74 research outputs found

    A study on the effect of social capital on learning organization: A case study of Jihad Agriculture Organization of Kermanshah, Iran

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    One of the challenges in contemporary zone of management and organizational behavior is to create and strengthen social capital. Social capital arises from individuals trying to help people build trust, relationships and cooperation. Without social capital, employees are not able to share information and knowledge. The purpose of this study is to review the relationship of social capital and the learning organizational in one of Iranian organizations called Jihad Agriculture Organization of Kermanshah. The statistical population includes 270 employees of this organization and a sample size of 159 people are chosen using Morgan statistical table for a the first six months of 2012. The research method is descriptive- survey, the type of correlation and a questionnaire for collecting information are used. A number of university professors confirmed validity of the questionnaires. Their reliabilities were obtained with Cronbach's alpha and the coefficients for questionnaire of social capital was 0.705 and for questionnaire of learning organization was 0.838, respectively. By using correlation coefficient and multiple regressions, the data were analyzed. Results in a significant level of 95% showed, social capital had a meaningful relationship with learning organizational

    Prediction of Innovative Job Performance in Payame Noor University, Yazd Province

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study was to determine the prediction of innovative job performance with an emphasis on knowledge-based human resource management practices, social capital and knowledge sharing. The current research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of nature and method. The statistical population (187 people) was the employees of Payam Noor University of Yazd province in 2022, who were selected by simple random method and through Cochran (124 people). The tools of data collection were standard questionnaires that existed in this field, which had good validity and reliability. The results of hypothesis testing by Lisrel software show that knowledge-based human resource management methods have a positive and significant effect on social capital, innovative job performance, and knowledge sharing. Social capital has a positive and significant effect on knowledge sharing and innovative job performance. Knowledge sharing has a positive and significant effect on innovative job performance, also the mediating role of social capital and knowledge sharing was confirmed.Extended AbstractIntroductionInnovation in organizations is primarily a human issue, and since it is the employees who develop and implement business ideas, innovation depends on the effective management of human resources. It also partly depends on knowledge, because every innovation requires the development of new knowledge as input (eg ideas, concepts, prototypes, etc.) and output (ie, produced novelty). Therefore, both human resource management and knowledge are considered the main factors of innovation. From the point of view of human resource management, innovation is a collection of knowledge that is produced for the organization (Swart & Kinnie, 2013), on the other hand, social capital has become a prerequisite for the successful transfer of tacit knowledge and the production of innovation. Social capital represents a type of social network, trust and a set of norms that connect colleagues to facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual benefits and necessary to achieve the larger goals of the organization. The integration of human resource management and the perspective of knowledge and social capital have been identified as an important topic with significant potential, which is still underdeveloped (Ferraris et al, 2018). In particular, there is little work on human resource and knowledge management as antecedents of organizational innovation. While many previous studies have investigated the impact of innovation on human resource management (Gil-Marqués & Moreno-Luzón, 2013; Saá-Pérez & DíazDíaz, 2010) and knowledge sharing (Pizarro-Moreno et al, 2011; Wu et al, 2007 ), and few studies have empirically analyzed the interaction between knowledge-based human resource management practices and knowledge sharing against innovation (Wang & Chen, 2013), but these studies are less relevant to the results, knowledge-based human resource management practices to They paid attention to the purpose of increasing innovative job performance by emphasizing social capital and knowledge sharing. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to fill this research gap, in other words, according to the purpose of this research, the main question that researchers face in this research is whether knowledge-based human resource management practices, social capital and knowledge sharing predict Is job performance innovative?. Theoretical frameworkIn general, knowledge-based human resource management is related to policies, practices and systems that affect the behavior, attitude and performance of employees (Pastor et al., 2010). Organizations can use some knowledge-based human resource management practices as a tool to stimulate employee commitment, engage them in creative thinking and innovation, and shape their skills, capabilities, attitudes, and behaviors to help achieve organizational goals (Jiang et al., 2012). On the other hand, social capital can be examined as a theoretical concept in economic and sociological traditions in order to present two important distinct and overlapping perspectives. Portes (1998) linked the first modern use of the term social capital to Bourdieu (1983), who proposed two distinct elements; First, the social relationships that allow individuals to access the resources of other group members, and second, their quantity and quality. On the other hand, according to Haas and Hansen (2007), knowledge sharing can be direct (addressed to a specific recipient, which requires contact between the provider and recipient of knowledge - in meetings, by telephone, by e-mail) or indirect (sent through ) be Written documents or databases are not addressed to a specific person, meaning that the recipient of the document does not have to contact the provider directly, but can use the document as an independent resource. Finally, the important factors affecting the performance of job innovation in business can be divided into three general categories: contextual, organizational and personal; (Crossan and Apaydin, 2010).Research MethodologyThis research is "applicative" in terms of its purpose and "descriptive-correlation with a survey" in terms of data collection. The statistical population (187 people) were the employees of Payam Noor University of Yazd province, who (124 people) were selected with Morgan by simple random method for the year 2014 (Table 1). From the questionnaire of knowledge-based human resource management practices by Lepak & Asnel (2002), consisting of 12 questions, innovative job performance by Sccat & Bras (1994), consisting of 5 questions, social capital by Potnam (1999), consisting of 30 questions, and finally knowledge sharing Connelly et al (2012), which consisted of 5 questions, were used as a data collection tool, based on the five-point Likert scale. To confirm the validity, three types of validity, "content, convergent validity and divergent validity" were used, and three criteria (factor loadings, Cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability coefficient) were used to confirm reliability.Research findingsSince the aim of the research is to reach a model of causal relationships between variables, it is necessary to use the causal modeling method. By combining cause and effect information based on a specific theory, this method explains the relationships between variables and provides a basis for inference. Causal inferences obtained based on the types of data correlation and may explain the relationships between observable and latent variables. In other words, in causal modeling, the goal is to obtain quantitative estimates of causal relationships between a set of variables. In this research, in order to reach the research model, the structural equation modeling method is used which is based on the causal relationships between the variables. The most important feature of this technique is its flexibility in terms of its use as a broad theoretical framework, the possibility of participating variables, the use of multiple measures, the possibility of error, the adaptation of distributional assumptions and the ability to work with all types of data. In general, the research hypotheses have been tested with the structural equation modeling technique and with the help of Lisrel software. According to the results of Table 2 above, it can be said that the coefficient of t statistic for all paths is greater than the critical value (1.96) and also the level of significance is less than 0.05, so the significance of the model and path coefficients is accepted.Conclusion and DiscussionThe purpose of this research was knowledge-based human resource management practices on innovative job performance with an emphasis on the role of social capital and knowledge sharing. This research is consistent with the researches of Mzidi & Mosenpour (2022), Yazdanshenas & Saberi (2020) and Waziri & Farhadi Mohali, (2018), Manteghi et al, (2016), Kutieshat and Farmanesh, (2022); In the end, considering the results of the structural equation model, it can be said that few studies have been conducted in the field of investigating the relationship between variables; For this reason, investigation and research on such relationships between these variables are important. Because it is very important to have a clear understanding of what elements will help to increase innovative job performance. Having said that, this research created a basic prerequisite for effective and efficient organizational systems so that organizations can fulfill their knowledge-based human resource management practices in the direction of the demands and needs of their employees. Finally, the results of this research have been a good starting point for further research both theoretically and practically. Theoretically, creating more knowledge and better predicting the relationship between measured variables leads to a better understanding of innovative job performance. In practical applications, additional information about the formation of these variables and their relationship with each other has helped innovative job performance so that they can take steps towards innovative job performance by emphasizing the role of social capital and knowledge sharing

    Talent Management and Recruitment Strategies

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    Since the organization of the future will face the challenges of an increasingly competitive, and to manage these challenges require more competent managers and executives today would be more effective, so the talent management becomes more important every day in organizations be enjoyed. The talent management as a system for identifying, hiring, training, promotion and maintenance of talented people, with the aim of optimizing the ability to achieve business results, by definition. Talent management refers to the process in which human talent for key jobs and positions it in the next, identified through a variety of programs of education, be prepared for these occupations. The research presented in this paper, the method was descriptive - analytical, that is, a library, and through review. Theses, journals, Latin, Persian, and took advantage of the book, this review recruitment strategies, and identify critical Talents as the initial step in the process is talent management, as well as to assess the benefits and disadvantages Energy issue inside and outside the organization, and approach to the issue of human resources, and tools to identify Talents the organization pays model. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n20p308

    An Odd Keloid Formation after Treatment of Congenital form of Boutonniere Finger

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    The focus of the present letter to editor is on keloid formation and its management following treatment of congenital form of Boutonniere finger. Keloids and hypertrophic scars represent fibroblast-mediated hyperactive response to dermal injuries that extend beyond the wound margins, causing functional and aesthetic impairments.[1] Keloids most commonly develop on chest, ear lobe, shoulders, and upper arm.[2] [3] Lesions which extend beyond the wound borders are called keloids.[4] They usually appear in areas such as ear, chest, and deltoid regions.[2] They are usually the result of fibroblast abnormal proliferation and accumulation of excessive extracellular matrix during wound healing.[3] Herein, we describe an atypical keloid on the finger of a 3-year old patient after treatment of congenital deformity

    The effect of organization paradox on stability mechanisms with the mediating role of ambidexterity of learning

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    The purpose of this research is the effect of organizational paradox on sustainability mechanisms at the company level, emphasizing the mediating role of learning ambidexterity which can be an approach towards the development of entrepreneurship. The current research is applied in terms of purpose, and descriptive-survey in terms of nature and method. The statistical population includes 400 managers of Iran Gas Transmission Company, 196 of whom were selected non-randomly as a sample using Cochran's formula. The data collection tool was a questionnaire. Validity (convergent and divergent) and reliability (factor loading, composite reliability coefficient, Cronbach's alpha coefficient) were estimated as good. The results of hypothesis tested by SMART-PLS software show that the organizational paradox has a strong, direct, and significant effect on the Learning ambidexterity; and the Learning ambidexterity has, respectively, a strong, direct, and significant effect on organizational creativity; a medium, direct, and significant effect on organizational resilience; and a medium, direct, and significant effect on organizational energy. Finally, the Learning ambidexterity can play its mediating role. In spite of the designed model, it can be expected that the aforementioned department will definitely resort to learning ambidexterity role in order to develop entrepreneurship at the company level to better show the effects of the paradox of organization on sustainability mechanisms (creativity, resilience and energy). Extended Abstract Introduction This study has tried to show the studied company in an efficient way in the direction of development to more operational entrepreneurship in Iran as a country whose economy is developing, by providing a detailed view of the said mechanisms. In other words; since the Iranian Gas Transmission Company, as the largest subsidiary of the National Iranian Gas Company, has been able to allocate more than 20% of the working manpower (about 11 thousand people) in the gas industry with a background more than half a century, and despite the serious task of managing, preserving, maintaining and exploiting 70% of the physical assets of this huge industry, which is his responsibility; this company is operating with the aim of becoming a leading company in the world in the horizon of 2025. However, this company is not immune from continuous changes and turbulent environment, and the intensification of economic-political sanctions and the unclear prospects of negotiations in recent years have not only faced this company with challenges in the field of achieving its big goals, but have also impeded its development of entrepreneurship. Also, due to the operational nature of the company, the employees of this company must have a high level of creativity, resilience and organizational energy in order to overcome the problems faced by the company's entrepreneurial development. However, as it was said, focusing on one of the poles of organizational duality, either exploitation activities or exploratory activities, has reduced the organization's ability to deal with sudden changes and events, while the recent crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the importance of organizational ability in dealing with these changes, has highlighted the three mechanisms of "creativity, resilience and organizational energy". Since achieving a balance between exploratory and exploitative activities also requires different organizational characteristics, the paradox of organizing has been identified as a solution to the above conditions. But the failure of common types of organizational plans to simultaneously management of paradoxical activities has led to the need for more research in this field. Therefore, due to the lack of research evidence, this research seeks to answer this question: What effect will the paradox of organization have on sustainability mechanisms (organizational creativity, organizational energy, and organizational resilience) with emphasis on the mediating role of ambidextrous learning in the direction of entrepreneurship development? Theoretical foundations Paradoxes are paradoxical, but there are still "simultaneously related elements that persist over time". Paradox can be seen as a stable conflict between interdependent elements or structures. Paradox theory represents tensions that exist simultaneously and persist over time, and that they present competing demands simultaneously that require ongoing responses rather than one-off decisions" (Schad & Bansal, 2018). Paradox at the organizational level includes cooperation and competition between alliances and network forms resulting from cooperation with competitors, in which exploration and exploitation cause continuous and contradictory demands in companies. In this context, it is suggested that companies should "participate; in exploitation to ensure the company's current viability, and in exploration to ensure its future viability". Past studies have shown that to ensure long-term survival, companies need continuous efforts to address multiple competitive demands (O'Reilly & Tushman, 2013). Organizational structure can play an important role in dealing with conflicting demands. According to Rivkin & Siggelkow (2006), organizational structure is simply "a set of methods in which work is divided into distinct tasks and then coordinated". Organizational structure is the way of mobilizing and using organizational resources in a wide range of activities and competitive demands (Siggelkow & Levinthal, 2003). Contingency theory is used to explain the conditions that lead to the adoption of centralized and decentralized approaches. Research Methodology This research is "applicative" in terms of its purpose and "descriptive-correlation with a survey" in terms of the way of data collection. The statistical population (400 people) was managers of Iran Gas Transmission Company, 196 people of whom were selected by simple non-random method for the year 1401. The 10-question organizational paradox questionnaire of Lee & Choi (2003), the 6-question organizational creativity questionnaire of Lee & Choi, (2003) the 6-question resilience questionnaire of Somers (2009), the 14-question organizational energy questionnaire of Cole et al. (2005), and the 10-question ambidextrous learning questionnaire of Atuahene-Gima, K., Murray, (2007) were used as a data collection tool. Research findings In order to investigate the hypotheses of the research, partial least squares structural equation modeling was used with SMART-PLS software.  The results related to the first hypothesis showed that the paradox of organizing has an effect on the ambidexterity of learning. The results related to the second hypothesis showed that the ambidexterity of learning has an effect on organizational creativity. The results related to the third hypothesis showed that the ambidexterity of learning has an effect on organizational resilience. The results related to the fourth hypothesis showed that the ambidexterity of learning has an effect on organizational energy. The results of the fifth, sixth and seventh hypothesis also stated that the ambidexterity of learning has a mediating role in the influence of the organizational paradox on the sustainability mechanisms at the company level (organizational creativity, organizational resilience, and organizational energy). Conclusion and Discussion As it was said, the purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of the paradox of organization on sustainability mechanisms with regard to the mediating role of duality of learning in the direction of entrepreneurship development. This research is in agreement with Pertusa-Ortega & Molina-Azorín (2018), Felin et al, (2012), Jansen (2005), Al-Atwi et al, (2021), Babazadeh et al, (2020), Kamali and Mirzaei (2019), Ebrahimi (2020), Do et al, (2022), Gayed & Ebrashi (2022), Schudy & Bruch (2010). In the end, considering the results of the structural equation model, it can be said that few studies have been conducted in the field of investigating the relationship between variables; for this reason, investigation and research on such relationships between these variables are important. Because reaching a clear understanding of what elements will help to increase the sustainability mechanisms at the company level (creativity, resilience and energy) in the direction of entrepreneurship development is very important. Therefore, this research created a basic prerequisite for effective and efficient corporate systems at the organizational level so that companies can fulfill their sustainability mechanisms towards the demands and needs of their employees. Finally, the results of this research have been a good starting point for further research both theoretically and practically. Theoretically, creating more knowledge and better predicting the relationship between the measured variables leads to a better understanding of the paradox of organization. In practical applications, additional information about the formation of these variables and their relationship with each other has helped the organization paradox to be able to step to the level of stability mechanisms through the duality of learning in the direction of employee satisfaction

    The mediating role of success mechanism in work in the influence of positive personality traits on self-leadership with emphasis on the moderating role of active personality.

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    هدف این پژوهش، بررسی نقش میانجی مکانیسم کامیابی در کار در تاثیرگذاری ویژگی­های شخصیتی بر خود رهبری با تاکید بر نقش تعدیل­گر شخصیت فعال می­باشد. پژوهش حاضر از نظر هدف کاربردی و از نظر ماهیت و روش، توصیفی ـ همبستگی است. جامعه آماری (300 نفر) کارکنان کارخانه سپاهان باطری بوده که با روش تصادفی ساده و از طریق فرمول کوکران (169 نفر) انتخاب شدند. از پرسش‌نامه‌های اسنایدر و همکاران (1996)، اشریر و کارور (1985) که شامل ویژگی­های شخصیتی مثبت، پرسش­نامه گرسیا و همکاران (2012) در خود رهبری، پرسش­نامه پورث و همکاران (2012) در مکانیسم کامیابی در کار و همچنین پرسش­نامه جانسن و همکاران (2017) در شخصیت فعال، استفاده شد. روایی و پایایی پرسش‌نامه‌ها حاکی از آن بود که ابزارهای اندازه‏گیری از روایی (همگرا و واگرا) و پایایی (بار عاملی، ضریب پایایی مرکب، ضریب آلفای کرونباخ)، خوبی برخوردار هستند. نتایج حاصل از آزمون فرضیه‌ها توسط نرم‏افزار SMART-PLS و با استفاده از آماره آزمون t و ضرایب مسیر (β)، نشان دهنده آن است که ویژگی­های شخصیتی مثبت بر مکانیسم کامیابی در کار و بر خودرهبری تأثیر دارد، مکانیسم کامیابی در کار بر خود رهبری تأثیر دارد، در نهایت نقش میانجی مکانیسم کامیابی در کار ‏ و نقش تعدیل­گری شخصیت فعال تأیید شدند. با این اوصاف مدیران باید بتواند به منظور افزایش خود رهبری به ویژگی­های شخصیتی مثبت کارکنان توجه کنند. بدین منظور نیز می­توانند از مکانیسم کامیابی در کار به عنوان نقش میانجی در جهت این افزایش بهره جویند. هرچند باید مواظب کاهش سطح شخصیت فعال باشند چرا که منجر به کاهش این نوع رابطه می­شود

    Epithelial integrity, junctional complexes, and biomarkers associated with intestinal functions

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    An intact intestinal barrier is crucial for immune homeostasis and its impairment activates the immune system and may result in chronic inflammation. The epithelial cells of the intestinal barrier are connected by tight junctions, which form an anastomosing network sealing adjacent epithelial cells. Tight junctions are composed of transmembrane and cytoplasmic scaffolding proteins. Transmembrane tight junction proteins at the apical-lateral membrane of the cell consist of occludin, claudins, junctional adhesion molecules, and tricellulin. Cytoplasmic scaffolding proteins, including zonula occludens, cingulin and afadin, provide a direct link between transmembrane tight junction proteins and the intracellular cytoskeleton. Each individual component of the tight junction network closely interacts with each other to form an efficient intestinal barrier. This review aims to describe the molecular structure of intestinal epithelial tight junction proteins and to characterize their organization and interaction. Moreover, clinically important biomarkers associated with impairment of gastrointestinal integrity are discussed