11 research outputs found

    An iOS Framework for the Indivo X Personally Controlled Health Record

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    The Indivo X personally controlled health record creates a channel between researchers and the patient/subject in several large scale projects. Indivo enables patients to access their health data through a web interface and, as an “apps platform”, can be extended in functionality. Patient-facing apps, such as a medication list, may improve the data flow between researcher and patient, in both directions, and as such provide better data for the researcher and immediate benefit for the patient. However, research projects in general do not allocate large funds to patient facing apps, let alone a mobile interface. Thus we have created a framework that greatly simplifies connecting an iOS app to an Indivo X server. Our open-source framework enables novel as well as experienced iOS developers to build mobile interfaces for their research subjects, taking advantage of Indivo X

    Screenshots of the C Tracker app making use of C3-PRO.

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    <p><b>A</b>) App dashboard for participation overview. <b>B</b>) Viewing the generated consent PDF file, including signature and date, on device. <b>C</b>) Filling out a short survey, showing one of the questions rendered by ResearchKit.</p

    OAuth2 dynamic client registration flow, extended to use the app's App Store receipt.

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    <p>The receipt data is sent alongside the standard OAuth2 registration parameters and verified with Apple's iTunes servers. If the receipt is valid, standard dynamic client registration continues. Subsequently the app can request access tokens with the supplied client key and -secret through an OAuth2 "client credentials” flow.</p

    Effective recruitment status.

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    <p>A) Recruitment status (x-axis), verified by phone or email, of the trials in our 4 trial sets. B) The same recruitment status compared against how long ago the trials were last updated on ClinicalTrials.gov. Trials closed for recruitment tended not to have been updated recently when compared to trials open for recruitment (p<0.001).</p

    Comparison of the time since last update to whether the recruitment status is conflicting with the stated study completion date.

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    <p>Trials with a recruitment status conflicting with their stated completion date tended to not have been updated recently (p<0.001).</p

    Number of trials and eligibility criteria.

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    <p>Number of trials and individual eligibility criteria in our 4 data sets and the date of data retrieval from ClinicalTrials.gov.</p><p>Number of trials and eligibility criteria.</p

    Computationally challenging elgibility criteria.

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    <p>The percentage of trials, broken down per trial set, that include at least one criterion only applying to a sub-population (sub-population) of the targeted patient cohort, that contain at least one laboratory value or medical score (labs and scores), that have at least one criterion that is temporally constrained (temporal), that have at least one criterion describing patient behavior or abilities (patient) and that have at least one of these four criteria (any).</p><p>Computationally challenging elgibility criteria.</p

    C3-PRO data flow.

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    <p>Data flow from data capture on the phone through the C3-PRO receiver, consumer and i2b2 cell into the i2b2 database.</p