13 research outputs found


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    Sulla scia del crescente interesse mostrato dal mondo operativo, istituzionale ed accademico, il presente lavoro si propone di dare un contributo all’analisi e alla misurazione del capitale intellettuale degli enti locali e, in particolare, dei comuni e delle province. Il metodo di ricerca adottato è essenzialmente di tipo teorico-deduttivo. L’indagine è, inoltre, condotta privilegiando un approccio normativo. Essa, infatti, è volta a: • contestualizzare il concetto di capitale intellettuale negli enti locali; • individuare le fasi in cui si dovrebbe articolare il processo di misurazione del capitale intellettuale per finalità gestionali e di comunicazione esterna; • identificare una dimensione di analisi e un correlato sistema di misurazione che permettano di integrare la performance del capitale intellettuale con la quella globale. L’obiettivo principale è, quindi, quello di progettare un modello in grado di guidare gli enti locali nella misurazione del capitale intellettuale, così da favorire il conseguimento della performance aziendale che, nelle realtà oggetto di indagine, attiene alla sopravvivenza e allo sviluppo dello strumento-azienda e alla capacità dello stesso di soddisfare, efficacemente ed efficientemente, i bisogni della collettività amministrata

    Metodologie di calcolo del costo di prodotto

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    Lo scopo del lavoro è di analizzare le varie configurazione di costo e metodologie di calcolo utili a supportare del decisioni in merito alla definizione del costo di prodotto, evidenziandone potenzialità e limiti

    Informazioni di costo per le decisioni

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    Il lavoro analizza le varie configurazioni di costo a supporto delle decisioni aziendali

    La contabilità analitica

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    Il capitolo è dedicato all'analisi degli elementi fondamentali di contabilità analitica nonché delle potenzialità e limiti dello strumento

    Italian pediatric nutrition survey

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    Introduction the prevalence of malnutrition in children and its impact on clinical outcomes is underrecognized by clinicians in Italy as well as worldwide. A novel definition of pediatric malnutrition has been recently proposed by a working group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.), based on the correlation between illness and the use of zscores of anthropometric measurements. Aim to investigate the prevalence of malnutrition and related nutritional support among hospitalized children in Italy, in a nationwide survey performed in a single day (16/4/2015). Methods an open access website (http://nday.biomedia.net) was used to collected data from 73 hospitals and 101 wards in 14 Italian regions (1994 patients). Anonymous information was collected on hospitals' characteristics, patient's anthropometry, admission diagnosis, presence of chronic diseases and use of nutritional support: oral nutritional supplements (ONS), enteral nutrition (EN) or parenteral nutrition (PN). Z-scores of anthropometric measurements, calculated with Epi Info 7.1.5, defined nutritional status: wasting was identified by BMI or Weight-for-Length z-score (<−1 mild, <−2 moderate, <−3 severe), stunting by Height-for-Age Z-score <−2. WHO 2006 and CDC 2000 growth charts were used respectively for children younger and older than 2 years old. Results 1790 complete records were obtained for hospitalized patients aged 0–20 years, with median age 6.16 (0.1–20 years and 53.3% males). 52.9% were aged 0–6 years and 58.8% of children suffered from chronic diseases. Wasting was detected in 28.7% of the total sample with higher occurrence observed in age ranges 0–6 and 14–20 years, while 17.3% of patients showed stunting; surprisingly almost 27% of them were aged 0–2. A ranking of the admission diagnosis with the highest rate of malnutrition was complied. The prevalence of wasting was significantly (p < 0.005) higher amongst children with chronic diseases (34.1% vs. 27.1%); stunting prevalence tripled in patients with chronic disease (24.5% vs. 8.3%). Only 23.5% of malnourished children (17%, 25.6% and 36.7%, respectively mild, moderate and severe malnutrition) received nutritional support: 11.7% received oral nutrition supplements (ONS, modular or complete), 11.5% enteral nutrition (EN, 6.4% via nasogastric tube, 5.1% via gastrostomy) and 6.8 % received parenteral nutrition (PN); in some patients a combination of two. Nutritional support is more commonly used among stunting patients, 39.5% of children under treatment. Conclusion Malnutrition of any grade was observed in nearly 1/3 and stunting in 17% of the reported hospitalized children, and it is likely to be underrecognized as the nutritional support reached only a small part of the malnourished children