10 research outputs found

    Otherness in self and organisations:Kafka's The Metamorphosis to stir moral reflection

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    Informed by Jung’s analytical psychology, this chapter discusses Kafka’s short-story The metamorphosis in relation to moral reflection on organisational life. Adopting the view that fiction offers a promising path to engage the reader’s imagination and reflection on moral issues, I explore such process in light of The metamorphosis. I argue that this story not only outlines important moral issues of relevance to workers in modern organisations, but is also particularly effective in eliciting a reaction from the reader which calls for further analysis. Reading about Gregor Samsa’s transformation precludes indifference; instead, it asks us to reflect on our own moral values and behaviours, and to ponder on our tolerance for what is ‘other’. In turn, this enhanced knowledge and understanding of ourselves help explore ethical issues in organisations in a more subjective, creative and holistic manner

    O assédio moral no trabalho na visão de operadores do direito Mobbing at work according to operators of the law

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    Este estudo analisou a concepção de operadores do Direito acerca do assĂ©dio moral no trabalho, sua avaliação nas instĂąncias jurĂ­dicas, o perfil dos trabalhadores vitimados atendidos, assim como o papel do Direito e da Psicologia em relação ao fenĂŽmeno. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas junto a seis operadores do Direito. Com base na anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo das entrevistas, constatou-se uma tendĂȘncia, entre os entrevistados, de perceberem a natureza organizacional do fenĂŽmeno. O medo dos trabalhadores em denunciar eventos dessa natureza foi outro elemento apontado. Os participantes afirmaram ser muito difĂ­cil avaliar e comprovar o assĂ©dio nos casos que recorrem Ă s diferentes instĂąncias jurĂ­dicas. Quanto ao papel da Psicologia, os entrevistados referem sua importĂąncia para a produção de conhecimento, avaliação psicolĂłgica dos casos e prevenção da violĂȘncia psicolĂłgica nas organizaçÔes. Em relação ao papel do Direito, reiteraram que as instĂąncias legais sejam espaços de garantia de direitos e reparação de danos.<br>This study analyses the concept of mobbing at work among operators of the Law. The assessment of this practice at legal institutions, the profile of workers affected, and the role of Law and Psychology toward this phenomenon are investigated. Six operators of the Law participated by semi-structured interviews. Based on content analysis of the interviews, it was observed a tendency to perceive the organizational nature of mobbing at work. Another element pointed by participants was the fearfulness of workers in reporting such kind of violence. The interviewed professionals also referred the hardness to assess mobbing in those cases that appeal to legal institutions. About the role of Psychology, they affirmed its importance to production of knowledge, psychological assessment of workers and prevention of psychological violence in organizations. Concerning the role of Law, they had reiterated that legal instances are spaces of guarantee of rights and repairing of damages

    As novas relaçÔes de trabalho, o desgaste mental do trabalhador e os transtornos mentais no trabalho precarizado

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