355 research outputs found

    Characterization of pig farms in Hung Yen, Hai Duong and Bac Ninh provinces

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    peer reviewedIn order to characterization of pig farms in the Red River Delta, a study was conducted on 90 pig farms in Hung Yen, Hai Duong and Bac Ninh provinces from June to December 2006. Results show that most of the pig farms had been built for five years with a small size (0.5 hectare per farm). The invested capital was about 300-400 millions VND per farm. Four main sow groups used in the farms included crossbred exotic sows (51.1%), crossbred sow between local and exotic breeds (14.4%), purebred Landrace and Yorkshire breeds (15.6 and 18.9%, respectively). The boars were various (Duroc 30%, Yorkshire 21%, Landrace 13%, PiÐtrain × Duroc 36% and others). The pigs farms were faced with several difficulties such as limited land, lack of invested capital, uncontrolled quality of breeding pigs, high costs of feed, poor hygiene condition and diseases

    The Bulk Metric in the Theory with Two Extra Dimensions

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    The metric of a warped space-time with two extra dimensions is established by means of the Einstein equations in six dimensions and the compactification of two extra dimensions on a square . It is shown that at every among two fixed points our manifold reduces to the five-dimensional Randall - Sundrum space - time and the hierarchy problem could be solved

    A Survey on Some Parameters of Beef and Buffalo Meat Quality

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    A survey was carried out on 13 Vietnamese Yellow cattle, 14 LaiSind cattle and 18 buffalos in Hanoi to estimate the quality of longissimus dorsi in terms of pH, color, drip loss, cooking loss and tenderness at 6 different postmortem intervals. It was found that the pH value of longissimus dorsi was not significantly different among the 3 breeds (P>0.05), being reduced rapidly during the first 36 hours postmortem, and then stayed stable. The value was in the range that was considered to be normal. Conversely, the color values L*, a* and b* tended to increase and also stable at 36 hours postmortem, except that for LaiSind cattle at 48 hours. According to L* scale, the meat of Yellow and LaiSind cattle met the normal quality but the buffalo meat was considered to be dark cutters. The tenderness of longissimus dorsi was significantly different among the breeds (P<0.05). The value was highest at 48 hours and then decreased for LaiSind and buffalo, but for Yellow cattle the value decreased continuously after slaughtering In terms of tenderness buffalo meat and Yellow cattle meat were classified as “intermediate”, while LaiSind meat was out of this interval and classified as “tough”. Drip loss ratio was increased with the time of preservation (P<0.05). The cooking loss ratio was lowest at 12 hours and higher at the next period, but there was no significant difference among the periods after 36 hours postmotem.Peer reviewe

    Hidden in the jungle of Vietnam: a new species of Quasipaa (Amphibia, Anura, Dicroglossidae) from Ngoc Linh Mountain

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    A new species of Quasipaa is described from Ngoc Linh Mountain of the Kon Tum Massif in central Vietnam. The new species is morphologically distinguishable from its congeners on the basis of a combination of the following diagnostic characters: SVL 79.6–84.3 mm in males and 64.6–69.9 mm in females; head broader than long; vomerine teeth present; external vocal sacs absent; tympanum slightly visible; dorsum with lines of thick ridges and small round tubercles; flanks covered by oval and round tubercles; supratympanic fold present; dorsolateral fold absent; ventrolateral sides, ventral surface of arms, and all fingers with spines in males; the absence of spines on chest and belly in males; toes fully webbed to distal portion of terminal phalanx; in life, dorsum dark brown, chest and belly immaculate white. Phylogenetic analyses found that the genetic divergence of the new species and its congeners ranged from 4.2–5.1% (compared with Quasipaa boulengeri) to 7.6–8.1% (compared with Q. shini) in the 16S gene


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    In this paper, our aim was to examine the role of ENSO in the recent climate variations. Analyzed results on temporal variability of thermal fields in period of 38 years (Jan. 1979-Aug. 2016) showed that Ninh Thuan - Binh Thuan waters were subjected to the significant impact of the ENSO phases (warming and cooling) as well as other processes related to seasonal, inter-seasonal, yearly and mutlti-yearly variations such as in the periods 1986-1989, 1996-2000 and 2009-2011. In order to clarify above issues, authors carried out the analysis of the temporal -spatial changes of temperature fields (include air temperature and sea surface temperature) in Ninh Thuan - Binh Thuan region. The temperature data were exploited from The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) in the form of hourly time-series products with spatial resolution of 0.3o (1979-2010) and 0.20o (2011-8/2016). The results showed that 2016 was quite similar to 1998 and 2010 when the coral bleaching occurred in the study area.Các kết quả phân tích trường nhiệt độ trong 38 năm (1/1979 - 8/2016) đã cho thấy vùng biển Ninh Thuận - Bình Thuận chịu sự tác động không nhỏ của các pha ENSO (ấm, lạnh) mà còn có liên quan đến các quá trình khác có chu kỳ mùa, liên mùa, năm, nhiều năm thể hiện tại các giai đoạn 1986-1989; 1996-2000 và 2009-2011. Để góp phần làm sáng tỏ vấn đề trên, chúng tôi đã tiến hành phân tích sự thay đổi nền nhiệt độ của nhiệt độ không khí, nhiệt độ nước bề mặt biển. Các số liệu nhiệt độ sử dụng trong nghiên cứu này được khai thác từ Hệ thống Dự đoán Khí hậu Phân tích lại (CFSR) theo bước thời gian 1 giờ với độ phân giải ngang 0,3° (1979-2010) và 0,2o (2011-8/2016) của Trung tâm Dự báo Môi trường Quốc gia Hoa Kỳ (NCEP). Kết quả phân tích cho thấy năm 2016 có nét khá tương đồng với năm 1998 và 2010, các năm được phát hiện đã xảy ra hiện tượng tẩy trắng san hô tại khu vực nghiên cứu

    Disinfection performance of an ultraviolet lamp: a CFD investigation

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    Ultraviolet (UV)-based devices have shown their effectiveness on various germicidal purposes. To serve their design optimisation, the disinfection effectiveness of a vertically cylindrical UV lamp, whose wattage ranges from P = 30 − 100 W, is numerically investigated in this work. The UV radiation is solved by the Finite Volume Method together with the Discrete Ordinates model. Various results for the UV intensity and its bactericidal effects against several popular virus types, i.e., Corona-SARS, Herpes (type 2), and HIV, are reported and analysed in detail. Results show that the UV irradiance is greatly dependent on the lamp power. Additionally, it is indicated that the higher the lamp wattage employed, the larger the bactericidal rate is observed, resulting in the greater effectiveness of the UV disinfection process. Nevertheless, the wattage of P ≤ 100W is determined to be insufficient for an effective disinfection performance in a whole room; higher values of power must hence be considered in case intensive sterilization is required. Furthermore, the germicidal effect gets reduced with the viruses less sensitive to UV rays, e.g, the bactericidal rate against the HIV virus is only ∼8.98% at the surrounding walls


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    GBSS1 gene regulates the biosynthesis of starch in cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, and its allelic diversity relates to variation in their starch production. In this research, genetic diversity of the recent conserved cassava germplast was estimated based on DNA polymorphism of a targeted fragment on GPSS1 gene of 14 representatives selected from 44 cassava varieties, whose genetic diversity was previously determined with SSR markers. The results from analyses of boostrap values on Neighbor Joining tree, of genetic indice from DNAsp 4.10.9 software, and of typical mutated points of 612bp-fragments on GBSS1 gene of the studied varieties revealed high genetic diversity and were in agreement to previous analyses with SSR markers. All 14 varieties were separated into 3 clusters on Neighbor Joining tree, in accordance with the variation in tuber-starch percentage and fresh root yield between groups. All three groups showed high genetic diversity with 53-99% of bootstrap values, high genetic differentiation (Kst=0.74, χ2=28; P=0.036), high number of allele (A=9) and high allenic diversity (Ad=0.91). The varieties of each group had 2-5 typical alleles. Results of this study could be applied for estimation of effectiveness of cassava germplast conservation. Together with the relevant SSR markers, the typical alleles of GBSS1 gene of different groups could be used as additional markers for selection and breeding of cassava with high starch yield in their tubers. GBSS1 (Granule bound starch synthase 1) là gen điều khiển sinh tổng hợp tinh bột ở cây sắn (Manihot esculenta Crantz) và đa dạng alen của gen phản ánh đa dạng về năng suất và chất lượng tinh bột. Trong nghiên cứu này đa dạng di truyền của tập đoàn giống sắn đang lưu giữ được đánh giá dựa vào đa hình trình tự ADN dọc đoạn đích trên gen GBSS1 của 14 giống đại diện trong 44 giống sắn đã đươc đánh giá bằng chỉ thị SSR. Kết quả phân tích dựa vào giá trị bootstrap trên cây phát sinh chủng loại theo phương pháp Neighbor Joining, dựa vào hệ số di truyền trên phần mềm DNAsp4.10.9 và dựa vào đột biến điểm dọc đoạn đích 612bp trên gen GBSS1 của các giống sắn nghiên cứu đều phản ánh đa dạng di truyền cao và phù hợp với kết quả đánh giá bằng chỉ thị SSR. Các giống sắn được phân thành 3 nhánh tách biệt trên cây phát sinh chủng loại theo tỷ lệ tinh bột và năng suất củ tươi trung bình đặc trưng của từng nhóm. Giữa các nhóm có giá trị bootstrap từ 53-99% và khác biệt di truyền tin cậy (Kst= 0,74, χ2=28; P=0,036) với số lượng alen (A=9) và đa dạng alen (Ad =0,91) cao. Mỗi nhóm sắn có 2-5 alen đặc trưng. Kết quả nghiên cứu có thể áp dụng để đánh giá hiệu quả công tác lưu giữ nguồn gen các giống sắn. Các alen đặc trưng của từng nhóm có thể sử dụng kết hợp với chỉ thị SSR liên quan làm cơ sở để chọn lọc hiệu quả các dòng sắn có tỷ lệ tinh bột cao

    Dietary Phospholipids and Intestinal Cholesterol Absorption

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    Experiments carried out with cultured cells and in experimental animals have consistently shown that phospholipids (PLs) can inhibit intestinal cholesterol absorption. Limited evidence from clinical studies suggests that dietary PL supplementation has a similar effect in man. A number of biological mechanisms have been proposed in order to explain how PL in the gut lumen is able to affect cholesterol uptake by the gut mucosa. Further research is however required to establish whether the ability of PLs to inhibit cholesterol absorption is of therapeutic benefit