow up on all pregnant women to ascertain whether they have attended ANC; and (4) follow up on women who have missed ANC or PMTCT appointments. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov: EJF22802. Registration date: 14 May 2013. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1745-6215-15-359) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Characterization of invasive and colonizing isolates of Streptococcus agalactiae in East African adults

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    Ninety-five colonizing isolates and 74 invasive isolates of Streptococcus agalactiae from Kenyan adults were characterized by using capsular serotyping and multilocus sequence typing. Twenty-two sequence types clustering into five clonal complexes were found. Data support the view that S. agalactiae isolates belonging to a limited number of clonal complexes are invasive in adults worldwide

    Identification and immune assessment of T cell epitopes in five Plasmodium falciparum blood stage antigens to facilitate vaccine candidate selection and optimization

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    The hurdles to effective blood stage malaria vaccine design include immune evasion tactics used by the parasite such as redundant invasion pathways and antigen variation among circulating parasite strains. While blood stage malaria vaccine development primarily focuses on eliciting optimal humoral responses capable of blocking erythrocyte invasion, clinically-tested Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) vaccines have not elicited sterile protection, in part due to the dramatically high levels of antibody needed. Recent development efforts with non-redundant, conserved blood stage antigens suggest both high antibody titer and rapid antibody binding kinetics are important efficacy factors. Based on the central role of helper CD4 T cells in development of strong, protective immune responses, we systematically analyzed the class II epitope content in five leading Pf blood stage antigens (RH5, CyRPA, RIPR, AMA1 and EBA175) using in silico, in vitro, and ex vivo methodologies. We employed in silico T cell epitope analysis to enable identification of 67 HLA-restricted class II epitope clusters predicted to bind a panel of nine HLA-DRB1 alleles. We assessed a subset of these for HLA-DRB1 allele binding in vitro, to verify the in silico predictions. All clusters assessed (40 clusters represented by 46 peptides) bound at least two HLA-DR alleles in vitro. The overall epitope prediction to in vitro HLA-DRB1 allele binding accuracy was 71%. Utilizing the set of RH5 class II epitope clusters (10 clusters represented by 12 peptides), we assessed stimulation of T cells collected from HLA-matched RH5 vaccinees using an IFN-γ T cell recall assay. All clusters demonstrated positive recall responses, with the highest responses – by percentage of responders and response magnitude – associated with clusters located in the N-terminal region of RH5. Finally, a statistically significant correlation between in silico epitope predictions and ex vivo IFN-γ recall response was found when accounting for HLA-DR matches between the epitope predictions and donor HLA phenotypes. This is the first comprehensive analysis of class II epitope content in RH5, CyRPA, RIPR, AMA1 and EBA175 accompanied by in vitro HLA binding validation for all five proteins and ex vivo T cell response confirmation for RH5

    Visualizing Graphene Based Sheets by Fluorescence Quenching Microscopy

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    Graphene based sheets have stimulated great interest due to their superior mechanical, electrical and thermal properties. A general visualization method that allows quick observation of these single atomic layers would be highly desirable as it can greatly facilitate sample evaluation and manipulation, and provide immediate feedback to improve synthesis and processing strategies. Here we report that graphene based sheets can be made highly visible under a fluorescence microscope by quenching the emission from a dye coating, which can be conveniently removed afterwards by rinsing without disrupting the sheets. Current imaging techniques for graphene based sheets rely on the use of special substrates. In contrast, the fluorescence quenching mechanism is no longer limited by the types of substrates. Graphene, reduced graphene oxide, or even graphene oxide sheets deposited on arbitrary substrates can now be readily visualized by eye with good contrast for layer counting. Direct observation of suspended sheets in solution was also demonstrated. The fluorescence quenching microscopy offers unprecedented imaging flexibility and could become a general tool for characterizing graphene based materials.Comment: J. Am. Chem. Soc., Article ASA

    Viral delivery of a peptide-based immunomodulator enhances T cell priming during vaccination

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    Modern, subunit-based vaccines have so far failed to induce significant T cell responses, contributing to ineffective vaccination against many pathogens. Importantly, while today’s adjuvants are designed to trigger innate and non-specific immune responses, they fail to directly stimulate the adaptive immune compartment. Programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) partly regulates naïve-to-antigen-specific effector T cell transition and differentiation by suppressing the magnitude of activation. Indeed, we previously reported on a microbial-derived, peptide-based PD-1 checkpoint inhibitor, LD01, which showed potent T cell-stimulating activity when combined with a vaccine. Here we sought to improve the potency of LD01 by designing and testing new LD01 derivatives. Accordingly, we found that a modified version of an 18-amino acid metabolite of LD01, LD10da, improved T cell activation capability in a malaria vaccine model. Specifically, LD10da demonstrates improved antigen-specific CD8+ T cell expansion when combined prophylactically with an adenovirus-based malaria vaccine. A single dose of LD10da at the time of vaccination is sufficient to increase antigen-specific CD8+ T cell expansion in wild-type mice. Further, we show that LD10 can be encoded and delivered by a Modified Vaccinia Ankara viral vector and can enhance antigen-specific CD8+ T cell expansion comparable to that of synthetic peptide administration. Therefore, LD10da represents a promising biologic-based immunomodulator that can be genetically encoded and delivered, along with the antigen, by viral or other nucleic acid vectors to improve the efficacy and delivery of vaccines for ineradicable and emerging infectious diseases
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