1,137 research outputs found

    Higher order corrections to the Newtonian potential in the Randall-Sundrum model

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    The general formalism for calculating the Newtonian potential in fine-tuned or critical Randall-Sundrum braneworlds is outlined. It is based on using the full tensor structure of the graviton propagator. This approach avoids the brane-bending effect arising from calculating the potential for a point source. For a single brane, this gives a clear understanding of the disputed overall factor 4/3 entering the correction. The result can be written on a compact form which is evaluated to high accuracy for both short and large distances.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX2e with RevTeX4, 3 postscript figures; Minor corrections, references update

    Nonequilibrium phase transition in the coevolution of networks and opinions

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    Models of the convergence of opinion in social systems have been the subject of a considerable amount of recent attention in the physics literature. These models divide into two classes, those in which individuals form their beliefs based on the opinions of their neighbors in a social network of personal acquaintances, and those in which, conversely, network connections form between individuals of similar beliefs. While both of these processes can give rise to realistic levels of agreement between acquaintances, practical experience suggests that opinion formation in the real world is not a result of one process or the other, but a combination of the two. Here we present a simple model of this combination, with a single parameter controlling the balance of the two processes. We find that the model undergoes a continuous phase transition as this parameter is varied, from a regime in which opinions are arbitrarily diverse to one in which most individuals hold the same opinion. We characterize the static and dynamical properties of this transition

    Vertex similarity in networks

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    We consider methods for quantifying the similarity of vertices in networks. We propose a measure of similarity based on the concept that two vertices are similar if their immediate neighbors in the network are themselves similar. This leads to a self-consistent matrix formulation of similarity that can be evaluated iteratively using only a knowledge of the adjacency matrix of the network. We test our similarity measure on computer-generated networks for which the expected results are known, and on a number of real-world networks

    Portable Catapult Launcher For Small Aircraft

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    An apparatus for launching an aircraft having a multiplicity of interconnected elongated tracks of rigid material forming a track system and wherein each elongated track has a predetermined elongated track cross-sectional design, a winch system connected to the track system wherein the winch system has a variable mechanical advantage, one or more elongated elastic members wherein one end of each of the one or more elongated elastic members is adjustably connected to the track system, and a carrier slidably mounted to the track system wherein the canier is connected to the winch system and to the other end of each of the one or more elongated elastic members

    A generalization of the Heine--Stieltjes theorem

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    We extend the Heine-Stieltjes Theorem to concern all (non-degenerate) differential operators preserving the property of having only real zeros. This solves a conjecture of B. Shapiro. The new methods developed are used to describe intricate interlacing relations between the zeros of different pairs of solutions. This extends recent results of Bourget, McMillen and Vargas for the Heun equation and answers their question on how to generalize their results to higher degrees. Many of the results are new even for the classical case.Comment: 12 pages, typos corrected and refined the interlacing theorem

    Copper transformation, speciation, and detoxification in anoxic and suboxic freshwater sediments

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    The complex chemistry of copper (Cu) in freshwater sediments at low concentrations is not well understood. We evaluated the transformation processes of Cu added to freshwater sediments under suboxic and anoxic conditions. Freshwater sediments from three sources in Michigan with different characteristics (Spring Creek, River Raisin, and Maple Lake) were spiked with 30 or 60 mg kg-1 Cu and incubated under a nitrogen atmosphere. After 28-d, each treatment subset was amended with organic matter (OM) to promote anoxic conditions and evaluate its effects on Cu speciation. OM addition triggered a shift from suboxic to anoxic conditions, and sequential extractions showed that Cu accordingly shifted from acid-soluble to oxidizable fractions. Extended X-ray absorption fine-structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy revealed that Cu sulfides dominated all anoxic samples except for Spring Creek 30 mg kgxfffd; 1, where Cu(I) was predominantly complexed to thiol groups of OM. Covellite and chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) were the predominant Cu species in nearly all anoxic samples, as determined by Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. Copper reduction also occurred under suboxic conditions: for two of three sediments, around 80% had been reduced to Cu(I), while the remaining 20% persisted as Cu(II) complexed to OM. However, in the third coarsest (i.e., Spring Creek), around 50% of the Cu had been reduced, forming Cu(I)-OM complexes, while the remainder was Cu(II)-OM complexes. Toxicity tests showed that survival of H. azteca and D. magna were significantly lower in suboxic treatments. Anoxic sediments triggered a near-complete transformation of Cu to sulfide minerals, reducing its toxicity

    Carvão pirogênico como condicionante substrato de mudas de Tachigali vulgaris L.G. Silva & H.C. Lima.

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a eficiência de carvão vegetal pirogênico como condicionante de substrato para o desenvolvimento de mudas florestais de alto vigor, testando-se o carvoeiro (Tachigali vulgaris) como espécie representativa do Bioma Cerrado. Foram tomados como modelo de produtividade os solos de elevada capacidade de troca catiônica com Horizonte A antrópico da Amazônia (Terras Pretas de Índio), ricos em carbono pirogênico derivado de carvão vegetal. O experimento foi realizado no viveiro da Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso, no município de Nova Xavantina-MT. Foram utilizadas quatro concentrações de carvão de eucalipto (Eucalyptus sp.) com 5; 12,5; 25 e 50% do volume total do substrato base e 0% como testemunha. Foi avaliada a porcentagem de emergência no início do experimento. Durante oito meses, a cada 30 dias, foi contado o número de folhas e medida a altura total das mudas. No oitavo mês foi medido o diâmetro do coleto e determinada à massa seca da raiz e da parte aérea. Os tratamentos e a testemunha apresentaram emergência superior a 80%, não havendo influência do carvão. Entretanto, o carvão vegetal incrementou significativamente a altura das mudas, o número de folhas, o diâmetro do coleto e a massa seca radicular e da parte aérea, o que ficou evidenciado pela forte correlação positiva com as concentrações de carvão. Portanto, o carvão vegetal pirogênico é uma alternativa viável como condicionante de origem biológica do substrato para a produção de mudas potencialmente mais resistentes, requerimento importante para plantios em campo sob condições mais severas, como na recuperação de áreas degradadas no Bioma Cerrado

    Impact of Threat Level, Task Instruction, and Individual Characteristics on Cold Pressor Pain and Fear among Children and Their Parents

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    The cold pressor task (CPT) is increasingly used to induce experimental pain in children, but the specific methodology of the CPT is quite variable across pediatric studies. This study examined how subtle variations in CPT methodology (eg. provision of low- or high-threat information regarding the task; provision or omission of maximum immersion time) may influence children's and parents' perceptions of the pain experience. Forty-eight children (8 to 14 years) and their parents were randomly assigned to receive information about the CPT that varied on 2 dimensions, prior to completing the task: (i) threat level: high-threat (task described as very painful, high pain expressions depicted) or low-threat (standard CPT instructions provided, low pain expressions depicted); (ii) ceiling: informed (provided maximum immersion time) or uninformed (information about maximum immersion time omitted). Parents and children in the high-threat condition expected greater child pain, and these children reported higher perceived threat of pain and state pain catastrophizing. For children in the low-threat condition, an informed ceiling was associated with less state pain catastrophizing during the CPT. Pain intensity, tolerance, and fear during the CPT did not differ by experimental group, but were predicted by child characteristics. Findings suggest that provision of threatening information may impact anticipatory outcomes, but experienced pain was better explained by individual child variables. © 2015 World Institute of Pain

    Growing Scale-Free Networks with Tunable Clustering

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    We extend the standard scale-free network model to include a ``triad formation step''. We analyze the geometric properties of networks generated by this algorithm both analytically and by numerical calculations, and find that our model possesses the same characteristics as the standard scale-free networks like the power-law degree distribution and the small average geodesic length, but with the high-clustering at the same time. In our model, the clustering coefficient is also shown to be tunable simply by changing a control parameter - the average number of triad formation trials per time step.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Probing empirical contact networks by simulation of spreading dynamics

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    Disease, opinions, ideas, gossip, etc. all spread on social networks. How these networks are connected (the network structure) influences the dynamics of the spreading processes. By investigating these relationships one gains understanding both of the spreading itself and the structure and function of the contact network. In this chapter, we will summarize the recent literature using simulation of spreading processes on top of empirical contact data. We will mostly focus on disease simulations on temporal proximity networks -- networks recording who is close to whom, at what time -- but also cover other types of networks and spreading processes. We analyze 29 empirical networks to illustrate the methods