11 research outputs found

    miRNAs as candidate biomarker for the accurate detection of atypical endometrial hyperplasia/endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia

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    Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecologic malignancy in developed countries. Estrogen-dependent tumors (type I, endometrioid) account for 80% of cases and non-estrogen-dependent (type II, non-endometrioid) account for the rest. Endometrial cancer type I is generally thought to develop via precursor lesions along with the increasing accumulation of molecular genetic alterations. Endometrial hyperplasia with atypia/Endometrial Intraepithelial Neoplasia is the least common type of hyperplasia but it is the type most likely to progress to type I cancer, whereas endometrial hyperplasia without atypia rarely progresses to carcinoma. MicroRNAs are a class of small, non-coding, single-stranded RNAs that negatively regulate gene expression mainly binding to 3'-untranslated region of target mRNAs. In the current study, we identified a microRNAs signature (miR-205, miR-146a, miR-1260b) able to discriminate between atypical and typical endometrial hyperplasia in two independent cohorts of patients. The identification of molecular markers that can distinguish between these two distinct pathological conditions is considered to be highly useful for the clinical management of patients because hyperplasia with an atypical change is associated with a higher risk of developing cancer. We show that the combination of miR-205, -146a, and -1260b has the best predictive power in discriminating these two conditions (>90%). With the aim to find a biological role for these three microRNAs, we focused our attention on a common putative target involved in endometrial carcinogenesis: the oncosuppressor gene SMAD4. We showed that miRs-146a, -205, and-1260b directly target SMAD4 and their enforced expression induced proliferation and migration of Endometrioid Cancer derived cell lines, Hec1 a cells. These data suggest that microRNAs-mediated impairment of the TGF-beta pathway, due to inhibition of its effector molecule SMAD4, is a relevant molecular alteration in endometrial carcinoma development. Our findings show a potential diagnostic role of this microRNAs signature for the accurate diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia with atypia/Endometrial Intraepithelial Neoplasia and improve the understanding of their pivotal role in SMAD4 regulation

    Expression of miR-132 and miR-212 in prostate cancer and metastatic lymph node: Case report and revision of the literature.

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small, non-coding RNAs that act as key regulators in various physiological and pathological processes as prostate cancer (PCa). In this study we describe molecular evaluation of 132 and 212 miRNAs expression, by Real-time reverse-transcription PCR (qRT-PCR), in a Caucasian man 64-year-old with locally advanced PCa (PSA 160 ng/ml, Gleason score 4+3/ISUP Grade Group 3, clinical stage T3NXM0) who underwent radical retropubic prostatectomy plus extended pelvic lymphadenectomy (LAD) as first step of a multimodal therapeutic treatment. A normal prostate of a 67-year-old man removed by post mortem autopsy was used as a control in the study. The mRNA for this study was conducted on paraffined prostatic sections of: a) index case of PCa; b) metastatic lymph node of index case; c) normal prostate. MiRNA-132, miRNA- 212 and Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (as reference gene) assays were obtained. Definitive specimen showed a pT3bN1R1 stage: acinar cells adenocarcinoma with involvement of the seminal vesicles, multifocal positive surgical margins, Gleason score 8 (4+4/ISUP Grade Group 4), metastases in 5/25 iliac lymph nodes. An increased expression of miRNA-132 and miRNA-212 in index case of prostatic adenocarcinoma compared to normal prostate tissue was found; moreover, a lower expression of miR-132 and miR-212 in metastatic lymph node compared to primitive PCa and normal prostate tissue was demonstrated. Although a greater number of patients should be evaluated, these data suggest that the biology of the primary PCa, in our clinical case, was different from metastatic lymph node

    Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma: From Morphology to Molecular Biology

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    Ovarian clear cell carcinoma (oCCC) is a distinctive subtype of ovarian carcinoma, with peculiar genetic and environmental risk factors, precursor lesions, molecular events during oncogenesis, patterns of spread, and response to treatment. Because of low response to chemotherapy and poor prognosis in advanced stages, there is growing interest in investigating the molecular pathways involved in oCCC development, in order to individualize novel/molecular targeted therapies. Until now, the main molecular genetic changes associated with oCCC remain to be identified, and, although several molecular changes have been reported in clear cell tumors, most studies have analyzed a limited number of cases; therefore, the true prevalence of those changes is not known. The present review will present the clinicopathologic features of oCCC, from morphology to molecular biology, discussing the diagnostic and treatment challenges of this intriguing ovarian carcinoma

    Cerebellar metastasis from ovarian carcinoma harboring PIK3CA-activating mutation: A \u201cclear\u201d explanation for an unexpected \u201cvertigo\u201d

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    Summary: Brain metastasis is a rare and generally late manifestation of an advanced-stage, high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma. Nowadays, the improved control of intra-abdominal disease by surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy results in a longer survival, allowing distant metastasis to implant and grow in the brain parenchyma also. Herein, we describe a unique case of cerebellar metastasis from a particular type of ovarian tumor, clear cell that initially presented as a FIGO Stage IC cancer. Surprisingly, 6 mo after surgery, the patient shows good general conditions with complete disappearance of symptoms and no evidence of recurrence. This relatively good biologic behavior may be explained by the presence of PIK3CA-activating mutation in exon 9 which as previously reported in the literature, may be associated with better prognosis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of cerebellar metastasis from ovarian clear cell carcinoma. In the presence of neurological symptoms, both clinicians and pathologists must be aware of this rare possibility, to assure the patient correct management and effective therapeutic options. Generally, the prognosis of epithelial ovarian cancer patients with brain metastases is poor. PIK3CA mutations could be a good prognostic indicator in clear cell carcinomas

    FOXL2 molecular status in adult granulosa cell tumors of the ovary: A study of primary and metastatic cases

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    Granulosa cell tumors (GCTs) of the ovary are uncommon neoplasms, accounting for ~5% of all malignant ovarian tumors. GCTs are a relatively homogeneous group of tumors, categorized into two distinct subtypes, juvenile GCT and adult GCT (AGCT), likely arising from a limited set of molecular events usually involving the disruption of pathways that regulate granulosa cell proliferation. In the present study, the presence of forkheadbox L2 (FOXL2) c.402C>G mutation was investigated in a series of 42 samples of primary and metastatic AGCT of the ovary. The samples consisted of 37 primary and 5 metastatic ovarian AGCTs from 37 patients. FOXL2 mutational status was evaluated using a pyrosequencing approach on 2.5\u2011\ub5m sections of formalin\u2011fixed paraffin\u2011embedded tissue. FOXL2 c.402C>G mutation was found in 33/37 (89.2%) primary AGCTs and in 4/5 (80.0%) metastases, with the molecular status of the metastases recapitulating that of the primary tumors (4 mutated cases and 1 wild\u2011type case). Overall, FOXL2 mutation is present in the majority of primary and metastatic AGCTs, and could be used as a valid tool in the diagnosis of the disease and in cases of metastatic lesions from an unknown primary origin. Moreover the concordance of FOXL2 molecular status in primary and associated metastases suggests its early appearance and genomic stability in AGCT tumorigenesis

    Molecular status of PI3KCA, KRAS and BRAF in ovarian clear cell carcinoma: An analysis of 63 patients

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    Aims To evaluate the incidence of PI3KCA, KRAS and BRAF mutations in primary ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCCC). Methods 63 consecutive patients, with a proven diagnosis of OCCC, according to WHO criteria, were included into the study. Pyrosequencing analysis of all three genes hotspot regions were performed on 2.5â €...μm sections of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue from primary OCCC. Results PI3KCA mutations were found in 20/63 (32%) cases; KRAS mutations were found in 8/63 (13%); no BRAF V600 mutations were found. In particular, 12/20 mutations (60%) of PI3KCA were found in the exon 20, whereas the remaining eight cases presented mutations in exon 9 (8/20; 40%). KRAS pyrosequencing analysis revealed higher incidence of codon 12 mutations (7/8; 90%) than codon 13 mutations (1/8; 10%). In five cases (5/66; 8%), synchronous mutations, affecting PI3KCA and KRAS genes, were found. No differences were found in the distribution of hotspot mutations, according to the stage. Conclusions The high frequency of PI3KCA mutations, the low rate of mutations in KRAS and the absence of mutations in BRAF, indicate a molecular signature of OCCCs different from other ovarian carcinomas. Detection of driver mutations, such as PI3KCA and KRAS, may be the basis for a targeted therapy, although the clinical and therapeutic implications of these findings have to be supported by further studies

    Local Activation of Immune-response In Bladder-cancer Patients Treated With Intraarterial Infusion of Recombinant Interleukin-2

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    umor regression induced in cancer patients by i.v. infusion of interleukin-2 (IL-2) is often accompanied by severe side effects. To investigate whether local administration would affect immune response without the side effects, two 5-day cycles of continuous intraarterial [internal iliac artery] infusion of recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) were performed in 12 patients with transitional cell carcinoma (tumor stage 1, node stage 0, metastasis stage 0, and grade 1–2) of the bladder. Four groups of 3 patients were treated at each of 4 escalating doses of rIL-2 (18 × 103, 18 × 104, 18 × 105, and 18 × 106 IU/m2/day) throughout the course of the two IL-2 cycles. This treatment was effective in inducing a marked intratumor inflammatory response, consisting mainly of T-lymphocytes and macrophages. A remarkable dose-dependent increase in the levels of soluble CD25 was observed in the urine of all patients, which was associated constantly with an enhanced number of intratumor CD25+ cells. Intratumor macrophages were often immunoreactive for interleukin-1 and/or tumor necrosis factor, suggesting an activated status. Increased levels of soluble CD25 and CD25+ lymphocytes were observed in peripheral blood only at the two highest doses of rIL-2, while increased percentages of circulating HLA-DR+ and CD71+ lymphoid cells and enhancement of CD3+/CD16+ T-lymphocytes were found at lower doses. Peripheral blood eosinophils were augmented in almost all patients but were rarely increased in situ. We provide evidence that continuous intraarterial infusion of rIL-2 activates host immune response, acting preferentially at the tissue level