169 research outputs found

    Iron oxide nanoparticle enhancement of ionizing radiation cancer therapy

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of IONP in combination with fractionated ionizing radiation, with and without magnetically induced mild localized hyperthermia, to enhance conventional fractionated radiation. It has been shown that ionizing radiation combined with hyperthermia can result in a greater therapeutic ratio than radiation or hyperthermia alone. Recent work has also shown that iron oxide nanoparticles may have potential as radiation sensitizers. IONP are additionally interesting because when IONP are exposed to an alternating magnetic field (AMF), a localized hyperthermia can be induced. In 1977 Adams et al. published a study which showed enhanced radiation-induced lymphocyte toxicity caused by the iodine (contrast agent) in angiocardiography patients. Since then, the body of materials shown to modify the toxicity of radiation has grown, including not only high-Z materials, but also nanoparticles, which also may act as carriers for pharmacologic agents. These materials may the reverse radiation resistance, enhance sensitivity, or provide radioprotection of normal tissue. Though largely unexplored, a proposed mechanism for radiation sensitization by IONP includes the increase in production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) when ionizing radiation interacts with IONP. While IONP are just beginning to be investigated as ionizing radiation sensitizers, significant research has been conducted to develop IONP-AMF mediated hyperthermia as a primary or adjuvant cancer therapy. Physiologically meaningful changes due to the combination of mild heat and radiation have been demonstrated in numerous cancer studies using a wide variety of heating techniques (microwave, ultrasound, perfusion and regional/whole body). Previous studies, have shown that raising the temperature of tumors with IONP-mediated hyperthermia can potentiate the efficacy of ionizing radiation. However, these studies have not considered the interaction of the IONP themselves with the ionizing radiation or as part of a fractionated treatment plan

    The main tendencies of the development of ERP-systems for agrarian enterprises

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    Проаналізовано тенденції розвитку ERP – систем, виявлено проблеми, які проявляються в процесі діяльності підприємства. Розглянуто найважливіші задачі, які постають перед аграрними підприємствами. Дано пропозиції з їх вирішення засобами автоматизації виробництва. Визначено основні тенденції розвитку ERP-систем для аграрних підприємстві.The tendencies of development of ERP-systems are analyzed, problems, which are manifested in the process of activity of the enterprise, are revealed. The most important tasks facing agrarian enterprises are considered. The proposals on their solution by means of automation of production are given. The basic tendencies of ERP-systems development for agrarian enterprises are determined

    Mathematical modeling of concentration distributions in multilayer nano oxide films

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    Побудовано математичну модель дифузійного перенесення в неоднорідних багатошарових середовищах, що описує процес формування мультишарів тонких оксидних наноплівок. Отримано просторово-розподілені концентраційні розподіли структурних складових компонентів наноплівок для різних технологічних зрізів та часових тривалостей формування технологічного мультишару наноплівки.Development of modern technologies that integrate a miniaturized physical systems has stimulated a large number of papers on the study of the kinetics of masstransfer processes in multilayer nanofilms that are used in the resource-saving technologies. Alloys of iron-chromium systems are used as a construction material in nuclear engineering while manufacturing mineral fibers. Oxides, multi-layer in particular, are widely used in semiconductor engineering. Chemical composition of oxides is determined by the components such as Cr, Al, Si, Rare-earth metals. If Al content is increased to 3 %, the heat resistance of the alloy dramatically increases, since the formation of the external aluminum oxide prevents the penetration of oxygen into the inner layers. Determination of diffusion characteristics allows to correct the chemical composition of alloys and predict operating life. The mathematical model of diffusion transferance in heterogeneous environments that describes the process of forming thin oxide nano films multilayers used as termo- and aggressive-protective coverings of the technological equipment operating units in highly corrosive environments have been constructed. Spatially distributed concentration distributions of nanofilm structural components (aluminium, silicon) for various technological shears of oxide nanofilm and time durations of forming the technological nanofilm multilayer have been obtained in the result of modeling. The results can be used to encrease the efficiency of experimental researches of transferance in multicomponental polycompositions and in researching of new nanomaterials properties

    Mathematic modeling of the diffusion transfer in the multilayer nano-oxide films (sample investigation of the technology of the basalt super-fine fiber manufacturing)

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    Побудовано математичну модель дифузійного перенесення в неоднорідних багатошарових наноплівках оксидної структури на основі дослідження зразка, створеного за технологією виробництва базальтового супертонкого волокна (БСТВ). Досліджувані наноплівки можуть використовуватися як термо- і агресивнозахисні покриття робочих органів технологічного обладнання, що працюють у високоагресивних середовищах. Отримано просторово-розподілені концентраційні розподіли структурних складових компонентів наноплівок для різних технологічних зрізів та часових тривалостей формування технологічного мультишару наноплівки.Development of modern technologies that integrate a miniaturized physical systems has stimulated a large number of papers on the study of the kinetics of masstransfer processes in multilayer nanofilms that are used in resource-saving technologies. Alloys of iron-chromium systems are used as a structural material in atomic power engineering in the production of mineral fibers. Oxides, including multi-layer ones, are widely used in the semiconductor technology. The chemical composition of oxides is determined by such components as Cr, Al, Si, rare-earth metals. If Al content is increased to 3%, the heat resistance of the alloy dramatically increases, since the formation of the external aluminum oxide prevents the penetration of oxygen into the inner layers. Determination of diffusion characteristics allows to correct the chemical composition of alloys and predict the operating life of their operation. The mathematical model of diffusion transfer in heterogeneous environments that describes the process of forming thin oxide nano films multilayers, which are used as termo- and aggressive-protective coverings of processing equipment operating members in highly corrosive environments, has been constructed. Spatially distributed concentration distributions of nanofilm structural components (aluminium, silicon) for various technological shears of oxide nanofilm and time durations of forming the technological nanofilm multilayer have been obtained in the result of modeling. The results can be used to encrease the effectiveness of experimental researches of transfer in multicomponental polycompositional and in researching the properties of new nanomaterials