60 research outputs found

    Study on the specific dynamic and thermal conditions leading an ice-hole to maintain its ice during Spring or Summer

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    The aim of this study is to give a coherent explanation to the natural phenomenon named “ice-hole”. Ice presence inside some ground cavities of small depth, during short meteorological unfavourable periods - Spring or Summer – in some European geographical zones of mean altitude (600 - ~ 900m), unsubmitted to very cold temperatures, is reported since a long time. But, up today, it is not well explained because it was not a real interesting study subject.This “ice-hole” phenomenon is based on the phase changing of which water is the typical model by its vapour, liquid and solid forms.A first approach will be done on the basis of experiments yet effected on volumes containing ice and submitted to a continuous heating on their upper surface. Then, on an identical volume, with the same content (ice), 24h periodical sinusoidal regular temperature conditions will be applied on the upper part of this volume. The temperature amplitudes will be function of the mean seasonal values issuing of local meteorological data.In a second step, to have a better approach of the whole conditions leading to the emergence of this phenomenon, the natural physical and structural data are taken into account and digitalised. The results obtained from this numerical approach show that a lot of conditions needs to be considered and can lead to the maintain of a part of ice in this type of hole

    La pratique religieuse dans le diocèse de Bordeaux au XIXe siècle (1838-1908)

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    Die Diözese von Bordeaux besitzt eine außergewöhnliche Menge von Dokumenten, die es möglich machen, in großen Zügen die Religionsausübung im 19. Jahrhundert zu untersuchen. Nach der durch die Revolution verursachten Erschütterung war sie stark herabgesunken. Kardinal Donnet (1837-1882) bemühte sich sehr, ihr Niveau zu heben. Er erzielte beachtliche Erfolge, die aber nicht von Dauer waren. Die Krisen am Ende des Jahrhunderts führten zu einem neuerlichen Nachlassen der praktischen Religionsausübung.Религиозная практика в епархии Бордо в XIX в., 1838-1908 г. г. Епархия Бордо обладает исключительной коллекцией документов, позволяющей изучить главные черты религиозной практики в XIX в. После потрясений революции она сильно понизилась. Кардинал Доннет (1837-1882 г. г.) приложил много усилий, чтобы поднять ее уровень. Он добился крупных результатов, но они не сохранились. Кризисы конца века нанесли новый удар по религиозным обрядам.The diocese of Bordeaux benefits from an exceptional collection of documents that allow for a study of the major aspects of religious practice in the 19th century. Practice was greatly reduced after the blow of the Revolution. Cardinal Donnet (1837-1882) made a great effort to raise the level. He achieved important results, but they did not sustain themselves. The crisis at the end of the century led to a new fall in practice.Le diocèse de Bordeaux bénéficie d'un ensemble exceptionnel de documents permettant l'étude des grandes lignes de la pratique religieuse au XIXe siècle. Après la secousse de la Révolution, celle-ci était descendue assez bas. Le cardinal Donnet, (1837-1882) entreprit un grand effort pour en élever le niveau. Il obtint des résultats importants, mais ceux-ci ne se maintinrent pas. Les crises de la fin du siècle amenèrent une nouvelle chute de la pratique.Peyrous B. La pratique religieuse dans le diocèse de Bordeaux au XIXe siècle (1838-1908). In: Annales du Midi : revue archéologique, historique et philologique de la France méridionale, Tome 87, N°124, 1975. pp. 443-468

    Sur l'action catholique : Prat (Germaine), L'action catholique rurale dans l'Hérault : de la J.A.C. au M.R.J.C., préface de G. Cholvy, Montpellier, Publications du Centre d'Histoire contemporaine du Languedoc-Roussillon, 1977

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    Peyrous B. Sur l'action catholique : Prat (Germaine), L'action catholique rurale dans l'Hérault : de la J.A.C. au M.R.J.C., préface de G. Cholvy, Montpellier, Publications du Centre d'Histoire contemporaine du Languedoc-Roussillon, 1977. In: Annales du Midi : revue archéologique, historique et philologique de la France méridionale, Tome 90, N°137, 1978. p. 225

    Sur l'action catholique : Prat (Germaine), L'action catholique rurale dans l'Hérault : de la J.A.C. au M.R.J.C., préface de G. Cholvy, Montpellier, Publications du Centre d'Histoire contemporaine du Languedoc-Roussillon, 1977

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    Peyrous B. Sur l'action catholique : Prat (Germaine), L'action catholique rurale dans l'Hérault : de la J.A.C. au M.R.J.C., préface de G. Cholvy, Montpellier, Publications du Centre d'Histoire contemporaine du Languedoc-Roussillon, 1977. In: Annales du Midi : revue archéologique, historique et philologique de la France méridionale, Tome 90, N°137, 1978. p. 225

    Analytic calculations of ozone concentration in an oxygen-fed wire-to-cylinder ozonizer and comparison with the Vasil'ev relation

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    An analytical model for ozone concentration calculations in an oxygen-fed wire-to-cylinder ozonizer is presented in order to improve our basic knowledge on ozone generation. This approach takes into account the physical and chemical phenomena. The Becker parameter is introduced and the ozone concentration deduced from this model is compared to the Vasil'ev relation, the macroscopic coefficients for ozone formation and destruction being expressed as functions of the kinetic coefficients. The general results (electron density, ozone concentration, macroscopic coefficients) are compared with experiments and a good agreement is observed

    Water Vapour Condensation in a Partly Closed Structure. Comparison between Results Obtained with an inside Wet or Dry Bottom Wall

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    International audienceWe are interested in the determination of the more significant parameters acting on the water vapour condensation in a partly closed structure, submitted to external constraints (temperature and humidity), in view to recover the generated droplets as an additional source of potable water. External temperature variations, by inducing temperature differences between outside and inside of the structure, lead to convective movements and thermal variations inside this structure. Through an orifice, these movements permit a renewing of the humid inner air and can lead to the condensation of the water vapour initially contained in the inner air volume and/or on the walls. With the above hypotheses, and by using a numerical simulation [1] based on the ambient air characteristics and a finite volumes method, it appears that condensed water quantities are mainly depending on the boundary conditions imposed. These conditions are: 1) dimensions of the structure; 2) external temperature and relative hygrometry; 3) the phase \varphi (T/RH) linking thermal and hydrometric conditions; 4) the air renewing and its hygrometry for each phase; and 5) for each case, the fact that the inside bottom wall can be wet or dry. The resulting condensed water vapour quantities obtained, for the width section, point out clearly that they are very depending on this phase \varphi (T/RH) which appears as the more significant parameter and can be modified by the presence or not of a thin layer of water vapour on the inside bottom wall. Condensation phenomenon could be increased if \varphi could be optimized. \textcopyright 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    A systematic parameters study from analytic calculations to optimize ozone concentration in an oxygen-fed wire-to-cylinder ozonizer

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    A systematic parameter study from analytic calculations is presented to optimize ozone concentration in an oxygen-fed wire-to-cylinder ozonizer. Using experimental results, an analytic temperature law is deduced and included in a previously published analytical model [1]. From this latter a systematic parameters study shows that optimum conditions for ozone generation depend on electric power, gas flow and ozonizer geometry. A general relationship is given to calculate the best working conditions. The Mayn physical functions for ozone production (formation and destruction overall coefficients, ozone concentration, specific energy and economical criterion) are studied and commented. These results are finally compared with experiments for a wide range of parameters and a good agreement is found

    Les visites pastorales dans le Midi aquitain : bilan d'une enquête

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    Diese eben abgeschlossene Untersuchung über die Visitation der Pfarreien gibt einen ersten Überblick über die Geschichte dieser Einrichtung im aquitanischen Süden Frankreichs. Während aus dem Mittelalter und dem 16. Jahrhundert nur sehr wenige Visitationsakten erhalten sind, kennzeichnet eine Blütezeit auf diesem Gebiet das 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Sie hält auch im 19. Jahrhundert an, das als eine der glänzendsten Epochen der Pfarr-Visitation gelten kann. Im 20. Jahrhundert beginnt eine neue Entwicklung, die sich seit dem zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil beschleunigt.Пастырские посещения прихожан на юго-западе Франции (Аквитания): итоги обследования Недавно законченное обследование пастырских посещений прихожан позволяет дать первые итоги по истории этого обычая в южной Аквитании. От Средневековья и ХVI в. сохранилось мало протоколов этих посещений, зато ХVII и ХVIII в. в. указывают на широкое развитие этого обычая. Они продолжаются и в ХIХ в., являющемся самым ярким периодом посещения прихожан священниками. В XX в. начинается упадок, который ускоряется после Второго Собора Ватикана.The survey of pastoral visits, just concluded, enables us to establish a sketch of the history of this institution in the Midi aquitain. If for the Middle Ages up through the 16th century, very few minutes of the visits are preserved, the 17th and 18th centuries mark an important renewal of this practice. This renewal is prolonged in the 19th century, one of the most flourishing periods of the pastoral visit. In the 20th century, an evolution begins, since the Second Vatican Council.L'enquête sur les visites pastorales, qui vient de se terminer, permet d'établir un premier bilan de l'histoire de cette institution dans le Midi aquitain. Si, pour le Moyen âge et le XVIe siècle, on conserve très peu de procès-verbaux de visites, les XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, par contre, marquent un grand renouveau de cette pratique. Celui-ci se prolonge au XIXe siècle, qui est l'une des plus brillantes de la visite pastorale. Au XXe siècle, une évolution s'amorce, qui s'accélère depuis le second concile du Vatican.Darricau Raymond, Peyrous B. Les visites pastorales dans le Midi aquitain : bilan d'une enquête. In: Annales du Midi : revue archéologique, historique et philologique de la France méridionale, Tome 89, N°134, 1977. pp. 389-404