610 research outputs found

    Secretory IgA, IgG, and IgM Antibodies Contributions in Breast Milk and Risk of Wasting of Babies 7-24 Months

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    Wasting is a nutritional problem that can hamper the growth of children under five and affect their future productivity. The prevalence of wasting at Wolo Puskesmas in 2018 was 15.2%, then increased to 26.1% in 2022. Objectives: To determine the risk factors for wasting in under two yearsaged 7-24 months in the Work Area of the UPTD Wolo Health Center, Kolaka Regency.Ā  This is an observasional analitic research with a case control study design. The population was all under two yearsaged 7-24 months who experienced wasting as many as 25 people and the sample of this study were all under two yearsaged 7-24 months who experienced wasting as many as 25 people and control as many as 25 people. Sampling of cases using total sampling and control using a matching system. Data on exclusive breastfeeding were obtained through interviews and from the KIA book and records at the Health Center, and wasting was obtained from measurements of body weight and height. Data were analyzed using the Odd Ratio (OR) test. Exclusive breastfeeding are risk factors for wasting protection in children aged 7-24 months.This study suggests for mothers who have Baduta to be able to provide nutritious food to protect the IgA, IgG, dan IgM secretoric and regulate Baduta's diet so that it can improve the nutritional status of Baduta and for the Wolo Health Center to routinely provide education about nutrition since pregnant wome


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    Finding insights into the questions for learning exercises is not only found in schools but outside the school environment such as reading books in the library or by utilizing the sophistication of Smartphones. The majority of children are very willing to play games, based on data from Appbrain (2015) shows that the number of games on Google Play are Action Games totaling 17,853, Casual Games 51,458, Puzzle Games 59,283, Game Education only 14,180. By playing an educational game, children can easily remember and discuss problems. The method used is a system approach with Object Oriented that uses AOO (Object Oriented Analysis) and DOO (Object Oriented Design) which are visualized with UML (Unified Modeling Language) and the results obtained from this study are games that are able to combine RPG games by discussing the questions of the junior high school national exams

    Perbuatan Melawan Hukum Oleh Hotel Terkait Menjalankan Usaha Paket Wisata Perjalanan Di Bali

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    Dalam menunjang kepariwisataan Bali, hotel sebagai usaha sarana pariwisata di bidang penyediaan akomodasi tentunya menjadi faktor penunjang yang sangat penting. Namun dari data yang diperoleh Dinas Pariwisata Provinsi Bali, tingkat hunian hotel berbintang dari tahun 2013 sampai 2017 tidak mengalami kenaikan yang menggembirakan, bahkan cenderung stagnan. Hal tersebut menyebabkan munculnya inovasi yang ā€œkebablasanā€ yang berakibat pada persaingan tidak sehat antara hotel  dengan Biro Perjalanan Wisata. Banyak hotel menjalankan paket perjalanan wisata yang lazim menjadi ā€˜marketā€ Biro Perjalanan Wisata. Padahal hotel sudah jelas porsinya, yang berhak jual paket tour itu adalah Biro Perjalanan Wisata. Hal  ini dapat mengakibatkan kerugian bagi pihak Biro Perjalanan Wisata, dan yang lebih bahaya lagi jika di biarkan terus terjadi maka dapat menimbulkan ketidakseimbangan iklim usaha pariwisata yang dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya ā€œ tourism kills tourismā€. Hotel yang menjalankan paket perjalanan wisata secara langsung maupun tidak langsung merebut dan mengurangi ā€œmarketā€ bagi pelaku usaha Biro Perjalanan Wisata sehingga mengakibatkan kerugian baik materiil maupun immaterial dan perbuatan pihak hotel tersebut merupakan pelanggaran hukum yang berlaku. Kejadian ini merupakan peristiwa hukum yang terkait Perbuatan Melawan Hukum oleh pihak hotel karena menjalankan usaha paket perjalanan wisata yang seharusnya menjadi lingkup usaha pihak Biro Perjalanan Wisata. Dimana masalah ini dapat diselesaikan melalui jalur hukum berupa gugatan perdata oleh pihak yang dirugikan, dalam hal ini pihak Biro Perjalanan Wisata atas Perbuatan Melawan Hukum yang berdampak kerugian, yang dilakukan oleh pihak hotel

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Dan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Oleh Kelelawar Sub Ordo Megachiroptera Di Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Meja Manokwari, Papua Barat

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    Bats utilizing resources together will differ morphologically, ecologically, and behaviorally. This study aimed to measurespecies diversity and to investigate resource use by Megachiropteran bats. Data were analyzed using Principal ComponentAnalysis (PCA), Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), Correspondence Analysis (CA), euclidean distance, chisquare, Anova, and niche overlap index. The result showed seven bat species were captured in three habitat types. Plant asfood identified from pollen comprised 55 species from 29 families and 11 types of corolla. Dobsonia magna and Rousettusamplexicaudatus preferred mixed fruit plantation, whilst other bat species tended to choose primary forest. Dobsonia minortended to have high niche overlap against Macroglossus minimus and Nyctemene aello. According to similarity of foodresource niche, Dobsonia magna, Dobsonia minor, and Macroglossus minimus tended to closely associate, in contrast,Rousettus amplexicaudatus, Nyctemene albiventer, Nyctemene aello, and Syconicteris australis were groupedcorrespondingly. Niche overlap index of food resource among bat species were overall less than 50%. This indicated thatthere was no interspecies competition to food resource. Coronoid process height (CPH), maximum zygomatic breadth(MZB), and condyle to canine bite point (CC) were craniodental morphology variables which did not describe certaincorolla types

    Emulasi Aplikasi Pemantauan Ruangan Melalui Handphone Menggunakan Webcam

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    This paper describes implementation of GPRS and Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) technology in room monitoring application via mobile phone and webcam. The webcam, which is connected to a server, captures picture periodically. A mobile phone, which has GPRS feature and supports J2ME technology, is used to access the picture. Experiments were done using Nokia 3300 emulator in a local area network. The transfer rate time for a 36 KB picture is 0.9 second.The experiment's result shows that the system is only suitable for low frame rate room monitoring

    Sistem Koreferensial Klausa Subordinatif Bahasa Indonesia

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    This article focuses on the coreferential systems of the Indonesian subordinative clauses. The specific aims are to analyze the Indonesian language typology morphosyntactically, the morphological alteration that brings about the argument structures, and the coreferential behaviour. The data were taken from the Indonesian complex sentences taking the forms of the combination of: 1) intransitive clause and intransitive clause, 2) intransitive clause and transitive clause, 3) transitive clause and intransitive clause, and 4) transitive clause and transitive clause. The theory employed is the theory of typology proposed by Comrie (1988) modified by Artawa (2004). The result of the analysis showed that the Indonesian language does not belong to such language typologies as accusative, active, passive, ergarive, and antipassive; the morphological alteration of the verb can result in the argument structures of the clause taking the forms and marked with zero and personal pronoun; and the basic coreferential system of the Indonesian language may be in the forms of S = P in which A is different, and S = A in which P is different, while the derived systems, which are based upon the combination of clauses, are as follows: (1) S = S, (2) S = P, (3) S = A, (4) A = S, (5) P = S, (6) A = A, (7) A = P, and (8) P = A

    Studi Kesesuaian Perairan Pantai Tanjung Setia Sebagai Kawasan Wisata Bahari Kabupaten Lampung Barat Provinsi Lampung

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    Faithful Cape Coast is one of Lampung destinations featured attraction and a tourist attraction in West Lampung regency which has considerable potential as a marine tourism area. This study aims to identify and assess physical potential of Cape Coast Faithful as marine tourism area. This study aims to identify and assess physical potential of Cape Coast Faithful as marine tourism area. The results of the study showed that the physical condition of the waters of Cape Coast Faithful potential as marine tourism area, with some activity that is surfing (Surfing), diving (Diving), and fishing (Fishing). Based on the IKW for surfing activities (Surfing) into the category of class S1 (very suitable) with IKW value by 80%, whereas for diving (Diving) and fishing (Fishing) in the category S2 (quite appropriate) with each IKW value of 70% for diving (Diving), and 64% for fishing activities (fishing)

    Analisis Kesesuaian Perairan Untuk Wisata Snorkeling Dan Diving Di Pulau Pisang Bagian Utara Kecamatan Pesisir Utara Lampung Barat

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    Pisang Island is one of the islands located in the Coastal West Lampung regency precisely in West Lampung. Expected with the development of Pisang Island as a tourist destination it will beable to increase revenue and the welfare of society in western Lampung. Utilization of coastal and marine resources in West Lampung could be the development of nautical tourism in the region in this regard Pisang Island. One form of nautical tourism is snorkeling and diving activities. However, in the tourist development efforts in Pisang Island have held identification and approach problems first. The most fundamental and the purpose of this studyis to conducta study on the suitability of water level in Pisang Island, especially for snorkeling and diving tourism activities. Research carried out by field observations (collecting primary data and secondary data) for 2 months in July 2011 to August 2011 in the northern part of the Pisang Island, which is divided into thirteen point sampling locations. Primary data collection consisted of coral cover data retrieval and type of life formusing LIT, count the number off is husing visual census of fish and measure the brightness levels use these cchidisk. The method used for the analysis of the research is descriptive method of analysis with the help of Travel Suitability Index which produces the suitability andvalue of the carrying capacity of tourist areas. Based on the results obtained from the calculation of travel suitability index for snorkeling and diving touris snorkeling tours there instations 1, 2, 3, and 5 are located at a depth of 3 meters. And for diving there instations 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 14 are located at a depth of 5 meter still 10 meters

    Analisa Spasial Padang Lamun Dengan Menggunakan Data Penginderaan Jauh Satelit Geoeye-1 Di Perairan Pulau Parang Dan Pulau Kumbang, Kepulauan Karimunjawa

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Perairan Pulau parang dan Pulau Kumbang, Kepulauan Karimunjawa. Sampai saat ini masih jarang penelitian yang membahas secara intensif ketersediaan informasi data kondisi padang lamun didaerah ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan analisa spasial dan pemetaan padang lamun dengan menggunakan citra Satelit GeoEye-1, serta melakukan kajian kondisi padang lamun. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif, sedangkan untuk cek lapangan menggunakan sampling purposif. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa luas keseluruhan padang lamun diperairan pulau parang dan pulau kumbang mencapai 151,56 ha, yang terbagi menjadi tiga kelas yaitu kelas tutupan tinggi 13,21 ha, kelas tutupan sedang 75,11 ha, dan kelas tutupan rendah 63,23 ha. berdasarkan pengamatan dilapangan ditemukan 5 jenis spesies lamun yaitu Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Enhalus acoroides, Halophila ovalis, dan Halophila spinulosa. Hasil penghitungan persen penutupan padang lamun menunjukkan bahwa penutupan tertinggi terdapat pada stasiun 5 dengan penutupan rata-rata total dari setiap spesies lamun yaitu 4,74 %, sedangkan penutupan terendah terdapat pada stasiun 11 yang berjumlah 0,05%. Nilai indeks keanekaragamanragaman (H') lamun adalah 1,25, indeks keseragaman (E) 1,14, dan indeks dominasi (C) 0,40

    Pemetaan Kerentanan Bencana Tsunami Di Pesisir Kecamatan Kretek Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografi, Kabupaten Bantul DIY

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    Tsunami merupakan salah satu bencana alam yang senantiasa mengancam penduduk yang tinggal di daerah pesisir. Pesisir Kecamatan Kretek merupakan salah satu wilayah di Indonesia yang rentan terhadap tsunami. Bahaya tsunami ini akan diperburuk dengan keadaan pesisir Kecamatan Kretek yang memiliki tingkat kepadatan penduduk, kepadatan pemukiman, aktivitas pemerintahan dan aktivitas perekonomian yang cukup tinggi. Berdasarkan pada hal tersebut, maka perlu diketahui tingkat kerentanan tsunami agar dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai masukan data dalam upaya mitigasi untuk penyusunan rencana tata ruang wilayah (RTRW) yang berbasiskan tingkat resiko tsunami. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyusun peta kerentanan wilayah terhadap tsunami di pesisir Kecamatan Kretek. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada 17 Desember 2013 sampai dengan 17 April 2014. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain pengumpulan data baik itu data primer maupun sekunder, pengolahan data parameter-parameter yang mewakili tiap variabel kerentanan, pemberian bobot dan skor tiap variabel kerentanan, pengolahan data kerentanan wilayah terhadap tsunami untuk mendapatkan peta kerentanan wilayah terhadap tsunami dan survei lapangan
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