1,672 research outputs found

    An ecological perspective on the motivational trajectories of high school students learning English in rural areas in Vietnam : A thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

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    This study explores the motivational trajectories of four students learning English at a rural high school in Southern Vietnam. It draws on a person-in-context relational view of motivation (Ushioda, 2009) as the overarching theoretical framework and uses ecological systems theory (Bronfenbrenner, 1993) as an analytical tool to develop insights into the ways motivation is implicated in a multiplicity of settings and social relationships. Specifically, it aims to identify motivational affordances for these students, the synergistic effects across settings on their language learning motivation, and their motivational trajectories within and across settings and relationships. The study utilises a qualitative case study design, relying primarily on interviews from social practice perspectives and observations. The data collection, spanning approximately one and a half years, comprised two main phases, one on-site and one off-site. In the first phase, data were gathered in different settings, including the school, the participants’ homes as a site for private tuition, and other more informal public spaces such as food stores. In the second phase, Skype interviews and Facebook exchanges were the main means of data collection. The findings suggest that while language affordances were evident in both formal and informal learning settings, students developed diverse individual motivational trajectories. Their motivational constructions resulted from a synergy of environmental and idiosyncratic elements pertinent to their own language learning conditions, social relationships, and personal appraisals of such affordances and learning opportunities. These relationships and students’ agentive use of resources were shaped and reshaped by their interactions with significant others within and across settings. Sociocultural features related to the school systems, local and national education policies, family traditions, cultural values, and future prospects also have synergistic impacts on their L2 motivation. The present study illustrates the value of interpreting the situated and dynamic nature of L2 motivation using an ecological paradigm. It also points to the need to adopt a set of data collection methods, tools, and data sources that diverge from more conventional means to explore L2 motivation. The study offers a fresh theoretical and methodological approach for future research geared towards lifewide adaptive perspectives on English language teaching and learning

    Cylinder morphology of a stretched and twisted ribbon

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    A rich zoology of shapes emerges from a simple stretched and twisted elastic ribbon. Despite a lot of interest, all these shape are not understood, in particular the shape that prevails at large tension and twist and that emerges from a transverse instability of the helicoid. Here, we propose a simple description for this cylindrical shape. By comparing its energy to the energy of other configurations, we are able to determine its location on the phase diagram. The theoretical predictions are in good agreement with our experimental results

    Architectures d'apprentissage profond pour la reconnaissance d'actions humaines dans des séquences vidéo RGB-D monoculaires. Application à la surveillance dans les transports publics

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    Cette thèse porte sur la reconnaissance d'actions humaines dans des séquences vidéo RGB-D monoculaires. La question principale est, à partir d'une vidéo ou d'une séquence d'images donnée, de savoir comment reconnaître des actions particulières qui se produisent. Cette tâche est importante et est un défi majeur à cause d'un certain nombre de verrous scientifiques induits par la variabilité des conditions d'acquisition, comme l'éclairage, la position, l'orientation et le champ de vue de la caméra, ainsi que par la variabilité de la réalisation des actions, notamment de leur vitesse d'exécution. Pour surmonter certaines de ces difficultés, dans un premier temps, nous examinons et évaluons les techniques les plus récentes pour la reconnaissance d'actions dans des vidéos. Nous proposons ensuite une nouvelle approche basée sur des réseaux de neurones profonds pour la reconnaissance d'actions humaines à partir de séquences de squelettes 3D. Deux questions clés ont été traitées. Tout d'abord, comment représenter la dynamique spatio-temporelle d'une séquence de squelettes pour exploiter efficacement la capacité d'apprentissage des représentations de haut niveau des réseaux de neurones convolutifs (CNNs ou ConvNets). Ensuite, comment concevoir une architecture de CNN capable d'apprendre des caractéristiques spatio-temporelles discriminantes à partir de la représentation proposée dans un objectif de classification. Pour cela, nous introduisons deux nouvelles représentations du mouvement 3D basées sur des squelettes, appelées SPMF (Skeleton Posture-Motion Feature) et Enhanced-SPMF, qui encodent les postures et les mouvements humains extraits des séquences de squelettes sous la forme d'images couleur RGB. Pour les tâches d'apprentissage et de classification, nous proposons différentes architectures de CNNs, qui sont basées sur les modèles Residual Network (ResNet), Inception-ResNet-v2, Densely Connected Convolutional Network (DenseNet) et Efficient Neural Architecture Search (ENAS), pour extraire des caractéristiques robustes de la représentation sous forme d'image que nous proposons et pour les classer. Les résultats expérimentaux sur des bases de données publiques (MSR Action3D, Kinect Activity Recognition Dataset, SBU Kinect Interaction, et NTU-RGB+D) montrent que notre approche surpasse les méthodes de l'état de l'art. Nous proposons également une nouvelle technique pour l'estimation de postures humaines à partir d'une vidéo RGB. Pour cela, le modèle d'apprentissage profond appelé OpenPose est utilisé pour détecter les personnes et extraire leur posture en 2D. Un réseau de neurones profond est ensuite proposé pour apprendre la transformation permettant de reconstruire ces postures en trois dimensions. Les résultats expérimentaux sur la base de données Human3.6M montrent l'efficacité de la méthode proposée. Ces résultats ouvrent des perspectives pour une approche de la reconnaissance d'actions humaines à partir des séquences de squelettes 3D sans utiliser des capteurs de profondeur comme la Kinect. Nous avons également constitué la base CEMEST, une nouvelle base de données RGB-D illustrant des comportements de passagers dans les transports publics. Elle contient 203 vidéos de surveillance collectées dans une station du métro incluant des événements "normaux" et "anormaux". Nous avons obtenu des résultats prometteurs sur cette base en utilisant des techniques d'augmentation de données et de transfert d'apprentissage. Notre approche permet de concevoir des applications basées sur des techniques de l'apprentissage profond pour renforcer la qualité des services de transport en commun.This thesis is dealing with automatic recognition of human actions from monocular RGB-D video sequences. Our main goal is to recognize which human actions occur in unknown videos. This problem is a challenging task due to a number of obstacles caused by the variability of the acquisition conditions, including the lighting, the position, the orientation and the field of view of the camera, as well as the variability of actions which can be performed differently, notably in terms of speed. To tackle these problems, we first review and evaluate the most prominent state-of-the-art techniques to identify the current state of human action recognition in videos. We then propose a new approach for skeleton-based action recognition using Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Two key questions have been addressed. First, how to efficiently represent the spatio-temporal patterns of skeletal data for fully exploiting the capacity in learning high-level representations of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (D-CNNs). Second, how to design a powerful D-CNN architecture that is able to learn discriminative features from the proposed representation for classification task. As a result, we introduce two new 3D motion representations called SPMF (Skeleton Posture-Motion Feature) and Enhanced-SPMF that encode skeleton poses and their motions into color images. For learning and classification tasks, we design and train different D-CNN architectures based on the Residual Network (ResNet), Inception-ResNet-v2, Densely Connected Convolutional Network (DenseNet) and Efficient Neural Architecture Search (ENAS) to extract robust features from color-coded images and classify them. Experimental results on various public and challenging human action recognition datasets (MSR Action3D, Kinect Activity Recognition Dataset, SBU Kinect Interaction, and NTU-RGB+D) show that the proposed approach outperforms current state-of-the-art. We also conducted research on the problem of 3D human pose estimation from monocular RGB video sequences and exploited the estimated 3D poses for recognition task. Specifically, a deep learning-based model called OpenPose is deployed to detect 2D human poses. A DNN is then proposed and trained for learning a 2D-to-3D mapping in order to map the detected 2D keypoints into 3D poses. Our experiments on the Human3.6M dataset verified the effectiveness of the proposed method. These obtained results allow opening a new research direction for human action recognition from 3D skeletal data, when the depth cameras are failing. In addition, we collect and introduce in this thesis, CEMEST database, a new RGB-D dataset depicting passengers' behaviors in public transport. It consists of 203 untrimmed real-world surveillance videos of realistic "normal" and "abnormal" events. We achieve promising results on CEMEST with the support of data augmentation and transfer learning techniques. This enables the construction of real-world applications based on deep learning for enhancing public transportation management services
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