20 research outputs found

    Cooperative export channel modes in times of uncertainty, a key to born global firms' survival?

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    Export firms with theory-driven operation modes are shown to have greater performance. Considering the well-established theories in the field, this study incorporates real options reasoning to highlight how different modes of export operation can create value for the firm. Specifically born globals with limited resources, inevitably operating in markets that might not be close to them may benefit by choosing modes that help them to manage uncertainties and reduce the costs of failure. The result of the survey of 187 Chinese born global exporters shows that firms operating in institutionally distanced markets most benefit from cooperative channels when the investment is irreversible, the environment is perceived as highly competitive, and institutional barriers are high. Cooperative operation is a value-creating mechanism, providing the firm with both options to grow/withdraw, when uncertainty resolves favourably/unfavourably, hence contributing to the survival of the firm

    Development of a device for testing the spread of slats on a commutator

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    V podjetju Domel d. o. o. je velik del proizvodnje namenjen komutatorjem, zato je pomembno, da na komutatorjih naredimo čim več različnih testiranj in s tem poiščemo možne napake, ki lahko ogrozijo delovanje komutatorja v elektromotorju. Eden izmed teh problemov je razlet lamel, ki se lahko pojavi pri visokih vrtilnih in temperaturnih obremenitvah. V podjetju je trenutno prisotna naprava za testiranje z jekleno žico, ki prenaša vrtljaje in navor iz elektromotorja na preizkušanec. Z njo imamo kar nekaj težav, saj se zelo pogosto prelomi, tudi ob najmanjšem tresljaju. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili konstruiranje in izdelavo naprave za testiranje z magnetno sklopko, ki obvaruje elektromotor pri nenadnih spremembah vrtilnega momenta, ter je veliko priročnejša za montažo in demontažo preizkušancev iz naprave. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili rezultate testiranja, ugotovitve in predloge za nadaljnje delo.In the company Domel, a large part of the production is intended for commutators. Therefore, it is important to perform as many different tests as possible in order to find possible faults that would jeopardize the operation of commutator in the electric motor. One of the problems is the scattering of the slats. This can occur at high rotational and temperature loads. The company already has a testing device with a steel rod, which transmits revolutions and torque from the electric motor to the tester. We have quite a few problems with it, as it breaks very often, even with the slightest vibration. The thesis presents the design and manufacture of testing devices with a magnetic clutch, which protects the electric motor in the event of sudden changes in torque, and at the same time it is a much more convenient for the assembly and disassembly of testers from the devices. The final part presents the results of testing, findings and suggestions for further work

    Badanie wielowymiarowości użyteczności konsumpcji kolaboratywnej

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    The limited amount of research on collaborative consumption and its' different results suggest that the individual motivations for consumers' engagement are likely to be more complex and quite dissimilar to the motivation for participation in other social sharing initiatives. Except few studies on local community or environmental benefits, key motivators generating perceived utility for participants engaging in collaborative consumption were mostly connected with intrinsic benefits. In fact, researchers suggest that drivers for collaborative consumption seem to be broad and wideranging, from individual to social or even political ones. This study is a quantitative research on the influence of foregoing factors as components of perceived utility on collaborative consumption propensity.Ograniczona liczba opracowań na temat konsumpcji kolaboratywnej, a także odmienne wyniki badań sugerują, że motywacja indywidualna uczestnictwa w zjawisku może być bardziej skomplikowana i różna od motywacji uczestnictwa w innych przejawach współdzielenia. Poza kilkoma badaniami odnoszącymi się do korzyści lokalnych społeczności i korzyści środowiskowych główne motywy postrzeganej użyteczności zjawiska dotyczyły przede wszystkim korzyści indywidualnych. Tym niemniej dostępne opracowania sugerują, że uwarunkowania uczestnictwa w konsumpcji kolaboratywnej mogą przyjmować znacznie szerszy zasięg, obejmując czynniki indywidualne, społeczne, a nawet polityczne. W niniejszym artykule autorzy, w oparciu o badania ilościowe, podejmują próbę określenia zależności pomiędzy tymi czynnikami a postrzeganą użytecznością konsumpcji kolaboratywnej

    Is partner knowledge equally important for businesses from post-communist countries? - comparative study of Polish and Slovenian companies

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    Business relationships are nowadays perceived as the factor of company's success, but there is lack of international comparative studies with regard to effectiveness of relationship-based business resources. This study is oriented at minimizing this gap by comparing the effects of relational resources developed by companies based in two Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries: Poland and Slovenia. Specifically, this study focuses on the partner knowledge as a specific resource that companies from these two countries may use to manage relationships with various partners in the supply chain. The international survey we conducted illustrates that developing partner knowledge is associated significantly with high quality of customer relationships and indirectly with financial performance, which is not surprising because advanced partner knowledge helps in integrating supply chain towards providing superior value to the customers. However, our study contributes to the literature on partner knowledge by presenting some important country-related contingencies for this path and testing them empirically. Namely, our empirical study shows that Slovenian companies benefit more from partner knowledge than Polish companies. We explain this result through differences in socio-economic aspects of business environment that influence on networking by Polish and Slovenian companies. The managers may use our study as the motivation to enhance the scope of company databases and utilizing such enriched databases in business networking, especially in export markets.Web of Science24117715

    Revisiting antecedents to collaborative consumption in the context of dual role consumers

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the current factors that influence the attitudes and intentions of experienced dual-role consumers toward collaborative consumption (CC), an area that has received less attention in previous research. Based on a multi-theoretical perspective, we propose a conceptual model that incorporates rational choice theory to explain consumers' beliefs. This model also integrates a sociocultural perspective and establishes a link between consumers' beliefs, their attitudes toward CC, and their intentions to participate in CC, by employing the Beliefs-Attitudes-Intentions framework. A study conducted on a sample of 501 individuals involved in CC as both providers and consumers found a significant and positive relationship between CC attitudes and intentions. In addition, the study found that age negatively influences this relationship, suggesting that the strength of the relationship varies depending on the age of the participants. The effect of risk of property damage, self-utility, and eco-utility on CC attitudes and intentions is significant. The relationship between trust and CC intention is fully mediated by CC attitude. However, consumer resistance to CC only has a positive direct effect on CC intention, but not on CC attitude. No evidence was found that perceived helpfulness of CC has an influence on attitudes toward CC and the desire to participate in CC. The results of this study suggest that for experienced individuals who both consume and provide in the CC context, the decision to continue to participate in CC can be considered a rational choice.Web of Scienc

    Co-creating value in post-communists contexts: capability perspective

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to test what kind of value co-creation-related organizational capabilities may be applied in the specific context of the post-communist business-to-customer service industry in Poland and how these capabilities translate into service innovation success. Design/methodology/approach The research model with control variables was hypothesized in regard to the customer co-creation and specific institutional setting in post-communist Poland. The model was tested using survey data from Polish companies in the service sector. The variable indicators for customer co-creation capability were developed through a series of in-depth interviews with managers. Findings First, a service company's organizational processes that leverage customer communication and enable this communication to be transformed as input into service innovations are distinct components that build complex customer co-creation dynamic capability. Second, customer co-creation capability by service firms positively and strongly influences firms' innovation success, whereas this link is stronger in the cases of larger service companies. Originality/value This paper introduces the concept of "customer co-creation capability" and evaluates its implications in the specific context of Poland, a Central European market that transformed from a closed communist economy to an open, market-driven economy. A rich but dramatically changing history and culture present a unique opportunity to observe the changes in customer behavior, evaluated from the organizational point of view. For example, it presents how these unique customer features may be used by services companies to leverage their innovations.Web of Scienc

    International dynamic marketing capabilities

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    Purpose – In this paper, the authors aim to introduce international dynamic marketing capabilities (IDMCs) theoretically derived from marketing capabilities (MCs), dynamic marketing capabilities (DMCs) and international marketing capabilities (IMCs) and provide a novel conceptualization of the concept by applying a holistic view of the international enterprise. Design/methodology/approach – This is a literature review that maps the current research on MCs, DMCs and IMCs and serves as a basis for the theoretical conceptualization of a novel IDMCs concept as well as for the identification of research gaps and the development of future research directions on this phenomenon. Findings – Existing typologies of MCs, DMCs and IMCs are classified into four categories: strategic, operational, analytical and value creation capabilities. A new typology of IDMCs is proposed, consisting of digital MC and dynamic internationalization capability as strategic capabilities, agile IMC, IM excellence and absorptive capability in IM as operational capabilities, IM resilience capability, IM knowledge management capability, AI-enabled IDMC and Industry 4.0-enabled IDMC as analytical capabilities, and ambidextrous IM innovation capability as value creation capability. Finally, the authors identify research gaps and develop research questions that open future research avenues for the coming years. Originality/value – This paper offers a novel view of MCs, DMCs and IMCs and argues that, in contrast to the majority of previous research, a comprehensive understanding of these is only possible if all levels are considered simultaneously: the strategic, the operational, the analytical and the value creation level. A new conceptualization and typology of IDMCs follows this logic

    Analysis of expected changes in sport sponsorship as a result of COVID-19

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    Sponzorstvo je eden ključnih stebrov financiranja slovenskega športa. Namen tega članka je odstreti spremembe na področju sponzorstva v športu z vidika trženjskih, ekonomskih in družbenih učinkov v luči pandemije covid-19. Covid-19 je močno vplival in še vpliva na izvajanje športnih aktivnosti, zato smo tudi kot družba pred izzivom, kako v spremenjenih okoliščinah sponzorstvo vidijo podjetja in imetniki športne lastnine in kakšen je njihov odnos do prihodnjih umeščanj sponzorstva v šport. V ta namen je nastala raziskava na temo odkrivanja posledic covid-19 v slovenskem športnem sponzorskem okolju. Potekala je v maju in juniju 20201, tako preko delno strukturiranih intervjujev kot tudi spletnega anketnega vprašalnika. Raziskava ugotavlja, da posledice covid-19 vplivajo na učinke sponzorstva preko sprememb v pričakovanjih deležnikov v sponzorstvu. Presenetljiva ugotovitev je, da spremembe pri porabnikih kot posledica covid-19 ne vplivajo neposredno na spremembe v pričakovanjih deležnikov v sponzorstvu. Ugotavljamo tudi, da spremenjena pričakovanja pri sponzorjih in imetnikih športne lastnine zgolj ob prisotnosti trajnostnega komuniciranja vplivajo na učinke sponzorstva. Prispevek zaključujemo s priporočili za različne deležnike v sponzorstvu v športu, kjer poudarjamo pomen sodelovanja sponzorjev in imetnikov športne lastnine z drugimi deležniki (tj. porabniki, družbo, državo) in tako predlagamo nov model mreže odnosov na področju sponzorstva, ki odpira pot prihodnjim raziskavam.Sponsorship is one of the key pillars of financing Slovenian sport. The purpose of this article is to highlight the changes in sport sponsorship and its marketing, economic and social effects in the pandemic situation. Covid-19 has strongly influenced and continues to influence the implementation of sports activities, so we are facing the challenge of how sponsors and sport properties see the changed current sponsorship situation and their attitude to future sponsorship. Therefore, a research uncovering the consequences of Covid-19 on the Slovenian sports sponsorship environment was created and implemented in May and June 2020, both through semi-structured interviews and an online questionnaire. This researchs findings suggest that changes due to Covid-19 influence sponsorship effects through changes in expectations of various sponsorship stakeholders. The changes on the consumers\u27 side due to Covid-19 surprisingly do not influence directly the changes in expectations of various sponsorship stakeholders. Furthermore, the changes in expectations of various sponsorship stakeholders influence sponsorship effects only in the presence of sustainable communication. The study concludes with the recommendations for various stakeholders in sport sponsorship, exposing the importance of sponsors\u27 and sport properties\u27 cooperation with other stakeholders (consumers, society, and government). The cooperation among these stakeholders is at the heart of a newly proposed model of network relationships in sponsorship, which opens this field for future research