947 research outputs found

    Annealing tests of in-pile irradiated oxide coated U–Mo/Al–Si dispersed nuclear fuel

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    Authors do acknowledge the MERARG team for their experimental work (CEA) and F. Charollais, J. Noirot and finally B. Kapusta for their advices and comments. This study was supported by a combined Grant (FRM0911) of the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) and the Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst (StMWFK).U–Mo/Al based nuclear fuels have been worldwide considered as a promising high density fuel for the conversion of high flux research reactors from highly enriched uranium to lower enrichment. In this paper, we present the annealing test up to 1800°C of in-pile irradiated U–Mo/Al–Si fuel plate samples. More than 70% of the fission gases (FGs) are released during two major FG release peaks around 500°C and 670°C. Additional characterisations of the samples by XRD, EPMA and SEM suggest that up to 500°C FGs are released from IDL/matrix interfaces. The second peak at 670°C representing the main release of FGs originates from the interaction between U–Mo and matrix in the vicinity of the cladding

    Structure and structure relaxation

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    A discrete--dynamics model, which is specified solely in terms of the system's equilibrium structure, is defined for the density correlators of a simple fluid. This model yields results for the evolution of glassy dynamics which are identical with the ones obtained from the mode-coupling theory for ideal liquid--glass transitions. The decay of density fluctuations outside the transient regime is shown to be given by a superposition of Debye processes. The concept of structural relaxation is given a precise meaning. It is proven that the long-time part of the mode-coupling-theory solutions is structural relaxation, while the transient motion merely determines an overall time scale for the glassy dynamics

    Asymptotic laws for tagged-particle motion in glassy systems

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    Within the mode-coupling theory for structural relaxation in simple systems the asymptotic laws and their leading-asymptotic correction formulas are derived for the motion of a tagged particle near a glass-transition singularity. These analytic results are compared with numerical ones of the equations of motion evaluated for a tagged hard sphere moving in a hard-sphere system. It is found that the long-time part of the two-step relaxation process for the mean-squared displacement can be characterized by the α\alpha -relaxation-scaling law and von Schweidler's power-law decay while the critical-decay regime is dominated by the corrections to the leading power-law behavior. For parameters of interest for the interpretations of experimental data, the corrections to the leading asymptotic laws for the non-Gaussian parameter are found to be so large that the leading asymptotic results are altered qualitatively by the corrections. Results for the non-Gaussian parameter are shown to follow qualitatively the findings reported in the molecular-dynamics-simulations work by Kob and Andersen [Phys. Rev. E 51, 4626 (1995)]

    Bound q2qˉ2q^2\bar q^2 states in a constituent quark model

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    We consider the existence of bound systems consisting of two quarks and two antiquarks (q2qˉ2q^2\bar q^2) within the framework of a constituent quark model. The underlying quark dynamics is described by a linear confinement potential and an effective q2qˉ2q^2\bar q^2 interaction which has its origin in instanton effects of QCD. We calculate the spectra and examine the internal structure of the states found.Comment: 11 pages, needs epsf.st

    Nonlinear Hydrodynamics of a Hard Sphere Fluid Near the Glass Transition

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    We conduct a numerical study of the dynamic behavior of a dense hard sphere fluid by deriving and integrating a set of Langevin equations. The statics of the system is described by a free energy functional of the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff form. We find that the system exhibits glassy behavior as evidenced through stretched exponential decay and two-stage relaxation of the density correlation function. The characteristic times grow with increasing density according to the Vogel-Fulcher law. The wavenumber dependence of the kinetics is extensively explored. The connection of our results with experiment, mode coupling theory, and molecular dynamics results is discussed.Comment: 34 Pages, Plain TeX, 12 PostScript Figures (not included, available on request

    Propylene Carbonate Reexamined: Mode-Coupling β\beta Scaling without Factorisation ?

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    The dynamic susceptibility of propylene carbonate in the moderately viscous regime above TcT_{\rm c} is reinvestigated by incoherent neutron and depolarised light scattering, and compared to dielectric loss and solvation response. Depending on the strength of α\alpha relaxation, a more or less extended β\beta scaling regime is found. Mode-coupling fits yield consistently λ=0.72\lambda=0.72 and Tc=182T_{\rm c}=182 K, although different positions of the susceptibility minimum indicate that not all observables have reached the universal asymptotics

    Fast relaxation in a fragile liquid under pressure

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    The incoherent dynamic structure factor of ortho-terphenyl has been measured by neutron time-of-flight and backscattering technique in the pressure range from 0.1 MPa to 240 MPa for temperatures between 301 K and 335 K. Tagged-particle correlations in the compressed liquid decay in two steps. The alpha-relaxation lineshape is independent of pressure, and the relaxation time proportional to viscosity. A kink in the amplitude f_Q(P) reveals the onset of beta relaxation. The beta-relaxation regime can be described by the mode-coupling scaling function; amplitudes and time scales allow a consistent determination of the critical pressure P_c(T). alpha and beta relaxation depend in the same way on the thermodynamic state; close to the mode-coupling cross-over, this dependence can be parametrised by an effective coupling Gamma ~ n*T**{-1/4}.Comment: 4 Pages of RevTeX, 4 figures (submitted to Physical Review Letters

    Anomalous relaxation and self-organization in non-equilibrium processes

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    We study thermal relaxation in ordered arrays of coupled nonlinear elements with external driving. We find, that our model exhibits dynamic self-organization manifested in a universal stretched-exponential form of relaxation. We identify two types of self-organization, cooperative and anti-cooperative, which lead to fast and slow relaxation, respectively. We give a qualitative explanation for the behavior of the stretched exponent in different parameter ranges. We emphasize that this is a system exhibiting stretched-exponential relaxation without explicit disorder or frustration.Comment: submitted to PR