44 research outputs found

    The new concurrent environment and the Eastern Europe changes

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    Central and Eastern Europe economic environments witness some changes that took place in the competitive environment, but also within the economic systems, as a consequence of the structural changes that took place especially after 1989, considered to be a decisive year for the economies from this region. Those changes were represented both by the modification of the operating mechanism of the economies, but also by the settlement of new operating rules for the competitive environment. The present paper tries to study those changes of the Eastern and Central Europe competitive environment, but also tries to point out the changes that took place in the economic environment that will determine, on long term, changes relating to the paradigms of the science of management, found now at the crossroad between the millenniums.business internationalization, competitive environment, innovation, market economy, private property, privatization.

    The Strategy Concerning the Development of the Danube Euroregion, between Desire and Pragmatism

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    Objectives This work examines the framework of the Danube Strategy, the way it is implemented in Romania and brief analysis of the corresponding current and future projects. Prior work This is a pioneer work on this topic. In the development of the work public materials are used, e.g. the ones published by the Romanian authorities and the Final Declarations of the Strategy Conferences. Approach The article is an observation of the projects (future) implemented in Romania based on the currently available data. Results On the course of the research it became clear that the Strategy results are still modest, and better cooperation between member states, supported by a European Union grant program., is needed to reach the objectives set by the Strategy. Implications The present article would be useful for researchers as it sums up all the information available at this moment in Romania about the programs that are being implemented. Value The importance of the work is given by the fact that is the first that analyses how successful is the Strategy until now and how well Romania, as a member state, benefits from it

    Bayes-Nash Equilibrium and Game Theory in Public Expenditure Management

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    Auctions purchases represent an effective mechanism for public authorities, designed to provide the buyer (public authority), products and services with a convenient time to complete the transaction and the option to set a minimum price. In this paper we will study the problem of the optimal public expenditure rules using Bayes-Nash equilibrium in an symmetrical auction with knowledge of independent value, meaning each bidder knows only his own information. After setting the function for optimum balance to profit for the bidders by minimizing this function (the derivation of I order) and maximize it (the derivation of II order), it has to identify the optimal range where the offer of a bidder for products and services will stand

    Cloud Service Management System for Innovative Clusters. Application for North-West Region of Romania

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    In order to stimulate and optimize the organization and management ofinnovative clusters from value chain perspective and guide their planning activitiestowards a differentiation strategy in which cluster members cooperate, we proposea Cloud Service Management System (CSMS) that provides IT services for theseinnovative clusters companies that can be customized for both enterprises with theassociated clusters.Within such a system, actors begin to depend one on another and to take advantageof the local knowledge base. Each cluster is designed to have a different profile whichwill integrate all the companies mapped with it, with the objective of keeping theprofile and data for each company. For the existing companies the idea is to migratetheir services into the related cluster for integration within CSMS. Thus, our proposedCSMS will consider and meet different quality of services (QoS) parameters ofeach individual enterprise and service which will be included in specific Service LevelAgreements (SLAs), after the negotiation between the cloud service provider and theCSMS. Realizing that technological progress is at the heart of regional developmentand decision-makers could support the development of technology clusters towardstransforming them into regional innovative clusters, the application of our proposalaims to overcome existing bottlenecks in terms of business strategies and regionaldevelopment policies in the North-West region of Romania

    Aspects of the acetabulum fractures treatment of patients with multiple and associated traumas

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    Catedra Ortopedie, Traumatologie și Chirurgie în campanie, USMF „N. Testemițanu”, Conferinţa a XI-a Naţională a ortopezilor-tramatologi din Republica Moldova “Politraumatisme – concepţii contemporane de diagnostic şi tratament”, 21 mai 2009, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaStudiul dat a vizat rezultatele la distanţă ale pacienţilor (n=66) cu fracturi de acetabul, diagnosticate pe fondal unui politraumatism, care au fost trataţi chirurgical în cadrul Centrului Naţional Practico - Ştiinţific în domeniul Medicinii de Urgenţă pe parcursul anilor 2000-2007. Aceste rezultate, conform scării Haris, în 50,0% cazuri au fost apreciate drept bune şi în 13,64% - nesatisfăcătoare.The survey results gave a target distance of patients (n=66) with fractures of acetabul diagnosed on based a politraumatism who were treated surgically in the National Center for Scientific-Practical Field of Emergency Medicine during 2000-2007. These results, according to the scale Harris, in 50.0% cases were rated as good and 13.64% - unsatisfactory

    Economic advantages of using bacterial biopreparations in agricultural crops

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    The ecological, genetic, biological approach proposed by agricultural specialists in order to protect plants and crops has a role in reducing the impact of pests through the process of selection and improvement of genetic resources in the processes of planting, development and introduction of biological means to combat pests in agricultural ecosystems. The strategies proposed by the specialists in the agricultural field aim not at the total extermination of the pests from the agricultural crops but at keeping the pest populations at the optimal damage threshold. The most important advantages of these biological processes are those of the evolutionary stability of the crop systems, the ecological stabilization of the pest and crop populations as well as the assurance of a superior quality of the resulting agricultural products.The present paper aims to present the main advantages of using bacterial biopreparations in agricultural ecosystems (research conducted in agricultural research stations in Romania), reducing soil pollution, environmental crops, use of alternative fertilization and cultivation technologies as well as obtaining additional, ecological productions.The aim of this paper is to present the economic advantages of using bacterial biopreparations in agricultural research and development stations, reducing costs in agriculture and the processes that these bacterial biopreparations have on the agricultural ecosystem, the environment and humans and animals

    Relatório de estágio em farmácia comunitária

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    Relatório de estágio realizado no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentado à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbr


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    The paper’s objective is to present the affordability and the fiscal pressure, essential indicators, in our opinion, in capitalising every local community’s fiscal policies, specific to the natural person and legal person tax payers. Therefore, these indicators must be considered when arguing the public manager’s decisions in order to follow the pressure that the local taxes and fees owed by the natural person tax payers are exercising on the family budgets


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    This paper intends to answer mainly the questions: What are the consequences of the taxation base increase? What forms does the taxation base have? What can local authorities do in order to make certain areas attractive? Which are the specific players involved in the local economic development? Also, beyond the rigours imposed by the mathematical presentation of the sustainable economic development, we appreciate that for the financial management, too, knowing the gear determined by the allocation of public resources and generation of additional revenues will be very useful in establishing and underlying the decisions to invest in the public infrastructure and, also, to calculate the time period in which these can be depreciated especially based on the financial flows from supplementary revenues