24 research outputs found

    Exploring the Experiences of Iranian Women Regarding Obesity Self-Management: A Qualitative Study

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the high and growing prevalence of obesity in Iran and a variety of interventions by the healthcare providers control the problem, and it is still a prevalent health problem among Iranian women. AIM: The aim of this study is to explore the perspective of obese Iranian women in the process of self-management regarding the facilitating factor in self-management of obesity. METHODS: In a qualitative study, the participants were selected through purposeful sampling, and the data were collected using semi-structured interviews and focus group (n = 25) between July 2017 and September 2018. All the interviews were transcribed verbatim and the data were analysed using constant comparative method. RESULTS: Supporting the umbrella was the main category found in the present study. The participating obese individuals found “support†as the main factor with an outstanding effect on motivating, incentivising and keeping diet in long-term. This category contains subcategories: self-help; family, friends, and peers’ support; and medical team’s support. CONCLUSION: The findings suggested the critical role of support in obesity self-management process. This critical factor improves our perception of the multi-aspect and complicated nature of obesity self-management. Moreover, policymakers and providers of health services can utilise this finding in the design of care plans with higher chance of success

    Professional socialization of the Iranian BSN Students: A grounded theory study

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    Background: Professional socialization is a critical aspect of nursing students’ development, which begins with entry into the nursing program and continues when beginning professional practice. The aim of this study was to explore the socialization of Iranian BSN students in nursing profession. Methods: An exploratory qualitative approach utilizing Straussian version of the grounded theory (1998) method was used. Individual in-depth semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 14 participants chosen from two large nursing schools in an urban area of Iran through purposive and theoretical sampling. The data were analyzed using the constant comparative method. Findings: Five main categories and eleven subcategories emerged and integrated around one core category. Professional metamorphosis as the core variable was a complex and interrelated process (consisting of three stages: dependence, disintegration, and integration) with dynamic, ongoing, and personal features influenced by professional and extra-professional context. The students assumed passive role in the initial of their studies. However, during the last year of educational program, they gradually involved actively in dealing with own personal and professional issues. Conclusion: This study introduced "professional metamorphosis of BSN students" as a substantive grounded theory in the socio-cultural context of the health care system in Iran. During this process, students move from outsider personal position to insider professional position. The nurse educators and administrators may develop effective educational interventions to promote professional socialization of students with an understanding of the promoting and driving forces influencing socialization

    The Effect of Early Passive Range of Motion Exercise on Motor Function of People with Stroke: a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Introduction: Frequent and regular exercises in the first six months of stroke may cause return of a significant portion of sensory and motor function of patients. This study aimed to examine the effects of passive range of motion exercise in the acute phase after stroke on motor function of the patients. Methods: A randomized controlled trial study was conducted. The patients with first ischemic stroke were randomly allocated to either experimental (n=33) or control (n=19) group. Passive range of motion exercises was performed in the experimental group during the first 48 hours of admission as 6 to 8 times of 30 minute exercise. Before intervention, and one and three months after intervention, motor function were measured by muscle strength grading scale (Oxford scale) and compared. SPSS version 13.0 for Windows was used for statistical analysis. Frequency distribution was used to describe the data. For comparisons, paired t-test, independent t-test was used, and repeated measures test was used. Results: In acute phase, the intervention in the experimental group led to significant improvement of motor function between the first and third month in both the upper and lower extremities. In control group, improvement was observed only in the muscle strength of upper extremity in the first and third month compared to pre-intervention measurement. The greatest improvement was observed in the interval from base to one month in the upper extremity, and base to the first month and the first to the third month in the lower extremity. Conclusion: It is recommended to use early passive range of motion exercise as part of care for people with stroke during the acute phase of the disease

    Patients’ Experience of Living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): A Hermeneutic Phenomenology

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    Introduction: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic gastrointestinal disorder with a wide range of effects on the individual’s quality of life, emotional state, and identity. Given the lack of knowledge about patients’ perceptions of life with irritable bowel syndrome, this study aimed to describe and interpret patients' experience of living with irritable bowel syndrome Methods: The present qualitative study was conducted using a hermeneutic phenomenological approach on 15 patients with irritable bowel syndrome who referred to three central clinics. The data were collected through in-depth semistructured interviews with the participants who were selected through purposive sampling. Thematic analysis was carried out using Van Manen’s six-step methodological framework as a guide. Besides, MAXQDA software was used for data management. Results: The analysis of the data yielded four themes and eight subthemes. The patients’ experiences of living with IBS were manifested through the themes of “crisis and transient release” (with “storm in the corporeality” and “relief” subthemes); “surrender and harassment” (with “mandatory submitting” and “feeling of helplessness” subthemes); “looking for adaptation” (with “struggle in obtaining insight” and “seeking help from coping strategies” subthemes); and “different selfperceptions” (with “threatened self” and “deep self-knowledge” subthemes). Conclusion: Understanding the life experience of IBS patients can be effective in improving the interdisciplinary medical-care programs and reducing their psychological, social, and physical problems. Therefore, carrying out more studies to promote the quality of life of IBS patients is suggested

    Perception of social support among family caregivers of vegetative patients: A qualitative study

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    A vegetative state (VS) is the probable result after brain damage. After VS patients are discharged from the hospital, the responsibility of caring of them is transferred to their families, which impacts a caregiver’s physical and psychological health. Social support as a valuable resource reduces the negative effects of stressful events. This study aimed to explore the perception of social support among family caregivers of VS patients. This study is a part of a larger qualitative study which used the descriptive and qualitative method. Purposeful and theoretical sampling was done, and data was gathered through face-to-face, in-depth interviews. The four categories of ‘‘Family, a supporter in all aspects,” ‘‘Beautiful emanation of the nurse’s role,” ‘‘Revitalization via empathy and companionship,” and ‘‘Defects in support,” were extracted. The primary concern of participants was receiving social support which can facilitate caregiving and coping with difficulties, but there are many shortcomings in supporting these caregivers

    Exploring the Role of Spirituality in Coping Process of Family Caregivers of Patients in Vegetative State

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    Introduction: The vegetative state (VS) is a condition which can occurs after a severe brain injury. After hospital discharging Responsibility of caring of patients in vs is transferred to their families, which cause high burden for them. Religion and spirituality help people to reinterpret uncontrollable events and cope with difficulties. Aims and Objectives: This study was carried out to explore the role of spirituality during coping process of family caregivers of patients in VS with caregiving burden. Place and Duration of Study: The present study was carried out in Kerman province, Iran during 2014- 2015.Methods: This study is a part of a larger qualitative study with using grounded theory method. Sampling was done by using purposeful sampling and then theoretical sampling according to data analysis and constant comparative method for expanding concepts. 11 family members and 2 nurses participated in the study. Data was gathered using face to face in-depth interviews and were analysed through constant comparison method. Results: From the analysis of the interview texts two themes were extracted, first: "finding meaning in care" which indicates that there is meaning and purpose in delivering care. The categories "care is something spiritual", "looking toward the horizon" and "a sense of excellence in care" formed this theme. Second: "Internal solace provided by religious beliefs" that shows religious beliefs can be effective in bringing relief to the caregivers’ life. The categories "reliance" and “invocation" formed this theme. Conclusion: Spirituality and religion help family caregivers to accept care and strongly affected the ability of family caregivers to cope with the hardships of caregiving for patients in vegetative state. In light of spirituality, they maintained hope for a better future and experience inner peace by remembrance and supplicating to God

    Knowledge translation in health care: a concept analysis

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License which allows users to read, copy, distribute and make derivative works for non-commercial purposes from the material, as long as the author of the original work is cited properly.Background :Although knowledge translation is one of the most widely used concepts in health and medical literature, there is a sense of ambiguity and confusion over its definition. The aim of this paper is to clarify the characteristics of KT. This will assist the theoretical development of it and shape its implementation into the health care system Methods : Walker and Avant’s framework was used to analyze the concept and the related literature published between 2000 and 2010 was reviewed. A total of 112 papers were analyzed. Results : Review of the literature showed that "KT is a process" and "implementing refined knowledge into a participatory context through a set of challenging activities" are the characteristics of KT. Moreover, to occur successfully, KT needs some necessary antecedents like an integrated source of knowledge, a receptive context, and preparedness. The main consequence of successful process is a change in four fields of healthcare, i.e. quality of patient care, professional practice, health system, and community. In addition, this study revealed some empirical referents which are helpful to evaluate the process. Conclusion : By aiming to portray a clear picture of KT, we highlighted its attributes, antecedents, consequences and empirical referents. Identifying the characteristics of this concept may resolve the existing ambiguities in its definition and boundaries thereby facilitate distinction from similar concepts. In addition, these findings can be used as a knowledge infrastructure for developing the KT-related models, theories, or tools

    Introducing the professional metamorphosis theory of the BSN students and its application in the nursing education

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    AbstractBackground and aimProfessional socialization is a critical aspect of nursing students’ development. This process begins withentering into the nursing program and continues after graduation and beginning of professional practice. Thispaper aimed to introduce the professional metamorphosis theory of BSN students and its application in thenursing education.Materials and methodsThis study was conducted with the aim of the introduction of the professional metamorphosis theory of BSNstudents. For this purpose, a search was performed on scientific databases (Pub Med, CINAHL, SID &IranMedex) using the key terms “professional socialization”, “professionalization”, “nursing education”, and“ metamorphosis”. Ultimately 27 scientific articles and 2 Textbooks selected and reviewed. The results werecompared with the present theory.FindingsIn this study, the professional metamorphosis nursing students as a grounded theory was introduced. Thetheory was compared with related models and theories in the nursing literature. The applications andpractical suggestions were provided in the nursing education.ConclusionsThis study introduced "professional metamorphosis of nursing students" as a grounded theory in the socioculturalcontext of the health system of Iran. The nursing students' experiences during these stages(dependence, disintegration, and integration) and surrounding professional and extra- professional contextshelp the nurse educators and administrators to develop effective educational interventions.Keywords:Socialization; Professionalization; Metamorphosis; Nursing Education; Ira

    The social well-being of nurses shows a thirst for a holistic support: A qualitative study

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    Introduction: Social well-being is one of the important aspects of health. In fact, this is a reflection of experience in a social environment, indicating how social challenges are determined. In other words, social well-being is an explanation of people's perception and experience of being in a good situation, satisfaction with the structure, and social interaction. This qualitative study intended to explore nurses’ experience of social well-being. Methods: Qualitative content analysis was used to conduct the study. Through purposive sampling, a total of 18 nurses with various clinical experiences participated in semi-structured interviews. The data were analysed using the five-step, qualitative content analysis introduced by Graneheim and Lundman. Results: The main theme extracted from the data analysis was “thirst for a holistic support” in nurses. It consisted of two subthemes including internal support (family's support, colleague's support, and organizational support) and external support (society's support and media's support). Conclusions and discussion: Nurses’ experiences in shaping their social well-being show that nurses need support in order to rebuild their social well-being. It is supported in partnership with the media, the community, health-related organizations, and by nurses and family. This improves job satisfaction, hope, motivation, commitment, and confidence so as to ultimately facilitate improvement of social well-being of nurses

    Study of Social Anxiety in Nursing Students of Tehran Universities of Medical Sciences

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    Introduction: Social anxiety is an important factor in peoples’ mental health. Good mental health while studying in university makes students able to deal effectively with numerous stressors that they experience. The purpose of this study was to determine and compare the social anxiety of nursing students in grades one to four of medical universities in Tehran. Methods: In this analytic cross-sectional study, 400 students from universities of medical sciences in Tehran were recruited by stratified sampling with proportional allocation. Data were collected during the first semester in 2010. Students completed a two-part questionnaire including the Liebowitz social anxiety questionnaire and a demographic information form. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics methods and an analytical test by SPSS statistical software. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the total scores of social anxiety of first- to fourth-year students. The mean score of the avoidance of social interaction dimension in fourth-year students was significantly lower than in first year students (p<0.05). Conclusion: In regard to the relationship between social anxiety and interpersonal communication as an associated part of nursing care, decrease of social anxiety of students could play an important role in their mental health. According to the results of this study, it seems that the placement of students in the nursing education system does not produce any changes in their social anxiety