3 research outputs found

    Parameterized Complexity of Vertex Splitting to Pathwidth at most 1

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    Motivated by the planarization of 2-layered straight-line drawings, we consider the problem of modifying a graph such that the resulting graph has pathwidth at most 1. The problem Pathwidth-One Vertex Explosion (POVE) asks whether such a graph can be obtained using at most kk vertex explosions, where a vertex explosion replaces a vertex vv by deg(v)(v) degree-1 vertices, each incident to exactly one edge that was originally incident to vv. For POVE, we give an FPT algorithm with running time O(4k⋅m)O(4^k \cdot m) and an O(k2)O(k^2) kernel, thereby improving over the O(k6)O(k^6)-kernel by Ahmed et al. [GD 22] in a more general setting. Similarly, a vertex split replaces a vertex vv by two distinct vertices v1v_1 and v2v_2 and distributes the edges originally incident to vv arbitrarily to v1v_1 and v2v_2. Analogously to POVE, we define the problem variant Pathwidth-One Vertex Splitting (POVS) that uses the split operation instead of vertex explosions. Here we obtain a linear kernel and an algorithm with running time O((6k+12)k⋅m)O((6k+12)^k \cdot m). This answers an open question by Ahmed et al. [GD22]. Finally, we consider the problem Π\Pi Vertex Splitting (Π\Pi-VS), which generalizes the problem POVS and asks whether a given graph can be turned into a graph of a specific graph class Π\Pi using at most kk vertex splits. For graph classes Π\Pi that can be tested in monadic second-order graph logic (MSO2_2), we show that the problem Π\Pi-VS can be expressed as an MSO2_2 formula, resulting in an FPT algorithm for Π\Pi-VS parameterized by kk if Π\Pi additionally has bounded treewidth. We obtain the same result for the problem variant using vertex explosions

    Parameterized Complexity of Simultaneous Planarity

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    Given kk input graphs G1,…,GkG_1, \dots ,G_k, where each pair GiG_i, GjG_j with i≠ji \neq j shares the same graph GG, the problem Simultaneous Embedding With Fixed Edges (SEFE) asks whether there exists a planar drawing for each input graph such that all drawings coincide on GG. While SEFE is still open for the case of two input graphs, the problem is NP-complete for k≥3k \geq 3 [Schaefer, JGAA 13]. In this work, we explore the parameterized complexity of SEFE. We show that SEFE is FPT with respect to kk plus the vertex cover number or the feedback edge set number of the the union graph G∪=G1∪⋯∪GkG^\cup = G_1 \cup \dots \cup G_k. Regarding the shared graph GG, we show that SEFE is NP-complete, even if GG is a tree with maximum degree 4. Together with a known NP-hardness reduction [Angelini et al., TCS 15], this allows us to conclude that several parameters of GG, including the maximum degree, the maximum number of degree-1 neighbors, the vertex cover number, and the number of cutvertices are intractable. We also settle the tractability of all pairs of these parameters. We give FPT algorithms for the vertex cover number plus either of the first two parameters and for the number of cutvertices plus the maximum degree, whereas we prove all remaining combinations to be intractable.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2023

    Experimental Comparison of PC-Trees and PQ-Trees

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    PQ-trees and PC-trees are data structures that represent sets of linear and circular orders, respectively, subject to constraints that specific subsets of elements have to be consecutive. While equivalent to each other, PC-trees are conceptually much simpler than PQ-trees; updating a PC-tree so that a set of elements becomes consecutive requires only a single operation, whereas PQ-trees use an update procedure that is described in terms of nine transformation templates that have to be recursively matched and applied. Despite these theoretical advantages, to date no practical PC-tree implementation is available. This might be due to the original description by Hsu and McConnell [Hsu et al., 2003] in some places only sketching the details of the implementation. In this paper, we describe two alternative implementations of PC-trees. For the first one, we follow the approach by Hsu and McConnell, filling in the necessary details and also proposing improvements on the original algorithm. For the second one, we use a different technique for efficiently representing the tree using a Union-Find data structure. In an extensive experimental evaluation we compare our implementations to a variety of other implementations of PQ-trees that are available on the web as part of academic and other software libraries. Our results show that both PC-tree implementations beat their closest fully correct competitor, the PQ-tree implementation from the OGDF library [Markus Chimani et al., 2014; Leipert, 1997], by a factor of 2 to 4, showing that PC-trees are not only conceptually simpler but also fast in practice. Moreover, we find the Union-Find-based implementation, while having a slightly worse asymptotic runtime, to be twice as fast as the one based on the description by Hsu and McConnell